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    Poison Dragon Slayer


    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Chains
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Completed Poison Dragon Slayer

    Post by likeaboss756 8th June 2015, 2:17 am


    Primary Magic: Poison Dragon Slayer
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Poison Dragon Slayer magic is a type of magic that can only be taught to you by a dragon. The magic allows you to use the properties of a dragon in your attacks. It is a lost magic and is extremely rare. This magic gives you poison lungs capable of spewing and consuming poison as well as the ability to release poison from the user's body as a means for offence or defense. The user is also coded with a hidden layer of scales that protect them from poison. This magic allows you to apply poison to your opponent whether it be a sneaky injection or not. The user is capable of producing and manipulating poison, manifested in the form of a toxic gas. Said gas seems to be "tangible", and thus can be used as an effective blunt weapon, inflicting physical damage to foes while at the same time infecting them. Being a form of dragon slayer magic, this magic allows the user to consume external sources of it's element, in this case, poison, to restore their body's health and regain strength.
    Strengths: • The user of this magic is immune to poison of the same rank as him. C rank poison partially affects him while B rank poison and above fully affects him.
    • The user of this magic can poison enemies and weaken their physical and mental state.
    • The user of this magic is able to transform their body parts to match the properties of a dragon.
    Weaknesses:  • Since this is a dragon slayer type magic, the user has motion sickness.
    • Even though the user can consume poison, it has to come from an external source.
    • The user of this magic is at a disadvantage because poison isn't really a common natural element that is seen everywhere in the world.
    • The magic is mostly composed of gas therefore it is easily blocked and deflected by solid objects.
    Lineage: Knight of Swords
    Description: One of the Seven Knights of King Kuroryu, this Knight could summon an ethereal sword to his hand and use it to destroy anything in his way. This knight was said to be balanced in both offensive and defensive capabilities as he could destroy opponent's spells with his sword that he summoned. This knight was known to be the right hand man of King Kuroryu.

    Ability: The user summons a sword for 5 posts allowing the user to use it as a weapon to fight with which also increases the speed of the user. The user can also slice spells apart with restrictions.

    Usage: The user can activate the summon and use the sword for 5 posts, with a 150% increase in speed, and has a cooldown of 5 posts between uses. If the user wishes, he can use the sword to cut spells apart rendering them useless (up to S-Rank). However, if he does cut the spell apart the user of the lineage the user cannot move from his position for 1 post - IF he does the sword vanishes but allows the user to move again. Can only be used 2 times per thread.

    Dragon Force:

    Dragon Senses:

    Corrosive Vision:

    D Rank spells:

    Rank: D

    Type: Poison,Offence,Defense

    Duration: Instant

    Cooldown: 2 posts

    Description: The user generates a wave of poison, shaped like a large-fanged snake head and sends it towards the target. The spell travels at 10 mph and has a range of 15 feet. The spell works in two ways, it can either stop an opponent's incoming attack by swallowing it or it can attack the opponent directly by swallowing them in the mouth of the wave and continuing past them until the wave ends.

    Strengths: • The spell can be used on the offence or on the defense.
    • If the user is hit by the spell directly, then they are poisoned for one post, and their vision becomes hazy.
    • The spell can unhinge it's jaw on the defense to swallow one D rank spell and also continue moving toward the target.

    Weaknesses: • The spell automatically is destroyed if it is hit by two D rank spells at once.
    • The spell automatically stops if it comes in contact with a solid object bigger than it.
    • The spell is weak against life or nature based spells.
    • The spell has no effect on a B rank or higher wizard.


    Rank: D

    Type: Poison,Offence,AoE

    Duration: Instant

    Cooldown: 2 posts

    Description: The user jumps into the air while gathering poison in both of their feet, they then turn upside down and begin rotating. Due to the rotation, the excess poison on their feet is released as trails that follow the movement of the caster's feet. The trails never extend past 15 feet in diameter. The spell can do damage by either having the trail it the enemy or directly kicking them. Being hit by the trails will cause the spell to do 75% of it's damage to you, but taking a direct hit will cause it to do the full 100% of it's damage. If the opponent is hit by the spell at all, they are poisoned for one post and their speed is decreased.

    Strengths: • The user doesn't have to hit the enemy directly in order for the spell to do damage.
    • If the opponent is hit by either the trail of poison or kicked directly by the user, the opponent is poisoned for one post and their speed is decreased.
    • The user can move in mid air causing the area of effect to shift with them.

    Weaknesses: • It's really hard to get a direct hit with the spell.
    • If an outside force is able to stop the user's rotation, the spell stops immediately.
    • The spell is weak against life or nature based spells.
    • The spell has no effect on a B rank or higher wizard.


    Rank: D Rank

    Type: Poison,Offence

    Duration: 3 Posts

    Cooldown: 4 Posts

    Description: The user surrounds one or both of their hands in poison and uses it to aid them in hand to hand combat. The fists give the user a 10% power bonus while attacking with them. They also have the ability to poison the opponent for one post after making contact with them at least three times.

    Strengths: • The spell increases the user's punches by 10%.
    • The spell has the ability to poison the opponent for one post making their muscles not cooperate with their brain.
    • The spell is also good for countering or blocking magically empowered strikes from enemies.

    Weaknesses: • If the user only uses one hand, then the power is increases by 10%, but if they use both hands the power is cut in half and each hand gets a half.
    • The user has to make contact with the opponent at least three times to poison them.
    • The spell is weak against life or nature based spells.
    • The spell has no effect on a B rank or higher wizard.

    Name: Poison Dragon's Guard

    Rank: D Rank

    Type: Poison,Defense

    Duration: 2 Posts

    Cooldown: 4 Posts

    Description: The user creates a wall of poison which is mainly used to stop opponent's magic spells or physical attacks. The wall can take two hits of a D rank spell (one C rank) before collapsing. The wall stops magic spells by simply taking the shot and it stops physical attacks by knocking the enemies back and poisoning them for one post making them confused and they may attack themselves.
    Strengths: • The spell knocks enemies back when they try and attack physically.
    • The spell has the ability to poison the opponent for one post making them confused and they may attack themselves.
    • The spell is strong against other infectious type magics.
    Weaknesses: • The spell can only take two hits form a D rank spell.
    • The spell doesn't protect the user's back side.
    • The spell is weak against life or nature based spells.
    • The spell has no effect on a B rank or higher wizard.

    C Rank spells:
    Name: Poison Dragon's Crushing Fang
    Rank: C Rank
    Type: Poison,Offense  
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Description: The user swings their arms forward, forming a cross shape with their arms. This motion performed by the user causes two waves of poison to shoot towards the enemy causing blunt physical damage on impact. The waves travel at about 10 mph and can travel 20 yards before dissipating into the air. When the waves connect with it's target, the target is poisoned and their vision becomes hazy for one post.
    Strengths: • There are two waves of poison, doubling the chance of the attack hitting.
    • The spell poisons it's target, making their vision hazy for one post.
    • The spell is strong against other infectious type magics

    Weaknesses: • The spell can't poison an A rank or higher.
    • The waves of poison are still in an X form, so it's easy to dodge.
    • The spell is weak against life or nature based spells.
    • The spell automatically stops if it hits a solid object bigger than it.

    Name: Poison Dragon's Scales
    Rank: C Rank
    Type: Poison,Offense  
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Description: The user creates magic circles on his hands and releases tiny poisonous scales from the circles. The user can release 50 of these scales total per use of the spell. These scales travel at 15 mph and can go for 20 yards before disappearing. Upon contact with a target, the scales inject a tiny amount of poison into an enemy which won't do anything until it's added with more poison from other scales. Each scale that hits is 1 stack of poison, when the stacks on a person reach 5, the target can't think straight. If the stacks reach 10, the target has random muscle spasms.

    Strengths: • The user can change targets by moving their hands to a new target.
    • The user can release scales from one or both of their hands.
    • The spell is strong against other infectious type magics.
    Weaknesses: • The spell can't poison an A rank or higher.
    • The scales are tiny and can be dodged easily.
    • The spell is weak against life or nature based spells.
    • The spell automatically stops if it hits a solid object bigger than it.

    Name: Poison Dragon's Sword Horn
    Rank: C
    Type: Poison, Offence
    Duration: Instant
    Colldown: 3 posts
    Description: The user jumps towards a location torpedo style while his body is covered in poison. The user is moving such that the poison creates a trail behind them. While using the spell the user is moving 20 mph and can travel for 40 yards before the poison dissipates. The user's objective is to ram the target with their head. If the spell makes contact with it's target, they are poisoned for 1 post and can't think straight.

    Strengths: • The user can break through solid objects such as walls.
    • The spell is strong against other infectious type mages.
    • The spell poisons the opponent for 1 post and they can't think straight.

    Weaknesses: • The spell can't poison an A rank or higher.
    • Overuse of the spell could cause some skull damage to the user.
    • The spell is weak against life or nature based spells.
    • The spell for the most part travels in a linear fashion making it easy to dodge.

    Name: Poison Dragon's Roar
    Rank: C,B,A,S
    Type: Poison, Offence
    Duration: Instant
    Colldown: N/A
    Description: The user gathers poison energy from their body into their throat and neck area. They then concentrate that energy and after that they release it. Once released, a blast of poison shoots from your mouth and travels at 20 mph and can go for as long 45 yards before disappearing into air. If the spell makes contact with an enemy they are poisoned for 2 posts and their body starts to fail them. Body failure from this spell causes hazy vision, muscle spasms, and the inability to think straight. The body failure works on C ranks and below, B ranks are barely affected and A ranks are not affected at all by the failure.
    Strengths: • The user can change targets by moving their mouth in a different direction.
    • The spell is strong against other infectious type mages.

    • The spell poisons the opponent for 1 post and their body starts to fail.
    Weaknesses: • The spell can't poison an A rank or higher.
    • If the spell hits a solid object with more surface area than it, the spell stops at the object and fans out on contact with it.
    • The spell is weak against life or nature based spells.• The spell can't poison anything once it starts fanning.

    Last edited by likeaboss756 on 27th June 2015, 5:08 am; edited 67 times in total

    Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Completed Re: Poison Dragon Slayer

    Post by Yvonne 9th June 2015, 8:07 pm

    Approved! Have fun~


    Poison Dragon Slayer QoRmBvD

    Completed Re: Poison Dragon Slayer

    Post by Guest 15th June 2015, 7:04 pm

    Unlocked for C-rank edits.

    Kitty Avenger

    Kitty Avenger

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Spirit Of Chelvaric Vhalru
    Experience : 150

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    First Skill: Ragnarok Phoenix
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    Completed Re: Poison Dragon Slayer

    Post by Chelvaric 24th June 2015, 1:24 am

    up all your cds with 1 and the roar a cd of 4

    explain your failing body more in detail


    Poison Dragon Slayer Bakugou.Katsuki.600.1932217

    It is a man’s heart which sets the world aflame..

    magic bank /Character

    Poison Dragon Slayer Beigecat

    Kitty Avenger

    Kitty Avenger

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 2632
    Guild : Baselisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Spirit Of Chelvaric Vhalru
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ragnarok Phoenix
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    Completed Re: Poison Dragon Slayer

    Post by Chelvaric 24th June 2015, 2:19 am

    Poison Dragon Slayer OsrTydV


    Poison Dragon Slayer Bakugou.Katsuki.600.1932217

    It is a man’s heart which sets the world aflame..

    magic bank /Character

    Poison Dragon Slayer Beigecat

    Completed Re: Poison Dragon Slayer

    Post by Guest 24th June 2015, 5:12 pm


    Unlocked at the user's request.

    Completed Re: Poison Dragon Slayer

    Post by Guest 9th July 2015, 10:00 am

    Poison Dragon Slayer CBsTu5w

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:30 am