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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 780
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    Experience : 337,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rift Skin
    Second Skill: Ishrowan's Gift
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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Zeon 5th March 2014, 5:16 am


    Primary Magic: Fire Demon slayer magic (Approval Link here)
    Secondary Magic: Heavenly Body Magic
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Fire Demon Slayer magic is a lost magic that focusing in the creation and manipulation of fire and heat. The magic was made after what seemed to be an endless torture in hell to quell Alexander's inner light, but instead it forged his inner light into hatred for demons and a burning desire to smite evil. Thus the demonic influence actually shaped his demon slayer magic as an unintended consequence.

    The magic has the power to use fire magic to effect temperatures of the area around the user along with those in that area causing exhaustion as a normal side effect. The magic is highly an offensive magic, as fire magic burns all things indiscriminately. Even some of the defensive magic deals damage in one way or another. Being a slayer based magic the user is granted heightened senses that allow them to hear, see, smell, and taste things at levels far beyond normal humans. While these could be thought to be exploited for their sensitivity the user has completely control over them allowing them to be able to filter out things rather easily. The magic also allows for Demon Force to be achieved which allows the person to have their physical attributes increased to deadly levels. The magic has command over other spells of its nature allowing the caster to consume fire based spells of all magics outside of fire God Slaying magic. In addition, the user can consume external sources of fire to restore their body to a healthy state and regain their reserves of strength. When Alexander channels his magic his eyes glow with sinister looking fire and every step he takes seems to heat the ground he walks on no matter the climate, but doesn’t actually cause damage. However it also affects his personality as he becomes more angry and judgmental, but this is due more to the demon corrupting his soul than the magic itself. The fire shines this bright white aura filled with light despite all this and gives a calming effect to those that are allies to him. Enemies however feel that judgment is upon them.

    - Able to eat any type of flame both mixed and pure, fueling his Magic Power and entering Force.
    - Elementally stronger than Ice (melts it), wind (causes fire to spread) or wood (catches on fire).
    -Shadow magic can be redirected by the light of the user’s flames, due to the fact that shadows always shy away from the light. If a fire magic of equal or stronger were to go into contact with shadow magic, it redirects to another direction.
    - Highly effective against unholy beings, especially demons.

    Weaknesses: - Can't eat its counterparts Fire God slayer magic or his own fires.
    - Elementally weak against water (drench’s flames). Earth (smothers flames)  and wind (if used to deprive flames of oxygen).
    -Although directly fire magic is strong directly against shadow magic, shadow magic can actually be said to be stronger indirectly. Cause the light of the fire makes more shadows that shadow mages can use.
    - Magic due to its volatile nature can cause a lot of unintentional property damage as things catch on fire, explode or unintended people get in way. AKA: Friendly fire (tried to avoid using that pun >.>).
    -If there's any elements that Fire have an advantage over anywhere near, the fire will affect it, despite being friend or foe.

    - Resistant to fire based on chart below.
    Fire resistance:
    - Enhanced strength, reflexes and durability by 25% by physical training and having the body of a slayer.
    - 25% increased fire damage then the flame dragon slayer / other flame mages at equal rank.
    -Demon Senses, 4 out of his 5 senses are enhanced with the purpose to detect unholy taint.  Alexander can sense unholy presence by this fashion and determine what kind through them.
    -His sense of touch however has damaged due to torture and constant burning from fire. This causes him to feel 25% less damage when hit with an attack, making it harder for him to go down through not acknowledging full extent of the pain. This does not actually grant more health, just a lessened reaction.
    -Can enter Demon Force if he consumes enough of his own element which for 7 posts makes all spells not deplete Magic Power.  His physical attacks do damage equal to his rank as well as 100% increase to Strength, Speed and Durability. After the 7 posts the user is reduced to 5% Magic Power.
    -Can consume fire regardless if mixed or not, except from fire god slayers.
    -The user of this magic can regulate his natural body heat making it impossible for him to suffer from extreme weather conditions. In fact it also makes him very warm to the touch in a comforting way.
    -Can purify a person of his sins if he wholeheartedly atones and allows it voluntarily leaving a sense of peace in them. Otherwise he can force redemption in them if the target is helpless and makes him witness every past sin he has done and forces them to be cleansed of sin through sheer and utter pain. (RP purposes only and with agreement to opposing party)

    D-rank spells:

    C-rank spells:

    B-rank Spells:

    A-rank Spells:

    S-rank spells:

    Heavenly Body Magic
    It is a powerful form of Magic that allows the caster to use the properties of many astronomical objects and other life-forms for battle, preferably in offense.

    The properties of Heavenly Body Magic rely primarily on astronomical objects like meteors or the generation and manipulation of the stars' energy of stars from their own body. The caster can create powerful light blasts or beams of high destructive power at their opponents. Light is not the only substance used, however. The caster is also capable of using the power of gravity against the opponent for destructive usage; the strength can be comparable to the effects caused by a crushing meteor.

    The use of such Magic can be used to enhance the caster's own skills drastically for various purposes, such as shrouding them in Magic that can increase their speed significantly.

    Very strong spells that use power of astrological objects
    Very fast Spells that tend to leave most people wondering what happened.
    Magic has a lot of status effects that can be inflicted on the enemy.

    Weaknesses:Most Heavenly Body Offensive Effects can be defended against by Earth spells of Equal or Higher Rank.
    A lot of spells require Meteor to activate them. The reason the spell "Meteor" has such a long duration is because in order for Alexander to use the spells that require Meteor, he will have to give up a post of the duration along with the magic power it requires to use one of these meteor spells.
    Alexander can’t punch through Earth that is nine inches thick even if it is non-magical.

    Self Gravity manipulation- Alexander can manipulate the gravity on his person slightly, causing him to gently float at 5 mph or simply float down to not take any falling damage no matter the height (Not being slammed to the ground by a spell or buried under stuff).
    Light of the stars - User can also make homemade balls of light in darkness that represent the stars.
    One with the Universe- As long as Alexander has open skies that do not inhibit his ability to bask in the glow of the star or the sun, he passively adds another point worth of cooldown to all his Heavenly Body magic spells per post. He must not be in combat and relaxed state (ie not taking damage, dodging spells or casting spells)





    Last edited by Zenneth on 23rd June 2014, 9:11 am; edited 41 times in total



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    First Skill: Barrier Magic
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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Grizzly 6th March 2014, 12:02 pm

    To start this off: www.fairytail-rp.com/t6300-requip-righteous-condemnation

    Is that link void with this magic? Meaning it can be archived as soon as an approval for this one is in order? Next to that, I'm Adele, and I'll grade your magic now ^^

    You have a limited magic. Please link your approval in the Slayer Position Registration somewhere on your magic app for everyone to recognize the validity of this application. Thankyou.

    Zenneth wrote:

    Primary Magic: Fire Demon slayer magic
    Secondary Magic: None yet
    Caster or Holder: Cater
    Fire Demon Slayer magic is a lost magic that focusing in the creation and manipulation of fire and heat. The magic is founded in the roots of the demonic culture and can be considered a dark magic by some because of this, especially in Alexander Zenneth’s opinion. The magic has the power to use fire magic to effect temperatures of the area around the user along with those in that area causing exhaustion as a normal side effect. The magic is highly an offensive magic, as fire magic burns all things indiscriminately. Even some of the defensive magic deals damage in one way or another. Being a slayer based magic the user is granted heightened senses that allow them to hear, see, smell, and taste things at levels far beyond normal humans. While these could be thought to be exploited for their sensitivity the user has completely control over them allowing them to be able to filter out things rather easily. The magic also allows for Demon Force to be achieved which allows the person to have their physical attributes increased to deadly levels. The magic has command over other spells of its nature allowing the caster to consume fire based spells of all magics outside of fire God Slaying magic. In addition, the user can consume external sources of fire to restore their body to a healthy state and regain their reserves of strength. When Alexander channels his magic his eyes glow with sinister looking fire and every step he takes seems to burn the ground he walks on so matter the climate, but doesn’t actually cause damage. However it also affects his personality as he becomes more ruthless and judgmental.

    - Immune to fire element. <<< I can allow resistance, but not immunity towards fire damage. An S Rank fire spell is STILL going to damage you, just not as much as it usually would. Here's a chart how I would handle your resistance towards same elemental damage as a slayer:

    Fire spell 1 or more rank(s) below character's rank: 100% resistance
    Fire spell ranked same as character: 90% resistance
    Fire spell 1 rank above character's rank: 75% resistance
    Fire spell 2 ranks above character's rank: 50% resistance
    Fire spell 3 ranks above character's rank: 40% resistance
    Fire spell 4 ranks above character's rank: 30% resistance
    Fire spell 5 ranks above character's rank: 15% resistance

    This is what is feasible, sensible and what I will allow. I understand that immunity is a cool thing to have, but once you're the equivalent rank, immunity will be in order anyway.

    - 50% damage resistance from god slayer or dragon slayer. <<< What exactly does this mean? You mean the fire resistance? Then that's fine. You would have only ever have half of the resistance listed above.
    - Increases physical capabilities (Strength, Speed, Stamina, and Senses.)
    - Higher fire damage then the flame dragon slayer / other flame mages at equal rank.
    - Able to eat any type of flame both mixed and pure.
    - Elementally stronger than Ice (melts it), wind (causes fire to spread), sand (turns it to glass) or wood (catches on fire).

    Weaknesses: - Can't eat its counterparts Fire God slayer magic
    -Cannot eat his own flames  for beneficial effects.
    - Elementally weak against water (drench’s flames). Earth (smothers flames), Metal (resists the heat).
    - Range can be limited.
    - Limited buffs
    -Has a more intimidating feature that may alienate him from civilians or people that don’t understand magic. <<< You may have misunderstood this site's interpretation of God and Demon Slayer Magic. Please read up on the interpretation here and understand that Demon Slayer Magic doesn't have the dark vibe to it, but actually the opposite. It's a Holy imbued Magic, meaning it possesses a positive atmosphere, not an intimidating one.
    -Has a completely ruthless personality when using said magic and he may descend into a worse monster than those he fight. [color=#ff0000]<<< This doesn't exactly count as a combative weakness. It's a personal one that doesn't necessarily influence another person going up against your spells. I will have to ask you to find another weakness.
    -Animals react to his demon slayer magic making them react in 2 ways: fight or flight. Thus Alexander can never have a pet unless it’s of demonic origins. <<< Finding another combative weakness could be done with this one. It makes any sort of animal/pet/beast/monster aggressive towards you, despite its alignment. You will empower those beings by 30% when fighting against them, meaning you fight stronger opponents than usual. That would make this a feasible combat weakness. Your decision. You'll have to find an additional one if you don't want to change this one.
    Abilities: - Demon Force.
    - Enhanced strength, reflexes and durability.
    - Enhanced smell and hearing.
    -Can enter Demon Force if he consumes enough of his own element.
    - Master at close and long range attacks. <<< Range is listed in your weaknesses. If it's not supposed to be a weakness, then you'll have to replace your range weakness with another weakness. If range is supposed to be a weakness, take this out.
    -Take half damage from fire damage spell effects. <<< This would fall under your fire resistance.
    -Eyes glow with fires of hell and burns the ground he steps on. <<< Please state "[...] heats the ground he steps on." not "burns"


    Name: Afterburners
    Rank: D
    Type: Fire offensive
    Description: Alexander envelops himself in flames and propels himself towards his target in accelerated speeds. The target takes damage from 3 sources, initial damage from impact, burning damage from the afterburners and collision damage from whatever he impacts into. However Alexander suffers collision damage as well since he slams into obstacle as well. Unable to turn when propelled as so.
    -Damage from 3 sources: Initial impact, fire damage and collision damage.
    -Gives Alexander speed (65km/hour) <<< This is entirely too fast. I will allow up to 45 kmh at D Rank. This magic isn't a speed-focused magic, but strength focused. Please remember that. to close distance to target.
    -Additional fire damage to elements of ice (melts), wind (makes flames bigger) and sand (makes it become glass).

    - Regardless of outcome Alexander receives collision damages himself. If he misses target then Alexander suffers collision damage still with no benefits.
    - Water magic of equal rank douses out flameand metal magic stops Alexander in tracks. Earth can either smother flames (if dirt) or stop him (rock).
    - Could potentially hit an ally if they stand in way.
    - Is for most part a single target spell.
    - 5 post cooldown

    Name: Fire control <<< Nice spell idea o.o I like this one. I will allow it to even work on God Slaying Magic
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive/Defensive Fire
    Description: Alexander focuses on a mages fire magic and takes possession of it. While possessed he can infuse it with his own magic and redirect it, keeping the same properties as before
    Makes a D rank spell and completely control it, causing it to go to another target of his choosing
    –Complete takes over an individual’s fire magic if of the same rank.
    -Can be used to save allies from being burned by fire magic.
    -Reversed magic gets infused with demonic fire, dealing twice the normal rank.
    -Reflected fire magic is still strong against Ice, wind and sand.
    -Possesed magic benefits from all its strengths.
    Weaknesses:-If there is no fire spell cast then there’s no way to use this spell.
    -Reflected magic is still weak versus Earth, Water and Metal.
    -Makes the enemies fire uneatable to Alexander.
    -Can lose focus if attacked by outside force. Requires focus.
    -Possessed magic suffers from the same weaknesses
    Cooldown: Same as possessed spell+1

    Name: Mana burning <<< Now this is some creative usage of Fire property here! Props for this unique and awesome spell!
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive Fire
    Description: Alexander focuses his energy to not burn a victim’s body, but his magical source instead. The victim suffers no physical damage, but suffers extreme pain. Alexander grabs an individual and maintains the grip for as long as he can. He continually deals damage to the individuals magic as long as he maintains contact, but can be broke free from grip. Depending on type, the mage may be stunned from the sheer pain of the burn.
    Strengths: –It’s a way of disabling mages without needing to physically hurt them. Burns 5% MP per turn if same rank, 3% MP if 1 rank above user and 1% MP if 2 ranks or more above  Alexander.
    -Mana burns twice as fast is if contact of an Fire, Ice, wind or sand mage.
    -Mana keeps burning as long as he maintains a grip.
    -Pain will stun a fire, ice, wind, wood or sand mage.
    -Duration: 4 posts. <<< But please lower the duration to 3 posts
    Weaknesses: –Requires physical contact with individual to burn the mana. Magic ends if target breaks free.
    -Water, ground and metals mana only burns half as fast rounding down.
    -Alexander cannot block a contact based while Mana burning.
    -Does no actual physical damage.
    -Not an area of effect spell.
    -Cooldown: 6 posts <<< You may lower the cooldown to 5 posts

    Name: Hellball
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive Fire
    Description: Alexander throws a ball off fire that explodes initially causing a 5 meter radius explosion. The fire then sticks to the surface of blast, causing continual burning damage until put out or duration runs out. If the burn damage lasts for whole duration, then target suffers additional damage from any other fire attacks.
    Strengths: -Spell is a high damaging AoE effect.
    -Continual damage on surface or target after the initial blast equal to 25% damage of a D-rank spell for duration.
    -If the whole duration the target stays burned, then target suffers 5% damage from any source.
    -Damage and burn damage is doubled if an ice, wood, sand, or wind mage.
    Duration: 2 posts of burning

    Weaknesses:-Water, earth and metal mages are immune to the burn effects.
    -Water, earth and metal mages take reduced damage from initial blast as well.
    - Possibility of friendly fire if allies get to close.
    -Burning damage can actually be stopped by simply stop, dropping and rolling. Can also be smothered with enough earth or water.
    -Not recommended for use of close range as it may damage Alexander himself. <<< Wouldn't he be resistant to this damage? Especially since you originally wrote immune to fire damage =w= Kinda sneaky. Anyway, please explain this one xD
    -Duration: 5 posts <<< You probably meant cooldown. You may lower this to 3 posts though. And I didn't mistake this, I said 3 posts. It's fine.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 780
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    Experience : 337,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rift Skin
    Second Skill: Ishrowan's Gift
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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Zeon 12th March 2014, 9:04 pm

    Yeah, Righteous Condemnation got voided as soon as I got this magic. Did not notice that Fred edited this app as well since I got approval here as well. Sorry for not checking this one out.

    However I also edited the app here as well due to C-rank exams to fix the errors you pointed out. Hope it helps! ^_^

    Also put the approval link next to Flame Demon Slayer Magic.

    Edit: Had the other application archived.



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Barrier Magic
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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Grizzly 13th March 2014, 1:21 pm

    Zenneth wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Fire Demon slayer magic (Approval Link here)
    Secondary Magic: None yet
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Fire Demon Slayer magic is a lost magic that focusing in the creation and manipulation of fire and heat. The magic was made after what seemed to be an endless torture in hell to quell Alexander's inner light, but instead it forged his inner light into hatred for demons and a burning desire to smite evil. Thus the demonic influence actually shaped his demon slayer magic as an unintended consequence.

    The magic has the power to use fire magic to effect temperatures of the area around the user along with those in that area causing exhaustion as a normal side effect. The magic is highly an offensive magic, as fire magic burns all things indiscriminately. Even some of the defensive magic deals damage in one way or another. Being a slayer based magic the user is granted heightened senses that allow them to hear, see, smell, and taste things at levels far beyond normal humans. While these could be thought to be exploited for their sensitivity the user has completely control over them allowing them to be able to filter out things rather easily. The magic also allows for Demon Force to be achieved which allows the person to have their physical attributes increased to deadly levels. The magic has command over other spells of its nature allowing the caster to consume fire based spells of all magics outside of fire God Slaying magic. In addition, the user can consume external sources of fire to restore their body to a healthy state and regain their reserves of strength. When Alexander channels his magic his eyes glow with sinister looking fire and every step he takes seems to heat the ground he walks on no matter the climate, but doesn’t actually cause damage. However it also affects his personality as he becomes more angry and judgmental, but this is due more to the demon corrupting his soul than the magic itself. The fire shines this bright white aura filled with light despite all this and gives a calming effect to those that are allies to him. Enemies however feel that judgment is upon them.

    - Resistant to fire based on chart below.

    Fire spell 1 or more rank(s) below character's rank: 100% resistance
    Fire spell ranked same as character: 90% resistance
    Fire spell 1 rank above character's rank: 75% resistance
    Fire spell 2 ranks above character's rank: 50% resistance
    Fire spell 3 ranks above character's rank: 40% resistance
    Fire spell 4 ranks above character's rank: 30% resistance
    Fire spell 5 ranks above character's rank: 15% resistance

    - Increases physical capabilities (Strength, Speed, Stamina, and Senses.)
    - 25% increased fire damage then the flame dragon slayer / other flame mages at equal rank.
    - Able to eat any type of flame both mixed and pure.
    - Elementally stronger than Ice (melts it), wind (causes fire to spread), sand (turns it to glass) or wood (catches on fire).
    - 25% increased damage against unholy creatures like demon,
    -Capable of entering Demon Force.

    Weaknesses: - Can't eat its counterparts Fire God slayer magic
    - Elementally weak against water (drench’s flames). Earth (smothers flames), Metal (resists the heat) and wind (if used to deprive flames of oxygen).
    - Magic due to its volatile nature can cause a lot of unintentional property damage as things catch on fire, explode or unintended people get in way. AKA: Friendly fire (tried to avoid using that pun >.>).
    - There is little to no self-buff spells
    - Little defensive based powers. Fire always attacks, spreads and consumes. It does not protect anyone.
    -Water from any source whether it be magical or not causes Alexander to emit steam that conceals his enemy for one turn. However due to the fact he is lit up when using magic, Alexander is not concealed. Just fire at the glowy part of the mist.

    - Enhanced strength, reflexes and durability.
    - Enhanced smell and hearing.
    -Can enter Demon Force if he consumes enough of his own element.
    - Variety off offensive spells.
    -Can consume fire regardless if mixed or not, except from fire god slayers.
    -Fire gives out an intimidating experience not because its dark and evil. Contrary, it's actually holy, but represents the judgmental part of holy magic. Innocents feel safe, villains feel judgment itself has arrived.
    -Eyes glow with fires of hell and heats the ground he steps on when using his magic


    D-rank spells:

    C-rank spells:

    <<< Please take what I said about the effects on certain elemental mages into account and remember that the additional or reduced damage only takes place against magic or when the user has a direct physical connection to the affinity for his magic. E.g. if you're fighting against Kaligos and he activates a rock skin spell, THEN your spells are going to automatically be weaker against his bodily defense.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 780
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    Experience : 337,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rift Skin
    Second Skill: Ishrowan's Gift
    Third Skill:

    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Zeon 13th March 2014, 11:33 pm

    Made the edits I believe.



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Barrier Magic
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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Grizzly 14th March 2014, 10:26 am

    Ok, you seem so far so good. Just noting that you still have a 7 post cooldown on Purge Thy Sinful Flesh.

    On another note, I would like you to raise the cooldown of Hellball on here to 4 posts.

    Lastly, you also have stated that you deal D Rank damage to knocked back opponents on Nova based on my request to edit. I've changed my mind about that. Please state "able to deal UP to additional C Rank damage to knocked back opponents". The damage would vary, depending on where they would fly. If they fly in a pile of nails lying on the ground, then the damage would be high. If they fly into cushions, no damage at all.

    PS: Just remember what I said about the physical relations of the mages to their elements regarding the doubled effectiveness of some spells and you're good. Your weaknesses/strengths only apply towards opponents' bodies when mages are physically connected with their respectively weaker/stronger element.

    Alrighty, just take note of those things and you're approved!

    Edit: Accidentally posted with my alt, you might have two notifications of posts on this app. I deleted my alt post xD


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 780
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    Experience : 337,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rift Skin
    Second Skill: Ishrowan's Gift
    Third Skill:

    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Zeon 14th March 2014, 4:13 pm




    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    First Skill: Barrier Magic
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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Grizzly 14th March 2014, 5:12 pm


    Need to check em over one last time, but go ahead and rp with it!

    Locked and moved ~


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of War
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Seith - Human Possession
    Second Skill: Stardust
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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Kirahunter 26th April 2014, 5:37 am

    moved and unlocked for GM rank up edits


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

    Missions Completed

    D- 6 (150 exp)
    C- 1 (50 exp)
    B- 1 (1,050 exp)
    A- 0
    S- 0


    Primary Magic

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 780
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 337,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rift Skin
    Second Skill: Ishrowan's Gift
    Third Skill:

    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Zeon 26th April 2014, 8:29 pm

    Upgraded Fire Control to C-rank
    Added Fire Meditation as D-rank

    Added Supernova S-rank spell.

    Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Basilisk Fang Guildmaster
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Territory Magic
    Second Skill: Reaper Magic ( not acquired yet )
    Third Skill:

    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Nykyrian 26th April 2014, 8:34 pm

    Zenneth wrote:Upgraded Fire Control to C-rank
    Added Fire Meditation as D-rank

    Added Supernova S-rank spell.

    These additions are approved

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 780
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Zeon 1st May 2014, 5:29 am

    Purge and Torrential Uproar for approval. Still making spells so don't lock yet.



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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Grizzly 1st May 2014, 9:19 am

    Zenneth wrote:
    Name: Torrential Uproar
    Rank: A
    Type: Flame Demon Slayer, Defensive
    Description: The user concentrates his magical energy, encasing his fist in a bright, white flame as he punches the ground. This punch on the ground causes fire to erupt in a circle around the user, however, the fire is not erupting from the ground, it seems to be levitating a few centimeters of the ground. The circle of fire has a radius of a meter around the user. This circle of fire moves along with the user, and if the user is attacked with the spell, the fire will rise in order to protect the user from damage. The fire absorbs <<< In what sense does it absorb attacks? and incinerates lesser ranked spells, and can block spells of it's own rank. It can block 2 A ranks, and incinerate 3 B ranks, 4 C ranks and 5 D ranks. If the user wants, the circle of fire can also be procured around an object, or a different person, however, it can only be used on one thing at a time, conjuring a newer spell will cause the old one to fade. In order to conjure it around another person or object, the user must slam the ground in a 10 meter radius from the object or the user. The spell will take the radius of a meter around the different person/object. The circle of fire burns characteristically like all Flame Demon Slayer spells, and will deal out burns to opponents using melee moves. The flames are, at base, 3 feet high. The fire will rise in all directions, however, will not cover the user completely.
    - Defense works on it's own
    - Can be used on another object or person
    - Moves along with the user/person/object
    - Can only be used on one thing at a time
    - Cannot block higher than it's rank
    - Cannot be used offensively
    - Has a duration of 5 posts and a cooldown of 3. <<< This is gonna have to be switched around. I can accept 5 posts cooldown, but this spell would need at least 6 posts cooldown. But I'll say 7 because you have the ability to let your spell migrate onto other people and objects.
    - Does not cover the user completely. <<< To what extent? Does it not cover feet? Up to his head? Is it penetrable in some blind spots? Be a bit more specific.

    Name: Purge
    Rank: S
    Type: Flame Demon Slayer, Offensive
    Description: The user readies himself, concentrating and drawing on his magical resources to give himself a powerful aura that causes everything in a meter radius around him to disintegrate if it is below A rank, and causing 4th degree burns to any person in that minute radius. <<< Ok, does this effect end somehow, somewhen? Or is it active during the WHOLE spell?The user then raises his right hand, his palm facing the sky as he completely extends his arm, and closes his eyes. A massive magic circle appears in the sky, fueled by the user's magic, and causes the immediate vicinity around the user to become at a stagnant 57 degrees celsius, regardless of the weather conditions around the user. The magic circle has a diameter of 50 meters, and glows with a white flame, like the magic itself. Then, the magic circle releases 7 bursts of Flame Demon Slayer magic, representing the seven cardinal sins. Each of the bursts moves around with S rank speed, and deal A <<< B ranked damage. They will follow any person/object which moves even a little during the duration of the spell, or has been specially targeted by the user, making this bursts equivalent to homing missiles. If the bursts manage to hit someone, he will receive A ranked damage, and 3rd degree burns, and will also be knocked back a distance of 7 meters. The user himself must remain still for the entirety of the spell, as if he shifted his concentration, the spell would shut itself. If fighting multiple targets, more bursts will attack the mages with a greater power level, however, they must be moving. If the bursts do not home into anything, they will continue flying around for the rest of the spell. This spell has all the weaknesses of the Flame Demon Slayer magic. <<< Please add that you can not stack the damage past S Rank.
    - The bursts have homing properties, thus are difficult to dodge.
    - The user can target one burst to a mage.
    - Allows the user to attack multiple targets at once.
    - Can be dodged by the opposition staying still, thus not allowing the bursts to home in during the entirety of the spell.
    - Can attack foes as well as friends unlucky enough to get into the radius and move
    - Is elementally weak to the weaknesses of the Flame Demon Slayer magic
    - The user must stay still, and thus is prone to possible counterattack.


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    Alexander Zenneth's Magic Empty Re: Alexander Zenneth's Magic

    Post by Samus Aran 19th June 2014, 2:33 am

    Primary magic approved!

    Alexander Zenneth's Magic EFzc48E


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