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    Seraph Luminous

    Seraph Luminous
    Seraph Luminous

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 3
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Seraph Luminous Empty Seraph Luminous

    Post by Seraph Luminous 25th January 2015, 9:20 pm

    Name: Seraph Luminous
    Gender: Male
    Birthday: 12/1
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Special Characteristics: Seraph maintains a healthy glow to his skin, mostly out of natural care than any sort of cream, but a few scars of battle still plague his form. Theres a light red, livid scar going down his toned abs - taken from when he had got drunk in a bar, and a wine bottle had broken on his torso. Other than that, he has two silver earrings in both ears.

    Personality: Personality? Well...you see, Seraph originally grew up to be the son of a wealthy Lord of the Luminous Household and Kingdom - a Royal Family that goes back thousands of generations in the history of the world. While originally, this would give someone a big head; especially when that person is the heir to the throne of such a prestigious household, but fortunately, this isn't what became of Seraph...well, mostly. The boy spent the first four years of his life in the garden of his home, being tutored by the Family's joint teacher, Mrs. Arabella Kiggs. The lady was old and strict, and any sort of disgusting arrogance the boy picked up from his large family was quickly stamped out of him. Why? Because writing mathematical equations until his hands fell off wasn't the ideal way of spending his free time. At least, Seraph thought so.

    Regardless, despite Mrs. Kiggs teachings, his personality was still subtly shifted towards that of his family, although he mostly gained some of their positive traits, rather than their foolish, stereotypical, and snobbish negative traits. The first of his personality is, obviously, his coolness. It seems as if Seraph never hesitates or falters, no matter the type of situation he gets himself into. His golden irises are almost always half-lidded and calm, and there seems to always be some sort of smirk of amusement or enjoyment on his face; even when he is facing disaster. He treats everything at his own pace, and he doesn't rush anything. He enjoys taking the pleasure of everything he can, and increasing it tenfold, so that the enjoyment lasts. It's like eating a treat; you allow it to melt in your mouth, and you smile as the taste dance over your tastebuds. This is life, to Seraph. Live or let live, is one of his many mottos.

    As for the second part of his personality? It is governed by one word; Arrogance. No, not the disgusting, obesity of cancer most nobles possess. It is a sort of measured, young arrogance that is seen as annoying by some, but it is also undeniably charming and 'cute' as well. It's seen in subtle shifts of his figure; His suave smirk, the way he addresses others, and even the way he seems to take others in fights. On the outside, he is calm, his arrogant, charming grin or smirk not shifting, even as he overwhelms and blasts the energy with all-encompassing power. It is also measured by his love of treasure, and how he naturally believes that he deserves whatever looks valuable; which, undeniably, ends with him blatantly stealing it and hoarding it somewhere. This also goes for women as well, as he sees them as 'eternal pieces of treasure, fit for a God'. He doesn't treat them as objects, as he has overwhelming respect for women, but he will flirt with just about any.

    Finally the last part of his personality; His unique sense of justice. Now, Seraph really isn't a justice freak. Thing is, he has morals, despite everyone thinking he doesn't. While on the outside, he is a calm, cool, and seemingly arrogant king with a love of women, treasure, and adventure, he will kill someone and, thusly, purify them if he sees them as irreversibly evil. This ends with him going out of his way, but sometimes, it's just necessary. However, as if to contradict this, he will mercilessly kill someone in cold blood if he feels as if they are trying to 'contain' or 'trap' him into doing something he doesn't want.

    In battle, Seraph doesn't act any different; that is the thing about him. Other than being a bit quieter, as to focus on the battle itself, he will still fight with the calm, charming grin or smirk, and his voice is still it's usual cool, yet oddly regal tone. He will still blatantly quip at the enemy and be sarcastic and, as a few of his...women friends has said, insufferable. As far as battle-strategy actually goes; Seraph is arrogant, and we've already established that. He has been trained to be a Prince, and eventually, a king since he was born, and thusly, he is an immensely accomplished fighter, be it with his hands or a weapon. However, with his magic, he is an even worse force to be reckoned with. Due to the versatility, he generally uses his right hand to channel the magic, while his left is arrogantly resting in his pocket, infuriating the more uptight people he fights against. He is a prodigal strategist, despite his quirks, and despite the lax way he fights, he is usually goading you into a trap that will equal a purifying death.

    • Treasure; Basically, treasure is anything valuable, or seen as valuable, to Seraph. Just...the glint of gold...the sparkle of gems...he must have it.
    • Women; They are beautiful, hot, sexy. Why wouldn't he like them? Admittedly, he has garnered more treasure than women...but, once more, admittedly, he has bedded dozens of women, so it's nothing to be ashamed of.
    • Finally, adventure; Seraph has been cooped up in the desert, in his father's Kingdom and Manor, for years. Of course, he wants to explore the world. He doubts that the women and treasure would be as golden and delectable as his Kingdom, however.


    • Coyotes; They are just disgusting. He hates them
    • Beggars; It's not as much of a dislike as it is an annoyance. Build yourself a life; don't purge off of others.
    • Finally, aristocrats, despite being one himself; Need he say more?


    • The thought of treasure motivates him. It's a nice motivation; the thought of garnering all of the treasure in the world.
    • Power. He enjoys using his magic, and growing more powerful is definitely motivating.
    • Finally, the thought of fun, enjoyment, adventuring, and freedom. He just wants to live that sort of life.


    • Spiders; More specifically, the larger ones. They give him the creeps.
    • He fears the thought of immortal life. Eventually, he wants to die.
    • Dying alone. This goes hand in hand with his previous fear. A notorious womanizer, he still wants to find love before death.

    General Appearance


    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 167lbs
    Hair: Seraph's hair is a deep, golden blonde in color, constantly fresh - with the locks radiating the natural scent of the Oasis. It is naturally neat and feathery, flitting lighty over his forehead and almost lilting over his eyes. It lies down flat on his head, and generally, it's not extreme. Towards the back, it's longer, a few golden locks hanging over his shoulders.
    Eyes: Seraph's eyes are, like his hair, a mystical golden; something that is common where he's from. It always seem to glow with some sort of holy, powerful light.
    Skin Tone: A sort of fair color, with a healthy tan from years of being in the desert. It's lighter than his family and others of his father's Kingdom, however.
    Appearance: In general, Seraph is seen as a very handsome young man. His golden hair moves with the slightest breeze, due to it's feathery, silky feel, and his golden eyes are constantly calm, cool, and aware. His physique is slender and lean, yet very muscular from disciplined training and exercise regiments. As far as clothing goes, Seraph goes with whatever suits the weather. In general, he wears a long-sleeved, V-necked white cotton shirt - nondescript and durable. He also wears regular black jeans and boots, whilst a necklace is literally always wrapped around his neck - made of a series of diamond-like golden gems. It's unknown whether he stole it, or if it was inherited.


    Guild: Lamia Scale
    Tattoo: It's golden, wrapping around his left bicep.
    Rank: D

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 2984
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 75987.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Toxic Scourge
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Seraph Luminous Empty Re: Seraph Luminous

    Post by Felicity 26th January 2015, 12:27 am

    We need some bits about how Seraph acts under a leader and as one; 'cause despite of there being subtle hints in your personality, there's nothing concrete for my eyes.

    Do that and this shall be approved in a jiffy. Bump when done.


    Seraph Luminous ObrztW


    Seraph Luminous Empty Re: Seraph Luminous

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 5:01 pm

    Seraph Luminous XEibTrW

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