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    Give me my iLac! [private job]

    Alexander Easton
    Alexander Easton

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fallen God Slayer
    Second Skill: Re-Equip: The Hieratic Hunter
    Third Skill:

    Give me my iLac! [private job] Empty Give me my iLac! [private job]

    Post by Alexander Easton 5th February 2017, 9:16 am

    “Have you heard about that new device that is coming out in the Neutral Grounds? I can’t believe they’ve made something that works like that, it must cost an arm and a leg for you to be able to afford something like that.” “No I heard that they are giving them out for free for a limited time. We’ve got to get there before they all run out though. The train should be here shortly to take us there.” “Oh wow really? Guess I’ll grab one while we are there! Though I hate going into the Neutral Grounds, when you pass that barrier I just feel so tired and drained.” “Yea me too...oh well at least we can get the newest item out there and we can talk to pretty much anybody anywhere in the world!”

    Lex sat on a bench by two chatty girls discussing something that he already knew about. The was some company out in the Neutral Grounds giving away all these free items called iLac, a mobile transmitting item. From what he heard it could pretty much work like a mix of Archive Magic and Telepathy Magic, a very useful tool for a mage like him that was always on the go. He leaned his head back and looked up into the grey sky. Geez I guess I should head back to the guild here soon, I’ve been gone for nearly two months now. I wonder how Summer or my teammates are doing. If they have this iLac it will be easier to keep in touch with all of them I guess.

    The sound of the train’s whistle broke him of his concentration and Lex stood up. This train would take him right into the Neutral Grounds, an area that will sap the magic and strength from anybody and make them plain jane. Lex did not like coming here since it did make him feel a bit sick but he wanted this free device and he wanted it in silver or blue! He board the train and found a seat near the door so he could quickly get off. The train started accelerating at high speed causing a mild bit of pressure to be placed on those aboard. It would take no time to get to the city
    Once they entered the area everybody that had any magical affiliation would feel a tug on their hearts as the land’s barrier pulled on them. Damn it The train’s whistle started to blow as they neared the station. Once it came to a stop Lex and everybody else aboard jumped off. Him, along with a few others on the train, started to make their way to the factory where they were giving away these free items. There was a long line but it was worth the wait he guessed. There seemed to be an awful lot of people here to get this new gadget, Lex just hoped that there would be one left in the color that he wanted. As the line slowly progressed he saw that there were eight different color options, he could deal with gold or red if the silver and blue were gone, he guessed. When it became his turn he noticed that there was still a chunk of silver ones left. He picked himself out one and quickly got out of line and headed back to the train station. He hated this town and did not want to be here any longer. As he walked he would play on his new toy and learn about all the features that it held.

    End 615 words
    Gained a silver iLac!


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:12 pm