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    Ban, the one true king WIP


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Terra, Mattias, Kiara
    Experience : 75

    Ban, the one true king WIP Empty Ban, the one true king WIP

    Post by Ban 29th August 2015, 8:57 pm

    Name: Ban the Undead
    Gender: Male
    Age: 321
    Birthday: 01/01
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Grey skin, red eyes that glow slightly, and white hair.

    Personality: Ban is very old, and those many years have taught him an immense amount of patience. He has spent the last two hundred years locked away in a cell, pinned to a wall, bound tightly by chains, unable to move or even speak in any way. He has spent this time coldly and calmly calculating his revenge and how he might take it. On the outside people would assume that he is cold, calculating, and proud, and they would normally be right. Ban is all these things under normal circumstances, but he also has a very explosive temper. While getting him to lose his temper is very difficult when he does lose it he goes into a destructive rage, smashing any thing, and any one, around him, until such time as his temper has burned itself out.

    In battle Ban is a commander of an impressive sort. His great patience serves him well here, allowing him to watch a battle and react accordingly. Often he will wait to engage in combat, watching how his opponents and allies move on the field before engaging in a manner that is usually most beneficial to his allies. When he gives commands they are given from observance and tactical calculations, aimed at winning the battle at the most cost effective manner, and he expects those orders to be obeyed.

    Likes: -Ban enjoys fighting, and is quite good at it. Its one of the few things that still gets his blood really flowing.

    - Ban is quite good at riddles, puns, and other forms f word play, and during his periods of imprisonment, will often torment his captors with horrible puns and jokes.

    - Ban loves a good, worthy challenge of any sort, from eating to cooking to fighting, a good challenge is rarely turned down.

    Dislikes: - Ban really dislikes bullies. Yeah, sure, he's evil technically. Yeah, sure, he picks a lot of fights. But let him catch you picking on the defenseless and he will put you through a world of hurt.

    - There is a difference between pride and arrogance. Pride is good. Arrogance, pride without wisdom, is bad in Bans eyes.

    - Ban absolutely hates it when people cheat at his games and puzzles, and often pouts when they do.

    Motivations: -Ban wants to die. No one knows this, but making friends and watching them die again and again takes it out of ya.

    - Ban can not resist a challenge and few things motivate him like telling him he cant do something.

    - Ban loves a good game or puzzle and will go to the ends of the earth for the best.

    Fears: -What great ironythat the thing Ban wants most, is also the thing he fears the most. Whatfate awaits a man as blood stained as Ban?

    - Ban fears losing the edge of his mind, the ability to create and solve puzzles.

    - Irony again as Ban fears living forever, doomed to relive the process of friendship, love, and loss, time and time again.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'4"
    Weight: 212lbs
    Hair: A light silver, and spiked up.
    Eyes: Red
    Skin Tone: Light


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: None
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Ban on 14th April 2016, 7:04 am; edited 1 time in total



    Do you hear the Whisper Men? The Whisper Men are near.
    If you hear the Whisper Men, then turn away your ear.
    Do not hear the Whisper men, whatever else you do.
    For once you’ve heard the Whisper Men, they’ll stop and look at you.

    A hero is not the one that never falls. A hero is the one that gets up, again and again, and never gives up on his dream.
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
    Position : None
    Posts : 3499
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ban, the one true king WIP Empty Re: Ban, the one true king WIP

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 30th August 2015, 1:03 pm

    Mr. Magic wrote:Name: Ban the Undead
    Gender: Male
    Age: 321
    Birthday: 01/01
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Ban has a scar on his left pectoral, running up, over his trapezoid and onto the lower part of his face. He also has a small fox tattoo on his left hip.

    Personality: Ban is old, and full of regrets, but most of them he has learned to ignore fairly well. Most would describe Ban as a thrill seeker, and a violent, sinful brute with sociopathic tendencies, and they would be mostly correct. Prone to random and brutal outbursts, coupled with a short attention span, and a disregard for pain, inflicted either on himself or others, and you have the makings for a true killer. Despite these tendencies however, Ban does have his limits, rules, and strict codes of conduct that he fiercely adheres to, his own personal code of misconduct if you will. First of these rules concerns children, elderly, and those ill suited to defending themselves. A village full of farmers is a poor target for Ban, especially when a fort full of soldiers, a dark guild of murderers, or a patrol full of knights are near by. Even in the heat and peak of battle, Ban will stay his hand if those who are unable to fight back get involved in anyway, and before his initial arrest, Ban was known to send warnings to his intended targets, such as cities and guilds, so that they could evacuate the citizenry before his arrival.

    Proud and boastful to a fault, Ban can rarely turn down a challenge, to anything. Rune knight says he can bring Ban in? Ban will go looking for that knight specifically and give him a shot. A high lord boasts that no man can woo or bed his daughter? Ban will grin and prove the man wrong. A bank claims that their vault is night impenetrable? Ban will penetrate it. His power is immense, and his skills are top notch, and he knows it. Tempering that pride however is an exact knowledge of his own abilities, and the wisdom to pick and choose his battles. He would never shy away from a stronger opponent, or the possibility of real death, but a lion does not respond to the boastings of a mouse.

    Despite his sins and flaws however, there were some, back before his imprisonment, that knew Undead Ban as Ban the Benevolent instead. He has little use for personal possesions of any sort and whenever he aquires something he considers useless, such as jewels, coins, weapons, food when he isn't hungry, or toys, he will hang on to said item until he finds someone who would benefit from the item more than he would. He then puts said person through some sort of trial, combat if they are able, and if they are not, then some sort of other test, often testing their will, resolve, intelligence, or ethics. If they did well enough, Ban will give them all the items he has acquired up to the point of meeting them before moving on and starting his collection again. He collects items, not becase he needs them, but because he has started to truly enjoy the little game he plays with people, famer, wizard, king, or knight, he will test them, and reward them accordingly.....

    Likes: -Ban enjoys fighting, and is quite good at it. Its one of the few things that still gets his blood really flowing.

    - Ban is quite good at riddles, puns, and other forms f word play, and during his periods of imprisonment, will often torment his captors with horrible puns and jokes.

    - Ban loves a good, worthy challenge of any sort, from eating to cooking to fighting, a good challenge is rarely turned down.

    Dislikes: - Ban really dislikes bullies. Yeah, sure, he's evil technically. Yeah, sure, he picks a lot of fights. But let him catch you picking on the defenseless and he will put you through a world of hurt.

    - There is a difference between pride and arrogance. Pride is good. Arrogance, pride without wisdom, is bad in Bans eyes.

    - Ban absolutely hates it when people cheat at his games and puzzles, and often pouts when they do.

    Motivations: -Ban wants to die. No one knows this, but making friends and watching them die again and again takes it out of ya.

    - Ban can not resist a challenge and few things motivate him like telling him he cant do something.

    - Ban loves a good game or puzzle and will go to the ends of the earth for the best.

    Fears: -What great ironythat the thing Ban wants most, is also the thing he fears the most. Whatfate awaits a man as blood stained as Ban?

    - Ban fears losing the edge of his mind, the ability to create and solve puzzles.

    - Irony again as Ban fears living forever, doomed to relive the process of friendship, love, and loss, time and time again.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'4"
    Weight: 212lbs
    Hair: A light silver, and spiked up.
    Eyes: Red
    Skin Tone: Light


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: None
    Rank: D



    Ban, the one true king WIP Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Ban, the one true king WIP Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Ban, the one true king WIP Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

    Ban, the one true king WIP Empty Re: Ban, the one true king WIP

    Post by Guest 14th April 2016, 6:44 am

    Unlocked at user's request.

    Ban, the one true king WIP Empty Re: Ban, the one true king WIP

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 7:23 pm

    Ban, the one true king WIP XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm