Fairy Tail RP

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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Lichborne 16th December 2012, 6:33 pm

    Everyone is their main character except baby form. (Think Baby Looney Tunes, Baby X-Men, Drawn Together Babies, etc...) It's just for fun, we're at a park with our baby sitter or something. Scene!


    12/2/12 [04:21:52] @ Zeno : I will not expose my back to backstabbing

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Alye 16th December 2012, 6:41 pm


    Alye looked around, clutching her little snow-man tightly. She didn't know who anyone here, for this was her first time in this baby-sitting group. The babysitter seemed nice enough, but Alye wasn't so sure. The kids around her were all different too. This was a lot to get used to for the little girl. Goodness knows how she would do it. With a deep breath, the girl began to walk forward, towards the group of kids, holding onto her teddy even tighter.


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG VzaWKfF
    Kyo Shijou
    Kyo Shijou

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Kyo Shijou 16th December 2012, 6:54 pm

    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Hetalia-Greece

    Kyo stood behind everyone with his face buried in his kitty plushy. The young brunette was really shy about meeting new people. Mommy and Daddy said it would be great for his people skills, but he didn't agree. The little boy sat by a tree pouting as he petted his stuff kitten. "Stupid daddy for making me come here. Stupid mommy for going along with daddy." He said to himself as he started to tear up. The young kid was thinking of the worst scenarios that all ended with him being left at the park and never seeing his family again. Kyo buried his face deeper into his plushy.

    Last edited by Kyo Shijou on 16th December 2012, 7:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Kyo10

    Exp: 170
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Takai 16th December 2012, 7:07 pm


    Running around on the play ground with his arms wide open and a big smile on his face, Takai trips accidentally and lands on his face. Tears form up in his eyes as he sniffles just a little, "no I'm not going to cry." He sniffs again holding back his tears before standing up and wiping his face with his sleeve. "There all better," He said smiling as he continued to run around acting like he was an airplane. Little feet hitting the ground with the lightest of noise as he saw the two others that had come to play. Arms spread still wide, Takai did a banking turn while making the engine sound of an airplane stopping just in front of the little girl with the snow man. "Hey, I'm Takai," there was a wide smile on his face as he dropped his arms and held a hand out to her, "want to go play?"


    Takai Sakage / Takai's Magic / Takai's Weapon

    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Emilia Hawke 16th December 2012, 7:15 pm


    Gellidus had decided that Reiki needed to be around other kids instead of just a dragon constantly. He flew Reiki over to where he'd be all day. It was a babysitting service in a park. Reiki didn't want to go at all, but Gellidus told him he wouldn't learn any more magic if he didn't go, so Reiki really had no choice in the matter. Plus, Gellidus had gotten him flavored ice to loosen Reiki's mood of not wanting to attend.

    Reiki walked towards the group of other children, licking his flavored ice that he had received. His thoughts were at first on if anyone would fight him or not. Reiki loved to test how strong his magic was, another reason Gellidus wanted a break from him. He then looked over and saw a girl with white hair clutching a teddy bear nervously. Reiki's face turned red as he walked forward. He found the person he wanted to talk to first. He saw another boy walk over to her. He furrowed his brow and proceeded to lick his ice before walking over towards them.


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG 471 Baby Fairy Tail RPG H05POqb Baby Fairy Tail RPG 471

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
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    Guild : Oblivion Alliance/Savage Skulls
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    Age : 31
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    Second Skill: Death Magic
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Lichborne 16th December 2012, 7:18 pm


    Lichborne arrived at his park once again to be surprised as a bunch of new kids were there today. He was excited as he was known as the leader of the park and all the kids feared and served him. He ran up ahead of his babysitter and climbed to the top of the jungle gym and began to shout out. "Welcome! You have entered into The Lichborne's park. You are new so I will give you your introduction. I am the leader of this park and you will all bow down to me... or you will have your very souls stolen from their bodies!" Otherworldly energies began to swirl around him as he made a closed fist but he lost balance and ended up falling into the sandbox. He stood back up and dusted himself off, raised his arms out to his sides and just said "Sup."


    12/2/12 [04:21:52] @ Zeno : I will not expose my back to backstabbing

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Alye 16th December 2012, 9:44 pm

    As the little girl walked forward, she noticed someone, a boy specifically, running around and pretending to be a airplane. Alye blinked her bright crystal blue eyes. That looked kind of fun. Alye could feel the wind pulsing around him. That felt..right. As the boy that was acting like a airplane went over to her, she pulled her snowman up to her chest, it's soft white head pressed over her mouth and covering her nose. When the boy introduced himself, the girl's blue eyes cast downward. She was deathly shy. The only person she ever talked to were her parents. And they were in Magnolia for business..

    "H-Hi..I'm Alye", the child said faintly. AS she noticed he had stuck out his hand, she looked down at it and relinquished one arm from her snowman and shook his with her soft blue-gloved hand. Alye released his hand as she noticed someone far off by a tree and then other boy eating..ice. The girl blinked at him confusedly but her attention was grabbed once more as another boy in..armor climbed onto the jungle gym and began dribbling non sense. Alye didn't say anything while he talked. She just noted that he sounded grumpy. Maybe he didn't have a good nap? Her only reaction was a quiet and cute giggle that slipped from her lips as Lichborne fell.


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG VzaWKfF

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Isamu 16th December 2012, 10:23 pm

    (minus the cat ears and tail)

    Hisashi Isamu was in the park, drinking a bottle of milk instead of his soon to come bottle of beer. He drank bottle after bottle after bottle, burping loudly after each sip. He had been sitting on the ground with his back faced towards Lichborne as he had no idea that he was there. He soon got bored and thus got up. He looked at the unfamiliar faces he saw all around him as he kept sipping on another bottle of milk. He saw the "leader" of the park fall down and he laughed out loud. The laugh was interrupted by another burp, one so loud that it knocked him off his feet to make him land on his bum a few feet back. He then started crying.
    Kyo Shijou
    Kyo Shijou

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Kyo Shijou 17th December 2012, 7:14 am

    Kyo heard a voice of another kid making him look up. The kid was standing on top of the jungle gym announcing the he was the leader. The brunette child laughed at the boy as he fell off the object and into the sand below. Kyo stood up from by the tree drying his eyes while he made his way over to the group of children. He noticed they were very different from himself. There was a boy and girl talking to each other over to the side. The boy was asking the girl something as she looked down and answered back. She took his hand and shook it while another boy was making his way towards them. Kyo decided to join the group by walking up to them.

    When Kyo made it over, he wore a big smile and tilted his head. "Hi! I'm Kyo! I hope we can be friends!" He said quickly before his shyness took back over and he buried his face in the kitty plushy he was holding. "A-And this is Sebastian..... He's my best friend....." He said quietly referring to the plushy in his arms.


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Kyo10

    Exp: 170
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    Mission in progress: N/A

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Takai 17th December 2012, 8:54 am

    Takai grinned at the shy girl as she gave him her name, acting all cute as she hid behind her plushy. Her tiny gloved hand gripped his in a soft shake and Takai just looked back at her confused. "Your not suppose to shake it silly," He grinned as he picked up her hand back into his, "it suppose to be like this so I can show you where to go." About to lead her to the swing set, Takai stopped in place as he watched a strange kid in armor stand up on top of the jungle gym. He looked pretty silly declaring his supremacy over all the playground kids like that. When he fell down though, Takai laughed quietly as he continued to hold Alye's hand, "He's silly don't you think."

    The dark cloak around his shoulder's hung open plainly to see his dark blue pants and Magic Hero t-shirt. Just about the time that Takai was about to pull Alye to the swings with him, another boy with a pink kitty plushy walked to them with a shy look on his face. Standing still with Alye's hand still in his own, Takai listened to the boy introduce himself and his toy kitten. "Heya Kyo, I'm Takai," He pointed to the swings nearby and smiled wide, "you and Sebastian can come play with us if you want." Without waiting any longer, the young dark haired boy, pulled his new friend over to the swings with him.


    Takai Sakage / Takai's Magic / Takai's Weapon


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Shard 17th December 2012, 3:24 pm


    Though no-one had noticed it so far someone else was in the park. He was over by a tree and was punching it for some reason. He had short blonde hair, wore goggles, a blue t-shirt and green pants. He had on some black shoes and gloves to. In his mouth was a candy cigarette and on his back, rather than his spear that he would have when he was older, was a giant banana. Why? Gods only knew. At first it looked like he was just punching the tree, but he was punching and kicking and trying other movements. Strange for a small child, but even as a child Marros wanted to be a mage and a fighter.

    He was ignoring all the other children because he was a loner even at that age and all of the children he'd seen so far were boys. He didn't talk to boys unless he had to. He liked girls more. His ears had perked up at the sound of someone issuing some commands. Leader of the park? So if Marros beat him...he'd be the best. However, the kid soon fell over and the smile that had temporarily lit up Marros' features faded. Just a buffoon and nothing more. However, he also noticed a cute looking girl with snow-man toy and ran over to join the group.

    "I'm Marros." he said with a grin. This grin was directed entirely at Alye.


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Baby Fairy Tail RPG HqzsHuT

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by godslayer 17th December 2012, 4:36 pm


    Young Enma Kozato appeared at the park, nervous but excited at the same time. His brother, Silver had dropped him off as he was going day mage trip, and Enma was too young. "When will you be back?" Enma asked with his big, onyx eyes. "In about a few hours, Enma..." HIs brother said with a smile. Enma nodded, and his brther shocked him, which is pretty much a tickle between the two lightning mages. Enma only knew how to make words in lightning on his fingers, but that was enough. He waved to his brother, makeing the word 'bye' appeared on his fingers, and his brother did it back. He saw a group of kids, and ran over to them. He saw a blonde boy, with a banana and Enma tagged him as a fool. He saw the blonde man grin, especially at the girl with the crystal blue eyes. She was beautiful, and Enma felt anger towards the blonde hair kid, supposedly named Marros. Putting on his 'cool kid' persona, Enma walked over and said, "I'm Enma; a lightning mage." He said with a smirk, makeing the words "Hi" appear on his finger tips, hoping to impress the girl.


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Y8tpfXT
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Emilia Hawke 17th December 2012, 7:48 pm

    Reiki stopped, his flavored ice hanging from his mouth, as he tilted his head and looked at the girl. She seemed to become extremely popular with everyone else in the park at the moment. Normally, Reiki would have rushed all the other kids and try to beat them down. However, he was enjoying his strawberry ice far too much to care at the moment. He turned over to the jungle gym, noticing a strange boy in armor yelling and falling off onto his butt. Reiki took interest, and walked over to him.

    Once he got to the strange boy, he simply stood there staring at him in wonder, his head tilted to the right as he slowly chipped away at his strawberry ice. He didn't say a word to the boy, just stared at him with big round eyes.


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG 471 Baby Fairy Tail RPG H05POqb Baby Fairy Tail RPG 471

    3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by FalconZX 17th December 2012, 9:36 pm

    Amidst all the 'fun' the children were having, one boy, named Nanashi, sits alone on a swing on one corner of the park. He just sits there, watching, observing them, while winding up a white toy rabbit. He then set the mechanical bunny down, and it started hopping around the boy's foot.

    "They sure are quite lively. Aren't they, Kyuuri?" Nanashi said, addressing the toy in front of him. He kicked on the ground to swing a bit.

    "Why don't you join them?" a small, squeaky voice asked.

    "I prefer not to." Nanashi replied.

    "Why not?"

    "I just don't feel like doing so."

    "So, you'll just stay here?"

    "And just watch them."

    "...wind me up."

    Nanashi picked up Kyuuri, wound her up again, and let her jump around once more.


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Falcon_s_signature1_by_blancwhiteheart-d661094

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Alye 20th December 2012, 9:02 am

    Alye, who blushed a tad as the other boy named Takai took her hand once more and called her silly, looked around as various other boys came over to the two of them and told her hello. She waved timidly to each of them and clutched her snowman just a tad bit tighter. There were so many people around her..they were so close, and she felt like she had no where to go. A overwhelming fear pressed over the girl as a chilly wind whipped over the playground. All of a sudden, Alye's little hood flew off of her head, releasing her long white hair as she flew into the air when she sneezed gently. A burst of wind magic left her as she flew backwards and skirted to a halt in the sand box, her landing seeming not to faze her at all. She simply sniffled and said. "Excuse me".


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG VzaWKfF

    Emotional Tempest 1

    Emotional Tempest 1

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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Zeno 20th December 2012, 9:37 am

    OOC: This must be the cutest thread ever.


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Zeno1_by_gramcrackers-d7l4bjh
    Kyo Shijou
    Kyo Shijou

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Kyo Shijou 20th December 2012, 2:21 pm

    Kyo tilted his head as the girl sneezed and flew back. He watched as she composed herself and shook his head. The brunette boy looked around at all the kids then started to feel intimidated himself. He walked away from the group of kids sitting back at the tree. He didn't want to play with any of them anymore. The child started to glow as he buried his face into his cat. He really wished his eldest brother was there with him, but he wasn't and Kyo was all alone with people he didn't know. He didn't like these kids. None of them had a lot of money like him so he knew they wouldn't get along. Since other kids didn't like him because he had a lot of money, they tended to pick on him and tried to take his cat mostly. It made he fear people and shun them before they made fun of him.


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Kyo10

    Exp: 170
    Mission completed: 2 D rank, 3 C rank
    Mission in progress: N/A

    The Undefined Formula

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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by TacticalFallacy 29th December 2012, 8:55 am

    Aldous Focusine did not know where he was. As the little boy cycled near the park on his bicycle, he inexplicably felt his arms stiffening and his pedaling legs almost ripping their tendons to halt as his tongue suddenly tasted the sweetness of the air. Lovely innocent air. It refreshed him, being able to find a place of child-like solace and serenity, far away from the frustrating labyrinthian mysteries of the adult world. Convinced he must take a look, he stopped just at the fenced border of the little children's paradise. He had long forgotten how to be a child, given the path he took and the miseries he had endured as a result. His eyes, already on the verge of hardening to the state that they will be equivalent to a famished wolf's on the prowl, softened by the slightest of degrees upon sight of the heart-warming group of children just under his age gathering together into a tight circle of cuteness and innocence. Most of them were boys, ranging from rambunctious, to cheeky, to unusual if you can call a boy wearing a full set of armor unusual.

    In the middle of them and logically in the centre of attention, was a single little girl. Fascinatingly beautiful, with her crystal blue eyes and silvery-white hair. There was little doubt she had obviously caught the hearts of some of the guys, as each of them tried in their own childishly obnoxious ways to impress her. Aldous could not help but smile at it and even had a guffaw escape his teeth at the sight of the girl sneezing herself up into the air. Even though he knew instinctively someday that wind magic will become burdensome for her when she grows up, his mind reasoned that it would not hurt to just find a little humor in such situations.

    Despite her beauty, however, Aldous was not entranced or enraptured by the little girl. He was more interested in the one just staying out of group, sitting with his face buried into the soft fur of what Aldous could see to be a cat. The way the boy isolated himself from the rest, finding peace in his own solitude, just captured Aldous' interest. Getting off his bicycle, Aldous pulled it along as he quietly approached the lonely brunette, his face remaining straight and calm.


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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Chibiki 7th April 2013, 4:18 pm


    Nisezo was not excited about being babysit with others children like himself. The child growled, barked, and snarled all the way to the park. His parents weren't having it though, they ordered him to be silent as the exchanged pleasantries with the baby sitter. He scanned the grounds with his violet eyes before it landed on a group of kids. He made his way over to the kids before frowning. They were ignoring him! He couldn't stand for this and decided to that things into his own hands. Mama and Papa always said I needed to make friends. He thought to himself as he grabbed the boy wearing the helmet and the white haired girl by the wrists. He proceed to drag them away from everyone else. "You two are gonna be my friends from now until we die." He said with a frown on his face.
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

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    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Empty Re: Baby Fairy Tail RPG

    Post by Daemon Spade 5th May 2013, 2:52 pm


    Occ : I know the pick is kinda crappy but imagine Daemon without his metal arm big silver eyes and short spikey black hair .

    Daemon wondered around the park scare and lost as a flock of animals slowly began to fallow him. Seeing the animals behind him Daemon quickened his pace and started to cry. "MOMMY HELPP!" He shouted as he ran over to a large beautiful sivler wolf who smiled gently and pulled Daemon close to her chest with her paw as Daemon nuzzled against her fur the flock of animals stoppe dead in their tracks as two small siler wolf pups keep running until they are met with thei mothers glare.


    Baby Fairy Tail RPG 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Baby Fairy Tail RPG Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:18 pm