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    Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora]

    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
    Position : None
    Posts : 605
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,399,882

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
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    Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora] Empty Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 4th March 2019, 10:41 am

    Job Details:

    Another job, but fortunately not as restrictive as the previous. Artemis was wearing his guild armour as he made his way via carriage into Lavanitir Port City. At least he had chosen to take on this job, and he wasn't specifically ordered to kill anyone. He wasn't quite ready to deal with that, whatever means his Father was using to transformed into a 'hardened leader. He needed a break, he wanted to do the job his way, in a way that would make him feel less trapped. He had an idea but it meant stepping up, and taking control, not as even feat when he had his family putting pressure on him. The only ones that weren't we're his siblings. Ren who was working with him inside Hidden Blades, and well Pandora, who he'd had seen for...well a pretty long time. He couldn't help but wonder how his big sister was fairing, she generally kept to herself. Which he understood better than anyone, the intrusive and judgemental values of their families. So yeah, being as involved as little as possible. Well he didn't blame her one bit. He hadn't managed to escape their families hold, and there was even less hope for obedient little Ren. But Pandora, in Artemis's mind, at least she had a chance at freedom.

    He arrived at the location where he would be meeting the client. He was going for even more discretion that usually today. Not only did he have the guild armour on, but he was wearing the ring of concealment as using it to change the appearance of the armour. So that it looked different to the guilds, just a generic mages in armour that made him look like a Knight. Not a Rune Knight, but a generic soldier of sorts. At the very least, he would be less noticeable this way. A man in armour wasn't that uncommon in their world, not when you had the likes of lamias and nekos running about. He stepped out of the carriage, he spotted the Head Detective waiting for him, arms over his chest. He recognised him from the file Blanche had given him when he'd accepted the job. He approached,

    "I'm here for the job." He stated simply, the man nodded at him, before responding gruffly.

    "We're waiting on one other then we can get started," Artemis nodded, another mage huh? Blanche had mentioned that was a possibility, but hadn't quite confirmed it. Either that or she had and he'd skimmed over it in the email. The latter was the more likely option.

    WC: 429 / 1500


    Pandora Dagger
    Pandora Dagger

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Inferno's Herald
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 159
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,350

    Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora] Empty Re: Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora]

    Post by Pandora Dagger 7th March 2019, 3:37 am

    In all honesty, she wasn't even supposed to be in Lavanitir Port City. She could've gone to Hargeon instead to look for a ship setting sail towards Divide Island; but she'd wanted to be certain. Certain that there was in fact a ship going to Divide Island from Hargeon Town, so she wouldn't be standing there without a cause were that not the case. Not that she minded travelling back and forth, but in her current state she'd rather not push her luck and travel unnecessarily when it wasn't needed. So instead, Pandora had opted to skip on Hargeon Town and immediately head for Lavanitir Port City, where her chances were higher on finding the right vessel for her needs. However luck would have it so that upon her arrival and questioning, one of said naval vessels had ran into quite the few setbacks of the sort. Her asking around about it had somehow convinced certain port folk that she belonged to the Fiore West Trading Company, rather than her wanting to travel to it to join them. But as such, she needn't bring up the background her powerful family had, nor get them involved in this matter.

    Pandora stopped for a moment to look over the docks into the open sea and sighed. She wondered how they were doing; not as much the entire family but her two younger brothers in particular. Artemis; who'd been pushed into a path paved out for him so he could one day rise up to the honor of heading the Dagger family, and little Apollo, who too had been reeled in to follow a stern path he'd most doubtfully turn away from. The child had a superior sense of duty, especially for one his age. The redhead found it poignant how both boys had been forced into such a heavy upbringing without the chance to have fun, to act like rascals as one would expect for young kids their age. But the Dagger family did not wish for such things; not from any of their offspring, and especially not from their heirs. Which was where Pandora had been extremely lucky. She was their first-born, but in a family bound by patrilineal standings  she in fact had the most freedom among the three of them. They didn't expect much of her. Only to uphold the Dagger Family’s name and not smudge its reputation, but otherwise she was just a tool. Yes, she got her education, but it wasn't as drilled as her brothers’; she was taught the ways the company worked, but only the bare minimum for polite conversations during balls and social gatherings. And like most, she was taught how to defend herself. The latter was what she reveled in the most, enjoying the days she spent outside training over those spent inside on how to become a proper lady of standing. No, if she were to be a tool, she'd at least want the right to choose what kind of tool. Pandora'd rather resort to doing some of the family's dirty work than to be married off to a random guy when the time called for it. Which was also the reason why she left the family more than a decade ago. She had that liberty; to be freed from her family's grasp, whereas her brothers has not. She'd wanted to grow stronger without any of those family ties; so she'd gone abroad under an alias, to grow her own imperium and return once her status was established. To show what she could actually do, and support her brothers with it, to pry away the clutching hands of her parents and grandfather so they too could taste this freedom.

    But fate had wished it to turn out differently. She now stood back on Fiorean soil with even less than she had left with; only a decade worth of experience carved within her body and soul. A sigh escaped her lips. A damn decade. It had actually been that long. She wondered. How much would Artemis and Apollo have grown in that decade she’d been gone? Would they still recognise their big sister if she were to appear before them now the way she was now; disfigured and marked by combat? The woman shook her head and turned her back towards the open sea, shaking her head. Those weren’t things she’d have to worry about now. Chances of running into either one of them here were almost non-existent, so she'd have more than enough time to bring it to them gently. Maybe even fix her leg with the prosthetic she had her eyes on. Lost in thoughts she started walking again, heading towards the exact location she'd be meeting the Head Detective at in a steady pace. Once arrived on the scene Pandora realised the detective was in presence of an armored knight, much to her surprise. She'd failed hearing about reinforcements on this case, but they were more than welcome. ”Forgive my tardiness, Head Detective, I was caught up inspecting the docks a final time before heading here. Hope you don't mind.” she said, turning to the detective and giving him an apologizing nod. She then faced the knight, giving the man a polite nod in turn as well. ”My apologies too, sir, if I've kept you waiting as well. Your time must be precious to you.” Honestly she wasn't even sure this knight was here for the investigation, but with the current time and place it was her safest bet. Looking over the full set of armor Pandora suddenly felt conscious about her own wardrobe, which in comparison could be seen as severely underdressed for the occasion. Her kimono was simple, long enough to keep her leg hidden from prying eyes, but in turn left her chest well-exposed. Not quite as frightening as a full armor, nor demanding of respect. The only intimidating things about her might be the eyepatch adorning her left eye, from which on both sides a part of her scar still protruded unto her skin, and the leather jacket sporting skulls on both shoulders. She might need to work on that some more in the future.

    [1030 of 1500]


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
    Position : None
    Posts : 605
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,399,882

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
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    Third Skill:

    Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora] Empty Re: Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 9th March 2019, 5:28 pm

    Artemis had just been wondering who it was that would join him for this task, he had to be careful. He couldn't act like he was doing this as a guild member, the rule with Hidden Blades was if working with mages outside the guild you had to pretend you were guildless. Which wasn't really too much of an ask really, he just had to make to state he was freelance were he to be asked about it. But it really depended on how chatty his partner was. He heard her approached, and glanced over. It took a moment for him to realise, the red-headed woman looked familiar. But why? Then it dawned on him.


    His eyes grew wide under his mask, she wouldn't see this but his jaw dropped. Standing next to him was none other than his older sister. Whom he had seen in the longest time. She looked different. His eyes fell on her eyepatch, a visible scar protruding from underneath. He closed his mouth, clenching his fist. He sudden felt a great wave of irritation. Just what the fuck has she been up to? He thought angrily. He wanted to call her out, to tell her it was him but he couldn't. Not in this gear he was wearing, not with people watching. He needed to stay hidden, this was a job for the guild after all. Once they were alone however...

    He said nothing as she apologised for her tardiness, he couldn't talk right now. He wanted to shout, to call her an idiot and demand that she tell him what happened. But he couldn't, he had to stay composed for now at least.

    "It's alright, now that you're both here I shall re-cap the job and what we need you to do. As you may now there as an 'incident' involving one of our ships, there was an explosion on what of our best vessels. We've managed to narrow down some suspects but they're not talking, we feel like 'mages' might be a little more effective at this point. See if you can get some answers, perhaps one of you could play good cop, bad cop. Whatever you decide just do whatever you can, we can only hold them for so long without evidence before we have to release them."

    Artemis nodded, it was simple enough, get them to talk by any means you could. He may have been better at this by himself, but still he was glad he took the job. At least now he was reunited with his sister, even if he was incredibly pissed off at her right now. He had always considered himself close to both of his siblings. If he looked up to anyone in his family, it wasn't his Grandfather, nor his actually father. But his big sister, who always seemed to stand so tall in his eyes. Seeing her after all this time made reminded him of just how long it had been since it had been since he had seen her. He hadn't a clue what she was up to, the family just said she was working. Perhaps they didn't know either, and were just trying to save face. Either way, he felt guilt itching away at him. I should've tried harder.. He thought. The detective turned leading them towards the building where the suspects were being held for questioning. Artemis glanced over at Pandora, wondering when would be a good opportunity to reveal his identity to her. No, perhaps after the job was done at least. Then again, maybe she would realise it was him once he started talking, it depended on just how much she remembered of his nature. Guess we'll see.

    WC: 617
    Total: 1046 / 1500


    Pandora Dagger
    Pandora Dagger

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Inferno's Herald
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 159
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,350

    Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora] Empty Re: Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora]

    Post by Pandora Dagger 19th April 2019, 3:34 pm

    Neither the detective nor the armored knight she'd be partnering up with seemed to mind her tardiness; a big relief to the red-haired woman, who'd rather not be taken into bad account at the very start of their task. Bad first impressions usually ended up rather lethal, or so she'd learnt at least. The head detective pulled her out of her worried thoughts, recapping the entire ordeal that got them employed here in the first place. An ‘incident’, as he so subtly called it, on one of their best vessels. The explosion had occured several miles before it could enter the harbour, yet somehow it had still managed to actually reach its dock in time. A little bit of information Pandora had managed to snatch from some rather talkative crewmembers, along with the fact that it had merely done a test-drive before it were to properly set sail. A taste of open waters to see if the ship’s sails had been mended properly, or so she was told. Some dared whisper of foul play, but never went into detail. And frankly, having seen what remained of the vessel at current date, said train of thoughts indeed wasn't hard to come by. The detective continued that they indeed suspected foul play, and narrowed down the suspects to a mere handful. But apparently they were headstrong and refused to talk, which was where they came in. The detective suggested they had more freedom in making those suspects talk; and in a way he wasn't wrong. The laws that bound him could tarnish his reputation, whereas for mages… well, bad advertisement was advertisement as well. And if you wanted to get your name out there, being spoken about badly or properly was just as effective. When the man said they had little time, Pandora nodded. Time was pressing, so it wasn't that they had much time to discuss how to handle this. She suspected a heavy hand or sly tricks would mostly be used. And might that just be something she didn't mind doing when the situation called for it.

    Both were guided into the building, where all the four suspects had been detained until further notice. They passed several hallways, each one looking more grim than the last. It was a dreary place to say the least, but it seemed to serve its purpose. The head detective opened a door to their left after they'd scaled the first flight of stairs, and gestured for them to enter what seemed to be a small monitoring room; a window allowed them excessive view into the one beside this, and was far bigger in size. The interior betrayed it to be for line-ups of the sort, and the detective’s words sent away all doubt regarding it. “You two wait here, we'll round up all our suspects so you know who you'll be dealing with. Afterwards you can choose who to question in which order.” he said, disappearing back into the grey hallways of the building before they could say another word. Silence fell into the room as both awaited the detective's return; Pandora more interested in the window than starting a conversation. She tapped it lightly and stared at it, noting it's odd colorization and figured it to be one of those spying glass-types, which you could only see through from one side; the other mirrored the reflection. She was focused on it, but wasn't too occupied in case her partner wished to make any conversation of the sort. Soon enough the suspects were brought into the next room, totalling four of them, and were ordered to put themselves in a set line-up. One that immediately caught her eye was the tallest of the bunch; the typical case of all brawn and no brains. His arms were probably the size of her head, and riddled with tattoos of both beautiful and disturbing nature alike. If that one wished to put up a fight they'd be in for some trouble alright. Next was the Naval Captain, who was apparently the officer in charge for the ship when its incident took place, all underneath his watchful eye. Not quite the innocent-looking man at that either. The old man that was next in line did not have much about him, safe for the deadly glare directed at the spying glass, as if he was trying to glare a hole through it. And at the other end of the spectrum sat the last of the suspects, a young man freshly out of his diapers basically. He looked all but seasoned in his line of work, and at this particular point his body betrayed his nervousness. An easy prey.

    The red-haired woman didn't need much more and turned towards the still unnamed knight. “So, who'll we take as our first suspect? And… perhaps a name will do, so they might actually suspect us to be a team rather than two strangers that just met.” Pandora suggested to the man without making eye-contact, her eyes still pinned on the four that had been lined up before them in the room. They could not be heard nor be seen from behind the glass, so coming up with a least a minimal strategy definitely help them in their endeavours on getting them to talk. ”What do you think?” Only now did she tore her eyes away from the line-up to look at the knight, her remaining eye bright but serious in expression.

    Wordcount: 910
    Total Wordcount: 1940 of 1500


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
    Position : None
    Posts : 605
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,399,882

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora] Empty Re: Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 27th April 2019, 7:42 am

    Artemis followed the Detective and Pandora into the building, walking through the hallways. His red eyes scanned the walls under his mask; he spotted a few security cameras. Which meant that they were likely to be watched. Hidden Blades had the means to hack into any security camera they wanted, which meant that Blanche would have access to this footage and so would their father. The detective led them into a monitoring room, with a large window to one wall which would give them the ability to see the suspects once lined up. The likelihood being the window was mirrored on the other side meaning they couldn't be seen in turn. The detective instructed them to wait while they brought in the suspects for them to review. Leaving the two of them in the room alone. It was awkward, here he was standing alongside his older sister, and she had no clue. He wanted to talk to her so bad, to scrap the job and just check in with her. Heck, as gross as it was, he could even hug her right now. His sister was the only one Arty could be straight with and after so long. He realised how much he missed her.

    The men were brought into the opposing room. Artemis turned his gaze from Pandora to the suspects. Deciding that he should at least try and focus on the job at hand. There were four of them in total, all men and all keenly unique; an oaf of a man covered in tattoos and muscle, a clean-cut officer, most likely the Ship's captain, an older bloke who seemed to be particular angry about this situation, staring towards the glass hatefully and then finally some small fry, practically a weasel shaking with nerves. It was quite the selection to work with, Artemis knew he could find out who did it without an interrogation, but that was quite the ability to use — invading their minds one by one, sifting through their sins. He would wait and see. Hopefully, the situation wouldn't call for it.

    Pandora spoke finally, turning to him and drawing his gaze to her. Asking who they should start with, before following it up by asking his name. He looked her over, wondering what to do. He wanted to say 'It's me, Arty' but he couldn't. He eyed the room for a moment, noticing the security camera in the far right corner behind her. He cleared his throat, he wanted her to know it was him, but he had to do this carefully. He wasn't actually sure how much Pandora knew about Hidden Blades, and father would be furious if he revealed too much as he had with Ren. As he spoke, his voice came out gravelled and distorted, slightly deeper than how he would actually sound, an effect of the voice changing mechanic on the armour.

    "Let's start with the brat, he looks ready to crack already." He remarked. If the kid did have anything to do with it. He would be the easiest one to get information out of, and if he hadn't any partners in crime amongst the line-up. Then they would undoubtedly know this. "As for names you can call me Bill, or Mr Smith for now. Although..." Artemis moved past her, towards the corner, he stepped under the camera, reaching up he released a dark vine of magic from his palm. It would glide upwards towards the camera, gently tugging on the wire to loosen i. The light flickered off, and the thorny vines retracted back into his palm. He turned to her,"Afterwards I'll tell you who I really am, in case you haven't already figured it out by then, Pan~." He said, eying her face to see if the childhood nickname would jolt her memory.

    WC: 637
    Art's Total WC: 1683
    C Rank WC HIT: 1500 /1500
    New WC for freeform:  183


    Pandora Dagger
    Pandora Dagger

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Inferno's Herald
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 159
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,350

    Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora] Empty Re: Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora]

    Post by Pandora Dagger 28th April 2019, 3:03 pm

    Her head perked up immediately at the sound of that particular word. Or rather, particular name which she hadn't heard in over a decade. Pandora's eyes, even the one holding only void, went wide in surprise as her head turned as if stung by a bee. Her voice almost whispering at the realisation. ”You…? No…” But there was no need for her to put any disbelief in the matter of this “Bill Smith” ushering her name, because there were only two people who ever called her like that. It had to be him. There was no other way. The way he said it, that subtle tinge in his tone that even the distortion of his mask could not conceal from her. But why was he so… careful? He'd nicked the security camera with that black vine, but that he remained so vigilant as but to drop a single, be it well-aimed, hint for her to figure it out? Her eyes grew dark as her mind put the last piece of the puzzle into place; her father. That was the reason he was acting like this, it had to be. Because frankly, Pandora doubted that in all these years there had been another man to step up to the challenge of making Artemis feel threatened other than her father and grandfather. But she had heard of the news of her grandfather's retiring, which obviously only left their father as the sole culprit. A most valid reason to remain vigilant, even now. There must be an ulterior motive to not rejoice in this fated encounter right away, as otherwise Arty would not have remained so sneakily about it. Pandora might not have been as bright as her two younger brothers, but she wasn't stupid either. She'd been indulged in her family's schemes for far longer than her siblings, and had taught herself how to work with, around and even against them. Even when she left for Bellum, she'd made use of those skills. So for now, she would play along with the ploy Artemis hinted at them to play.

    “Well then, Mr. Bill Smith, you may call me Galeyne Lockheart. Glad to be working with you, sir. How about we solve this quickly and make this a, let's say, “work of ’Art’”, shall we?” Perhaps it was stupid to try and use her alias here, as she, unlike Artemis, wasn't hiding her visage behind a helmet, mask or all-conceiling full armor. If anything, she looked exactly the way she did when she left, and then again, different too. Older. Wiser. And a whole less ‘whole’ than she did when she had left. But then again, only those who had known her long enough before that time would remember her way of acting and speech. Perhaps that was what brought solace to her idea of doing the same. Because there were only a handful that did. A sly sparkle flickered within her remaining eye only slightly as she said it, but it disappeared again as she continued. ”Let me take care of the brat. As you're looking now, you might just end up breaking the poor kid before he can even bother replying to the first question.” she said, patting him on the shoulder before giving him a full-on look from head to toe. She was hinting at his rough armored physique and distorted voice in case someone was eavesdropping, but in fact she was sizing up on the man for her own good reasons. Was this really her little brother? The urge to just screw it all and hug the hell out of him was strong, but she restrained herself from doing so, just like she restrained the happy smile that wanted to overtake her current pokerface. Better get this questioning over with fast, because she wasn't quite sure how long exactly she'd be able to keep her face contorted in a mask of cool calmth.

    She turned around and quickly found her way out of the room, informing an officer on the hallway about their first choice to investigate. The man nodded and went to inform his superior, returning a while after the line-up room had been cleared to escort the two to the first interrogation room. They were informed that the others were being kept in different rooms, being questioned by other detectives until they were ready to take over. Pandora waited attentively for a few more moments after she knocked on the door and entered the first room; as one would expect, it was nothing more than a nigh-empty room, with a table and three chairs. A camera was positioned in the far right corner, its red light flickering annoyingly now she'd noticed it. Behind the table’s side sporting two chairs a large, rectangular window had been placed, similar to the one they'd been behind not too long ago. The jitterish young man looked at them nervously as they entered, which turned to a surprised look upon watching Pandora make her way in leaning on her cane. Then, upon seeing ‘Bill Smith’ enter the room, grew paler than the white shirt he was wearing. At this point Pandora was concerned the youth might faint… or, in another scenario, piss himself, as the fear suddenly errupting in his eyes was hard to look past. For a moment she even considered leaving Artemis to stare at the kid for a few good minutes in silence; then casually mention that if he didn’t spill the beans it wouldn't just stick to staring… Juuuust for a moment. But no, although tempting, she'd much rather use a softer approach for the time being. If he proved difficult though, then he was all Arty’s to mess with.

    Pandora sat down on the nearest chair and positioned her cane to lean against her, while crossing her arms across her chest. ”So, kid… you know why we're here, don't you? So let's stop beating around the bush and get right to it. Tell me, what's your name, kid?” she asked, her voice calm, not even demanding. The youth shuffled in his chair and stared at the table, mumbling ”Billy Smithers, ma’am.” in a soft voice. The red-haired woman had to suppress a chuckle at the coincidence, and rose her hand to cover her mouth, pretending to be thinking. ”Well, eh” Pandora faked a cough to get the tingling feeling of held-in laughter out of her system. ”That's an interesting name, Billy. I'm Mrs. Lockheart, and this is my associate, Mr. Smith. We're here to find out what happened to our client's vessel, and for that, we need you to answer truthfully. So don't try playing tricks on us or lie, because we might not have that much patience if you do. Especially Mr. Smith…” She gestured subtly at Artemis, and leant forward, giving Billy a friendly smile.  ”So kindly do us a favor and tell us what you were doing on board when the ship exploded?” Billy's eyes hastily dashed back and forth between Pandora and Artemis, unknowing what to do. He bit his lip, closed his eyes as if he was trying to will them away, but seemed to crack as soon as he opened them again. ”I wasn't even supposed to be aboard! It was just a stupid dare between me and my friends, telling me I couldn't sneak unto the ship and spent the night on it without getting caught. I hid in a barrel and fell asleep, but by the time I woke up we were already in open sea, I swear!” he seemed to nearly beg her to believe his statement. Pandora leant back, her eyes neutral as they stared at him, and then shifted to look at Artemis. As soon as she did some emotion returned to them. ”Hmmm… what do you think, Mr. Smith? Convincing enough to go and ask his friends for an alibi?”

    Wordcount: 1317
    Total Personal Wordcount: 3257
    C Rank WC HIT: 1500 /1500
    New WC for freeform: 1757

    Last edited by Pandora Dagger on 3rd January 2020, 6:53 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
    Position : None
    Posts : 605
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,399,882

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
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    Third Skill:

    Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora] Empty Re: Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 9th May 2019, 4:24 pm

    Behind the black veil that covered his face, his red eyes would soften at the sight of his elder sister's reaction as it dawned on her. The truth behind who it was actually standing across from her. It was more difficult of a moment than he realised it would be, the urge not to hug her, and greet her properly was almost overwhelming. It was pretty frustrating having to play pretend, even if it was for both of their sakes. Even so, it would only be for a little longer. Fortunately, She quickly picked up on that fact he didn't want her to acknowledge him openly, at least not yet.. Hopefully, they would be able to talk privately after and catch up on a decade's worth of mystery. Artemis had quickly realised that there was a lot that had happened to his sister that he had been oblivious to, the mixture of guilt, confusion and frustration he was feeling right now lingered like a weight on his chest. He didn't care much for his family, most of them were obnoxious, narrow-minded and narcissistic. But his siblings were different, they understood the burden of being the child of a Dagger, it was what connected them so much more than normal siblings.

    She would go on to introduce herself as 'Galeyne Lockheart', to which he would nod. He wasn't sure why she was using an alias, perhaps she too had something to hide. A slightly concerning thought, hopefully, he would soon find out her reasoning. She would take it upon herself to question the brat, which he was happy to let her do. She would make a remark about his 'appearance' to which he would grin under his mask, she did have a point; his armour was rather menacing. He would follow behind her, leaving the 'monitoring' room only to move to the actual 'interrogation' room that had been set up for them. He would say nothing, shutting the door behind him. He would manoeuvre to the far wall, behind Pandora who had taken a seat across from the boy. Leaning back, he would gaze over the kid blankly. The guy looked genuinely terrified, Artemis would almost feel bad for him, trying to imagine what it was like being that much of a coward. Artemis had only felt scared a few times in his life, and the redhead having been in trouble with the authorities several times, for delinquent teenage behaviour. Nothing teachers or Rune Knights ever did would worry him, he was much more concerned about the reaction he would endure when he got home.

    He would observe as Pandora got into the actual questioning, talking to the fellow in a calm tone. He would introduce himself as 'Billy Smithers'. He would listen to her words when she mentioned his alias and hinter at his lack of patience. Artemis chose that moment to stretch his neck from side to side, as though limbering up slightly. The boy glanced between the two of them before cracking and spilling his guts. Artemis arched a brow at his explanation, Seriously? This is what constitutes as a 'dare' these days. Artemis could think of much more ludicrous dares to partake in. Not that he had time to screw around like that anymore, the twenty-two-year-old barely had enough time eat or sleep. What with all the work that was being dumped on his desk these days by the unforgiving hands of Blanche.

    As Pandora addressed him, asking for his opinion on the matter. Artemis would push himself off of the wall, stalking slowly towards Billy. He would stop in front of the guy, standing over him, reaching forward he would touch him on the shoulder. The boy would tremble under his touch, even though it was light. Artemis resisted the urge to chuckle. He honestly couldn't see any deceit in the kids gaze, he just seemed like an idiotic guy who wanted to impress his friends and made a pig's ear of it. Besides if they didn't get the answers they needed, then Artemis would go him back for a 'second' interrogation alone, for which he could always use 'that ability'. He let go of Billy's shoulder, straightening up he glanced over to his sister.

    "I would say so," He returned his gaze to the kid, addressing him stonily, "We'll need your written statement, a name and contact information for your alibi. Bare in mind, if your story doesn't check out, I'll be dragging you back here myself for a private chat. Which would severely test my patience, trust me, boy, you don't want to see what happens when it runs out." He said, his tone was flat, but still laced with an ominous tone, the threat that lay behind those words was enough to cause Billy to let out a whimper. He would turn, nodded Pandora to follow him out of the room.

    Once they were outside, Artemis would inform a passing officer that the witness was ready to give his statement. He turned to his red-hearted sister, or rather the current Mrs Lockheart. "Who shall we see to next?" He asked her, seeing as it had been his decision the last time, he figured he would let her call the next interview. After all, she was pretty good at taking charge, but then again it was very much in her nature. His sister was strong and a good leader, despite all the years apart. She was still Pan~. There were slight mannerisms, a certain way she said things, it was still her, his big sis. It was kind of comforting, seeing her again. It really had been too long.

    WC: 946 | Art's Total WC: 1129 | Thread Total: 2885


    Pandora Dagger
    Pandora Dagger

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    Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora] Empty Re: Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora]

    Post by Pandora Dagger 3rd January 2020, 7:08 pm

    Headstrong and straight to the point as always. The kid was shivering at Artemis' obvious threat, and somehow she was revelling at it. Not the act of threatening the boy though, but the very subtle signs that kept on raining down on the way he acted, how they verified this man was in fact her younger brother. She probably would've never noticed had he not hinted her of who he was, but now she knew she was all the more focused on noticing those little things. Things she was quite sure not even her parents would've noticed were specific to Artemis, merely because they had been the little things they'd never bothered to find important. But she did, way back when. After all these years apart, she had lost track of them, yet seeing those vaguest of quirks only made it more clear how much she'd missed him. All of her younger siblings for that matter. Pandora'd make amends for that now she was made aware of that fact again, but first she would need to unearth the culprit of the ship's explosion. There'd be time for small talk afterwards… something she yearned for. Ten years had been too long after all.

    As she pondered Artemis made sure to notify the young man of the consequences if he didn't give them the information and contact info they asked for, which frankly amused her more than it should've. It made her wonder whether this was all part of the persona he was playing, or whether this was in fact a glimpse of what her younger brother had grown into… a man rather than the boy she left behind. That reminder pulled at her heartstrings, a bit too much even, so she was glad that he nodded at her to follow him out of the room. The Dagger might've gotten a bit emotional had she remained uninterrupted of her thoughts. The cane supported her weight as she pushed herself off the chair, smiling softly. To anyone watching the smile could've come across as one pleased of the statement they'd gotten, allowing for the case to move about smoothly. However, they couldn't have been more wrong. Once outside Arty informed and officer that they were finished interrogating and they could take over for the kid's statement, while she just stood there taking it all in. Having her younger brother standing beside her somehow felt so surreal, but there he was, in the flesh. Another smile was in train of appearing when he asked her who they'd be aiming their arrows at next, and abruptly it disappeared again. Right. Focus on the job at hand, then they could have their reunion. A proper one. But until then she'd have to be careful not to expose him through carelessness. "Let's go with the old man for now. As a change of pace, if so to say, although something tells me we might get something interesting out of him." she replied, keeping a straight face as she gave Art a meaningful look before opening the next door.

    Pandora saw how the old man's face contorted into a grim smile as they entered the room, and for a second she swore she heard a diminutive scoff directed at both her and her brother. She gave the man a kind smile, perfectly working her eyes to share the fakest of kind smiles she'd ever given someone in years. Right then and there she knew this old-timer was going to give them a lot of trouble… well, perhaps not trouble per say, but things wouldn't be going smoothly at the very least. His eyes betrayed his deviance. "Tsk, after all them shenanigans they throw some damned whippersnappers my way, eh? Bloody hell." the old man scowled, more than just seemingly displeased by the entire situation. Pandora ignored the man's cussing and sat down, not even bothering to check the documents prepared for them to look through, even if it was all for show. "It so seems you too don't want to be here any much longer than necessary sir, so how ab-" "Oh dear me, 'sir'? So polite for a wee lass that could've been my granddaughter. How about you go back to kindergarten with that bag of ol' iron behind ya and leave me be?" His words seemed passive aggressive, but the tone of his voice was haughty and hell-bent on denigrating them for what seemed to be their young age… even though Arty, currently 'Bill Smith', had yet to show his face to anyone and thus could've technically been of any age. Pandora's fake smile faltered for a neutral, be it unamused, look and just looked at the man, perking her lips into a thin line. "Then give us your name and story, then we'll be off just like you."

    The man cackled gleefully, but his eyes didn't share the laughter. "I don't think so, red-head. You're decades too early to demand anything from me with that tone. Or in any tone, for that matter." She'd been good with the elderly back in the day. Hell, even in Bellum where half of them should've hated her. So why was this damned oldie being such a pain in the ass? K
    Remember, keep your cool. "Gonna play the hard nut to crack, huh?" she asked, leaning back in her chair to assess the man. Yet he decided sassy was the way to go. Her patience was growing thinner with every reply. "This got nothing to do with nuts, cupcake. Just about knowing your place." he glared at her, and she returned the gaze with one of her own, growing more annoyed by the man's stubborn mule behavior. And honestly? The pet names were a great way of ticking her off, but she couldn't quite show she was, as that seemed to be the suspect's aim. To piss them off. "Just work with me plea-" Once again her sentence was cut short.

    "I ain't talking to you." he stated casually, crossing his arms and breaking eye-contact by turning his face away from her, not even wanting to look in her direction. Something in Pandora snapped. The red-head sighed softly and folded her hands on the table, closing her eyes for a moment. "Fine, if that's how you're gonna play this game…" Remaining the personification of calmth herself Pandora slowly rubbed her face, removing the eye-patch and putting it on the table, somewhat in front of her. The large scar running across her brow and eye in clear sight. And although at first glance the old sailor seemed to acknowledge it as a sign of maturity, he quickly reverted back to his old shenanigans, ready to say something. He was cut off by Pandora before he could open his mouth. "Then two can play at that." The scarred eye opened, revealing an empty socket that quickly filled itself with green miasma, losing its color as it took the shape of an eye devoid of life. The sclera was grey, the iris a disheartening icey color with the pure black pupil veining into the iris. The eye flicked left and right before settling on the sailor, looking at him with such a piercing gaze that it felt like she could see right through him. Pandora saw how the man's breath got caught in his throat; the perfect reaction of anyone who dared make direct eye-contact with her Calamity's Eye. "Looks like you know the stories about eyes like these, eh?" she grinned defiantly before moving. In the blink of an eye Pandora shot up, her chair clattering unto the floor as her fingers clutched around the man's throat, pulling him right out of his seat and half across the table, only a feet away from her face. She could see the fear in his eyes as they made contact with the miasma of the Calamity's Eye, his body acting in sync to the very fear she was seeing.

    "Now listen here you fucking old-timer, I tried being nice but it seems you'd rather be an ass and hit the retirement home early, dontcha? Although at this rate there's a good chance you'll be skipping that and just jump straight back into that 6 feet hole I've waiting for ya." Pandora hissed in a sickeningly sweet voice, the grip around his collar tightening as her miasmic eye pierced into the old man's eyes. She didn't bother waiting for the man to think of a reply in his defence. "So either you start talking, or I start getting really mad, okay? Cuz I have some real nasty tantrums just waiting to be thrown into your face." The red-head's eyes dared him to try and defy her. Just one word would be enough to slam him through the table like it was nothing; at this point she wasn't particularly caring about the probability of broken bones anymore if she were to toss the senior across the room. In fact, she was even having a hard time restraining herself from doing so at this very moment. Another glare was sent his way before her fingers let go, roughly pushing the old man back into his chair as she loomed over the table. "Speak." Pandora demanded in a cold tone. She'd lost her patience for this one.

    [WC - 1552 || PWC - 3309 || TT - 4538]


    Artemis Dagger
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    Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora] Empty Re: Sibling Question Time~ [Pandora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 15th March 2020, 5:06 pm

    Artemis said nothing as Pan suggested they try interviewing the old man next, simply nodding in acceptance of this decision. All the while intrigued to see if her intuition in regards to this interviewee had some stock. He followed her inside, eying the man's immediate reaction to their arrival. It was nothing short of arrogant and it did nothing to maintain Arty's temper. He gritted his teeth slightly as the man scoffed, if his face hadn't been covered at this present moment, the old git likely would have been very displeased with the foul glare the Dagger lad was giving him. From the moment the man spoke, he did little to amend his attitude, making a disapproving remark as Pandora sat down. Once again Artemis stayed back across the room, playing the role of quiet and intimidating. He didn't doubt his ability to charm, but considering his currently armoured aesthetic, it didn't quite make sense without his twinkling crimson eyes and devilish features.

    As he continued to cut Pandora off as she spoke, Artemis felt his temper rising quickly. Was it acceptable to beat the shit out of an old man if he was being a complete asshat? He wasn’t entirely sure that it was morally acceptable, but if the man kept back-talking his sister like that then that moral line might get blurred real quick. Who did this trout think he was? If he knew that he was talking to the daughter of one of the most influential families in the entirety of Earthland would he be so disrespectful? Artemis doubted it, the Dagger Family was well known for their lack of mercy, they could tear apart your entire life and not even bat an eyelid. However, Pandora was, for the purposes of this mission, Pandora, but rather a Miss Galeyne Lockheart. A name that went unrecognised by the man under interrogation.

    And as the conversation continued, his patience would continue to wane. Listening to the back and forth between the two had him clenching his fist tightly, doing his utmost to not to fly across the room and remould this man's face with his fist. But alas, he continued to defy her, denying her one final time. Artemis knew at this point that his sister had lost her chill, any patience and civility she had intended to behold had been fizzled away by the old timer’s lack of compliance. If it hadn’t been for the fact he knew that his sister was more than capable of handling her own, then he would have stepped in already. Artemis couldn’t see Pan’s face as she removed her eyepatch, but he was curious to what it was that lay underneath. He’d seen part of the scar outside of the eyepatch, but just how damaged was her cornea?

    Intrigued, he moved around the room, taking slow steps so as to not disturb the pair. He strode quietly passed the table, before circling around so that he was standing a few steps behind the old man. His eyes moved to Pandora’s face, eying the damaged eyed and feeling his heart sink. Wondering how his sister had suffered such a violent wound, and how long had it been this way. His bitter shame over his own inability to protect his elder sister digging it’s way into his soul, creating a dull ache in his chest. He had been so ignorant, assuming that his sister was fine, neglecting her when she could have used his help. At this moment, in particular, he felt embarrassed to consider himself her brother. His only saving grace was the hope that now they were reunited, he could move to change this. To be better, and more presence of a sibling.

    As she spoke once more, spitting out that perfect curse as she switched it up, no longer playing the role of ‘the nice one’ as she delivered to him a thinly-veiled threat. Artemis smirked beneath the cover of his mask, lapping up his sister's confidence and aggressive tone. He stepped closer to the old man, spreading his palm outward, he waved it across the mirrored glass. Turning it completely black, making it impossible to see-through. The glass lens of any cameras in the room would also suffer the same consequence, meaning if anything unsavoury was to happen next, no one would see it.

    He reached forward, placing his hand firmly on either side of the old man’s shoulder, ”I would listen to her if I was you.” He remarked, squeezing the man’s flesh ever so slightly, not sure much to hurt him. But enough to remind him that she wasn’t the only person he was dealing with, there were two of them. Although Artemis wasn’t entirely sure who had greyer morals, his sister was certainly capable if push came to shove, but then again so was he. So either way, this old man was particularly out of luck. Artemis leaned down, ”And I suggest, you ancient prick, that you continue with a little more respect. If I hear one more volatile comment out of you, then your next words will be a request for mercy.”

    WC: 858 | Art's Total WC: 1987  Thread Total: 5,396


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