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    Brain Freeze!


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    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Brain Freeze! Empty Brain Freeze!

    Post by Gaia 5th June 2018, 8:04 pm

    Job Title: Brain Freeze!

    Rank: C

    Player Requirements: C rank, or at least 2 D rank

    Job Requirements: Minimum wordcount of 2,500 words. Must at least defeat boss.

    Job Location: Anywhere you want!

    Job Description: While visiting the local ice cream parlor, you’ll hear either a regular customer who goes there nearly every day, or a worker , talking about an unruly customer they had the past week that tried to find everything and anything wrong with their order that was never messed up to begin with. The worker or customer will tell you about how the unruly customer had vowed to take revenge on the shop, but hasn’t done anything, and only thinks that it was nothing to worry about. Soon after that is said, it suddenly begins to snow blue snow out of the blue.

    Weak: Optional; Small Children! Watch out! These small children are being affected by the snow! Apparently, it has the ability to control the minds of non-magical beings who were outside of the building! They seem to be zombified into going after anyone who doesn’t act like them with wanting to give them ice cream immediately! You would do best to not hurt these darlings as their mothers are not too far behind them. They will claw D rank damage at you, and the workers inside the parlor, till you give them ice cream, unless you can subdue them another way without harming them.

    Normal: Optional; Small Children’s Parents! You best be nice to the children, or else their parents will come out after you next. They seem to be slightly affected by the snow as well, in the form of having their rage amped up. They’ll rant and rave at you for touching their children if you touch them. They will deal .7 C rank damage in the form of slaps, claws, punches, or even smacks with their purses or umbrellas. Same as with the children, the parents are just innocent civilians and shouldn’t be harmed, or at least not killed. It’s best to try to subdue them too.

    Strong: Ice Cream Men… x2 You’ve heard of snowmen… but what about snowmen made of ice cream? What about life-sized ones that don’t look to happy and are able to move around what at least seems like their own and want to attack the ice cream parlor? These frozen sweet treat giants will attack you, and the shop, with ice cream cone canons in their arms that deal C rank damage each with their ice cream cone missiles. Each of them only have 100 HP each. Instead of stopping them, Ice magic helps the Ice Cream men. If an Ice Magic user attacks them, the spells will deal 1.3 C rank damage for one post instead before going back to normal, so think wisely about what spell you use on these guys!

    Boss: Unruly Customer! This is the infamous unruly customer that you were hearing about before this snow came about! They’re apparently a C ranked mage with 200 HP. The workers inside the parlor will instantly recognize him/her and run to the back of the shop after trying to block off all the possible entrances and let you deal with them on their own. The Unruly Customer will be trying to get into the shop to get more ice cream. They have Snow Magic and will use it to try to get in the store. You must stop them before they do! They have three spells they’ll mainly use, and they won’t use Ice Blast till they’re at 70 HP.

    Mini Ice Cream Men x2: These are miniaturized versions of the ice cream snowmen. They have small ice cream cones that they shoot from their arm canons and deal only .5 C rank damage while only having 50 HP each.
    Ice Screen: This is the Unruly Customers’ defense mechanism! They’ll throw a ball of snow at you that will instantly put up a screen of cold blue steam to try to get away from you. The steam is the very same as the snow that originally started falling and will slow you down 30% at most.
    Ice Blast: Every other post after the Unruly Customer has less than 70 HP, they’ll shoot you with a blast of shards of ice. The blast does B rank damage each time it’s used, so you better watch out for the ice!

    Reward: 10k Jewels and a years supply of the famous ice cream at the ice cream parlor! Courtesy of the owner for taking care of the unruly customer.



    Brain Freeze! Empty Re: Brain Freeze!

    Post by Guest 6th June 2018, 11:34 am

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 7:55 pm