Fairy Tail RP

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    Quincie's History


    Quincie's History Empty Quincie's History

    Post by Guest 27th May 2014, 6:16 pm

    Sold to the Jerk in white:

    Awakening the demon:

    Becoming a potato:

    Transformation into a serpent:

    RP Sample:
    She just kinda cowered when Naraca started yelling at the spirit. It was kind of her fault that she hurt the little one but the spirit did shoot one of them in the chest. That in itself is kinda dangerous even if the arrow missed anything vital. And she still felt bad for throwing the little one. "Hey Nara im sorry I hurt the baby I had to do what I did to protect Big brother Talen. I just felt that since it was closer I had to protect him by throwing it." She knew she didn't have to explain but she did anyways because how her her motor mouth worked. She was growing fond of the baby Vulcan because of her hurting it and wanting to apologize.

    After a while of saying sorry to the little guy over and over in her head and wanting it to forgive her for hurting it she stopped after hearing a snapping noise. She heard the baby vulcan screaming as four more Vulcans came running out of the forest attacking them. It was all to quick for her to actually get a glimps at first to see the age of the Vulcans but she was ready because as she saw with Talen that they can get pretty brutal at fighting.

    Face Claim: Unknown

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 9:26 pm