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    Bang Bang Birdy: Julian Wolfram's Magic


    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Bump Bang Bang Birdy: Julian Wolfram's Magic

    Post by ViolentFox13 21st December 2014, 4:18 pm


    Primary Magic: Bang Bang Birdy
    Secondary Magic: ---
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Bang Bang Birdy, or BBB, is a caster magic that allows the user to create birds and feathers that explode on impact or at the users will. These explosions can cause different status effects.

    Julian uses these birds and feathers to disorient his enemies, so that he may attempt to make arrests against Dark Mages, and Mages that have broken the law. Some effects can include silencing, blinding, and actually causing damage.

    Innate Abilities: Users of this magic are able to communicate with birds.
    Aura Type: ---

    • Great for debuffing
    • Combination attacks are easy to pull off
    • Summon Birds to do his bidding


    • Allies and bystanders may be effected from status effects
    • May be effected by his own spells
    • Close combat is difficult
    • Birds can be destroyed through enemy magic

    Lineage: Seductors Touch
    Unique Abilities: Because Julian become so close with his birds through magic, he is able to see and speak through the birds he creates.


    Name: Summon: Crow
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Description: By placing his hands together, and slowly pulling apart, Julian is able to summon 1-5 black birds that are the size of a crow. (Approx 1' in height.) These birds are capable of scratching and pecking at people, and are capable of exploding with a radius of 8'. These crows can move in any direction at Julians will. These crows can be used for different status effect spells.


    • These crows provide versatility
    • Summoning main form of attack
    • Multiple crows can be made at one time


    • Cannot summon any more crows until the first batch has been destroyed
    • The crows can be destroyed by enemies
    • A separate spell is required to give the crows different status debuffs
    • Can be prevented from casting if Julian cannot use his hands
    • This spell has a 2 Post Cooldown

    Name: Summon: Feather
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Description: By snapping his fingers Julian is able to summon 1-5 black feathers that are 5" in length. These feathers are capable of exploding with a radius of 4'. These feathers can be used for different status effect spells. Unlike his crows, these feathers can only move in one direction


    • These feathers provide versatility
    • Summoning second form of attack
    • Multiple feathers can be made at one time


    • Cannot summon any more feathers until the first batch has been destroyed
    • The feathers can be destroyed by enemies
    • A separate spell is required to give the feathers different status debuffs
    • Can be prevented from casting if Julian cannot use his hands
    • This spell has a 2 Post Cooldown

    Name: Flash Bang
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Description: By snapping his fingers, Julian directs one of his crows or feathers to explode with both a bright burst of light and harmful explosives, potentially blinding and damaging the enemy.


    • Capable of blinding enemies
    • Capable of doing damage
    • Blinded for 1 post


    • He may be effected by his own spell.
    • The explosion radius is cut in half
    • Can be prevented from casting if Julian cannot use his hands
    • The enemy is blinded for 1 Post, making this spell have a 2 Post Cooldown.

    Name: Smoke Bang
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Description: By snapping his fingers Julian directs one of his crows or feathers to explode releasing a gas that can be used to provide cover for escape, or can be used to create an even larger explosion due to the gases flammable properties. The radius of the smoke covers 15'.


    • Can be used as cover
    • Can be used to make explosions bigger
    • The smoke remains for 2 Posts


    • The Crow or Feather does not explode with harmful explosives.
    • The smoke may also provide cover for the enemy
    • Can be prevented from casting if Julian cannot use his hands
    • This spell has a 3 Post Cooldown

    List of Spell Fusions: ---

    Name ---
    Rank: ---
    Type: ---
    Fused Spells ---

    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Bump Re: Bang Bang Birdy: Julian Wolfram's Magic

    Post by ViolentFox13 22nd December 2014, 9:03 pm


    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Bump Re: Bang Bang Birdy: Julian Wolfram's Magic

    Post by ViolentFox13 24th December 2014, 7:05 am


    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Bump Re: Bang Bang Birdy: Julian Wolfram's Magic

    Post by ViolentFox13 29th December 2014, 9:24 am


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Bump Re: Bang Bang Birdy: Julian Wolfram's Magic

    Post by Cirven 31st December 2014, 4:13 pm

    *Falls in from the sky and lands on his face in front of you. He then gets up like nothing happened with a broken nose.*

    Hey Violent, its time for some edits. Bump after and PM me if you have anything you want to talk about with my edits or questions.

    ViolentFox13 wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Bang Bang Birdy
    Secondary Magic: ---
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Bang Bang Birdy, or BBB, is a caster magic that allows the user to create birds and feathers that explode on impact or at the users will. These explosions can cause different status effects.

    Julian uses these birds and feathers to disorient his enemies, so that he may attempt to make arrests against Dark Mages, and Mages that have broken the law. Some effects can include silencing, blinding, and actually causing damage.

    Innate Abilities: Users of this magic are able to communicate with birds.
    Aura Type: ---
    Innate Abilities and Aura Types are no longer a thing anymore so please remove these.

    • Great for debuffing
    • Combination attacks are easy to pull off
    • Summon Birds to do his bidding


    • Allies and bystanders may be effected from status effects
    • May be effected by his own spells
    • Close combat is difficult
    • Birds can be destroyed through enemy magic

    Lineage: Seductors Touch
    Unique Abilities: Because Julian become so close with his birds through magic, he is able to see and speak through the birds he creates.This ability needs a certain amount of range the birds need to be in around you so that you can see what they see and speak through them. This range can increase as you rank.

    After reading through your magic I had a pretty big suggestion seeing as you need to be able to have birds to use your spells. I was thinking of saying that you make a ability where you can create the birds yourself for 2% MP per bird. With this you could only make a bird per post(balancing reasons and will give you something to rank up for) but this will increase by one bird each rank until you reach your max of 5 birds at a time and each bird you make will require you to pay 2% for each. At any rank you will only be able to control 5 birds at a time(also due to a sort of balancing) and these birds each will have a damage threshold of one hit of your rank each. Also the birds will need a certain amount of range they can go from you before being dispersed due to balancing(this can change with spells that manipulate them). Last thing is when the birds are used for a spell and they are hit by an attack that is equal rank to that spell the spell will be stopped forcefully and the bird will receive the damage from the attack.

    What this will do is free up two spell slots for you for now and let you have the birds you need for your magic at the same time. You causing the birds to explode will have to be a separate spell so that is one spell slot for you already. I will wait to see if you want this as an ability before reviewing your first two spells. Also know that if you keep the summoning of the feathers and birds as a spell that they will have to have a duration and CD among some other edits.

    The only other thing is the feather summoning you have as a spell that sounds good but with how spells work on the site could cause them to be hit sort of hard for what you want them to do.


    Name: Summon: Crow
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Description: By placing his hands together, and slowly pulling apart, Julian is able to summon 1-5 black birds that are the size of a crow. (Approx 1' in height.) These birds are capable of scratching and pecking at people, and are capable of exploding with a radius of 8'. These crows can move in any direction at Julians will. These crows can be used for different status effect spells.


    • These crows provide versatility
    • Summoning main form of attack
    • Multiple crows can be made at one time


    • Cannot summon any more crows until the first batch has been destroyed
    • The crows can be destroyed by enemies
    • A separate spell is required to give the crows different status debuffs
    • Can be prevented from casting if Julian cannot use his hands
    • This spell has a 2 Post Cooldown

    Name: Summon: Feather
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Description: By snapping his fingers Julian is able to summon 1-5 black feathers that are 5" in length. These feathers are capable of exploding with a radius of 4'. These feathers can be used for different status effect spells. Unlike his crows, these feathers can only move in one direction


    • These feathers provide versatility
    • Summoning second form of attack
    • Multiple feathers can be made at one time


    • Cannot summon any more feathers until the first batch has been destroyed
    • The feathers can be destroyed by enemies
    • A separate spell is required to give the feathers different status debuffs
    • Can be prevented from casting if Julian cannot use his hands
    • This spell has a 2 Post Cooldown

    Name: Flash Bang
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Description: By snapping his fingers, Julian directs one of his crows or feathers to explode with both a bright burst of light and harmful explosives, potentially blinding and damaging the enemy. How much damage does this spell do? With how spells are done here damage is by rank but in some cases can exceed their rank by 0.5 or higher with a much bigger cost and weaknesses. This spell sounds like it should do a D-rank of damage. Also how big is the area of explosion? Also can you state that if the person is close enough to be damaged by the explosion they will also be blinded.


    • Capable of blinding enemies
    • Capable of doing damage
    • Blinded for 1 post This blinding will only affect D-rank mages while lowering C-rank mages' vision by 50%. B-rank and higher mages will be unaffected but will still take the damage from this spell.


    • He may be effected by his own spell.
    • The explosion radius is cut in half Why is it cut in half?
    • Can be prevented from casting if Julian cannot use his hands
    • The enemy is blinded for 1 Post, making this spell have a 2 Post Cooldown. With the new magic template CD and Duration has its own column so please move this out of your weaknesses and replace it.

    Name: Smoke Bang
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Description: By snapping his fingers Julian directs one of his crows or feathers to explode releasing a gas that can be used to provide cover for escape, or can be used to create an even larger explosion due to the gases flammable properties. The radius of the smoke covers 15'. Please change radius out for area here. One of the admins will flip if I allow you to have that lol.


    • Can be used as cover
    • Can be used to make explosions bigger
    • The smoke remains for 2 Posts With the new magic template Duration has its own column so please move this out of your strengths and replace it.


    • The Crow or Feather does not explode with harmful explosives.
    • The smoke may also provide cover for the enemy
    • Can be prevented from casting if Julian cannot use his hands
    • This spell has a 3 Post Cooldown With the new magic template CD has its own column so please move this out of your weaknesses and replace it.

    List of Spell Fusions: ---

    Name ---
    Rank: ---
    Type: ---
    Fused Spells ---


    Bang Bang Birdy: Julian Wolfram's Magic LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 2:06 am