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    Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda]

    Noah Springfield
    Noah Springfield

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 27
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Energy Magic
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    Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda] Empty Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda]

    Post by Noah Springfield 4th March 2019, 8:50 pm

    Job Quest:

    A mid afternoon over cast of dark dense clouds creeped across the blue sky. The sun light only shining through lesser clouded areas within the sky. It was getting close to the end of the cold season, so the tree branches surrounding the village were starting to grow their new set of leaves to begin the coming of spring. The village was very well maintained for how distant it was from other towns. From aerial view, one would immediately take notice of the four wide mossy stone covered roads that all meet in one large intersection at the center of the village. The tall stone walled buildings had vines run along side their surfaces, it was a nice touch of nature meeting with human architecture. Anyone looking to retire and live the rest of their days in silence and peace would fit perfectly here, thoughts in which Noah had come across while walking along side the wide street, at least until he started to notice the visible damage to the structures on the same side of the street as the mage. Fence posts snapped to pieces, vegetable gardens uprooted. These were just minor compared to the more violent damages seen ahead of the mages visuals. Large gaping holes in some of the larger building, mainly building which held large quantities of food, such as restaurants or bakeries. While examining the property damage, Noah found a rather large fist imprint on some of the structure's surfaces. Cracks running outward through the wall, originating from the source of impact where the large knuckle print was made.

    The mage's shaded Prussian blue hues scanned the extent of the damage of the buildings beside him. Slowly Noah moved his right hand against the side of his head, gently scratching the surface while mumbling to himself quietly. "Jeez, this is a lot worse than what the job description mentioned. I wonder if this is actually going to be more than I can handle?" The mage said this more out of curiosity to how he was going to stop the primates and bring peace back to the troubled village. Though this thought started to be clouded over a more curious question he had lingering for a while. The mage in which would accompany him on this mission. He already was notified when accepting the mission a day previously of arriving to the village that a mage from another guild would journey with him to the spooky forest where the vulcan were last spotted. His eye brows slanted down while smirking gently to the thought of what this mage could be capable of. "This might not be that bad after all. . I can try and measure up my skills against them if they're willing to spar for a couple of rounds. Heheh. . man this is getting me pumped just by thinking about it!" Noah clinched both of his fists tightly while thoughtlessly speaking out loud.

    This however was a short lived day dream, a sudden scream from a younger child was heard across the massive stone street. Both of Noah's eye brows lifted up in question as to what was the sudden burst of noise. Turning his head to the left, his visuals locked onto two individuals, a young blonde haired child on the ground with tears running down his face, while the other was more of an adult in his late 20's with black hair. His cheeks were flustered, his words started to slur at parts of his sentences. Anyone could tell he clearly was intoxicated. The adult began yelling rather aggressively at the child who was sitting on the floor, screaming in tears. "You little bastard! I know you took vegetables from my yard! Don't go shhhtealing other peoples shhtuuuuf just because the vulcan came to your house and stole all of yours! If I ever see you sneakin around my yard again, you're going to find yourself in a mess boy!" The child retaliated with a shout of his own, screaming in response to the man tormenting him. "I only crossed the fence to get my cat in your yard! I didn't take your rotten vegetables!" The drunken villager gritted his teeth at the young boy, a vein popping along side his head in anger. "Tch! Why you little. . !" moving his right leg back, the villager swung forward his leg to kick the young child in the stomach. The child jerking back a bit from the hit, he held his stomach in his arms. The kid leaned down and began coughing from the hit. Noah's eye brows slanted down suddenly, his lips starting to frown slightly from the stern look his facial expression gave. The small crowds of people who were around during the incident either looked away or kept walking as if the actions being made were nonexistent. Noah saw the looks on the locals faces, no one had the heart to intervene. He knew now if he wouldn't do anything, this child would continue to be abused, he couldn't bring himself to just sit back and ignore it. His mind was made up, he decided to walk towards the center of the road where the incident was taking place, beginning to approach the adult from his left side.

    WC: 880.


    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

    Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 32
    Experience : 925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flare Ball
    Second Skill: Fire Power
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    Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda] Empty Re: Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda]

    Post by Ilda Nora 5th March 2019, 7:43 pm

    1322/3000 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    While Ilda new there was a great deal of strife in the villages being pilfered by vulcans, she didn't realize until that moment just how bad things had gotten. Seeing an adult raise an argument and even use force on a child wasn't new behavior, but that didn't make it acceptable- especially to Ilda.

    She came closer to see the scene firsthand, slowly getting closer until she was merely a few meters away from him. Seeing how it was overcast and she could smell alcohol on his person, Ilda couldn't imagine just how lonely the older fellow really was inside. that made his actions that much weirder, and no more dismissive than they ever were- not at all.

    "I'd recommend you stop right there buddy," The red-head chimed with a haughty tone. "You're seeming a little blind. To what you're doing, at any rate. You ought to know it's not kids but vulcans that have been causing you trouble. So really, why do you feel a need to pick on someone half your size?"

    She held her bat as if playing softball, encouraged by her rage to whack the man upside the head. However, the closer she got, the more intimidated he was. She had a few inches more than him in height, and a physical weapon. There was no way in his mind he could get away with this easily.

    Letting out a deep sigh as the man scurried away, Ilda shouted out loud, "Someone see this guy home and get the cops to meet you there." crouching down, she made herself as close to the injured child's level as possible. It was mostly superficial wounds. "Say, kiddo, watch this." She calmly held her bat into the air and called out a spell she thought would be less damaging and more entertaining- mostly because she knew she was bad at entertainment from previous jobs.

    "Fictisol!" As she called it out, a bright orb appeared near her bat, which she hit to go upwards towards the sky. "A mini sun just for you. Let's dry those tears, okay?" Soon enough, the child's mother came towards her, showing thanks. Ilda bashfully accepted before turning towards someone that had been walking out from the crowd around the time she did.

    "But you have to thank him too. I can guess by your intent on helping you know more about what's happening than some of the villagers do, like that old drunk. Are you here to hunt the vulcans too?" She had her head focused on the child, but was staring with peripheral vision at the tall, dark haired man closing in on the scene.
    I hope I didn't rush this part too much... it just flowed in my head. | @Noah Springfield


    Noah Springfield
    Noah Springfield

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 27
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Energy Magic
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    Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda] Empty Re: Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda]

    Post by Noah Springfield 12th March 2019, 7:19 pm

    His stern gaze never left the intoxicated man's posture, until his movements were suddenly halted by the intervention of another civilian. Noah's eyes glanced over towards the fiery red headed woman who approached the scene first. He watched as the sassy woman mouthed off to the man for his unjustified actions. Losing some of the tension from his face, his mouth slowly forming into a smile because of the guts it took for somebody such as her to stand against these type of people. Noah knew she was strong in personality, she had spunk and her actions backed it up with her wielding the baseball bat in her hands. He could tell the drunken man was getting infuriated, but ultimately her attitude and her weapon intimidated the man enough for him to back off from the woman and the young child. Noah gently laughing to himself while watching the man flee the scene. Focusing his attention back to the red head, his eyes widening quickly from watching smack the magic orb into the sky.

    An uncontrollable excitement jolted through his body, Noah's eye started to glow a light blue color around his pupils. Beginning to walk towards her, he fixated his attention onto her to examine closely. He saw the woman's magical power flow through out body, her magic gave a fiery bright appearance Though he noticed a rather odd flux in her magic aura, around where she wore her her gloves, her aura around that specific area pulsated different tones of brightness in her magical aura. Noah could tell that her magic power was stronger than his, it simply ran a tingling sensation up his spine in anticipation for the extent of her magical abilities. He was puzzled as to why this sequence flux in magical aura, but he didn't pay it any mind for the time being. Now approaching her, he watched her consult the mother and child while hearing her comment about hunting the vulcans. His face perked up in joy as he was now certain this was the other mage who would accompany him.

    "I'm glad to see there are still some people left on this world who got enough guts to step up to idiots like that. Not too many people are willing to go that far these days." The glow that was once illuminating in his iris soon faded away, inserting his right hand into his right pocket hole to his pants, he pulled out a folded up paper. Quickly unfolding it, the paper revealed a job quest form of the impending vulcan harassment, handing it to her. "The name is Noah, Noah Springfield! Pleasure to work with ya! You seem to sorta know what is happening here already, which means you must be the mage that was assigned to me on this mission! And uh. . well as you can tell, the locals around here are starting to get quite defensive with one another. I am not entirely sure just yet, but I think they're getting anxious from all vulcan activity. I mean just look at some of the damages here. . it's like their little schemes for snatching food from the villagers is becoming more violent." Noah's left hand pressed against the side of his head, gently caressing it's surface after his explanation. His head turning towards the damaged buildings he saw earlier, he couldn't let the thought leave his head on how excessive the damages were village structures took over a vulcan raid. To Noah, this was a small sign of progressive violence from the creatures, it wasn't about the some theft of food, the damages somewhat resembled actual acts of installing fear into their victims. His head turned back to the red headed mage to bring his attention towards her. "That's all I can really say on the matter right now, not too sure about you but I get the feeling they'll be more aggressive, just look at the left over damages, it's violent and excessive for just trying to steal some food."

    WC: 669


    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

    Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 176
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Experience : 925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flare Ball
    Second Skill: Fire Power
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    Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda] Empty Re: Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda]

    Post by Ilda Nora 13th March 2019, 4:04 pm

    2271/3000 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    When the man handed over a job paper, she took a close look at it. Suddenly digging into her pocket, she unfolded a similar page and held it out to let him take a look. "I was immediately intrigued by it, so I took it. Vulcans do cause trouble once in a while, but the extent that was detailed, as well as what we can see here... This isn't normal. Something's gone awry."

    Suddenly, etiquette came into play, with the young man introducing himself after confirming he was in fact there for the same reason as she was. "The name's Ilda, Ilda Nora. Looks like we've got the same goal, huh?" She offered a hand to shake, eyeing her gloves to make sure they were on properly in the process. When she confirmed it, she gave a toothy grin.

    "Well, let's get to work, huh Noah? I think the best way to start is to find their nest." She seemed to look for someone not there, a slight darkness taking her face. "I wonder if I should've brought Vanna... She's better with all that tactical stuff than I am." She returned her gaze to Noah. "You good with observations? Usually my pet fox keeps an eye out for me, but today I'll be needing you to have my six. Ah, but don't worry, I'll have yours too."

    Without asking, Ilda wandered to one of the more sane villagers and got directions to where the assumed nest would be, causing her to wave towards Noah to follow her. "The sooner we find the nest, the sooner we'll figure out what the heck is wrong with those things making them like this."
    Sorry if it's not much. But, I think we'll get to some fun stuff soon, don't you? @Noah Springfield


    Noah Springfield
    Noah Springfield

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 27
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Energy Magic
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    Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda] Empty Re: Strange Vulcan! (Part 1) [Job/Ilda]

    Post by Noah Springfield 19th March 2019, 6:36 am

    His eyes moved from side to side in scanning the contents of the paper she revealed to him. His eyes motioning to the hand she extended out for the greeting, reaching his own hand to firmly grip  it onto hers in a friendly handshake. His eyes blinked at the female who started to motion her head from side to side as if she was looking for something in particular. Once she uttered her companions name and their role for missions, Noah made a small smirk towards Ilda confidently. "Well, if it's about incoming enemies or attacks, no need to worry about a thing! I can fill in the shoes for your partner there! I can sense enemies or attacks from a reasonable range so as long as you're not too far away I got your back! Though I agree, let's find their nest so we can come up with a plan to deal with them." His eyes followed the red headed woman to a local villager standing near by, seeing Ilda wave him over, he decided to motion his way towards her. Upon arriving, he over heard mid-conversation of Ilda already gathering information from the villager, the young man pointing in the south direction of the area. "We've seen the lot of them running towards that direction after every raid they've done, we believe their resting grounds is to the south of the Spooky Forest."

    Noah's head quickly turning to the direction that the villager pointed towards, suddenly sprinting down the giant road in that same direction. Turning his head back to shout to Ilda. "Hey Ilda! Let's hurry! We gotta find out where these guys are at before the sun sets, wouldn't want to fight them in the dark!" His sights now paying attention to what was in front of him, he sprinted out from the village territory to the open field, the dense tree-lines were noticeable from just off the distance. Approaching this new terrain of crowded trees and, Noah came to a sudden halt in his sprinting, his black boots grinding against the dirt ground to assist his complete stop to wait for Ilda. The forest was was dark and dreary due to the lack of sun light, not that much sun would be able to pierce through the thick branches of the trees. Vines were laid out all over the tree trunks, even extending from tree branch to tree branch. Different noises echoed through the forest from the wild life which resided in the area. Noah closed his eyes for just a couple of seconds, reopening his eye lids as both of his Prussian blue colored eyes began sparkling bright colors of a blue light which consumed his iris. His seemed to scan surroundings of the two mages, the bright blue colors to his eyes soon fading in luminosity. Turning his head to Ilda, he began to slowly walk into the deeper portions of the forest, moving the vines that were hanging from the branches from out his way.

    "Hmm. . not sensing anything that really stands out to me. . it'll be easy to spot these guys with my magic since i'm sure they're all together. I'll let you know if I pick something up so we can think of how we want to deal with this mess. . oh! Which reminds me, that magic you used earlier in the village. What type of magic was that anyway? I've only ever seen people fire their magic off like that from their weapon, not actually hitting it with the weapon itself!" Noah gazed at the woman with curiosity, he was always interested in the different types of magic in the world, though this was also a good chance in getting to know who he is working with.

    WC: 632
    Total WC: 2928


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