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    Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Bump Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper

    Post by michaelkeha 10th January 2017, 3:05 am


    Primary Magic: Dark Irregulars Magic: Phantasmal Soul Reaper
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: The Dark Irregulars Magic style is a larger group magic styles that all utilise soul energy or as they call it psychí in it's most direct translation as their medium for their magic usually by creating soul energy in the same way a fire wizard can create fire they also have the ability to gather the ambient energy left behind by any living being that has moved through any given area then storing it within themselves for later use this reservoir of soul energy is an emergency back-up for the most part when they run low on magical power to create their own psychí within the Dark Irregulars set of styles one of the more common if one can call any Dark irregulars magic style common is known as Phantasmal Soul Reaper which focuses more on using of  for offensive purposes such as creating fists and buzzsaws for offensive attacks combined with the Dark irregular magic staples of teleportation and movement augmentation techniques and several debuff spells.

    Michael uses the Phantasmal Soul Reaper style in the way it always should utilising the teleporting and movement spells to get to the ideal distance to unleash devastating bombardments of offensive pressure and debuffs while controlling the flow of combat by remaining just out of reach or in reach depending on the desired result allowing him to use his offensive tools as flexible as possible further enhanced by his lineage giving some cover over this style's weaknesses

    .Unpredictable vectors of attack

    Given the very nature of this style and Dark Irregulars magic as a whole it allows for attacks from to come from nearly all angles if used by a sufficently creative user.

    .High Movement.

    Given the abundance of teleportation and movement spells this style is highly mobile and hard to pin down

    .You can't hide from a ghost by slamming a door

    Some of the spells in this style are able to pass through non magical objects.


    .No defence

    The lack of defence in this style can be best summed as this there is no defence spells at all with the only modecum of defence coming from using offensive spells to block attacks

    .Requires fair amounts of space

    This style of magic requires a great deal of space to move around it without such space most of the spells are easily defended against and the lack of movement room is crippling defensively

    . Friendly fire
    with many of the spells on offer from this style the ability to accidently murder your allies along with your opponents becomes a resounding reality.

    .Long Cooldowns

    While not apparent on lower level abilities many of the higher level abilities within this style of magic have longer than usual cooldowns

    Lineage: Chimera Blood:
    Description: A long time an ago, a hero slew a Chimera invading a small town. The great hero drank some of the Chimera’s blood to show dominance over the mythical creature. But it changed him greatly, giving the hero the ability the strength of a lion, flight of an eagle, and scales of a snake. The hero’s descendants were given the exact same traits as he did.
    Ability: A transformation that allows the user to use one of the chimera’s ability, flight of an eagle from wings and a sight increase(flying ability and enhanced perception enough to detect the movement of a mouse in tall grass from a hundred meters away), strength of a lion(double strength), or scales of a snake(30% damage resistance). Causing great carnage if used correctly.
    Usage: Each of the three transformations last 4 posts. 5 post cooldown that is shared after using a form which prevents the user from just flipping between forms too quickly.

    Unique Abilities:

    A Dark Irregulars strength is unending

    Michael has learned the art of gathering ambient soul energy from his surroundings and storing it in himself for emergency use(gives 10% back up Mp)   

    Phantasmal edge

    Due to prolonged contact with psychí energy Michael can momentarily charge his body with magical energy giving an 25% melee bonus damage

    The Scream from Heaven or Hell
    Unique to each wizard is their trigger to access their psychi reservoir in Michael's case he unleashes a thunderous howl signifying to all around him by Heaven or Hell he will not kneel before any tyrant nor anyone who would dare deny him his right to exist.


    Name: Ether Walk
    Rank: D
    Type: Movement
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown:2 posts
    The Spell is cast by speaking the name and the user snapping their fingers a faint dark purple aura covers them then they teleport .the spell activates instantly once the casting is complete teleporting the cast 15 meters into an unoccupied space within line of sight.


    This spells gives incredible range of movement in a very real three dimensional way.


    This spell is incredibly quick to cast.

    .Low Magic Drain

    For it's utility it is surprisingly low cost


    .Very Limited Range

    The spell has very limited range in terms of reach

    .Limited by line of sight

    The spell requires line of sight to work.

    .Can't go through magical objects

    Any kind of magically made object can prevent the teleportation through it.

    .Must end in an unoccupied space

    The space where you teleport must be unoccupied by an object that takes up the space or a person.

    Name: Wraith Knuckle
    Rank: D
    Type: Force Offense
    Cooldown: 2
    Description: The spell is cast by calling it's name and snapping their fingers followed up by driving their fist forward at their target at which point the magic circle opens and a spectral armored fist shoot forward at the target stretching out for up to 20m before dissipating it at 15m or further damage is halved moves with a speed of 5m/s if it hits within the first 10m it can knock back the opponent 10m of equal or lower rank.

    The spell is fast therefore hard to avoid

    .Good Range
    This spell has impressive range

    .Knock Back
    It has the chance to knock back an opponent

    .Can't alter movement

    Once the fist starts moving it can't change directions meaning once someone gets out of the way there is no way it can hit you.

    . Can't pass through objects

    Unlike many spells this spell can't go through any object regardless of any additional effects that would say otherwise

    .Best up close

    The loss of power the further out it reaches can cause many issues

    .Requires line of sight

    This spell in fact does require line of sight on the target it is aimed at and can't be fire into the air the hopes of hitting say an invisible target

    Name: Soul Shock
    Rank: D
    Type: Drain spell
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 4
    Description: The caster calls out the name of the spell and drives their now glowing hand hand into the target causing a massive jolt spectral energy to rip into the target draining them of 10% of their MP it is able to drain an enemy spell of equal level at one level it halves it's effects and two levels higher it no longer effects the opposing spell.
    Range: touch

    This spell has some utility as both an offensive spell and a defensive spell

    .Drains MP

    Rather than damaging health this spell drains MP

    .Hard to dodge
    Given it's working range this spell is harder to counter due to it's point blank nature.


    .No range

    Given this is a touch spell it has no range beyond the reach of the user's arm

    .Long Cool down

    This spell has a long cool down thus making every use that much more important

    .Must make contact with flesh

    When draining MP from a person this spell even simple cloth can stop this spell without abilities to pass through said materials

    .The MP is lost to the ether

    Despite the nature of spells like this the caster does not absorb any kind of MP from it rather the MP is just scattered to the four winds.

    Name Phantasmal Shotgun
    Rank: D
    Type: Phantom Multi Hit Offence
    Description: The caster snaps their fingers causing the spell circle to appear in front of the caster whilst calling the name of the spell the user strikes as hard as they can causing 6 skull shaped bullets of purple phantasmal energy to shoot out each dealing 5 HP damage with a range of spread rate of 1m per 5m and a max distance of 20m
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2

    .Potential High Damage

    The spell can potentially do more damage than a normal offensive spell of the same level

    .Can Hit Multiple Targets

    The spell is able to hit multiple targets

    . Can pass through non magic objects

    The spell is able to pass through non magic constructs naturally

    .Potential low damage

    While this spell is able to deal higher damage than a spell of it's level it also has the potential to deal very little damage depending on how many bullets hit the target

    .Most effective Point Blank

    To gain the most use out of this spell the caster must be uncomfortably close to their target

    .Weak at Long Range

    This spell becomes progressively weaker the further the target is from the point of origin as the bullets spread out more

    .No accuracy

    This spell has next to no accuracy and thus precise aim with it is impossible.

    Name: Agony Whip
    Rank: D
    Type: Drain Spell
    Duration: instant
    Cooldown: 3
    Description: The user calls out the spells name and swings his hands out in a slashing motion causing a purple and black tendril to lunge out from the suddenly formed magical circle lashing the enemy with it's draining psyche power draining them for 10% MP on hit having a range of 20 feet the spell however does require line of site to activate this spell does have a minimum range of 5 feet to work.

    MP drain
    this spell drains MP power from the opponent

    This spell has range and thus can hit at a distance

    Hard to Dodge
    This spell is hard to dodge if the user has line of site on their target

    Longer cooldown
    The spell has longer cooldown for it's rank

    Line of site required
    The spell requires line of site on the target

    Limited Range
    The spell does have limited range

    Minimum Distance
    The spell has a minimum distance thus can't be used at point blank range

    Name: Three in the Dark Driller
    Rank: C
    Type: Offense multi-hit
    Description: The user slams their hands together before pushing calling out the spells name the magical circle appears and the user then either drives their fist of foot through it causing them to be engulfed in deep purple drill shaped vortex with three black orbs at the base and the tip being formed where the user made connection with the magic circle the drill will then lunge forward with the user inside the drill moving 70 feet forward rotating at 20mps and moving forward at 15mps if it connects with the target it will deal half c rank damage 1 to 7 times depending on how close to the starting point was the target dealing half c rank damage per hit.
    Fast Casting
    This spell is fast to cast and can catch opponents off guard

    High Damage potential
    This spell has the potential to deal high damage

    The spell once it goes off is incredibly quick and thus harder to dodge

    Low potential damage
    This spell also has the potential for very low damage out

    Very Linear
    The spell can't change direction once fired off

    Dangerous movement
    The spell runs the risk of putting the user in a dangerous position as it can easily put them uncomfortably close to their target

    No protection
    The drill offers no protection to the user while they are inside it thus any attack from a different angle can easily disrupt the spell

    Name: Vampiric Drain
    Rank: C
    Type: Drain spell
    Cooldown 4
    Description: The user slams his clench fists together causing a magical circle to from in front of the user, the user then claws the circle causing three tendrils of purple and black energy to lash out 40 Feet and strike the enemy draining 20% MP from them and healing the user for C rank damage

    MP Drain
    This spell is a MP Drain Spell

    Healing Spell
    This spell allows the user to heal some damage

    This spell has decent range.

    No damage
    The spell has no natural damaging properties

    Longer Start up
    This spell has a slightly long start up

    Limited Range
    The spell only has a 40 foot range

    Can't pass through soild objects
    unlike many other spells in this magic this spell can't pass through even non magical objects

    Name: Soul Feast
    Rank: C
    Type: Support
    Duration: 4
    Description: The user create the magic circle around their feet and selects three target friendlies within 30 feet  purple ethereal chains link the three targets to the user for the duration any MP drain from a target the three linked friendlies regain that much MP so long as they remain in the 30 foot range of the caster

    Support Spell
    This spell is a support spell that can aid friendlies

    MP gain
    This spell allows the user or allies to gain MP

    Ongoing support
    The spell can aid friendlies for an extended period of time

    Limited range
    The spell has a limited range when selected targets

    The chains are visible and breakable
    The chains binding the user to the selected friendly targets can be broken and stop the spell

    The chains have weight to them
    The user and the friendly targets are bound together and thus if a friendly pulls hard enough on the chain they force the user to move and vice versa

    Radius of effect
    If the user or friendly moves out of the range of the spell the chains immediately shatter.

    Name: Mind Razor
    Rank: C
    Type: Debuff
    Duration: 4 posts
    Cooldown: 6 posts
    Description: The caster smiles while making eye contact with the target
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: B
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: B
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: B
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: B
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: A
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: A
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: A
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: A
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: S
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: S
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: S
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: H
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: Scaling
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: D Signature
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Last edited by michaelkeha on 15th May 2017, 8:20 am; edited 18 times in total

    Bump Re: Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper

    Post by Guest 11th January 2017, 2:25 pm

    Hello there Michaelkeha! This magic looks great so far, though I've written a few needed corrections in this lovely color. (: Please make the edits and bump once you have finished! Thanks!


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Bump Re: Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper

    Post by michaelkeha 11th January 2017, 9:43 pm

    Fixed up


    Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper -9gECUXK

    Bump Re: Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper

    Post by Guest 12th January 2017, 1:18 pm

    Almost there! ^.^


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Bump Re: Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper

    Post by michaelkeha 12th January 2017, 1:41 pm

    Well let's try that

    Bump Re: Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper

    Post by Guest 13th January 2017, 2:16 pm

    Phantasmal edge

    Due to prolonged contact with psychí energy Michael can momentarily charge his body with magical energy giving an 25% spell rank damage in melee bonus damage.

    Spell rank damage in melee bonus? Unfortunately, that does not make a lot of sense to me. If you mean just a spell rank damage buff, remove that last 'in melee bonus damage' clause, please. (: Thanks!

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera Blood
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    Bump Re: Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper

    Post by michaelkeha 13th January 2017, 2:24 pm

    Izayuki wrote:
    Phantasmal edge

    Due to prolonged contact with psychí energy Michael can momentarily charge his body with magical energy giving an 25% spell rank damage in melee bonus damage.

    Spell rank damage in melee bonus? Unfortunately, that does not make a lot of sense to me. If you mean just a spell rank damage buff, remove that last 'in melee bonus damage' clause, please. (: Thanks!
    Could have sworn I edited that to say melee damage guess I am going crazy

    Bump Re: Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper

    Post by Guest 13th January 2017, 2:47 pm



    Bump Re: Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper

    Post by Guest 27th February 2017, 3:52 pm

    Unlocked upon users request ^.^

    michaelkeha wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Dark Irregulars Magic: Phantasmal Soul Reaper
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: The Dark Irregulars Magic style is a larger group magic styles that all utilise soul energy or as they call it psychí in it's most direct translation as their medium for their magic usually by creating soul energy in the same way a fire wizard can create fire they also have the ability to gather the ambient energy left behind by any living being that has moved through any given area then storing it within themselves for later use this reservoir of soul energy is an emergency back-up for the most part when they run low on magical power to create their own psychí within the Dark Irregulars set of styles one of the more common if one can call any Dark irregulars magic style common is known as Phantasmal Soul Reaper which focuses more on using of  for offensive purposes such as creating fists and buzzsaws for offensive attacks combined with the Dark irregular magic staples of teleportation and movement augmentation techniques and several debuff spells.

    Michael uses the Phantasmal Soul Reaper style in the way it always should utilising the teleporting and movement spells to get to the ideal distance to unleash devastating bombardments of offensive pressure and debuffs while controlling the flow of combat by remaining just out of reach or in reach depending on the desired result allowing him to use his offensive tools as flexible as possible further enhanced by his lineage giving some cover over this style's weaknesses

    .Unpredictable vectors of attack

    Given the very nature of this style and Dark Irregulars magic as a whole it allows for attacks from to come from nearly all angles if used by a sufficently creative user.

    .High Movement.

    Given the abundance of teleportation and movement spells this style is highly mobile and hard to pin down

    .You can't hide from a ghost by slamming a door

    Some of the spells in this style are able to pass through non magical objects.


    .No defence

    The lack of defence in this style can be best summed as this there is no defence spells at all with the only modecum of defence coming from using offensive spells to block attacks

    .Requires fair amounts of space

    This style of magic requires a great deal of space to move around it without such space most of the spells are easily defended against and the lack of movement room is crippling defensively

    . Friendly fire
    with many of the spells on offer from this style the ability to accidently murder your allies along with your opponents becomes a resounding reality.

    .Long Cooldowns

    While not apparent on lower level abilities many of the higher level abilities within this style of magic have longer than usual cooldowns

    Lineage: Chimera Blood:
    Description: A long time an ago, a hero slew a Chimera invading a small town. The great hero drank some of the Chimera’s blood to show dominance over the mythical creature. But it changed him greatly, giving the hero the ability the strength of a lion, flight of an eagle, and scales of a snake. The hero’s descendants were given the exact same traits as he did.
    Ability: A transformation that allows the user to use one of the chimera’s ability, flight of an eagle from wings and a sight increase(flying ability and enhanced perception enough to detect the movement of a mouse in tall grass from a hundred meters away), strength of a lion(double strength), or scales of a snake(30% damage resistance). Causing great carnage if used correctly.
    Usage: Each of the three transformations last 4 posts. 5 post cooldown that is shared after using a form which prevents the user from just flipping between forms too quickly.

    Unique Abilities:

    A Dark Irregulars strength is unending

    Michael has learned the art of gathering ambient soul energy from his surroundings and storing it in himself for emergency use(gives 10% back up Mp)   

    Phantasmal edge

    Due to prolonged contact with psychí energy Michael can momentarily charge his body with magical energy giving an 25% melee bonus damage

    The Scream from Heaven or Hell
    Unique to each wizard is their trigger to access their psychi reservoir in Michael's case he unleashes a thunderous howl signifying to all around him by Heaven or Hell he will not kneel before any tyrant nor anyone who would dare deny him his right to exist.


    Name: Ether Walk
    Rank: D
    Type: Movement
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown:2 posts
    The Spell is cast by speaking the name and the user snapping their fingers a faint dark purple aura covers them then they teleport .the spell activates instantly once the casting is complete teleporting the cast 15 meters into an unoccupied space within line of sight.


    This spells gives incredible range of movement in a very real three dimensional way.


    This spell is incredibly quick to cast.

    .Low Magic Drain

    For it's utility it is surprisingly low cost


    .Very Limited Range

    The spell has very limited range in terms of reach

    .Limited by line of sight

    The spell requires line of sight to work.

    .Can't go through magical objects

    Any kind of magically made object can prevent the teleportation through it.

    .Must end in an unoccupied space

    The space where you teleport must be unoccupied by an object that takes up the space or a person.

    Name: Wraith Knuckle
    Rank: D
    Type: Force Offense
    Cooldown: 2
    Description: The spell is cast by calling it's name and snapping their fingers followed up by driving their fist forward at their target at which point the magic circle opens and a spectral armored fist shoot forward at the target stretching out for up to 20m before dissipating it at 15m or further damage is halved moves with a speed of 5m/s if it hits within the first 10m it can knock back the opponent 10m of equal or lower rank.

    The spell is fast therefore hard to avoid

    .Good Range
    This spell has impressive range

    .Knock Back
    It has the chance to knock back an opponent

    .Can't alter movement

    Once the fist starts moving it can't change directions meaning once someone gets out of the way there is no way it can hit you.

    . Can't pass through objects

    Unlike many spells this spell can't go through any object regardless of any additional effects that would say otherwise

    .Best up close

    The loss of power the further out it reaches can cause many issues

    .Requires line of sight

    This spell in fact does require line of sight on the target it is aimed at and can't be fire into the air the hopes of hitting say an invisible target

    Name: Soul Shock
    Rank: D
    Type: Drain spell
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 4
    Description: The caster calls out the name of the spell and drives their now glowing hand hand into the target causing a massive jolt spectral energy to rip into the target draining them of 10% of their MP it is able to drain an enemy spell of equal level at one level it halves it's effects and two levels higher it no longer effects the opposing spell.
    Range: touch

    This spell has some utility as both an offensive spell and a defensive spell

    .Drains MP

    Rather than damaging health this spell drains MP

    .Hard to dodge
    Given it's working range this spell is harder to counter due to it's point blank nature.


    .No range

    Given this is a touch spell it has no range beyond the reach of the user's arm

    .Long Cool down

    This spell has a long cool down thus making every use that much more important

    .Must make contact with flesh

    When draining MP from a person this spell even simple cloth can stop this spell without abilities to pass through said materials

    .The MP is lost to the ether

    Despite the nature of spells like this the caster does not absorb any kind of MP from it rather the MP is just scattered to the four winds.

    Name Phantasmal Shotgun
    Rank: D
    Type: Phantom Multi Hit Offence
    Description: The caster snaps their fingers causing the spell circle to appear in front of the caster whilst calling the name of the spell the user strikes as hard as they can causing 6 skull shaped bullets of purple phantasmal energy to shoot out each dealing 5 HP damage with a range of spread rate of 1m per 5m and a max distance of 20m
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2

    .Potential High Damage

    The spell can potentially do more damage than a normal offensive spell of the same level

    .Can Hit Multiple Targets

    The spell is able to hit multiple targets

    . Can pass through non magic objects

    The spell is able to pass through non magic constructs naturally

    .Potential low damage

    While this spell is able to deal higher damage than a spell of it's level it also has the potential to deal very little damage depending on how many bullets hit the target

    .Most effective Point Blank

    To gain the most use out of this spell the caster must be uncomfortably close to their target

    .Weak at Long Range

    This spell becomes progressively weaker the further the target is from the point of origin as the bullets spread out more

    .No accuracy

    This spell has next to no accuracy and thus precise aim with it is impossible.



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Bump Re: Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper

    Post by desirée 16th December 2017, 6:14 pm

    Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper XEibTrW


    Dark Irregulars Magic Phantasmal Soul Reaper IY2eFxu

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