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    Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar

    Zoe Schiffer
    Zoe Schiffer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
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    Posts : 693
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 1150

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    First Skill: ➹ wind magic.
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    Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar  Empty Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar

    Post by Zoe Schiffer 7th May 2015, 10:46 am

    Job Sheet:
    Zoe Schiffer
    Zoe Schiffer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 1150

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    First Skill: ➹ wind magic.
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    Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar  Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar

    Post by Zoe Schiffer 8th May 2015, 5:01 am


    there's no regretting anymore.

    The train slightly rattled back and forth as it drove at a swift pace, continuously colliding with the rough texture of the tracks. A whirring sound echoed from the wheels of the train as it raced forward, however, were blocked to the ears of the passengers that sat within the confines of the bright red painted train by the heavily glazed widows. A light blonde haired female sat upon the leathered chair of the train, her blue hues gazing outside, admiring the grey tint that the sky held. Within the grey painted sky, it held upon it splotches of clouds represented in an even darker shade of grey. And among all the grey, there was no sign of a tint of light; no yellow, no orange, no blue; just grey. The sun had been captured and hidden by the brutal sky as the dim sky finally took its reign. In a way, the sight was sublime yet also, disorienting and morbid.  

    A sigh escaped the rosy lips of the blonde who was dressed in a peach coloured sweater coupled with a white skirt and white leggings underneath with converse occupying her feet. The ponytail that was firmly placed on the side of her head slightly swished back and forth – with a few strands outlining her face – as she glanced at the sheet of paper in her hand, slowly sliding back down in her seat. The contents of the sheet of paper coupled with the drastically depressing weather outside arose a chill down the female’s spine, making her momentarily regret her decision. Her decision of grasping the job sheet in the first place and deciding to take it as a challenge by venturing into the vicinity of the area known as ‘Haunted Village’ where a task awaited her.

    Zoe glanced once more at the job sheet and read through its contents once more. The job merely assigned her to venture within the depths of a school in the village; supposedly, some strange aspects had been occurring within the school and a short note was transcribed relating it to demonic possession concerning the faculty and the students. However, more details were to be given when the mages who took the job would finally, arrive in the village. And the train was taking Zoe exactly there; Haunted Village. When she had first looked upon the job sheet, a scoff had escaped her lips at the prospect of the unorthodox matter known as ‘demonic possession’. However, it may just be a trick of the weather but somehow, she was starting to believe in the possibility.

    “Oh, come on, Zoe. Possession, really? That’s utterly idiotic. The mayor in the village must have his eyes veiled by that phenomenon. I’m sure it’s nothing of that sort; just a principal messing around who needs to be a taught a lesson.”
    She spoke confidently, the entire message aimed at herself at a chance of recomposing herself and making the slight misconception that she held within her disappear.

    As the train came to an abrupt stop at their destination, the weather had become a tad bit worse and the sky a little more greyer signifying a possibility of rain. Stepping a foot outside of the train, she glanced upwards again as she walked straight on; her attention fixated upon the weather as an uneasy look masked her features. Sighing yet again by closing her eyes momentarily as she presumed walking, the light blonde suddenly felt a push backwards as she collided into someone only catching a glimpse of blonde hair, a little shade darker than her own and fell to the ground on her butt.


    01 // 30

    Last edited by Zoe Schiffer on 16th August 2015, 4:37 am; edited 3 times in total
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Posts : 1380
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 350

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    Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar  Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar

    Post by Indiana Jones 31st May 2015, 11:19 am




    Look away

    Waking up at the inn of the village, where the man had checked himself in, Indar got up on his feet sleepily. The scratches on his body, from the terrible wolves he had fought a few nights ago, still putting strain onto his body. All the damage to his organism, had really made sleeping difficult, never had he  had problems with sleeping before, but now, having suffered injuries far greater than he had ever before, made it hard to enjoy sleep. It was like a nightmare in the night and during the day, one that wouldn't stop until the wounds had healed.

    But he was in town to clear some possessed yahoos, something he had done before in his time as a mage. Though, that had been when he was called a member of Sabertooth still, can't believe he was part of a legal guild himself. Those were the times, no bounty hunters would come after him, the rune knights didn't see him as a threat and the general civilians wouldn't be afraid of his identity. The man could be called a little notorious, due to his multiple crimes, but as his danger level wasn't that high and he couldn't deal much damage overall in Fiore, he was a low ranking criminal. Due to this, mostly only low rank hunters came for him, they were like mosquitoes, annoying, but squished easily, very easily. It has been no fun, the notoriety would need to go higher, much higher, for Indar to start enjoying it. He adored the evil spotlight it put on him, he wanted to be feared and to be respected at the same time, but mostly feared.

    Though the job at hand, would pay well and as Indar had offered his service, the man responsible for the request, had accepted him, with a little doubt at first, but eventually accepting it, after the man had threatened to lynch him. So he got the job, hopefully it could be done alone easily, tho he had thought about inviting someone along for the ride, but decided against it at the end, no need to do so.

    As the man walked through the empty main street of the village, going past the train station, he felt a sudden force push into him. Quite confused for a split second, Indar turned around, to witness quite a beautiful girl. Longer blonde hair, with a fairly petite figure, quite adorable one could say. This was rather interesting, he hadn't expected to meet someone cute in this village.

    ''Sooo, did you have a reason to bump into me, beautiful lady?'' He sounded a little cheesy, but it was his way, to avoid sounding like the evil psycho he actually was.
    deltra of gangnam style


    Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar  18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2
    Zoe Schiffer
    Zoe Schiffer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 693
    Guild : ♕ n/a.
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 1150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ➹ wind magic.
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    Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar  Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar

    Post by Zoe Schiffer 17th June 2015, 8:17 am


    there's no regretting anymore.

    A groan escaped the light-blonde haired girl’s lips as her behind came in contact with the hardened texture of the ground, momentarily engulfing her entire being in a gush of agony which lasted for a mere second before diminishing quite a bit and toning the discomfort. Her hand automatically reached out to slightly rub her butt a bit in hopes of toning the affliction even further however, presumed it would require some time before it extinguished for good. “Ouchie."

    However, the voice that echoed through her surroundings made the light blonde instantly avert her sapphire eyes over to meet the emerald ones of a blond haired man’s. It took a few seconds before it all registered in; Zoe, as a klutz as she was, had accidently bumped into the man whilst being engulfed in her own confines of a mind. But the words that echoed from his lips made the blonde quirk an eyebrow upward; a mixture of surprise and amusement lacing her features both indicated at his question. Now that she got a good look at the blonde haired man, she had to admit he was quite devilishly good-looking; appearing to be in his early twenties paired with blond hair, green eyes and attractive facial features along with a voice that could indeed, charm. However, as she described him using the sense devilishly, there appeared to some form of an aura radiating from him; something unpleasant. This was a talent Zoe possessed; an unknown talent of being able to roughly identify a person on catching a good glimpse of them. Yes, his tone established him as quite a charismatic individual however, a sense of caution was depicted as well.

    Choosing to ignore her gut feeling for the time being, the female slowly got up, rubbing her clothes to eradicate the dust that had accumulated upon it and raised her eyebrow at him; amusement laced within that mere action. “Beautiful lady, eh? Do you use that on every girl that accidently bumps into you? Because if you do, then I have to say that you are too cheesy, dude. Because I can sense cheesiness rolling off that line in waves.” A light snicker left her lips then as she stopped for a second and continued, this time, indicating her response at the question he posed at her.

    “And if you must know then that was an accidental bump; I was somewhat lost in my own thoughts and looking up at the sky because have you seen this awful weather? It gives me the creeps.” She slightly shivered reinforcing the idea behind her words. Regardless of the fact that the man was an absolute stranger, Zoe still addressed and talked to him as if they were old friends; truth be told, that was the way the girl associated with anyone and everyone, not an inch of shyness lacing her.

    It was then she remembered the purpose of her visit to this village and she clicked her fingers, her face suddenly framing a look of remembrance. Turning to face the blond haired man completely, Zoe aimed a question towards his direction along with a perky introduction, her voice laced with excitement; the sugar rush of the earlier sweets she had eaten finally catching up to her. “I’m Zoe, by the way, nice to meet you!” With a grin framing her face, she ushered a hand forth towards him in the form of a hand shake.

    “So, are you from around here? Because, like, if you are, would you mind helping me get to the mayor’s office or whoever runs this place? Because I came here for this one job. Some principal dude is apparently possessed or something and the people are freaking out. Hence, they asked the help of a great and powerful mage to embark on this quest! And if you haven’t already guessed, that’s me!” Folding her arms underneath her chest with a satisfied stance, she waited for his response.

    03 // 30

    Last edited by Zoe Schiffer on 16th August 2015, 4:41 am; edited 1 time in total
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Posts : 1380
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 350

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    Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar  Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar

    Post by Indiana Jones 10th July 2015, 12:43 pm




    Look away

    If there was one thing, that Indar hadn't expected to happen, was the amount of talking this blonde girl could do. The man was having real trouble to keep up with everything, having not met anyone who talks this much for a very long time. Savage Skull mages weren't that talkative in the first place anyway, most kept to themselves and hid in the shadows, only talking when on a job or mission together, but no small talk. It just wasn't something they did, so when Indar had to talk with someone, about smaller things, the man was definitely out of his comfort zone.

    But that didn't stop him, oh not even close. ''It may be cheesy, but it's always a good conversation starter.'' That was true for Indar at least, calling someone a beautiful lady had always started a good conversation or earned the man some valuable information. ''The weather... I must say, i'm quite fond of a nice weather like this, it's much nicer than the regular weather i get near the guild i'm serving.''

    His guild, it wasn't a secret, well, not something Indar kept a secret. Being a member of Savage Skull, wasn't anything bad in his eyes, but it was like being a member of any other guild. Any guild could harbor any kind of person really, who was there for their own reasons. Like some were in Savage Skull for revenge, some due to their past, some due to their race. But some were in there just for the laughs. Those were the real Savages. Though Indar, he was mainly there for the laughs, but also, to serve Harrigan. So basically, Indar was the hunting dog of Savage Skull, a role that fit the man perfectly. Though, it wasn't like the man would go and show this blonde girl his guild tattoo like that, but to be fair, it was quite visible on his neck. Especially, with his neck being quite long.

    ''The name's Iscariot, Indar Iscariot.'' His last name first, it was the right way to introduce himself. Or so his parents had thought the young man and he followed the rule. Hopefully Zoe didn't know any other Iscariots, otherwise it would be quite the awkward situation the man would find himself in, explaining his brothers. Not an action he liked to do. ''And i'm sorry miss, but i'm not from this small village, but i know of the task you speak. I'm here for the same thing. So i can offer you help with the actual task...but not finding the building.''
    deltra of gangnam style


    Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar  18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2
    Zoe Schiffer
    Zoe Schiffer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 693
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 1150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ➹ wind magic.
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    Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar  Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal | Job | Zoe and Indar

    Post by Zoe Schiffer 16th August 2015, 7:02 am


    there's no regretting anymore.

    “I suppose that’s true.” Rosy lips synchronizing with the words that belched out of her mouth as a response to his statement in tow with a chuckle. However, contemplation lay upon every syllable; Zoe’s cerulean hues embodying the emotion as momentarily, the light-blonde haired young female immersed herself within a reverie, centered upon the enigmatic man that stood before her. Although, the façade he materialized before her emerged him as a mirthful individual; the female yet, pondered upon the subject of his amusement. Jubilancy lay in every word he spoke; sincerity outlining yet, a consistent daunt emitted from his every word. It established that there was more to the man then, met the eye.

    He, then, spoke; voice laced with a virile tone swam through the breaches of her mind, oppressing a lacuna upon her chain of thoughts. The genesis of this interruption was the aforementioned, man; to whom, the female, listened to intently; his every word, thoroughly encrypting itself within her mind. An array of questions lined themselves within her consciousness; an example of which may be the epithet of the guild he spoke of. So, he’s a mage too, eh? The fact inaugurated his descent as a mage however, his basis of alliance yet, remained a mystery. Through, their little discussion about the weather, Zoe presumed his guild to possess a rather, grim and turbulent weather; far worse than that of the Haunted Village. Thesis upon these facts, combined, with the basic knowledge she possessed about the honored as well as, inconspicuous guilds pinpointed one to her; an imaginary crease in her eyebrows, establishing her distress as the title rang through the confines of her mind. Savage Skull.

    As alas, her theory proved to be true. For unknowingly, whilst discreetly scrutinizing the blond individual’s lanky frame – a rather, contradicting one to her short size – did her eyes zero in upon his neck; an intricate streak of emerald allocated upon the right side of his neck. The mark; an identification which established his reputation more than his name would; a confirmation amid the hypothesis planted within her mind. For, the man was indeed, a dark mage. A Savage Skull dark mage. Involuntarily, a shaky breath lapsed from the seal of her lips; the action done, warily, thus hoping not to attract the eye of the man. However, that would depend on the meticulous nature of his gaze; whether he would spot the light tremble in her demeanor.  

    Albeit, he possessed the notoriety of a dark mage; it was a doctrine belief of Zoe to not judge before knowing. His affiliation did, without a doubt, increase her wariness enacting her to be more watchful. However, this adventure that the two had begun, would go on. If the peculiar man had no intentions of harming her; the feelings would be mutual from her side, as well.

    However, when one word departed his lips; a widening of the young female’s eyes followed. Iscariot. The last name, incredibly familiar. For Zoe knew another possessing an akin title. Flocculent mass of auburn hair blinded her vision momentarily; the one known as Jayce’s visage flashing within her mind as, his name, the one he conveyed to her with eminency yet, outlined with a tint of acrimony also flocked her senses. “Iscariot.” A breathy voice left her lips, hardly audible; Zoe’s sapphire orbs gazing upon the man whose name was presumably, Indar; her lips lightly parted. Jayce’s words emanated through her; the moment when he had shared his life-story with the girl, accompanied with his past, present and future goals. Without a cease, the first question erupted in her mind was whether Indar was one of the brothers her dear, love interest had mentioned? A moment was needed before she shook her head, emitting a waft of a sigh and gazed upon him yet, again. The next words he spoke were merely, filtered out of her mind as she caught of grasp of aid that he was offering. And, then, she spoke.

    “Ah, of course. I’d love your help! Since, you’re here for the same thing, it would only make sense we work together.” Her tone, had been adapted to be cheerful at that moment as a pause ensued from her side before, she continued, the fluctuation in her voice, now slightly apprehensive. “So, your name is Iscariot, eh? Do you, by any chance, happen to be related to a Jayce Iscariot?” The question, rather, simple however, the answer was to be waited for, impatiently. If indeed, he was Jayce’s sibling; then, the two mages within the Haunted Village would indeed, be in for one heck of a surprise.

    05 // 30

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