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    Development Issues (Solo)

    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 347
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Development Issues (Solo) Empty Development Issues (Solo)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 27th November 2019, 12:10 pm

    ”Get the hell up, kid. We haven’t even warmed up yet.” Large fists rested on her hips, the summon restlessly stared down at her summoner with a bit of disdain and impatience. Struggling to get up from her hands and knees was a bit of a feat in the moment of things, but slowly and surely Cersei was getting back up. Then, she felt a swift shot to her gut and enough force to jump her just off the ground. She caught herself and stumbled, but managed to keep on her feet. Blood coughed up onto the ground, she looked up, huffing and panting. One eye winced shut from the pain when her arms stretched out wide. ”Yeah! That’s my girl!” Frankie yelled out excitedly before delivering yet another gut punch. The red headed girl’s eyes widened and she collapsed onto her knees, clutching her abdomen. Breathing was painful and all she could do was try and bare it. The commendable thing was not so much how many shots she had taken at this point, but that she wasn’t willing to stop. After what she’d heard during Charlotte’s extended stay, she was rather impressed by the stones on her summoner. More so now that she spent the time to try and help her “toughen up”.

    Frankly, she didn’t expect the girl to last this long. She always assumed her summoner one of those little posh brats she used to beat up for making fun of her for not being some girly girl like them, but this one. Hoo-boy did she have some Gaul. ”I think you’ve done enough for today. You’ve gone up to about 8 punches? So about two more than yesterday.” She was trying to sound like she was complimenting, however being moral support was not her strong suit. Yet still, Cersei smirked and nodded, slowly getting back up to her feet once again. She could already feel her body healing itself up slowly. Ever since the first day, she managed to feel all sorts of improvements to her body. One of which was this ability of her body passively and quickly healing itself while also able to take hits much easier than she had before. Just what kind of soul was in her body now?

    ”Alright. Change your form.” She demanded. The red haired girl, doubled over with hands on her knees had looked up and tilted her head. Did she mean to turn into that again? ”I’m not gonna say it again. You wanna continue? You push yourself to get into it. That’s when we’ll continue. You can summon me again when you get around to it.” With a dismissive wave, the punch drunk summon opened a portal and stepped into it, leaving the injured summoner to deal with her injuries on her own. ”Just do it, she says... like I haven’t tried. Gah.” She rolled her eyes and lifted herself up onto her a straight up position, which really didn’t sit well with her pain as a shot through her body made her almost drop down to her knees from it. ”Whatev’s.” She dismissed the way her summon just took it upon herself to leave and stepped over toward a tree, then leaned against it. She was able to let out a sigh of relief from the comfort of the sensation of not having to deal with the constant shooting pain nearly as badly. Instead, she could then focus and try and figure out a way for her to enter that state willingly. Cierra egged her on with insults while she was in constant pain and even restrained partially.

    Her question now was how could she get to the idea of going in and out of it of her own volition? She could try to do the same thing she had happen to her prior and get herself to a point where she did, but all she could think of was the pumpkin patch. She couldn’t risk Cierra being right in her hurting others. She needed to control this thing before it was too late. Until then, she had to toughen herself up. If she didn’t have a need to be in it or was able to withstand the pain threshold or thicken her skin to insults, she could avoid that very situation until she would be better. That was her goal, at least. So far, her pain tolerance was much better than before, and hopefully it would continue to grow that way.

    Time passed by and before she knew it, she could feel all of the damage that was dealt to her was nearly gone. Minus some nice bruises on her abdomen and chest, she was perfectly healthy again. Then a sound caught her ear. The sound of growling in the distance had gotten her a little worried. This area shouldn’t be populated by any wildlife like that, especially this close to a town. That’s when the noise she was hearing had become a little clearer. It wasn’t a growling sound, it was purring. A sickly feeling in Cersei’s stomach began to fill her mind with the thoughts. She wasn’t ready for this at all, not a chance. Just how long was she around or did this only happen because she just stumbled upon her now. ”Such an amewsing little toy you are~ Running away from your owner like that.” The voice spoke out. With it came a figure that was slightly shorter than her older sister, short and wavy pink hair, and a pair of black cat ears and a tail to match. Something that would never appear to seem as demonically stereotypical as this one was. ”But our little game of cat and meowse is over. And I’ll make sure you’re extra punished for leaving without my purrmission~” The little giggle that accompanied her threats- better yet, her promises, were a fearful thought in it of itself.

    The red haired summoner began to grit her teeth, her fists balled up. She wasn’t going to go willingly. She’d die before she went back. ”You better have a pawsible reason for leaving me one girl short. Rather unfair for the others, don’t you think? You’re a smart girl. If you just come willingly, I’ll ensure you don’t get any physically harming punishments, I promise.” The Demon neko offered her a chance, one that she knew was going to be a lie. She’d seen what happens to those she brought in whom did the same as she did. Every word from her smiling face was a lie. But she had to buy herself some time. What could she really do in her position? Nothing that she thought she could do. She could run, but what good would that do?

    A had raised into the air, then the snap of her fingers rang out. Suddenly, an orange tube like object coiled around the tree and then gripped down tightly, pinning Cersei to the tree. ”That’s a good girl. Just for precaution, I had one of my other happy little praise givers a magic that creates magic canceling tubes. It’s a neat little trick. But it’ll make phase two a little easier for both of us... and soon, you’ll be with your Nyaster once again, this time with nowhere to escape to~” Again, the neko giggled with joy as she approached the helpless girl. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest and as she struggled against the tubes, they barely gave any pull. She could feel some slack, but not enough to take advantage of yet. A sword appeared from nowhere in the cat girl’s hand and she raised it up, then plunged the sword down, piercing her body and going into the tree itself. ”Nyahahaha! See, little kitten. I always get my toys back~” There was an air of sociopathy in the way she had announced it, but in her final moments, the only thing in her mind was just.. how little pain that actually had felt like. When her eyes, shut, she smirked and her head dipped down. ”Nyow lets go. She’ll wake up inside the castle within the next few minutes.” A couple of the maids would emerge from bushes, one tapping the tubes constricting the girl to the tree and then vanishing.

    While they continued to make their way away, the corpse of the summoner would begin to glow. Her body beginning to twitch, her hands and feet altering pigments. Her nails growing sharp and black as night. Red markings appearing around her head and lastly being that of what would be known as the “third eye” design on her head opening. Her bright red hair lighting shades into a sunny blonde, and the blade of the sword in her chest would rattle. The pink haired neko paused and as she went to turn her head around, her own sword flew by her head at a speed that she thought unheard of from this girl. Shaving the ends of several hairs, she stumbled back and turned fully to see girl standing there. Her own beastly glare staring at her while she had been exhaling steam. ”Oh, this feels really nice... except the hole in my body.” Cersei commented, giving a bit of a nasty grin of satisfaction. The sensation of the adrenaline, the raw strength she could feel in her muscles. It was her mother’s side of her coming out now and for just a moment, she had felt like she could hear something in the back of her mind. She paid it no mind and instead, opened a portal next to her and gave a wink to the neko.

    The blonde Oni jumped into the portal and it closed immediately after. The portal then opened up behind the demon and from it, propelled the summoner through it. Her fist slamming into the face of the neko, a burst of fire would give her a nice burn on her cheek while she was launched several meters away. Like any old cat, she landed on her feet and skid to a halt. In shock of what she had just witnessed, she rubbed her cheek that was just hit, then flinched as the sting of the burn from her hit had gotten her angered. ”Fine, be that way! The next time I see you, you’ll be begging me to live your eternal life as my personal toy!” The cat girl would snatch up both of the girls she’d brought with her and aggressively shake the maid whom done nothing yet. She then opened up a portal of her own and the three walked into it.

    Something struck a nerve in Cersei suddenly. She didn’t want to end there. No, this wasn’t going to come to another damn meeting! She wouldn’t give this bitch another chance to strike at her. The summoner pounced from her position and into the portal, tackling the neko as the portal in the other end opened, erupting with the Oni and neko flying through, followed by two maids. Neither of them rushed to their masters aide. They didn’t want to be here any more than Cersei previously had, and as the numbers grew, the flashbacks of the prior occasion of her being here got her angrier. She began to growl like a rabid animal and as her feet pushed into the ground, it began to crack the tiles underneath her. ”You little, insolent brat! You dare ruin my castle floors!? You’ll be licking them clean on your hands and knees like the rest of that miserable race of freaks that I cast away! I’ve slaughtered hundreds, enslaved a few, even tossed one or two of them into that little void you’re supposed to summon from. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t been killed by them yet.” She grinned ear from ear from her berating comments, but it didn’t bother Cersei at all.

    Instead, the summoner began to laugh a little and snapped her fingers. From it, a normal looking male stepped through the portal. The military attire he wore was plenty outdated, but he wore it with pride and kept it rather well put together despite where he had just arrived from. ”Furball, meet Solomon. Solomon, the furball who’s made plenty of peoples lives hell. Care to join me in tearing her a new one?” Her eyes peered over to his and the disposition of seeing the Oni wasn’t very happy to him, but once he placed two and two together, he just laughed a little. ”It’s you. I guess we share a little something in common now, huh? You have a deal, kid.” He began to unbutton his jacket one at a time until he finished, pulling off each of his glove and then placing them into his pocket. Removing his coat, his very well defined upper body began to catch Cersei’s attention a little too much. She began to ogle him like well.. any other girl her age. Once the transformation began in Solomon, she snapped back and soon, the cat girl stood off against an Oni and a large werewolf.

    Had Solomon not stood on his legs still, she feared she would probably be in too big a fear to fight alongside him, but being that he was the most human summon she knew of as of lately and his story, she was able to earn a bit of trust among the demon hunter. Both of the transformed visitors pounced onto their feline pray, only to collide fist and claw first into a barrier. The barrier began to spark and then repelled them back, landing several feet back while the neko cackled. ”You two nyanderthals really thought you could beat me!? IN MY CASTLE!? You’re bigger idiots than I thought!” A bright light built up on her hand and fired off at the two. Thinking on her feet, Cersei filled her lungs and mouth with clouds of spores and fired it off, blasting into the beam of light and causing a large explosion. The barrier began to illuminate through it, but had started to crack. Just as that, the epicenter of the floor began to cave, causing Solomon and Cersei to stumble. The werewolf thought quick and jumped up, but as the Oni went to follow, she felt it give way and she screamed out as she fell down below.

    Still, the summon was quick on his feet to keep on his task. He landed on a wall nearby and pounced off of it, slashing into the cracked barrier and breaking through it. He hit on all fours and redirected his built up momentum into lunging at the cat girl. As he did so, her body phased through his attack it seemed. In the same moment, it began to glow and then exploded, launching him into the wall nearby and then onto the ground. He shook it off and began to stand up onto his feet when fist erupted from the cloudy haze of spores and dust kicked up from the collision and collapse. It slammed into him, pushing him through the wall into the next room, filled with several Chimera growling and roaring in his direction. ”Time for the doggy to be my pet kitty food~”

    The crumbled debris began to rattle lightly. It slowly began to rattle harder and harder until finally, with one victorious cry of frustration pushed the pile of ground and roof mixed off of her. ”Son of a gun...” She let out with a groan of leftover frustration. Climbing free of the wreck, she looked around, seeing the walls littered with trophy mounts and labeled as such. Dates of attainment, titles of objects, etc. Head stuffed and mounted, weapons, armors, helmets, even animals stuffed and mounted in a set position. She slowly moved around the wall, examining each piece the wall until she stopped at one. The weapon let off a warm feeling and as her hand reached over to the mounted trophy, she read over every detail there. “The Inferno Blade.” It was titled. “Acquired 344 years ago.” Was under it. It was then she realized that she was looking at magical plates that could be edited by the touch of the person whom placed it on. “Obtained from: Oni Blacksmith.” And lastly, unlike some of the others, and most unsettling; “Cut open the owner with his own weapon and then left him to bleed out.” ”Seems a little excessive... but I think it’s time I took it upon myself to- ...What am I going to do this for? Oh! Yeah, like, everyone suffering here because of her! Duh~” Laughing off her moment of stupidity, she picked the sword up and off of the wall mount it was rested on when her hand jerked down by the sudden weight. ”Oh... it’s pretty heavy, apparently. Oh well, the more fun to use.”

    Giving a shrug, she heard a sudden howling. Her attention aimed up to the floor above when she remembered Solomon was left alone. Suddenly, a strange, large object was thrown into the hole that the trophy room had been. Crashing down was a severely clawed and bloodied Chimera. It took no time after seeing what damage Solomon could do that she jumped up, using her free hand to clutch to the broken tiled floor and pulling herself up. Once she had gotten up onto the floor, the summon and the other two chimera had a small standoff, but they didn’t notice her yet. That was perfect for her. Cersei simply moved enough for her partner to notice before giving a nod. Not sure if he truly noticed, she wanted to believe he just didn’t want to give it away and she jumped at the chance for her surprise attack. The Oni swung from above as her body descended to the ground and managed to hit a clean shot to the neck of the beastly creature and remove its head clean before the whole body set ablaze suddenly.

    As she landed to the ground, the last one made an attempt on Cersei for its comrades revenge when it was ambushed by a harsh body check into the wall by the werewolf. With that, it seemed to have dropped down, though not dead, it was enough for the moment. ”You bitch!” A shout cried out. In a swift reaction, the summoner swung her newly acquired weapon along the ground and a wall of fire had shot from the ground. A blast of a spell colliding with it had her flinching with one arm shielding her head, but quickly recovered seeing it was reduced to ashes by the flames. She and Solomon looked good her weapon and that prior warm feeling lit a fire inside of her. The flickering of flames in her eyes lit up and astounded the demon hunter, who didn’t say much of a word as he was in as much shock as his summoner was.

    A grin formed on her face as she could imagine the types of things that could be done with this weapon. ”Kay then, guess I should break this bad boy in! Rest up, Sol. You did so much for me today. I really appreciate you working with me.” She shot him a smile, moving her eyes from the sword. With just a nod, he let her return to the action she was ready to go for. Putting her strength into her feet for this, she pushed herself off of the ground in a similar fashion to the werewolf’s, but it left a sort of faded, spectral copy of her several times in the same moment. As her sword raised high, flames poured out from the hilt of the blade, ceiling the length of the weapon with the fire before she swung. The fire covered sword once making contact with the barrier like she’d made before, spread with incredible speed. It covered the whole shield before it shattered like glass, leaving only a dome of flames to crash down onto the object of her anger and past suffering.

    A loud shriek left the flames as a human figure flailed in pain before it dropped to the ground. With the flames extinguishing quickly, the remains were charred and beyond recognition, but one thing left the air a portal had opened below the Oni. A nightmare induced cackle of the cat demon. Did.. did she survive it somehow?Falling through the portal by force, Solomon tried to run after, but the summoner quickly forced him back to the void, wanting to for his own safety. But where would Cersei land this time? The better she had to ask was if who she hit wasn’t actually the cat demon she was trying to get rid of, then just who was it? Did she replace a maid she tricked and got her killed? It.. it was hard to tell, but if that was the case, than she would hope the girl didn’t suffer anymore. At least... now she wouldn’t have to continue doing so.

    3505/3500 words


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