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    Art of Manipulation: Puppet Master

    East Faye
    East Faye

    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 9
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    In Progress Art of Manipulation: Puppet Master

    Post by East Faye 10th April 2015, 8:26 am


    Primary Magic: Art of Manipulation: Puppet Master
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description:  Art of Manipulation is a magic that gives you control of their body and others body, but only dead bodies. The puppet master is a technique that East has combined with his magic to create a powerful art based on puppets. The user is able to summon and transform into puppets by changing the quantities and movements of his magic, by just sending a strong wave of magic around his body, East is able to transform into any of his puppets, and by giving part of his magic to a dead body, East gains complete control of it, being able to seal it and summon it later.  
    East is a good person, meaning that he never killed anyone just to control his body, he uses this magic as protection and will always use it like that.
    This magic works with invisible string, meaning that the user can't use any weapon either than rings and stuff that need no holding. To control the bodies the user moves his finger in the air, simulating movements that the puppets imitate, this is why he can only control two puppets at the same time.

    East has learned how to create his own puppets, he can summon a big amount of puppets by just moving his hand around the air, he likes to sell them as weapons or toys or just give them to little kids without money. The puppets made by East are dangerous when being dead bodies, they don't need to be controlled because they can't be controlled with strings, East's voice is a big pain for the dead bodies, they will do anything he says and they don't know why. They can't speak but they are intelligent. The mages transformed into puppets will try to scape from him if they have the chance.
    An important thing about this magic is that East can't transform into dead mages, he can only transform in his own puppets.
    East is strong enough to make his strings fly, meaning that he can make his puppets fly too.

    -East's Strings are invisible for people who have less Magic Power than him. But same ranked mages with good vision will be able to notice the strings.
    -East can control any puppet close to him by throwing his strings to them and connecting his fingers with the puppet.

    -This gives the user a big amount of possibilities, since is a combination of strings and summoning.
    -The user can summon dead bodies as puppets, this gives him another type of magic and even more abilities.
    -East's puppets are stronger than him, they give him a big advantage against any other mage.
    -East can't control more than two puppets at the time, he has too use one hand to completely control a puppet. (Some puppets are exceptions depending on their size)
    -Any higher ranked mage will be able to see East's strings.
    -If a puppet it's destroyed, it will take 10 more posts to summon it again.
    -East has to be at least A rank to turn his body into a puppet.
    -The user won't be able to use one of his hands to fight if he is using a puppet.
    Evil Angel:
    Unique Abilities:
    Puppet Master:
    String Master:
    Puppet Designer:

    String Bullet:

    Rank: D

    Rank: D

    Rank: D

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:17 am