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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Mary Mahoney
    Mary Mahoney

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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by Mary Mahoney 28th March 2015, 4:39 am

    Mary was focused on the target, just a couple more werewolves to go until there was no more to be had. The sky was getting dark and it would soon be hard to fight with lack of visibility. How ironic that a creature of shadows had to worry about such a thing. Mary had simply got to finish off the werewolf that was in front of her and it would be smooth sailing from there on out. Gritting her teeth she ordered Gemini with a simple instruction, "Take care of this creature, but do not kill it. They are victims just as much as we are despite them attacking us." Mary checked her pistols again and grinned that they were finally cooled off. Things would be getting better soon as she charged the ammunition again with her magic, and ran towards Towa. And there in front of her was a sight she did not want to see. A wolf got on top of her and got a solid bite on her. Time seemed to slow down for ary as she saw the scene before her and just paused. The moment put a weight on her heart as sound simply faded away for a bit. It was only when Towa yelled at Mary that her senses had recovered and ducked out of the way from the third werewolf, but it wasn't her focus.

    From her anger came dark shadows of her aura that leaked out, eyes of rage filled her eyes as she screamed from the top of her lungs "I WILL F***ING KILL YOU DAMN MUTT!" Mary span around and kicked the 3rd werewolf in a roundhouse kick to put it at its side on the ground. The anger in Mary was so great that she jumped on the werewolf in nearly the same amount of savagery that they reciprocated with. Mary shot the pistols 4 times into the being at point blank range in the gut, but did not stop there. She continued the press the now hot barrel into the creatures skin, cauterizing the wound nearly immediately. Mary was done with mercy. If it was War the wanted, then sh would answer them with Conquest. There would be no surrender, no remorse and no pity. Only the anger that filled her Dark heart and the wrath that they would soon receive. They shall receive no less.

    "Your pain shall be legendary..."


    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 2h6tu1v
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 22nd April 2015, 12:11 pm

    Towa did't give the wolf time to recover she just brought her foot up and stomped down, again and again she did until the werewolf stopped moving. She was in alot of pain, her ancle hurt from tripping she had more then one bite. "what a shitty day." Towa remarked as she put turned to try and find mary, she had run off or something. Towa sighed as she looked around she was now alone in a forest of werewolves... perfect. Towa walked back a ways trying to find the path to the village, she needed medical treatment. Towa stopped and sat down against a tree, she ripped a strip of cloth from the bottem of her dress and use it to try and stop the bleeding. It worked for the most part, anyone who saw Towa would think the worst for her. Sadly this was just another day at the office for her, another day in the Rune Knights. Towa let out a sigh as she leaned back against the tree. she closed her eyes and dozed off, she was very tired after all that fighting. She slept for a few hours, nothing bothered her after everything Mary and her had taken out. She dreamed of better times and times that were not so great and places that no longer existed.


    Towa felt the someone shaking her gently, "Towa... Towa wake up dear." Towa opened her eyes. It was her mother smiling down on her. "Come on dear you should not sleep outside like this."

    Towa rubbed her eyes, "Sorry Mommy." Towa stretched as she stood up. She remembered being taller and her mother was dead, what was going on? "Mommy wheres Dad?"

    "Your father is busy right now." Mother responded. "He will come see you in a bit." Now Towa remembered, this was the last words her mother had said to her before she was killed.


    Towa Jerked awake at the sound of someone approaching, She scrambled to her feet and readied herself for a fight. "Who's there?" Towa called out, ready for a fight. Towa was a mess, her dress was torn and covered in blood, both her and someone else's.

    "What's going on?" A voice from behind her said. Towa turned to find Adarji curled up next to where Towa had fallen asleep at.

    "Adarji!" Towa bent down and scooped her up in her arms. Towa saw that she had recovered War was well, it was leaning against the tree. Towa grabbed it with her free hand, her other supporting Adarji's weight.

    (OCC: Elyx is assisting in the finish of this job with Ravens permission.)

    Last edited by Tōwa Lazmira on 22nd April 2015, 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by King Elyx 22nd April 2015, 12:28 pm

    Well, I think we are officially lost Ignite. Elyx said as he turned to look, this was not an area where a Bounty could be kept at all. This actually looks like the last place for anything to be hiding out in. Does he even know where he is anymore? Well maybe that was the whole point of being lost. Unfortunately for the both of them, he did not think of a way to get out of being lost, so the only way they can go is forward until they are able to track down their target. Until then, No returning to Black Rose. Elyx I swear, one of these days I am going to have to knock your sense of direction back into you. It's like you're vague to this sort of thing nowadays. Ignite scolded as she then looked forward. There was then a small rustling sound, in which Ignite had to ask for some reason the question that the both of them would obviously think. What's going on? 

    Wait... Listen... Elyx said as he leaned forward, and he caught a small voice in the distance. Who's There... and it sounded like it wanted a battle, or to defend out of desperation. Whatever the case, that person was their only way of getting out of here, so he might as well try to make amends. Just in case though, he put his right arm over the handle of his left sheathe. From there, he slowly unsheathed the weapon, but not completely to make sure he did not pose that much of a threat. I come in peace... My friend and I need your help. Elyx said as he slowly walked out through the bushes to see a Knight? Well, she might as well be labeled one with her weapon and clothing. But unfortunately, he can't confirm anything about her except for the fact that she was probably beaten pretty badly. So much blood... she was all battered and shut down. He let go of his Knight Iris handle and put his hands to his side. We do not come here to hurt you. My name is Elyx, Elyx Reiaki. This here is my Partner, Ignite Rosella. Elyx explained as he hooked his finger over his right collar to reveal the Black Rose Guild Tattoo on his collar bone. We come from the guild, Black Rose. From there, the
    three of them stood in front of each other, none of them seeming to be able to speak for a few seconds it seems. And who could blame them, despite the fact that evidence was shown, they were all merely strangers to each other. To even get a hello, that would be very lucky for them. But anything can happen, that has been proven many times on many bounties that Elyx has gone on.
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 22nd April 2015, 10:44 pm

    Towa heard more rustling as she picked up War, she turned to face the bushes where a man walked out.

    "I come in peace... My friend and I need your help."the man said as he walked out. Towa looked him up and down, what was someone like him doing here. We do not come here to hurt you. My name is Elyx, Elyx Reiaki. This here is my Partner, Ignite Rosella.

    "Towa..." She responded quietly, she didn't know if he was from a dark guild or not so she was hesitant to introduce herself. Mainly cause she was quiet well known as one of the more zealous Rune Knights.

    We come from the guild, Black Rose.The man said, which alleviated her suspicions slightly, but what was a Bounty Hunter doing out here?

    "Black Rose... What are you doing out here?" Towa asked keeping War ready while she spoke. "I know of no bounty's in this area." Towa was worried now, had one of the dark guild put a bounty on her? Dumb question honestly of course the had, but she didn't know i Black rose would try to collect on a Rune Knight. "If your not doing anything here specifically consider yourself requisitioned in the name of the Magic Council." Towa still had a job to do, but was in no condition to do it on her own. "There is a alpha werewolf in this area and as you can see I'm in no condition to handle him alone." Towa sighed and waited for the mans answer, She decided to sit back down, setting Adarji back on her spot. Towa summoned the Flute of Ashura and held it to her lips. She needed healing regardless of the fact it might bring more werewolves, She was in need of some healing. Towa played the song "life." it was minor healing at best but it stopped the bleeding. Towa stopped and let the Flute drop from her hand. "well then, i need you to help to find the last werewolf, we can't let him run rampant." Towa Stood up, nearly falling back to a sitting position, she barely managed to stay upright. "Tch seems i was bleeding more then i though." Towa had just realized that she had been bleeding a little from the puddle of blood on the ground to the right of the tree. "Wonderful..." She turned the the Black Rose mage. "lets go."


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by King Elyx 23rd April 2015, 2:34 pm

    Who do you think you are, telling us to- Ignite tried to say before Elyx covered her loud mouth and glared at her with a huge look of disapproval. The was uncalled for, this woman was injured. Sure, he did not agree with the fact that she was pulling them out of their bounty to take care of a different one. The Magic Council huh, who was this woman? Whoever she was, she did not seem to be in the best of condition at the current moment, picking a fight over such a stupid thing would prove nothing. The Violinist turned his back to, Towa he believed her name was. She did not reveal a last name, fine, suspicions. He could understand. The instant she stabs him in the back, regardless of reason, he will have to fight back.

    Wait... Hold on... Elyx said to Towa as he got a half full bottle of spring water. Your wounds are still open. We can't let them get infected. From there, Elyx held up the half full container and smiled as he tilted his head. He can't let someone go on the way they are. But before he let her get to container, he shuffled through his knapsack once again. This time, he pulled out a chocolate bar and placed it on top of the container of Spring water. Here, this should at least cheer you up soldier. Elyx said as he put on a joking General tone before he then pushed the items forward to her. Go on now, take it please. You seem to need this more than I do. In fact, I wish I had more water so you can drink. But at least clean off more blood and clean up the opened wounds.

    The Violinist hated to see people suffer as they travel, and it hurt him to see someone that is just about left for dead. He and Ignite were in perfect condition, not a single scratch on their being. Towa here is not going to get any further at this rate. Hopefully she will get better soon. He offered her the items like she were a young child, though she talked as if she were any higher than the Violinist, her current condition gave pity to the poor woman.  I promise, this will make you feel better. Elyx explained with a usual smile once again.

    As for Ignite, well, she crossed her arms and looked back at Elyx with doubt. She hissed into his ear as she cupped her hand over it. You are a dumbass! Why the hell are you so trusting? How do we know its not the blood of people she could have killed? Ignite complained, only to receive the drooping eyes of the Violinist. She just won't let go of this now will she. In return, she can receive his permission to do something that could seriously get her hurt. Now, it would support her and relieve her doubts. If it will make you feel better, why don't you ask her yourself? Elyx asked as he whispered back into her ear. Once she heard that from beginning to end, her eyes widened and her voice was raised way too loudly. Hell no! Ignite screamed, only for the both of them to shudder at the face that she was so loud. The Violinist put his right palm over here his face and pressed his nose hard. Maybe if he could just forget that ever happened, he would continue without feeling shame. Ignite was cutting off much of the deal with being this woman's ally.
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 1st May 2015, 10:40 am

    Towa shook her head and walked in the direction of the village, she had to be careful she was one of the MC's Rising stars. Meaning she had a target painted on her back by the dark guilds. She didn't know of this man and knew little of the guild Black Rose, other than the fact they were a bounty hunter guild. Towa stopped and turned to the man, "Are you coming or what?" Towa was a bit annoyed. "quit talking to yourself and move." Towa spun around and started walking, she was a bit miffed that Mary had just poofed. Towa ingored his offer for  sweets she had to get to the village to see what was going one. As far as she knew, werewolves were suppose to change at night. It took her over a hour to reach the village, when she reached it she found it ravaged. But not in the what she expected, there were villagers that were not Werewolves, they were picking up what was quite a mess.

    "What do you want." On of the villagers said has he approached.

    "I'm with the Rune Knights here upon request to deal with the issue that comes up." Towa said looking around. "That was suppose to be tonight."

    "Aye that it was... but it happened yesterday for some reasons. We locked up quite a few people and when we went back in the morning a bunch of them were still in there wolf form." The man sighed. "Never seen not'in like it." the man picked up what looked like a piece of a door. "They are out there now... just doing their thing." The man caught sight of Towa wound. "Oh dear... i see that you will be joining our ranks soon enough."

    Towa looked at the man and shook her head. "No sir... i am immune to poisons and plague, my body has already purged the infection." Towa picked up another peice of the door and held it out for the man to take.

    "IF ya say so lady." The man took the piece and turned to leave. "Oh right, we just had the village elder get free too. i suggest you be careful when you leave."

    Towa sighed. "Its my job to get this situation under control... i will stay for now and help clean up... I'm sure it will turn up." The man nodded and motioned for her to follow.


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by King Elyx 2nd May 2015, 12:08 pm

    The chocolate and water were both turned down? Well that was something new, someone did not want his help on this one? He could change into Calm Meadows and force healing upon this woman, but then again, if he did that, he had no way of fighting back if she was going to attack him. He was just going to have to let her go off without any remedy. Then again, he could just sneak the water and chocolate when he parts from this woman. His speed was much better with their current condition and his abilities anyways, if he had them with Calm Meadows, he would not be so worried about using that Wind Lerale Boost form. Now he had his plan set.

    Quit talking to yourself and move, I'm about to kill her Elyx, I'm about to- Ignite whispered with mock before Elyx quickly wrapped his arm around the neck of the She Phoenix and dragged her along by her neck, creating a small comedic moment as he replied to the woman. Don't rush us please, it's not easy carrying this annoying shackle around with me. Elyx explained as he dragged Ignite towards the woman. They were all headed for some sort of village? How did he know he could trust her anyways? Then again, if she tried to trick him, he would have found out with Wind Lerale Eye.

    Finally, the both of them made it to the village, and the boy and She Phoenix just listened as the woman was speaking. Well, technically, he was an adult now since he just turned 18 last week, but his authorities seem to remain the same. He won't talk in this one, but do recon on how the woman and villager both spoke. He could obtain some useful information, and nothing stood out like the fact that this woman was a Rune Knight, in which he almost let out a gasp, but held his tongue. What the hell, why didn't she say this!? There was no one that could tell anyways... Not in that bloody state she was in. She was left for dead if I didn't startle her... Or if a monster attacked her. Elyx thought to himself as he looked at the woman once again. He then shook his head, he knew better than to do what others do. No, even if she is a Rune Knight, I won't take any disrespect or anything of the sort. Positions mean nothing, people should treat people equally.

    The Bounty Hunter put his blade up as the three of them continued to walk through the village. He had no idea what was going on, but it was really taking time from his bounty. This bounty job would probably be a bust by the time he got to the area, and Kakuma would not be too happy about that. Unless this woman spoke up to the Black Rose leader and explained what happened, he would probably be screwed for losing a bounty, which was the whole point of the guild. But... I can't leave this Rune Knight to do some fight alone like that either. She would be slaughtered. Elyx said to himself out loud as he continued to walk alongside Ignite, who he made sure to keep from Towa.
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 23rd June 2015, 5:29 am

    Towa would spend the rest of the afternoon helping clean up the village, she was worried about the werewolves that changed a day early. It didn't make any sense, what would cause the huge change a night early. Towa picked up some food stuffs that was on the ground, she saw a basket nearby, one that was clearly a females. Towa sighed and stood upright, she wondered if she would ever be able to just have a family. Towa absent mindlessly put her hand on her belly, where Kyle's child was growing. A howl off in the distance brought her back to reality, she was a Rune Knight not a loving mother. Towa finished picking up the fruit and retrieved the basket, she stopped again. The thought of being nothing but a mother was nice but far from her current life. Towa placed the basket on a nearby cart and looked around for the young man she had come across, upon seeing him she would head his way.

    "You boy... What is you name." Towa asked when she came within earshot, "I will need your help this night." Towa motioned for him to follow, when he did she would explain. "So as you may know this village is full of werewolves. yes?" Towa paused a second. "Well once a year there is a time where they are not in control of themselves, like the story's of old. They become savage beast that only care to feed and breed. I'm sure that for a werewolf that is something one in the same." Towa looked around for Adarji only to find her hanging out with a group of the villages children, she smiled and kept walking. "As you may have hear i am a Rune Knight, i was assigned to come tonight and keep this under control... but they had the change yesterday and in the middle of the day." Towa stopped at the edge of the village. "And didnt change back when the sun rose the next day, in short the proverbial shit has hit the proverbial fan. So as of right now consider yourself temporally drafted into the Rune Knights." Towa glanced at him trying to gauge his reaction, getting drafted is not something that the Rune Knights did often but she was alone and needed help. "What it comes down to is i need your help and as of right now you are a member of the Rune Knight, after we are done you will be free to go." Towa shifted War to her other arm and started walking into the forest.


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by King Elyx 23rd June 2015, 10:26 am

    Elyx and Ignite began to follow Towa wherever she went, it's not like they had anywhere else to go now. With the Bounty target probably far away, they would need a few extra days in order to find it again. Meanwhile, they were being pulled by a Rune Knight, maybe if her wounds were not so severe, Elyx would have left her off with a chocolate and the water before leaving. Instead, the pity in him allowed him to stay, whatever this problem was seemed to mean a lot to her. Werewolves, can't say I never dealt with them before. I have something similar back at my guild if you know Black Rose well enough. The violinist stated as he crossed his arms. He was talking about Kakuma, a wolf who had a body that resembled that of a human. I haven't seen her go off on us yet, so I would expect that she is not exactly a werewolf.

    From there, Towa asked for his name. Elyx remembered himself clearly introducing himself and Ignite, the thought burned in his head like a record. We do not come here to hurt you. My name is Elyx, Elyx Reiaki. This here is my Partner, Ignite Rosella. Elyx thought to himself. He decided to just ignore the fact and repeat himself once again. My name is Elyx Reiaki. My annoying ally here is Ignite. The boy explained as he pointed his finger to the She Phoenix. After Towa continued to talk, the boy smiled to hide how much excitement was in him, but his eyes hid the truth, their usual shine revealing themselves even brighter. To be called out of the Rune Knights, and not only that, but to be considered one as well, taking a Rune Knight Mission and everything. Could he handle it was the question, and his answers normally came with action.

    Ignite then took this case for herself, acting as the detective of the two of them for once. Enlighten us then Rune Knight. What is the ultimate goal of this? I doubt the only thing for us to do is slay a few werewolves for you to get a reward. Ignite said as she crossed her arms, waiting for an answer. Elyx could understand why she asked the question she did, they normally encountered some source of the problems. There had to be some reason why all of the wolves were acting weird.
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 4th July 2015, 12:21 pm

    Towa continued walking out, stopping when slaying a few werewolves came up. "No we don't kill them, Its not their fault they have lost control." Towa turned to the man and his partner. "Just try and knock them out." Towa turned to start walking again only to get tackled by a ball of golden fir, war getting knocked from her hand. It was the alpha and she was pissed, her fangs snapping at Towa's face. Towa didn't panic most people did, life and death was a everyday thing for her. She scrambled for dominance with the werewolf, a very brief scrable as she managed to get a arm free enough to summon Devils Advocate. She shoved the revolver into the beasts chest and pulled the trigger. The werewolf cried out but took advantage of the fact her are was not fighting to keep it off of her now. The wolf lunged forward and bite Towa, she grimaced in pain as the beast did so. This time it was Towa's chance to take advantage of the position, she let go of Devils Advocate which ceased to exist. She hit the beasts arm at the elbow causing it to collapse and then rolled so she was on top of the beast. As she rolled she summoned Gathorm, it heavy weight a comfort at the moment. She punched the beast in the side of the head trying to get it to release her, which worked after the third hit. Towa capitalized on the fact she was on top now, she drove the barrels of Gathorm into the face of the creature with all her might and pressed the firing stud. The gun spun up for a second then all 8 round slammed home, Towa smiled as she had gained dominance only for the alphas claws to swipe her from the side, knocking her from her perch. Towa rolled with the blow letting Gathorm fall from her hands, she completed her roll and spun around summoning Sliver and pivoting on the ball of her foot. She brought sliver down in a overhead arc, the werewolf was inches from her its claws ready to rend flesh. She brought sliver down in a ground breaker attack, catching the werewolf right under the blade and driving it to the ground. Towa let Sliver go and quickly summoned Shinken, the werewolf was trying to get up, Towa simply smiled and prepared to do a Iaido, the beast turned to face her only to get hit by the attack as it cut across it chest. The Beast clearly was not used to getting trounced so quickly, it turned away from Towa and took some steps back. Towa smiled, it didn't know what she had left, which was a whole lot of nothing at this point all her big spells she had just used. So it came down to the Black Rose mage to deal the final hits. "Your turn Elyx of Black Rose."

    HP 40/125
    MP 40/125

    Damage Dealt 7 A 1 B Remaining HP 2 A 1 B


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by King Elyx 4th July 2015, 7:15 pm

    To see such a violent struggle against something like that beast was something that Elyx knew he should not take for granted. Admittedly, they were seemingly even in power for a moment before Towa obtained a little control. Slowly but surely, and that speed increasing in momentum grew bigger as the Rune Knight. Ignite had her arms crossed while watching, she was itching to fight the beast as well, but the both of them remained on the sidelines while all of this was going on. Elyx wanted to see more of this continue, but it did not seem like that would be happening when the Rune Knight herself tagged out and brought Elyx into the battle. The boy was left to look at the enemy in front of him, it was weakened so easily, that many hits that it took, though some things were rather circumstantial, it did the job at least. When Elyx looked to the weakened enemy, he was able to take it out with only one spell alone since it was such a huge enemy.

    When Towa tagged out, Elyx quickly zipped into the battle with the Violin in his left hand and the Violin bow in his right hand. Ignite was following him with two balls of fire placed in her palms, one for each hand. The violinist played the song, "None Like Freya", the chorus part. Since he had all of his health and his notes, he was able to play every note correctly, on time, and even added a successful vibrato on the half notes and above. Finally, after a few seconds, the spell was ready to be released, but he needed to get in range first, above the giant enemy. The Giant Golden Wolf aimed a giant side slash with it's massive paw, giving the boy a quick chance to jump on top of the enemy's arm and use it like a spring to bring him much higher into the air. Ignite remained where she was as both balls of fire were ready for release in one big attack. Elyx flipped frontwards one times before releasing the spell, Wind Lerale: Storm Pillars. Giant pillars of wind began to strike down on the back and the head of their enemy, five of them to be exact, each of them inflicting B rank damage.

    One, two, three, four, and five. That should knock it out, but if not... Elyx said as he landed on the ground, an explosion caused from the opposite side of where Elyx was standing, Ignite landed another hit with her fireballs sent towards the enemy. The violinist stood back up instead of being in the crouched position he was in. He then mentally summoned his Lineage, Knight of Frostfire by his side before walking around the grounded enemy. Elyx had no jailing system for this sort of beast, no cage or anything, so he was going to have to paralyze it. He looked over to Ignite before putting out his thumb upwards. Nice job Ignite, you helped me a lot. Elyx explained before looking over to the Rune Knight. I can paralyze it to keep it from moving if needed, or do you want to refrain for other plans?

    HP: 100%
    MP: 90%

    *Inflicted 5 B rank hits to Alpha, or 2 A rank and a B rank hit rather.
    HP: 100%
    MP: 90%

    *Inflicted 1 B rank hit to Alpha*

    Werewolf Alpha:
    HP: -0.5/15
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

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    There's a Bad Moon on the Rise! - Page 3 Empty Re: There's a Bad Moon on the Rise!

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 6th July 2015, 1:39 am

    Towa didn't wait for Elyx to talk, she walked over and Tied the beast over. She looked at Elyx, "Don't bother, you are free to go." Towa grabbed the Werewolf's legs and dragged it back to the Village, she had to find out why this had happened. Towa trudged back, covered in dirt and blood her clothing ruined. Towa sighed as she looked at the coat she was wearing, it was Marys and it was ruined. Towa sighed and called for Adarji, who came running to her, war in her arms.

    "TOWA! Are you ok?" Adarji asked, she was covered in dirt and such. "Your all bloody."

    Towa reached out with her free hand and patted Adarji on the head. "Yes I'm fine." Towa looked around the forest was starting to feel alive again. Birds were chirping, it felt like things were going back to normal. Towa felt the let in her hand change so she turned to see a young girl about 20ish with stunning red hair. Towa sighed and let the girl's leg go, instead she picked the girl up and threw her over her shoulder. Towa walked back to the village with Adarji and the girl, A few townsfolk were gathered outside. On man saw Towa approaching and called out to the others. They came running to Towa she was quickly pulled into the little village and all her wounds treated, despite her want to go find Mary. Towa could not shake the feeling that she would never see Mary again. Towa was given many things food, clothing and other such nonsense she cared little for. They Chief who had clearly returned to normal had come to talk with her.

    "I take it your the one whom saved us?" The old man said, he was well built for someone of his age. Perhaps a side effect of being a werewolf? Towa nodded at the man, "Hmm Thank you than stranger. If not for you i would not know what would happen, i am simply amazed we didn't go farther and do more damage."

    Towa chuckled, "Hard to say how much damage was really done honestly." Towa shifted only wince in pain. "To myself as well." Towa gave a pained laugh, "Is everyone going to be ok?"

    The Old man nodded. "More or less, some have bruised egos, just cause we are berserk does not mean we don't remember what happened." The old man chuckled. "Like my granddaughters... Shes is in love with you and has declared that you will be her mate." The old man chuckled again. "Something we will deal with on our own."

    Towa frowned, She couldn't feel Mary anymore it was like she had ceased to exist. "Very well then she may come along and try for my hand." Towa was honestly concerned about the power the girl possessed.

    The man's eyes went wide. "You truly mean it? One as strong as you would take one of us?" Towa nodded. "Then she will accompany you when you leave." The old man smiled and motioned to one of the men.

    "I am leaving now." Towa said as she stood. The old man started to protests but Towa simply held her hand up. "I am very busy, thank you for seeing to my wounds but i must go." Towa exited the tent and departed, Adarji and the red head in tow.

    "I'm Sanshi by the way." the girl said just before she left earshot of the village.


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm