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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
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    Age : 27
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 28th March 2013, 7:05 pm

    Job: Tome Retrieval
    Rank: C
    Player Requirements: must be at least 15 posts each; at least 250 words per post
    Job Requirements: A C rank mage or 2 D-Rank Mages, Retrieve the stolen scriptures from the thieves and return them to Athos.
    Job Location: Era
    Job Description:
    Retrieve 3 magical tomes stolen from Athos, an old, grouchy archivist who specializes in collecting and documenting specific magical books, scrolls, and other literature. Each book has a magical barrier that protects it from damage, and can negate most C-Rank and lower magic spells. However, the barrier weakens when it is not in Athos' possession, or is moved outside of his archive. With the weakened barrier, D-Rank spells can inflict minor damage to the books.
    The books were stolen by 3 thieves that appears to have the capability to slip past though Athos's magical anti-theft sensors without triggering them. The thieves are considered to be D-Rank mages as well.
    Athos demands that all 3 books must be retrieved and returned in prime condition. Any damage to a book (big or small) will decrease the reward by 1,500 Jewels.
    Enemies: 3 D-Rank mages- mages using a mix of fire, dark and lightning magic together.
    (Note: Dice rolls are not needed to encounter the mages)
    Reward: 1300 Jewels

    Last edited by Serene on 6th April 2013, 11:28 am; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 28th March 2013, 7:26 pm

    Soft humming could be heard on a train making it's way towards Era, home of the Magic Council. And home of a certain Fairy Tail mage named Serene D'loro. This very mage was sitting comfortably in a train seat, lost in her own little world as she stared out of the window to her right. Her mind was posted onto her parents. She hadn't seen them since she left for Fairy Tail about a month and a half ago. To be honest, she missed them terribly. When she first left home, she thought it was going to be a exciting and fun adventure that she was going on. While life on her own did have it's upsides, she missed the little things she would do with her parents. Read with her father, cook with her mother or work in the garden... Serene's crystal blue eyes peered out across the grassy expanse all around the train. She was on her way home...but she had something to do first.

    A mission, to be exact.

    Serene had taken a job from a man named Athos. Further information about Athos shows that he's a rather impatient man that archives for a living. Serene enjoyed a good book every now and then, but it must take a special person to be around them all day, every day. However, three of Athos's tombs were taken from his possession by three thieves. Serene - and another's - job was to get them back in the best condition possible. But, speaking of another, Serene's blue eyes turned to the person that she was enduring this job with. She was an oddly quiet woman who hadn't said much to Serene other than what was needed to confirm their partnership. Of course, Serene didn't have much room to talk. She wasn't exactly a social butterfly herself.

    But, hey, anything's possible. Maybe Serene could make a friend out of this whole experience. She turned fully to her current partner and crossed her legs as she spoke. "So...Your from Eclipse Soul, right?", she asked simply.


    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Grizzly 28th March 2013, 8:05 pm

    Iana had been pissed off lately. The days just didn't want to go by as fast as Iana wanted and taking missions with shitty clients and shitty companions giving shitty tasks seemed the only timekiller she had. Now Iana was sitting on a train to somewhere, her mission being to get something from a certain breed of retarded people, that thought stealing was cool and wouldn't really be a crime that anyone gave a shit about. Well, not being educated and learning about the ways of the world was able to be that annoying. Who would have thought that education was so-

    The horn of the train resounding had caused her to snap out of her thoughts . How she hated those things. Iana loved the blurring of senses, while she would go so deep inside herself, explore her thoughts and whatnot. And loud noises were not really welcome while she was doing so.

    She was sitting with crossed legs, her arms spread wide over 3 headrests, her ever-cynical demeanour resting on her face. Eyes half-open, her mouthwrinkles facing downwards, the left side of her lip pulled up. With that look on her face, she was deemed by many as "The Social Killer", even Meoru had advised her to stop being so anti-social and start making friends. As if she would listen to that sly fox. He had been absent recently and barely talked to her. Not answering her calls, damn. The thing pissing her off most was, that she was behaving like a whiny bitch who wanted her boyfriend to call back oh-so desperately. Now Iana was sitting there, pissed off about the world, thinking about this and that until a glare was gliding over her. Oh god please. Don'ttalktome don'ttalktome don'ttalktome don'ttalktome... Welp, not like she believed in god anyway. She turned her head towards the girl and looked at her as if she was an abomination of nature.

    "I'm....from.... Eclipse Soul... yeah." Unusual for her to answer casually. Somehow she had gotten softer latetly, probably Kyll's fault. DAMN THAT WOMAN Usually she would have raped that girl's mind. What was wrong with her? She even wanted Meoru to come back, start annoying the crap out of her again. "What... about.... you?" Sitting in the back of her- wait. Did she just retaliate a small talk question? Now that did it. How far off had she strayed? Damn world.... not even allowing her to be herself.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 29th March 2013, 7:35 am

    Serene pushed a piece of wavy black hair from her eyes to get a better look at her traveling..."companion". The Force Field wizard kind of regretted pulling the other female from her thoughts as she seemed irritated. She could see it in her eyes. A flash of sheer disgust. Serene knew this kind of person well. A lot of bitter people in Era acted the exact same way. Angry at the world.

    Serene's right arm fell upon her arm rest as she leaned against it. Serene was a kind-hearted person. Or...at least she liked to think so. She did, however, know when she was not wanted. "I'm....from.... Eclipse Soul... yeah." Serene blinked in surprise for just a moment. She honestly hadn't expected the red-haired girl to respond. She still seemed rather disgusted, that was obvious. "What... about.... you?", she added. Serene was taken aback now. She...actually wanted to hold a conversation? "I'm...from Fairy Tail", she said before the blasting noise of the train's horn sounded off once more. Serene's eyebrows raised at that. Something was off about it.

    Living in Era for her whole life, Serene heard trains practically all day long, every single day. The train horns had several different meanings depending on how long and how many times they were blown. If she wasn't mistaken, two very long and loud bleats meant...meant...

    Screams suddenly pierced the relative silence of their cabin, followed by the sound of the conductor's cabin coming on over the loudspeaker. "This train is gettin' highjacked! EVERYBODY OFF! Anybody still on when we get to the last car is gettin' fried!", a male voice said before the receiver was placed back on it's hook.

    Serene remembered now.

    It meant trouble.


    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
    Position : None
    Posts : 703
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 135

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Barrier Magic
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Grizzly 29th March 2013, 8:29 am

    Iana cracked her knuckels and tensed her muscles, her left eyebrow making a slight twitch when the girl answered. Why did humans have a need to talk to each other. It was something totally stupid. Unecessary and stupid, Iana hated it. Like many things but that was something she especially hated. She was able to walk days without talking to anyone. Why did other humans have such a desperate craving for simple and superficial small talk? Furthering this though process would make her want to kill herself again, which is why she stopped immediately and looked at the girl, with her trying to store and suppressing all of her anger in herself. Why did things always have to turn out this way. Either the humans should stop pissing her off or she would have to stop being pissed off which was practically impossible for her. She was about to give a half-hearted comment on how she liked the Fairy Tail guild, when the horn broke in again and she noticed a thoughtful demeanour on the girl's face.

    Then a scream echoed through the train wagons. Iana's head turned instantly in anger. What was now? Not like she disliked the fact that their conversation was cut off but one annoyance replacing the other wasn't what Iana exactly wanted. Then a male voice was heard through the speakers. A reflex in Iana occured. She slammed her head against the window instantly producing a loud bang. Whenever she was this angry, she needed some kind of valve that would soothe her anger a bit. Hurting her head was the best way most of the times.

    A damn hijack, now of all times. She just wanted to go on a mission and a friggin' hijack occures. The train had 3 wagons, she with her mission partner being in the last one. But then thought passed through her mind. She grinned instantly when she heard that the last wagon was done for. She moved her spread out arms from the position and started to stretch them for relaxation. The hijackers would make a good valve for her. In an instant, the wagon was empty, with her still sitting. She was in her own little cinematographic adventure. Anyone coming in would leave the wagon bleeding now. Iana was darn fired up for some fighting now.

    "Hey girl, you can leave if ya want. I'm takin' on the beggars." She hissed at the girl as the door to the wagon opened again. This time someone came in. A tall man, more than 6 feet, way taller than Iana. "Ohohoho, yes." Iana called out at the sight of the man. This would mean some serious trouble. Just what she needed right now. "So are you the chef who wants to fry me?" Iana asked cockily, wanting to provoke the man. The man furrowed his short white hair and glared at the two girls. His right hand moved from his head down to a lip piercing which he fondled a bit before grinning too. "I am.... the chef." The chef said in a deep, resounding voice that shook Iana to the core. He flexed his muscles in his black muscle shirt, that was tucked into his camo pants and black tied boots. This would get eerie.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 29th March 2013, 11:15 am

    As the man's voice resonated over the speaker system Serene looked around. Everyone who was smart..or at least couldn't fight, left. It was soon just Serene and her increasingly angry partner. As what seemed to be the last couple of people filled out of the train, the red-headed girl leaned over towards the window and bashed her head into it. Serene raised an eyebrow at her. Why did she always get paired up with the weirdos?

    Serene was alerted to the front of the cabin as she heard the door slid open and the sound of heavy footsteps filled the abandoned and slightly damaged cabin. "Hey girl, you can leave if ya want. I'm takin' on the beggars." Serene looked at her and rolled her eyes. This was no time to get cocky. They didn't know exactly how many of these highjackers that there were, and whether they were or did hurt anyone or not. Serene had two options. She could stay here and back up her partner, who's name she still didn't know, or go looking for the other highjackers. Alone.

    Serene sighed as she put her bag down and tucked it nicely into her seat. As she stood, she pushed a black strand of her hair from her eyes. If one was to look closely at her, they would see a translucent kind of aura oozing from her body as she skirted around the red-head's legs and made her way into the aisle. "So, your getting cooked fir-", he managed to say before getting smacked in the face, chest, and torso by a large forward blasting forcefield. "Shut up", was all she said. Serene had had just about enough of this. She was stuck with a pissy partner and now her train was being highjacked by some stupid thugs.

    The girl turned to the red-head with a hard look in her eyes. "And YOU. Cheer the hell up. Being a bitch isn't going to get you far in life. Now get up and help me get all this back in order, or your going to realize what it feels like to have twenty blood clots at once...", she said as her eyes flashed with anger and a large and spiked ball formed in her hand and spun around rather rapidly.

    Serene was pissed.


    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Grizzly 30th March 2013, 10:59 am

    Iana was getting ready. She looked at the tall-grown man emitting quite the feirce aura from him. This would be a gradual warm-up for what was coming. Iana was about to start, when she saw the man get fired back. Now this was something new to her. She hadn't even expected any magic to be used and suddenly the man got fired back. With a slow but steady mechanical movement, her head turned around and looked at the girl. Iana's face read anger all over. She was about to finally free herself from the daily strain and now some bitch thought she needed to play the hero. Without even listening to her blabber Iana grinded her teeth and her eyes darkened. "You.... bitch...." She had already started on her movements, her muscles were tensed up like hell and now she wasn't even able to punch something in the face. There was the possibility of punching the girl in the face but that would not do the mission any good. She yelled loudly and fired her fist towards the walls with the windows of the train.

    Two windows and the wall partially broke through and shards of metal and glass flew outwards. The wall was dent in gradually and windows were broken. She breathed out lightly and shook her hand, it had hurt a bit, but her anger had soothed a bit. Then she turned back to the girl. "Ok, what the crap did that talk of you have to do with me? Tellin' me to cheer up. Where do ya even take your shit from. People like you really piss me off. Tch." Iana spat on the ground and started walking backwards towards the next wagon. "Seems ignorance IS bliss." Iana slammed the door to the next wagon open with her left foot and it flew a few meters. The next wagon was still full of passengers. They were all staring at her and whispering, pondering over if she was a hijacker or not.

    Iana didn't really care. She kept walking through the wagon and slammed the next wagon door open in the same manner. Then she saw two men standing at the end of the wagon, beside the driver's cabin. "Hey, ye guys! End of the line fer now!


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 30th March 2013, 6:25 pm

    Angry blue eyes drilled into the red-head's back as she equally angrily exited the cabin car. Serene watched as she kicked another door in, narrowly missing a cabin car full of passengers. Serene sighed. Maybe she went a little overboard...She didn't even know what had come over her. She just got so...angry for some reason. Serene usually had a abundance of patience, but something about that girl just sent her off.. Hopefully she wouldn't have to worry about it much longe-

    A oncoming increase in temperature alerted Serene to the man from before's movement, just in time to prepare a defensive barrier around her body. It was a thin one, but it was just thick and cushioned enough that it absorbed the entirety of the attack before breaking. The right hook to her jaw barely made her head move as she eyed the fire mage.

    "Ohoho? You can take a punch? That's nice and all, but like I said. I'm going to fry you. You really should have gotten off the train. 'Cause now I have to mess up that pretty fa-".

    "Didn't I say shut up?", she said as she cracked her knuckles and fully faced the fire mage, leaving her "partner" to her own devices. "You've got attitude. I like that. You sure you wanna do this? I could show you a pretty good time, ya know...", he said as flames appeared in his fists. Serene did nothing but stare him down. He knew that she was going to say no. That's why he enflamed himself. He was just toying with her.

    He was about to find out that doing so is a very dangerous thing to do. The girl's left hand raised as she snapped her fingers one time. The fire mage quickly averted his eyes from hers to look behind her. A opaque lavenderish colored force-field covered the exit. The man looked back at Serene just in time to receive at mean right hook that sent him flying back into the forcefield behind him.

    "Say hello to my Force Armor. Now, how about I mess up that pretty little face of yours?".


    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Posts : 703
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Grizzly 30th March 2013, 6:43 pm

    She was approaching the two men as she noticed a spark flying through the air. It seemed there was quite the electrical current in the air, sparks even being seen. It was quite the sight. Iana looked at the two men, one of them seemingly concentrating. She focused on exactly that man. Iana looked around, the wagons being full of passengers. This was not something to be dealt with lightly."Listen to me ye fucktards! Get off the train or ye might die in the next few moments! I repeat, get your asses off the train!" Iana yelled loudly through the whole wagon. "HEY WOMAN! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" She heard from one of the two men. Iana grinned mischievously.

    She turned around and scanned the movements of the first guy, who had concentrated so much earlier and was now approaching her. The subway users were rushing past Iana and the man in both directions eager to get out. "Beast Tails: First Path." Iana whispered to herself. Her opponent had not taken note, it was empty now. The sphere of fire was summoned behind her, invisible for her approaching opponent. "What are you saying?" The man asked aggressively. He was sparking all over his body. Then she saw his legs move. In an instant, the man was positioned. He struck to fingers into Iana's shoulder. It was a minimal movement in which Iana pushed aside his fingers from her shoulder but it saved her life. A thunderbolt fired through the shoulder cloth of her kimono and behind her into the wagon wall. With her free hand she made a vertical movement while bending backwards. The small sphere of fire crashed from under her legs up to his chin, a momentary evasion being the man's life saver. "Tsk." Iana spat. "What's wrong lady, surprised I got skill?"


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 31st March 2013, 11:40 am

    If anyone was looking into the cabin car that Serene and her opponent were in, they would see nothing but flurries of movement, a momentary pause, followed by a sudden flash of light before the flurries started up once again.

    Serene's left arm went up to block a fiery right side punch, leaving her open to her right. The man lunged forward with his other arm and caught her right side, pushing her back a couple inches. Serene took another step back and brought her fists back up, assuming her pose once more. He came at her again. This time he jumped up in the air a little and swathed both of his fists in fire as he then balled them together as a powerful overhead strike. Serene ducked down and shot under him as he sailed over her. Serene rolled to a stop as she jutted her left foot out behind her, using it as a pivot point. Serene's right foot came off the ground, just high enough to miss the seats on either side of them. Her right foot hooked around the fire mage's neck, sending him tumbling down into the seats, causing them to smash and break under the pressure and power of the kick.

    Serene made a sort of "whoops!" face as she pushed a piece of hair from her eyes and took a breath. The fire mage got up after a couple of seconds. It was obvious that the hit had taken it's toll, seeing as how he was wobbling slightly. He shook his head as his fists became fiery once more. "I'm not done yet!", he yelled out as he shot a blast of fire at Serene, sending her sprawling back into her forcefield.

    Serene blinked, glad that she had on her armor. The heat hadn't made it through her armor, but she couldn't take many hits of that. Her armor was strong, but not that strong. Serene quickly rolled to her right, back against the seats, as the fire mage kicked upwards with his foot, sending a stream of flame towards the place she once was. Serene pushed up with her arm and found her way to her feet.

    This was taking too long. They had a job to do, and this wasn't helping at all. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Serene hoped her irritated partner was doing alright. She was dragged from her thoughts, however, when the fire mage suddenly charged forward, his right fist in the air. Serene faced him and caught his flamed fist in her palm. Their other hands met in the same fashion, the sheer force of the connecting blows shattering the windows around them.

    "Your not bad, I'll give you that", the fire mage said as he tried pushing Serene, only to fail. " Neither are you. But, I'm afraid there's something that I can do, that you just can't", she said as she stood her ground. The fire mage raised an eyebrow at her. "And what would that be?", he asked, fairly amused with her. Serene smirked. "This!". Serene's eyes gleamed over for a second as her armor suddenly was covered in spikes. Spikes that cut right into the man's hands. He let out a holler as she let her go and held his hands in pain.

    The spikes on her armor suddenly retracted as she took a step forward and landed a severe upwards-kicking strike into the man's stomach, sending him flying into the ceiling. The man smacked against the metal and stuck there for a moment before falling back down to the carpeted floor.

    "Oww...", she heard him say from the floor. Serene smiled as her armor disappeared in a dim light. She took him by his shoulders and began pulling him upright as she hooked his hands together and then his legs with a thick forcefield. "Your pretty tough. Most people would have passed out by now", she said as she stepped back from him. "Yeah, well, I'm not like most people", he said as he laid his head back against a seat and closed his eyes. He sighed as he sat there.

    "Jeez, those stupid tombs weren't worth all this...", the man said to himself. Serene's eyes widened to the size of plates.



    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Grizzly 31st March 2013, 12:25 pm

    Yeah right, surprised. This fight wasn't really something special. Iana made a backwards cartwheel with one hand and kneeled down. The electric guy, Sparky looked at her, getting ready in boxing position. With one fist he lightly tuffed his nose and grinned. Iana jumped back, now about 5 meters away, the man's eyes widening in annoyance. "Seems like you are not the type of girl who can keep up a fi-" The small ball of fire flung out of her 4 meter zone and exploded in a flaming combustion, which's heat reached Iana's toes. Sparky had been caught in it, but Iana didn't keep off. In the confusion and smoke the explosion had caused, she ran along the seats and activated her flaming claw. When reaching Sparky she flung out her claw sideways aiming for Sparky's head. She jumped from the sideways seats and slammed Sparky's head on the ground. All that was heard was a "PADUNK" and a short "uuuhhh..." Before Iana got up out of the kneeling position she jumped into, heaving the guy's head on the ground. "Boring." She whispered to herself.

    Next, she looked at the third guy. He was leaning against the driver's cabin. He had rather loose clothes on. A black beanie, a yellow shirt that was at least one size too big. Brown pants hanging around somewhere waaay to low. A metal chain connected from his left back pocket to his left front pocket. He had one eye closed and glared at Iana with a not really determined grin. "I'm stronger than those two ya know." Iana faced him with a pissed off looked. "Not that hard." Sparky moaned again and Iana charged towards the guy. Her right arm, encased in fire flung towards him. By about 20 centimeters it missed. He had ducked and Iana's claw dug through the wall of the driver's cabin. He was kneeling right under her fist. He let out a light snicker and looked over his head at Iana's flaming arm. "You missed. Nice tits though." Iana spat and ripped the arm out of the wall, aiming for him again. Then a loud crash resounded the wagon.

    1 minute passed....

    Iana's head was being pressed against a window by Darky, whom she called that way because he apparently used some pervertation of dark magic. He was crushing her head further into the glass creating small cracks here and there. It hurt like hell and Iana wanted to break his arm, but she barely had strength left in them. His arm was also way too tense and strong that she could just break it easily. She managed to get one hand up though and clawed it into his side. He moaned and let loose enough that Iana slid out and through his legs, behind his back. Immediately he turned around and aimed for a back jab that Iana just barely evaded. He was a master fighter alright. One that used dark magic at that. Rare combination definetly but this was not something she had thought would be that easy. A challenge here and there would be nice.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force-Field Magic
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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 31st March 2013, 1:30 pm

    As soon as the word tombs left his mouth, Serene was put on edge. So these were the thieves that they were looking for. Which meant that those two men that the redhead was facing were... Serene's eyes flew to the last car. Serene watched as the redhead pounded a guy's head into the floor. Serene smirked a little. And she was worried...

    The girl turned back to the man on the floor. "Where are the tombs?", she asked as she walked over to him. The fire mage only smirked up at her. "Why should I tell you?", he said weakly. Serene took a step closer as her hand began to shine with light, a forcefield forming in it. "Because you're all tied up. Which means you can't fight back...", she said as she punched the seat next to him. The seat crumpled against the wall, sending stuffing all over. The man looked up at her. Right into her soul. "You couldn't kill me, even if you wanted to. I can see it in your eyes", he said as he began to sneer. Serene's eyes closed as she tried to block out his words. "You don't know anything about me! Shut up!", she said as she put her hands up to her ears. The man sneered on. "First you wanted me to talk, now you want me to be quiet? Girl, you need to make up your mind!", he taunted.

    Serene became a blur of movement as she spun around on her foot and landed a kick to the man's throat. He became immersed in a coughing fit as he tried to breathe. She knew that wouldn't kill him. But it would shut up. Hey, he wanted her to choose...

    Serene left him to his wheezing as she looked back to her red-headed partner's cabin. Something seemed wrong. The sounds of her taunts had stopped, and it had been replaced with a swath of snarling and grunts, which put her on edge. She began walking forward, stepping into the empty cabin between her and the odd battle happening in the next car over. Since the redhead had kicked the doors in, Serene could see exactly what was happening in the other car.

    She stopped in her tracks as she watched the redhead get her head smashed against the glass window. That...honestly scared Serene. That guy was strong enough to do that to her? Serene could only imagine what he would do to her... She watched on as the redhead somehow escaped his grip and then narrowly evaded a strike to her back. This guy was good. No, he was damn great. Serene's eyes slide over to the redhead's face. She didn't seem scared at all. In fact, she seemed...pissed. Of course.

    Serene inwardly smacked herself. What was she doing?! She isn't even fighting the guy, and she's getting scared, yet the girl that is fighting him doesn't seem phased at all! Instead of gawking, she should be helping!

    Serene's body suddenly became transparent entirely from the naked body as she took a cautious step forward. She waited for a perfect opening. He hadn't noticed her yet, but he sure as hell would as soon as she made herself known. Taking one more step forward, Serene readied herself. The two seemed to fight securely forever, a dance of failed strikes and successful evasions. But, when the man swiped at her with his left arm, he left a clear opening for Serene to strike.

    "Nyah!", Serene yelled out as her suddenly became visible and sent forth a circular forcefield towards the man. Caught off-guard, the man didn't have time to block as the field zipped across the room towards him. The orb hit him right in the head, but instead of dissipating, it opened up and enveloped his head. It's momentum continued, throwing him all the way across the room, where he hit the wall.

    Serene ran up next to the red-head but didn't bother to take her eyes off the man. "Sorry about before. You alright?", Serene said as she watched the man. He seemed unscathed by the impact, but her force field was beginning to take effect. The field was not letting in oxygen, meaning he was running out of air. Serene had thought they had won...until...

    The man's hands became shrouded in darkness and he mashed his hands together. As he pulled them apart, two daggers appeared in his hands. He twirled them along his fingers before he sunk the blades into the field, ripping it apart. Serene's eyes narrowed.

    He took a deep breath as he twirled his daggers once more. He looked to both of them and sneered sadistically at both of them. "Alright. Now this is interesting!", he said.


    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj



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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Grizzly 31st March 2013, 2:31 pm

    While she was barely even evading darky's flying fists, that damn girl came. That damn... that..... damn.... Iana was too concentrated to find a nickname now. She jumped back to the seats and evaded in the direction of the girl coming. "Damn girl.... you got some serious skills." Darky grinned in her face revealing a golden tooth in the upper right corner. "Hey girl, stay put for now. Get involved and he'll kill us both. I'm bein' serious." Iana said with calm determination. In battle her loudmouth and sarcastic attitude used to vanish and her rational and logical side came to be. Now she was charging at him again, throwing an elbow which easily got striffen off and was answered with a few easy strike to the left shoulder. Iana was clearly at a disadvantage here. He threw a kick which Iana dodged by diving to the right and jumping back on the seats. She held onto an iron bar that connected the holding bars in the wagon and gave him a flying kick. He bent his head back and evaded it. The kick flew to the other side where another long iron bar was set across the wagon's ceiling connecting seats and other bars and supporting the whole construct. She clung her foot in there and then steadily pushed herself off of the cieling. While falling down, she turned a spiral and threw a punch using the momentum from above. He blocked it with both hands right in front of his face and heaved Iana to his left. Now he was standing in between Iana and the Cleavage. Iana had just noticed her enourmos cleavage and thought the name would fit perfectly.

    "Attack me from both sides, c'mon. It'll be fun." The guy taunted but it seemed that Cleavage was smart enough to stay put. This worked for now. Iana charged in and rivaled his easy and accurate fist fighting with some of her own skills. In the corner of her eye she noticed that Cleavage was suddenly vanishing. It seemed she had prepared something. Being invisible would help at least. Either she would piss off now or help Iana. And then a force field flurried at his head. Right in the midst of Iana's kicks and punches. It enveloped his head and seemed to take away his air. Something that seemed to be quite a weird magic actually helped in combat. But Iana was aware that this was no easy win. Darky created to dark, with black magic flowing daggers that destructed the field around his head easily. "Alright. NOW this is interesting. Cleavage was standing not far from Iana when she noticed that pushing this guy out of the train would do a lot good and they wouldn't be so limited in movements. Cleavage had some kind of long range magic that would surely work for a push in the right direction.

    Iana charged towards Darky and grabbed Cleavage by the hand. "On my command you do what I do and then push him out of the doors back there. Blaze." Iana said pointing at the entrance doors behind Darky. This would be risky if he would react fast enough. But he didn't. The dome of fire enveloped the whole wagon not having the chance to completely expand. Cleavage was close by Iana as Iana had puller her close into her. She charged for about 5 meters and heard the steps of Darky pulling back and then heard a bump, he was clearly at the connection to the next wagon. "Now girl!" Iana said as she dissolved the spell and throwing Cleavage to one side and herself jumping to the other side of seats. Leaving the mid-section wide open for the counter attacks of Darky. And they camed. He had fired a ground wave that seemingly cut through the air right in the middle of the wagon. His eyes widened in astonishment as he noticed that she and Cleavage had a wide open position for an attack.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 31st March 2013, 4:04 pm

    Serene figured that she was fine, seeing as how she could still stand. That was good seeing as how there was a expert killer standing not too far from them. They needed a plan, and they needed it now. Thankfully, it seemed that Red had a inkling of an idea as she grabbed Serene's hand and and told her to do what she wanted her to do.

    Serene didn't have any idea as to what Red was planning until she seemed to blow the place with a fire spell. Serene narrowed her her eyes, trying to see over the heated haze. She could just make out a bumping sound coming from the other cabin car, meaning that the man had retreated into the space between the two cars. Serene's eyes widened as she realized what Red was thinking. Serene was about to say good job to the red-head when all of a sudden, she pushed Serene to the side.

    "Now, girl!".

    The girl landed in a seat just in time to see a black wave slice through the air where they had just been. But she didn't have time to sit and rest. Serene sat up in the seat as she gathered some magic power into her hands. A translucent magic circle appeared in her hands as she called out...

    "Force Wave!".

    As she did so, a rippling force field, the size of the entire car, ripped through the cabin and flying straight into the next one as well. The force of the field was so strong that it peeled seats from their bolts, shattered lights, and broke any windows that hadn't popped already. The man had just enough time to bring his arms in front of his face before the wave hit him, sending him sailing through the air as his jacket ripped from the force of the impact. He flew straight through the driver's cabin and into a window that gave a view outside.

    As he broke through the glass and landed somewhere outside, Serene jumped from her seat and grabbed Red's hand. They had to keep this pace up. "Hold on!", she warned as a circular force field that was big enough for the two of them appeared under the two girls. The two shot forward like a bullet out into the open air before rising into the air above the cabin cars. Serene found the man as he was finally rolling to a stop across the train tracks. Serene closed her eyes as the two of them began spinning around, gaining momentum. When she opened them, they were shining light as she exerted more magic.

    All of a sudden, a thick forcefield-like armor appeared around Red as the two girls only spun faster. "I'm giving you my Force Armor! It increases strength, reflexes, stamina, speed, the works! It can take ten hard hits before exploding outwardly! You kick his ass and I'll make sure he doesn't have time to go anywhere!". Serene was just able to make out that the man had gotten to his feet and was holding his head before she looked back to Red. "Now!", she yelled out as she let Red go, slingshotting her like a scarlet bullet at the Dark-Make mage.

    Serene took a deep breath to let her stomach catch up to her before she flew over to the two of them, several spheres floating close behind her.

    It was now or never.


    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj



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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Grizzly 1st April 2013, 4:07 am

    This girl, Cleavage was truly interesting. She had some ideas, it was quite nice to find someone who didn't just attack recklessly, but actually thought about attacking. Her force wave had flung Darky right through the wall to the driver's cabin and out the window. That must have hurt, quite the distance he had passed and landing on the train tracks must have not been his imagination of soft. Whatever the case, now they were on their way outside, on some kind of flying disc. Once outside, they were looking at the guy, he was still in pain and stretched his limbs on the ground. Iana was able to make out that they guy's shoulder was pretty injured, dislocated to be honest. A grin swept over her face, this would be easier than she thought, but with one sweep of the limb, he had rejointed his own shoulder. Iana's eyes widened, this guy was truly something else. "This guy...." Iana was truly impressed by his skills, he was on another level than her, but being injured and strained now would give her a big advantage.

    Next thing she knew, they were spinning. A heavy lot, without stopping. Then she felt something being coated over her skin. It felt.... weird, but it seemed to lighten her up, a damn lot even though she could feel her punches pack more force as she tried punching in the air with one arm. Then she heard Cleavage's plan, this would work perfectly. With one fling Iana was darting through the air, foot first at Darky. He noticed her immediately and clapped his hands together. An about 2x2 meters flat completely black window appeared before him. Iana's foot crashed against it and it seemed to repel her quite well. She had to sommersault backwards, landing on the traintracks. The window crashed in itself and then she looked at Darky. He packed a grin, his eyes were looking at Iana, and then she noticed something. This guy was actually having fun. Even though he was in fighting position he suddenly loosened up and let his limbs dangle a bit. "..... Hey girl, this is a pretty damn good fight. You two girls are a dreamteam. If you defeat me, I'll tell you why we're here. Deal?" Iana's eyes narrowed and thought about it. But then she packed a grin and got into fighting position. She and Darky were standing on two opposite traintracks now, their glares meeting. "Then you could tell me right now, you'll lose ya know." With that said she dashed towards him, light as a feather and with insane speed by her standards. Darky didn't even know what was coming but somehow he managed to roll her first strike with the right to the head away.

    They flurry of fists and feet kept on for a while until they stopped. The match was quite even this time and Darky started to laugh. "Tch. Whatcha laghin' at, ye basterd?" Iana aske with a pissed off demeanour. "Haha girl, you'll never win like this. We're evenly matched and I still have my magic, and you know I'll use it if you do, and you also know that mine is stronger so you should kindly step off now. I have pretty much won this fight." This time Iana grinned and let out a taunting and satisfacted snicker. "How I love yer arrogance. You should know that.... that right now... I'm not any better than before. I haven't even started yet. I'm using maybe 50% of my momentary capabilities." The guys eyes widened, and he immediately put up his fighting stance. "Your bluffing... hehe, you are." He kept on laughing in disbelief until Iana suddenly vanished before his eyes. Immediately appearing in front of him again.

    This time, a flurry of punches hit, shoulder, neck, stomach, face, and a left back jab. Letting off of him and preparing a stance, Iana threw a right heel kick to the left side of her opponent's face. The heel crashed into his cheekbone and shattered it. The guy flew a few meters to Iana's right and landed on the train tracks. "... Am I?" Iana asked with a grin. "Hey Cleav... I mean hey girl, could ya help me for a sec? Darky is down and out." Iana called towards the still floating Cleavage girl.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 1st April 2013, 7:26 pm

    i don't need a knight
    so baby take off all your armor!
    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) 1525521
    Serene watched on from the air as Red impacted against the man. A slightly dust cloud went up from the sheer force of the blow, obscuring Serene's view of the action for a moment. Serene moved herself to the back of Red as she moved out from the man. The dark-haired girl could tell that the man had blocked the attack from the discharge of magic that she felt in his direction.

    Serene sighed to herself, slightly. She wanted this to be over so badly. However, she knew that she had to trust Red's fighting skills. They got her out of the fire once, now all they had to do was get this guy in it.

    Serene hovered in the sky and suddenly felt very useless. Red was doing all the work, but there seemed to be nothing Serene could do. The battle between the two mages was so intense and close that there was no way that Serene could land a hit without hitting Red at all. She was forced to watch helplessly as the two duked it out.

    By the time that Red had knocked down the man, Serene was literally on the edge of her forcefield with tension. When Red nailed him in the face with her kick, Serene yelled out in triumph and fell forward for a moment, off of her field before swinging it around to catch her. Serene hoped that her partner hadn't seen that...

    When Red called for her, Serene sailed over to her and the man. She could have sworn that she called her Cleav...or something. She dismissed the thought as she touched down on the ground. She took a step forward and stood over the man as one of her hands' found it's way to her hip. She gestured towards the man's body as several fields appeared over his body. His wrists were anchored to the ground as two staple-looking constructs appeared over them. These same shapes stamped over both his feet and over his waist as well. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

    Serene looked to Red. "Uhhh... how are we going to get him to tell us where the relics are...if he's knocked out?", she said with concern.
    371 words, template by oxymoron of btn


    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj



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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Grizzly 2nd April 2013, 7:03 pm

    So this was finally it. Iana was completely out of breath, gasping for air as she bent down, pressing her hands on her knees, letting out a high pitched sigh that lasted quite long. She bent her body up again but this time let it fall back, bending her back inwards. The high-pitched sigh came in again and Iana finally bent back in position. She had stretched her body and was still pretty out of breath. She reluctantly trudged over to Darky's body, lying like a wet sack of potatoes on the midst of the tracks. Then Cleavage came flying down. She seemed overjoyed that this was all over. "Uhhh... how are we going to get him to tell us where the relics are...if he's knocked out?" Iana heard her asking which confused her quite a bit. In the midst of still gasping for air, she answered. "The..... what?" She sneered at Cleavage with a puzzled look on her face.

    People started to gather around them, looking down at the tracks. Murmuring and mumbling put a veil of unaudible, deep sounds over the mass that was slowly growing. Iana and Cleavage had just taken out 3 train hijackers. This was pretty big news for everyone. Now Iana and the girl were finally able to go on the mission. This would be a huge progress, and the best thing was that the last kick, her heel to the cheek of Darky had completely put out her anger for the day. It was a brilliant feeling finally having no weight on the shoulders anymore. Iana felt awesome, if she would truly admit it. It had been a while since she had taken out her anger like this. The last time was when she completely ravaged a furniture house. That had been fun, but this somehow was even more fun.

    Iana was still standing, panting in front of Cleavage. Even though she had calmed her pulse, there was still a big gap from gasping and breathing normally. Whatever the case, this had been a great day. Iana was now finally mentally ready to actually open herself to her mission partner. She had already forgotten that they had conversed once before. All of this had put her mind into a completely outer-wordly state in which she didn't think anymore, but only acted. It was like she was seeing a movie. Iana was baked on adrenaline if she was honest. She noticed it the moment Cleavage's talking became extremely slow. "So.....I'm Iana,.. and you?" She said, stretching her hand out. The red neon nails firmly barking "I'm super normal, give me your hand." at Cleavage.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 6th April 2013, 11:38 am

    i don't need a knight
    so baby take off all your armor!
    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) 1525521
    Serene raised an eyebrow at her partner. Red seemed...well, tired would not be the right word, but she definitely wasn't alright. "The relics, you know, the tomes that were on a mission to find?", the dark-haired girl said gently as she watched Red. Serene knew that that fight had been rather tough, but it seemed like Red was on the verge of tipping over. Serene watched Red with a slightly worried look in her eyes before the red-head pushed her hand out and finally announced her name. Iana.

    That was funny. Serene expected something more...savage? Nah, that would be mean... Serene blinked in surprise at the sudden display of camaraderie but composed herself quickly and shook Re-...Iana's hand. Serene smiled a bit as she said her name as well.

    "Excuse me", someone behind them called.

    Serene turned around and watched as a little old lady walked forward towards the two girls, her hands clutching her bright blue purse. "Splendid job taking care of those ruffians! But...is it safe to board the train again?", the woman said as she gestured shakily towards the locomotive. Serene eyes the first couple of cars wearily. The cars that Iana and herself had been in were...well...a death trap now. Between the various dents, broken windows and smoldering seats, it was dangerous to just sit in those cars. But, her and Iana did need to get these people to Era. Besides, their reward was in Era. If they could just find the train conductor...

    But first, the tomes.

    Serene turned to the old woman again. "Uh, m'am, when the men boarded the train, did they have anything with them?", Serene asked. She had spotted the old woman sitting next to one of the bandits before her and Iana engaged them, so she should know.
    --- words, template by oxymoron of btn


    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj

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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Serene 10th April 2013, 4:18 pm



    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Alye4_by_gramcrackers-d70tpcj



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    Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene) Empty Re: Tome Retrieval (by Adele and Serene)

    Post by Grizzly 16th April 2013, 3:25 pm

    Iana watched Cleavage as she somehow lightened up. But she was much too relaxed to actually get pissed over little things like this. She shook Cleavage's hand and let go rather quickly. Without her seeing it, she wiped the hand she used to make the first proper greeting with Cleavage, off on her clothes. This would probably get slightly annoying, but her good mood weighed more and Cleavage wasn't all that bad, despite being a bitch. "Relics.... Relics.... RELICS!" Now Iana recalled what this was actually all about. Maybe because adrenaline was leaving her body, maybe because she never thoroughly read the mission paper, probably both.

    This was quite the reason to get pumped up. Did she just really beat up the guys who had stolen the relics? That was pretty cool. All by herself. And a bit of help from that girl. A bit of help was all Iana would admit right now. But next to that it seemed that she and the girl were going on pretty well. All they needed to do now is confirm the relics and then go on to cash their mission. Pretty awesome if you asked Iana. She looked around a bit and was quite satisfied with all the devastation she had caused. The train was still intact, but she had ravaged the inside pretty good and burned a few seats, along with quite a lot of dents in the metal frame and broken windows. She let a grin swoop across her face and then she looked back at the old woman who had just approached them. Something about a good job. Hell yeah it was! She had given them hell!

    "Hey, if they really have the relics, maybe we should start searching their bodies first and tie them up so they don't flee. I'll start in the cars." Iana said and jumped down onto the tracks, approaching the train. She walked towards the car they had sat in at first. The door had been bent from the fight with her partner on time. She ripped it open and jumped into the train spying the tall guy lying in the corridor of the wagon.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


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