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    A minor setback


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Guildless
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    Experience : 4,575

    A minor setback Empty A minor setback

    Post by Kuro 6th July 2019, 2:45 am

    Kuro Guildless C-Rank

    Finally back at Eagle’s Rest. It has been a while since the girl was able to return home, check up on her sister. But the wait was well worth it, as today was a bit of a special day. The Bakeneko had completed her research and was now confident enough in her magic to finally perform the augmented awakening ritual, after all. A smiled donned her face, the joy in her heart so great that she could not even really feel the cold snow falling down onto her body, nor hear the crunches as she slowly walked on the white blanket of snow covering the outer area of the fort.

    There was only one single glance at the vast expanse of the land beneath the mountains, smaller human settlements dotting the scenery. She paid it little attention, for surely she would have plenty of time to take it all in along with Shiro once she wakes up. She was almost gleeful, something rather unusual for this particular yōkai. The stone entrance opened with surprising ease as the girl slid into the much warmer and cozier interior, swiftly having the door lock up behind her. All was still as she had left it. The fort was still a safe sanctuary.

    The process of preparing everything was a bit longer than expected, but if it all was for Kurome’s sister, then it was absolutely necessary. Candles placed in the corner of a black magical circle, one drawn in black chalk. Intricate design making it look almost like a piece of art. And finally, the one to be fully awakened in the middle. Kuro took great care when taking hold of her sister’s lifeless body, still perfectly preserved, and carrying it downstairs to the circle. A task that proved quite a challenge given how physically feeble the black cat was.

    Though, this much was nothing in comparison to her taking that body across the entire nation and even the sea before she had taken control of this place. After a bit, the snow-haired sleeping beauty was finally in place and everything was ready. Not even able to contain herself and eager to start, Kurome would kneel in front of the magical circle and start feeding it magic while chanting in a language that would not be understood in these lands. Even her normally purely crimson eyes turned green as sparks of magical energy surrounded them.

    And at last, a bright light peered out of the dead girl’s chest, hungry for something - drawing something in. A soul, Shirome’s soul that had departed oh so long ago. It was a brilliant sight to behold, at least for someone who has been waiting for this moment all this time. Finally, the soul reentered the body that it once occupied and silent spread across the room. Slowly, Shiro opened her eyes. The blue and golden optics that stared right on ahead. “Sister dearest, you’re finally awake! Oh, I have been waiting for so long, sister!

    There was an obvious excitement in the black cat’s voice as she placed her hands on her sister’s shoulders and shook her a bit. However, there was no response. Her eyes opened but did not even look at the one who revived her. Something was wrong, Kurome quickly realized that as her wide smile slowly faded, replaced by frustration and fear. “Sister..? Why are you not saying anything? Why are you not looking at me? Come on, get up… let us be together again… sister…” But there was nothing at all. No reaction or a single word uttered, only the muffled sound of cold wind blowing from outside.

    Kurome’s eyes would suddenly glow red and several veins of pulsing magical energy spread across her cheeks. An ability that allowed her to see souls and life energy. Everything seemed fine. Shirome’s soul was indeed back in her body and life energy was coursing through it. So why was she not moving at all?! Her body was perfectly preserved so there was no way her brain would be damaged either! But then it hit her, the black cat getting back up and stumbling as she covered her face with one hand and laughed.

    Don’t tell me… is it because of who we are? Did I really take too long?” Bodies of yōkai were different from humans or even demons. While other mortal races had their bodies consist of purely physical matter, those of yōkai were half physical and half spiritual. The physicality was still there, but the spiritual energy of Shiro must have eroded away in time, despite the preservation balm and enchantments. However, that was not the end of the road. It was not something that would make Kurome give up on bringing her sister back to life, not at all.

    Then… I simply have to restore the spiritual energies of the body. Don’t worry my dearest sister, I will make you all better! For now… rest a little bit longer.” Extending her hand and performing a quick gesture, the soul of Shirome was suddenly ripped out of her body again. A small pure white orb that beamed with life. An intact soul of her sister. Kurome did not hesitate with putting it into the small wooden box - the soul chamber she had retrieved from her home island. She didn’t expect she’d find a use for the artifact so soon - one that allowed for perfect preservation of a soul, as well as manipulation with it.

    The body laid lifeless once again, so the black cat would bring it upstairs and lay it on the bed once more. Today appeared to be a failure, but at least the girl knew what she had to do next. Yes, it was actually quite simple. Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Happiness. Those were the four primary aspects of the soul. She only had to kill people or beings while they were feeling these emotions and harvest their souls for spiritual energy.

    She would probably also need a bit of divine energy to offset everything as well. This would be a bigger problem, though the necromancer was sure she would find a way to solve it soon enough. Preparing her gear, she would leave her sister in the care of this fort once again as she prepared to leave, giving one last glance to the bright soul that rested in the chamber before disappearing through the front door. From this point on, she needed to slaughter others to gather their essence. There was no need to be discreet anymore. A wide smile spread across her face as she departed.

    Word Count: 1,103 / 1,000
    Tags: @Solo


    Props to Ivyleaf33

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