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    Vox Universum - Verse I

    Nestor Azarov
    Nestor Azarov

    Lineage : None
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 162
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    Vox Universum - Verse I Empty Vox Universum - Verse I

    Post by Nestor Azarov 30th January 2021, 2:27 pm

    Vox Universum - Verse I 3VtPKm8

    Vox Universum - The First Verse

    Magic Name: Vox Universum - Verse I
    Magic Type: Primary Assassin (Character can have up to 4 Requip spells active at once. + 75% to Speed) / Auxiliary Holder (Associated Holder Weapon/Armor/Item receives 1 additional equipment ability that is equal to the character's rank (Up to S))

    Additional Notes:

    • Ring of the Void - Holder Item
    • Altered Magic Type from the Lineage Ability "Legendary Killer"
    • 1x Additional H+ Rank Advanced Spell and 1x Additional S+ Rank Advanced Spell from the Lineage Ability "Assassin's Armory"
    • 1x Additional Signature Spell and 2x Additional S Rank Spells from the Lineage Ability "Assassin's Armory"
    • 5 Additional Spell Slots from this purchase

    Vox Universum, or "The Voice of the Universe", is a magic that is conceptually fairly simple, using cosmic energies innate to the world, and indeed, all of creation itself. Almost anything, whether it possesses a physical form or not, is comprised, at least in part, of these energies, which can be manipulated and amplified to produce different spells and effects depending on the energies used in their creation. The energies used reflect different aspects of the cosmos and space itself, such as celestial bodies, energies, cosmic concepts, etc.

    Shen has learned to sense and draw upon these cosmic energies, growing a lot compared to the point in time when he had just begun to use this magic. Now able to not only utilize his body as a medium to cast his spells, they can also be cast without chants or incantations should he wish to do so or the situation call for it. Of course, he is still in possession of the catalysts he used to channel his magic before, keeping them and continuing to use them in order to increase the reliability of his spellcasting to a max, preferring to channel them through his bow if one is used. He has also expanded his knowledge and skill when working with the sigils he crafted through gradual and continued, albeit slow and arduous improvement. As a result, the sigils Shen has crafted can be activated through the use of his own inherent magical powers, amplifying his abilities even further. Since Shen's magic power has grown to proportions that have been previously been assumed impossible, and with the only limiting factor, namely being his confidence and psyche in general, being taken out of the equation, he is able to draw upon his magic and use it to its fullest potential. As before, whenever Shen uses his magic, his pupils will glow in a deeply golden color.

    What has changed significantly is that Shen's magic seems to have taken on an oddly sinister purpose, as most of the spells he now uses are meant to cause maximum damage to opponents, structures, and wider areas, focussing on large-scale or pin-point destruction with very little room for mercy or compromise. His magic is almost entirely structured around combat efficiency alone, and the potential this now reinvented Vox Universum holds seems centered around one thing alone: To take out whatever stands in user's way.

    Shen has access to the following cosmic concepts, energies, and elements within this magic:

    • Vacuum
    • Void
    • Gravity
    • Nebula
    • Stellar
    • Magnetism
    • Light
    • Celestial Body
    • Space

    Assassin's Shadow

    Unique Abilities:

    • The Voice of the Universe: The user is capable of perceiving, manipulating, and integrating cosmic energy, the flow of cosmic power circulating through the user's body coming with a variety of beneficial effects. Shen benefits from a passive 60% increase to Spell Range, as well as a 5% HP regeneration once per post.

    • Whisper of Endlessness: By perceiving and following the flow of cosmic energies, the user can actively integrate the flow of these naturally-occurring enigmatic powers into a uniquely fluent and graceful fighting style that relies on Speed more than anything else. The same thing applies to the user's arcane means of combat, granting them a passive 60% increase to Spell Speed, as well as a 5% MP regeneration once per post.

    • Gate: Shen, with abilities that grant a certain factor of clairvoyance as well as the potential to perceive and interact with the strings of fate, has become aware of a metaphysical place of undiscernable qualities. These abilities stem from a certain "source" of unknown nature or origin, though this "source", something Shen refers to as "Gate", a place where all strings are connected with one another, is a thing that even the young man cannot quite interpret. What is obvious to him, however, is that this Gate seems to possess some measure of intelligence and will accept trade when interacted with, allowing Shen to sacrifice matter or other forms of energy for magical power. In essence, his life force can be exchanged for mana, allowing the user to, instead of using his magical energy to cast spells, use his blood instead. Shen can expend his HP in place of spending MP, though he must always expend double of the original MP cost in HP when using this ability (For example, a D rank spell costs 20 MP to use. The user can instead pay 40 HP to cast said spell). This takes a toll, of course, his body slowly adjusting to the effects of the Gate, increasing his endurance. The negative effects of pain and severe blood loss are greatly diminished when affecting Shen and his HP are increased by 60% passively.

    Plot Abilities:


    Signature Spells:

    B Rank Spells - 5:

    A Rank Spells - 9:

    S Rank Spells - 6:

    H Rank Spell:


    Nestor Azarov
    Nestor Azarov

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 162
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,288,966

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    Vox Universum - Verse I Empty Re: Vox Universum - Verse I

    Post by Nestor Azarov 30th January 2021, 2:30 pm

    Advanced Spells:

    Lineage Spells:


    Nestor Azarov
    Nestor Azarov

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 162
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,288,966

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    Vox Universum - Verse I Empty Re: Vox Universum - Verse I

    Post by Nestor Azarov 30th January 2021, 2:34 pm

    Fusion Spells - 2:

    Reserved for future Prestige Spells



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    Vox Universum - Verse I Empty Re: Vox Universum - Verse I

    Post by Ahote 14th February 2021, 6:30 pm

    Vox Universum - Verse I YIu4Ldy
    Post No1:



    Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Vox Universum - Verse I Empty Re: Vox Universum - Verse I

    Post by Ahote 14th February 2021, 6:31 pm

    Vox Universum - Verse I YIu4Ldy



    Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Vox Universum - Verse I Empty Re: Vox Universum - Verse I

    Post by Ahote 14th February 2021, 6:31 pm

    Vox Universum - Verse I YIu4Ldy


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