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    Eileens' Nilkanta


    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 27
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mitsuo
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
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    Eileens' Nilkanta Empty Eileens' Nilkanta

    Post by Baobhan 31st August 2017, 8:48 am

    Eileens' Nilkanta 2cqe9hi
    "A Noble Beast, Young, but Valiant"

    Name: Nilkanta
    Rank: Weak
    Species: Great Wyrm
    Type: Combat Pet

    Description: Nilkanta, the sole ancestor of a long line of Great Wyrms was born from an egg that had been held in estate of Eileen's Godfather Manannan for an unknown period of time, though in all likeliness the incubation period has been eons... All Eileen knows, is that for as long as she has been alive the egg was enshrined within the bedroom of her Fathers' grand estate. Ever since she was old enough to do so, one of Eileens' earliest chores was to meticulously and routinely clean, take care of and rear the near meter large egg, caring for it, polishing it, feeding basic magic through its shell and ensuring it came to no harm. Never knowing that she was, in fact, completing the childs' imprinting process. She had thought the egg to be little more than a monument, an idol, as it seemed to be made of something resembling volcanic stone. Never could she have assumed that Nilkanta, one day would hatch into the beginnings of something that the world had not seen for a while.

    It would have been a day unlike any other when Eileen came across a solitary crack in the shell of the egg, the deafening sound that had echoed through the manor which led to it happening ran a chill through her spine as the egg had fallen from its pedestal. Eileen had even gone so far as to seal the crack in an attempt to hide it from her God-Father, not wanting to be on the receiving end of his wrath. At first, months would pass between the tremors as they became more common, then weeks, then once it finally came down to every few days Manannan became aware of the hatching. Dispelling the sealant of his God-Child he would with a touch of his finger allow the egg to hatch, laying there in the center, upon the final few shards of its Faberge husk was a pale rose coloured Wyrm of Water. Frills like petals covering its body.

    Given the title of Nilkanta, although young, she is one of the sole descendants of the great Leviathan: Daedelus, a titanic therion of terrible might, the shadow of the sea, the Jormangandr. Nilkanta however, as one of his descendants, presides over mountain springs and has great power in areas in which she has control over. With strong nimble claws and developing fangs as well as a strong tail covered in pinions and hard-fur, Nilkanta will one day be a force to be reckoned with. Nilkanta carries the curiosity of youth, and considers Eileen to be her mother, although she has the naivete of youth, she knows and understands Eileen is not her mother by birth. However, as a Great Wyrm, though she is little more than two meters long now, through great deeds and the creation of her own legend, Nilkanta is said to evolve over time, becoming larger and larger. In theory able to be registered larger than most Ancient Drakes.

    Youthful, vibrant, loyal, honest and extremely adorable. Nilkanta is more than just a companion, she is but a single step to the road of glory for Eileen that, if treasured, would by far become one of the greatest assets at her disposal.

    Bubble Blast:

    Bubble Balm:



    Eileens' Nilkanta Empty Re: Eileens' Nilkanta

    Post by Guest 31st August 2017, 9:19 am

    Eileens' Nilkanta GmQ7q51

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:17 am