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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Guild : Golden Phoenix
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 9th March 2015, 4:42 pm

    Job Description:

    "Alrighty!" The young girl tossed her fist up in the air, a sign of readyness and excitement. Not a hint of worry had brushed her mind yet, the young girl apparently either stupidly brave or overly optimistic. Since her memory loss and child like change Venir had stuck to simply jobs such as chasing down chickens or working in a cafe so this job was a test run so to speak for her. "I don't like fighting but I suppose every now and then I have to. Maybe if I'm lucky we can just talk it out with the vulcan and goblin."Though she highly doubted the vulcan or goblin would want to do much talking especially with their very serious demand of  100 pies and 100 tubs of sherbert. "Still I have to try...No wait we have to try!" While she seemed comfortable in her abilities she still wasn't ready enough to go on such a mission by herself quite yet....Which was why she had invited a fellow guild member along, though by invite she meant leave a crayon scribbled note beneath his door. She had yet to meet this member at least according to her memoryless head but generally a visual cue often helped spark some memory or feeling of sorts.

    "I wonder if he'll come and if he'll know who I am...." The young girl wondered, standing at the deserted train station. The blockade was a little ways down the tracks but the station itself was deserted considering no trains could run so long as the blockade lasted. However, appearing no older than twelve Venir more or less looked like a lost child rather than a mage. However the pink mark of Eclipse Soul showed proudly on her thigh. Running a hand through her silver blonde hair and closing her almost eerie red eyes the girl sighed, "Maybe I'll have to go alone?"

    318 Words


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 75
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Leila Vergious
    Experience : 1,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nebula Slayer
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Eilidh O'Maoilriain 11th March 2015, 8:14 am

    Aaron was walking towards the train station while drinking a cup of coffee. Absorbed in his thoughts as he was, he barely noticed the fact that his beverage had gone cold. He was to busy contemplating his coming job. While he found somewhat interesting that a goblin and a vulcan had managed to put together enough cognitive ability to come up with a plan to get food from the town, he was more interested in his partner. He hadn't seen Venir since the day when the new guildmaster had taken over, and he was looking forward to seeing how she acted when on an actual mission, not to mention he was mildly excited to see how her law breaking magic would be applied in combat.

    The thought of combat turned Aaron's mind back to the job at hand, and what he thought to expect. He had no doubt that the vulcan and the goblin would have to be taken out before the blockade could be removed. He didn't expect that to be an issue, but he didn't like to underestimate his opponents.

    :Oh you worry to much. The most difficult part of this will be moving the tree. The vermin will be no problem whatsoever.:

    Aaron glanced at Luna, who had silently walked up to his side. :There you are. I thought that you would never leave that vendor alone.:

    Luna began to purr loudly as she spoke in Aaron's mind. :It took some effort, but I finally got one of those meat buns out of him.:

    Aaron smiled, Luna may be a being fully capable of ripping a person to shreds, but in the face of well prepared food she became as threatening as a kitten. The two walked in silence until they came to the train station, where they saw what appeared to be a small girl standing around.

    Aaron frowned. He was sure that Venir would be here already. Perhaps she had gone ahead?

    Aaron called out to the girl. "Excuse me, but have you seen Venir Rulush nearby?"


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] ENczOVq
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 11th March 2015, 4:35 pm

    At the sound of her name the girl turned on her heel facing the man who had inquired about it. "Venir RuLush?" Confusion was etched into her childish features, "I'm Venir RuLush or so I've been told." She shrugged, her own lack of knowledge on the circumstances of her existence and well identity was making itself known. However, the girl did not give Aaron much time to respond to that remark as she was quick to fire a question or two of her own, "You wouldn't happen to be Aaron would you? If not by any chance then have you seen him? You see I'm supposed to go on a job with him!" Just like the previously pink haired bikini wearing mage, this one also seemed to have a bad habit of talking and just about revealing every little detail in which she knew or noticed. Speaking of details there was one thing the girl had neglected to notice but took notice of it now,

    "How cute!"

    Her hands clapped together, red eyes sparkling with excitement at the feline. She at least did not make a move to touch it other than reaching out a hand wanting to allow the creature to come to her rather than scare it and come to it. Her fascination with the cat seemingly outweighed everything else. It was also to be noted that the girl didn't seem to recall much if anything about meeting Aaron, the name not sounding familiar upon her tongue and certainly not striking any memories. Not even the sight of him brought up any of the fuzzy memories, though the girl didn't seem to be too worried.

    277 Words


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 75
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Leila Vergious
    Experience : 1,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nebula Slayer
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Eilidh O'Maoilriain 2nd April 2015, 3:28 pm

    Aaron raised an eyebrow at the girl, either she was blatantly lying and Venir was playing a trick on him, or something ridiculously powerful had gotten hold of her. As he watched the girl start to fawn over Luna he couldn't help but come to the conclusion that she was Venir, no one naive enough to call Luna cute could have made a lie that big sound even slightly convincing.

    :And why can't I be cute?:

    Aaron shot a look at Luna, who was currently pushing her head against Venir's hand and purring loudly. :Because, you shameless feline, you're big enough to eat a grown man, as such 'cute' is not the first word that comes to mind:

    Luna decided to ignore Aaron's comments and turn her attention back to Venir's caresses. When she got close to a particularly itchy spot she decided to project her mind voice to Venir as well.

    Hmmm...a little lower dear, you're so close...

    Aaron just snorted and turned back to Venir.

    Yes, I'm Aaron, and I'm surprised to have to tell you that, seeing as, assuming you are Venir, we have met. I distinctly remember ripping up part of the guildhall with you. If you wouldn't mind though, I would like to know what exactly happened to put you into this form.

    Luna shot Aaron a look, restraining her mind voice back to him.
    :Oh yes, such a delicate touch about matters that a person might not want to talk about, just barge right in.:

    Aaron chose to ignore her.

    If you don't feel like telling me though, we could just go to the station and start our mission, either way will work for me.

    Aaron turned his head to look at the station and frowned. He didn't really like this mission and what it entailed, in his opinion, if a goblin and a glorified monkey could grind your operation to a halt, then perhaps you should look for new employment.

    OOC: Sorry for the delay, been busy.


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] ENczOVq
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 2nd April 2015, 4:24 pm

    Close your eyes
    give me your hand

    The young girl was perfectly content with just petting the large feline until a voice had spoken inside her head. This caused her to jump back more than a little startled at the voice. However, after a moment she realized that it was the feline that had spoken within her head. Hesitantly, she returned her hand back to the feline and scratched at the spot that it had previously indicated. Before long the girl was back to her cheery self, no longer startled by the intelligent and telepathic cat. It was odd that she was more startled by the fact that the creature could talk rather than its size.

    "Ah good! I was worried I'd have to go searching for you!" She smiled pleasantly her hand stopped petting the cat for a moment as she seemed to grow in thought. "We ripped up a part of the guild?" Her little head could hardly fathom as to why the two of them would do such a thing but his next few words caught her off guard. "What happened to put me in this form?" Her red eyes glanced down over herself clearly confused. Up until this point no one had told her what she had looked like before her change and sudden memory loss. "I mean I lost my memories." She scratched at the back of her head, "Although I remember a few things here and there.....Mostly just feelings and occasionally a fuzzy memory." The child shrugged a shadow of worry crossing over features. This was the first time that she felt worry over the strange circumstances in which she had appeared, not that she was aware of exactly how she came to be. "The first thing I recall seeing is the guildmaster." She added as an after thought and had to feign a smile before turning her attention to the purring feline giving it another quick pet for spinning on her heel, "Let's go~! We need to get the trains back up and running!"
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    words: 329 - tags: @Koetsu - notes: You're back!!!!! /span>
    made by Wolf of GS


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 75
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Leila Vergious
    Experience : 1,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nebula Slayer
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Eilidh O'Maoilriain 8th April 2015, 8:10 am

    Aaron raised an eyebrow at the girl, The first thing she remembers is seeing the guildmaster? I wonder if he knows anymore, I'll have to ask him later.

    Yes, I suppose we should, though if they were really determined they could have easily removed the tree with a properly outfitted train. Unfortunately, they aren't that intelligent, so we have to clean this up, so let's go.

    Aaron turned and began to walk up the stairs to the station as he continued talking without bothering to check and see if Venir was following.

    I assume that since your memory was wiped, you lost all knowledge of your law breaker magic, but you obviously have some ability as a mage or you wouldn't still be a member of a mage guild. Would you mind explaining your magic to me? And if possible, could you tell me how you came to know it?

    By this point Luna had left Venir's side and returned to Aaron's, but she shot him a glare when he asked his questions. :The girl just told you that she has amnesia, and you're deliberately trying to ask her questions that she might not be able to answer well? Are you trying to make her break down?:

    Aaron didn't even look at Luna as he responded. Possibly. Amnesia is not a healthy state of being, and if I can force her to regain her memories then she will likely benefit from it.

    Luna just shook her head and continued on, refusing to dignify Aaron's statement with a response. Aaron sighed, he knew that Luna wouldn't agree with him, and he had some misgivings about trying to force memory resurgence, but he truly believed that it would be better than leaving Venir without her memories. That and he was fairly certain that nothing he did would actually have an effect, and therefore Venir was safe and he was asking useless questions.


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] ENczOVq
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 8th April 2015, 1:25 pm

    Close your eyes
    give me your hand

    "I didn't even think of that!" The girl remarked at his comment. Aaron did have a point with the whole tree thing. "But! There is a goblin and a vulcan lurking around! I bet that's why they need some mages!" Still the job seemed extraordinarily easy, a few armed humans could probably have done the job instead of hiring two experienced mages. "Oh well it's always good to help people!" It was in her nature to help those in need, even with such a trivial task as moving a tree and dealing with a few pesky creatures.

    "Law breaking magic?" Her expression turned into that of confusion, her lac of knowledge on her previous existence was startling. Choosing instead to focus on the other somewhat more manageable question Venir had to think over how to explain her current magic. "Well.....Um this bracelet," She held out her small wrist where a charm golden winged charm dangled from the bangle, "Turns into a staff and ummmm..."She fidgeted always feeling like her magic was on the more childish side. Instead of explaining everything she instead skipped over to the somewhat more mature side of the magic, "Then these cards will appear and I place whatever card I want on the staff! Depending on the card the staff will turn into a shield or I'll get armor, or I can shoot like lightning and stuff!" She nodded somewhat satisfied with the rather vague explanation of her magic another trait her and the previous Venir shared. However, the second part to Aaron's series of questions put her in a rut. "How I came to know my magic?" She stretched her mind back as far as it could go but alas it stopped where it usually did, right when she had saw Deniel.

    "I-I-I don't know how I know it...."She mumbled her red gaze glancing down at the ground as the pair walked, "When I fought Deniel.....I just sorta knew what to do....."She rubbed at her temple feeling a small headache coming on. Yet another thing was added on to her list of things that she didn't know about herself. The list was becoming alarmingly large to the point where the small girl felt as if she didn't even know herself. "What about you?" She was awfully quick to jump off of the subject of herself, her own insecurity about her curious circumstances was obvious.
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    words: 404 - tags: @Koetsu - notes: You're back!!!!! /span>
    made by Wolf of GS


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 75
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Leila Vergious
    Experience : 1,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nebula Slayer
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Eilidh O'Maoilriain 22nd April 2015, 8:21 am

    Right. They need mages to deal with a vulcan and a goblin. I wonder, why didn't they also ask us to mop the station? No, they're just to lazy. The armored train wouldn't even be slowed by impacting the beasts, and then all that would be left is to clean the blood off.

    Aaron suddenly started when part of what Venir had said registered. Wait, You fought Deniel? Why? What happened? When did this happen? How did that happen?

    :Aaron! Stop, you're going to overwhelm her!:

    Aaron blinked and looked at Luna. :What?:

    Luna glared back. :Look at her!:

    Aaron looked to Venir, and only then realized that the girl had a mildly distraught look on her face. When he saw her face he remembered that she had begun to sound distressed when she was talking about her lack of memories. Aaron's face took on a sheepish look.

    Ah, sorry. I got carried away. It's just, if Deniel was there when you woke up, then he might have something know what happened.

    And if he had something to do with it... I hope for his sake that he didn't.

    Aaron's face lost it's sheepish cast and fell into a menacing scowl. While he hadn't known Venir beyond an acquaintance before, he still felt protective, mostly because now that she looked like a child he felt instinctively protective of her. However, most of his ire was brought about by his own fear of losing his mental abilities and memories. To him that was worse than death.

    Aaron shook his head, it wouldn't do for him to become to wrapped up in this, at least not yet. As they reached the door to the station he spoke again. Well, either way, we're here. We should start focusing on the mission. With that, he opened the door and walked in.


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] ENczOVq
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 24th April 2015, 6:49 pm

    Close your eyes
    give me your hand

    Aaron's remarks about mopping the station clearly went over her head as she didn't have much a response for him. His reasons as to being annoyed about the whole job in general was something that the young girl couldn't understand, she wasn't aware that such a task might be mundane for an everyday mage. Instead she simply viewed every job as a way to help people.

    At Aaron's barrage of questions the girl was left at a loss for words. "I um...." Her head was spinning as she tried to figure out just where she should start. "Well...." Why did the two fight again? Her little brain did its best to go back to that fateful day. "Something about testing my power? To see if he lost a guild member or something?" She asked her hand still to her temple as if just thinking back to that day brought back pain. "Before that...." She closed her eyes in focus, something at the tip of her tongue, skitting around the edges of her memory but couldn't quite be recalled. She recalled saying something that day but as to what she said she could no longer remember. Before she could cause anymore pain from thinking back to the past her red eyes glanced back up to Aaron who seemed satisfied now after the mild interrogation. The point he brought up was one that hadn't even crossed her mind before, "You're right!" She gasped apparently shocked, "I ought to ask him! I bet he'll know what happened!" She gave Aaron a skeptical grin before skipping forward ahead of him. "Right focus on the mission! This'll be a piece of cake with you here!" She stated unaware of her own strength. Allowing Aaron to step through into the station first, Venir followed right after him making sure to politely close the door after entering the station.
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    words: 312 - tags: @Koetsu - notes: You're back!!!!! /span>
    made by Wolf of GS


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 75
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Leila Vergious
    Experience : 1,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nebula Slayer
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Eilidh O'Maoilriain 14th June 2015, 12:30 pm

    Koetsu shot a glance at Venir as he walked through the door, mildly surprised at her the amount of confidence she apparently had in his abilities, though he was even more curious about the fact that she seemed to simply discount her own abilities. He turned back to the inside of the station with a shrug. At the moment Venir's opinions and confidences didn't really matter, they had a job to do.

    Luna padded up beside Aaron, shooting glances at the various people waiting to get on the trains and get to their destinations. The people, for their part, were doing their best to ignore the large predatory cat that was eyeing them up like potential meals.

    Aaron kept looking around himself, searching for the platform that would lead them to the correct railroad. He was completely ignoring the people around him as he searched, so he didn't notice any odd looks that he was getting by the people avoiding Luna.

    Finally he came upon the correct platform and hopped onto the railroad tracks. Absentmindedly he gestured back towards Venir as Luna began to walk down the tracks ahead of him.

    According to the mission specs, the blockade should be about a mile and a half down these tracks, so we've got a bit of a trek in front of us.

    With that Aaron began to walk after Luna, mentally going over what he knew about the beasts that they were going to have to deal with in order to get the blockade out of the way.

    He shot another glance at Venir, considering how she would react to how he intended to take care of the problem, namely, killing the beasts if they refused to move the log after he attempted to 'persuade' them. As Venir used to be, he doubted that there would be any issues, but now that she had seemingly regressed into the body and mindset of a young girl, he was becoming concerned about how she would react to his methods.


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] ENczOVq
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 15th June 2015, 7:12 am

    Close your eyes
    give me your hand

    "Hey wait up!" The young mage called out to her partner and his large feline. While crowds of people got out of the way for Aaron whether it was because he was older and happened to have a vicious looking cat, they did not do the same for Venir. She had to slip through the bodies of the irritated people, none of them very happy at the delay the blockade had caused on their schedules. Squeezing through two people who simply would not get out of her way Venir dashed to cash up to Aaron and Luna. Her tiny hand grasped onto the back of his shirt so as not to get seperated from him.

    "Down we go!" Venir chirped when they reached the right platform. She jumped off the ledge with excitement, landing on the tracks gracefully, though she could feel the impact on her knee's. She certainly would not be able to climb back up ontk the platform without a bit of help. "Sounds good! As long as no trains come of course!" With that being said Venkr started on her way down the tracks never straying tk far from Aaron and Luna. She balanced upon the metal ledges of the tracks, her heels clicking upon the metal with each step. On a few occasions she almost lost her balance but with a great deal of arm flailing she regained and continued walking along her pretend tightrope.
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    words: 239- tags: @Koetsu - notes: You're back!!!!! /span>
    made by Wolf of GS


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 75
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Leila Vergious
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Eilidh O'Maoilriain 27th June 2015, 8:12 pm

    Aaron chuckled. He couldn't help but be charmed by Venir's antics. He had always liked children, and even if Venir was chronologically an adult, her seeming regression had placed her right back into that place of innocence that Aaron had missed out on, and so wanted to protect.

    "I guarantee no trains will come this way, after all, if the trains could pass through easily we wouldn't even be here."

    As the two continued to walk Aaron felt his mind wander as the monotony of the journey got him to set his feet on autopilot towards the blockade. At first it was just normal things that occupied his mind, or at least normal for Aaron. Things such as the effects of different magics amplified and applied to the human body for extended periods of time. Eventually however, his mind began to wander farther, and ironically landed far closer to him than they had been.

    He was beginning to worry about how his plans for dealing with this blockade might effect Venir. While it was true that she had to be a powerful enough mage in her own right, she was still, at least it seemed she was still, a child, and as such might not be to fond of his plan of 'kill first, negotiate never'.

    OOC: Sorry that took so long, my browser was on the fritz.


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] ENczOVq
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 29th June 2015, 11:07 am

    Close your eyes
    give me your hand

    "Good point! I wonder how big this blockade might be? I mean trains are pretty big I think they should just be able to plow straight through!" She seemed to believe in this idea for a moment but then seemed to realize a certain flaw to her logic. "I guess that would hurt the train though... Oh well!" She shrugged continuing her walk upon her stationary metal tightrope.

    After quite a long walk, one that was spent in relative silence save for the occasional clicking that her shoes made upon the metal of the track, a curious structure just down the tracks came into view. "Is that it?" She stopped, still some distance from what appeared to be the blockade. "Oh wait!" She seemed to suddenly remember something, a scarlet blush coloring her pale cheeks. Holding out an odd looking bracelet with a curious charm on it, Venir gave a slight yank on the charm. A bright light engulfed the girl, before dissipating and leaving Venir. However, she was wearing a different ensemble than before. The pink frilly dress seemed to magical in nature, the entire thing made out of pure mana, and most note worthy was the strange staff she held in her hand. The top of the staff was the same as the charm, a golden star with to white wings on either side of it. "Alright let's do this!" She grinned, her transformation not nearly as flashy as it usually was considering she wanted to try and at least be somewhat "cool" to her elder.
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    words: 258- tags: @Koetsu - notes: No worries! Just glad you're back! /span>
    made by Wolf of GS


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain

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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Eilidh O'Maoilriain 30th July 2015, 9:44 am

    Aaron raised his eyebrow at Venir's transformation, but didn't say anything, at least not out loud.

    Well, that's new.

    :What's new?:

    :Gah! Luna, I told you to stop eavsdropping.:

    :Yet, I don't listen. So what's new?:

    :Hahhh...her transformation. Before whatever turned her into a child happened, her magic was centered around altering the laws of physics through the focus of several marbles, there was no transformation or mana garb involved.:

    Ah. Well, I think it's cute. Though, it doesn't really matter at the moment, I see the Vulcan and the goblin coming.:

    Aaron looked up to see that Luna was correct, the two humanoids were approaching them. Aaron gripped Bane of Reality, and motioned to Venir to be ready before firing a warning shot of Void spear at the feet of the goblin, leaving a small hole in the tracks in front of it.

    We're here to remove the blockade. Now, I suggest you two remove it and leave before you get hurt. Otherwise, you may not walk away.

    The two monsters stopped and stared, before the goblin burst out laughing. The Vulcan, trying to imitate the goblin, also burst out laughing a few seconds after the goblin. Finally the goblin made a rude gesture and shouted back at Aaron.

    "We no scared of humans, or of little girls and big cats. We move tree when get pie, no sooner! You try move it we kill you!"


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] ENczOVq
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 30th July 2015, 5:04 pm

    Close your eyes
    give me your hand

    Gripping her staff tightly in one hand, and her other position carefully next to the her card holster, Venir could only wait to see what her guild mate had in store. She looked in awe as Aaron shot the spear with creating a hole in the tracks. While, he had seemingly surprised Venir the Vulcan and Goblin seemed anything but. Their laughter, one poorly trying to copy the other, only made the usually bright girl frown. "That's not very polite..."She scolded, a small frown forming upon her lips. This seemed to only make the two creatures laugh even more. After all, how could they possibly take such a young and tiny thing seriously?

    "Time to get serious then!"

    Slipping her hand into her card holster she pulled out her desired card before placing it directly upon the golden star on her staff. The card itself seemed a little worn and battered in appearance but on the back it had a curious looking magic circle. "Include!" She whispered and the curious card was seemingly absorbed into the equally curious staff. The staff morphed into her hands changing into a long-sword, it was nearly as long as herself, that glinted in the sunlight. "I got the goblin!" She called out to Koetsu dashing forward towards the creature in question. The two seemed to be of about equal size but only one of them had a sword.

    "Let's play!"
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    words: 237- tags: @Koetsu - notes: One more post and we're done!
    made by Wolf of GS


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain
    Eilidh O'Maoilriain

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Eilidh O'Maoilriain 6th August 2015, 12:07 pm

    Aaron watched Venir activate her magic and rush the goblin.

    Interesting. It seems that by using the cards as a static matrix she is able to quickly apply advanced transformation spells to her staff, which is likely designed as a matrix interface. I wonder if she could alter it to allow others to augment her abilities and enhance her weapons with their magic.

    Aaron turned back to the Vulcan, who would apparently be his opponent.

    :Not very impressive is it?:

    Luna yawned in response and settled down on the tracks, seeming as if she was going to take a nap.

    :No, it's not, which means you won't need my help, so have fun.:

    Aaron snorted. :Lazy cat.:

    Luna did not deign to respond.

    Aaron shook his head and turned his attention to the Vulcan, which was just watching him.

    "What? Are you going to fight or not?"

    Aaron's words seemed to give the Vulcan the command it had been waiting for, and it howled as it charged at Aaron.

    "Really? No plan? Disappointing."

    Aaron side ducked under the flailing arms of the charging simian and side stepped it's rush while bringing Bane of Reality down with a low sweep. The blade of the scythe caught one of the Vulcan's feet, slicing it clean off. The Vulcan howled in pain as it fell, blood spewing from it's wound. Aaron walked closer to it as it desperately tried to pull away with it's arms. Aaron got to it's neck and placed the base of his weapon on the beasts throat, halting it's movement.


    Aaron extended his hand and a black orb formed in his palm. "Void blast." Aaron jumped away as the orb shot out and hit the Vulcan's face at near point blank range before expanding into a large sphere of complete darkness. The orb collapsed with a thunderous clap, revealing the skeleton of the Vulcan, stripped completely clean, the only part of it that was still there were the feet, which had been outside of the blast.

    OOC: I would like to not that void blast doesn't normally strip flesh from bones, not yet. But the vulcan was going to die and had been essentially dealt with, so I spiced it up a little.


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] ENczOVq
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 6th August 2015, 1:09 pm

    Close your eyes
    give me your hand

    The metal of her sword glinted in the sunlight as she raised it above her head before bringing it down on the goblin. The little creature screeched and dived out of the way of the blade. The two continued their dance, her blade flashing and the little goblin just narrowly avoiding it. It was almost comedic, a little girl with a sword much to large for her chasing around a goblin that was nearly her size. "Ahhhhhh!" She yelled slashing once more and the goblin screeching again. Slipping her hand into her holster once more she pulled out another card placing it upon the blade, "Include!" She card absorbed into the blade and with a sudden burst of speed Venir slammed her shoulder into the creature, knocking it back to the earth. "Hold it right there." She pointed the blade at the creature's neck causing it to squeak.

    She glanced over at Aaron who had made quick and rather bloody work of the Vulcan. "You're the last one left." She mused aloud to the creature, "So how about moving that blockade?" She gave the creature her brightest smile, which might have been cute if not for the fact that she was holding a blade to its throat. The goblin glanced between Venir and what remained of its Vulcan companion before hastily nodding its head in agreement to Venir's request.


    "There that wasn't so bad!"

    She said it to both Aaron and the panting goblin. After about an hour or so of work the little thing had managed to get rid of the blockade that it had helped create. "Now you promise you won't go building another one of these?" She held out her pinky finger to the creature that was all but powerless without its vulcan buddy. "If you want sweets so badly you should just ask for them next time!" Another bright smile but this time it was more charming now that she didn't have a blade pointed at the creature. It nodded in agreement almost embarrassed by its actions. The little thing didn't necessarily deserve the death that its companion did, it wasn't as if the two had done anything particularly bad.
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    words: 364- tags: @Koetsu - notes: Finished!
    made by Wolf of GS


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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


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    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] Empty Re: Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu]

    Post by Hikachu 19th August 2015, 11:23 pm

    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] YdROJZD


    Getting rid of a pesky blockade [Venir/Koetsu] JhB4MAf

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