Fairy Tail RP

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    Slayer Positions

    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 40
    Experience : 1262.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Luna Jaeger 28th April 2018, 10:48 am

    Guild: Sabertooth
    Position: Sky God Slayer
    Rank: B
    Activity: I've recently returned to the site, but I'll be on every day for at least three hours.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: I have experience with this position before, and I would like to return to my previous position. The only reason I went inactive before and lost the position is due to waiting for others for jobs to start, that never did. I did good with the position before and I believe that I can do good for role-play if returning to this position.



    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 28th April 2018, 8:40 pm

    Morrigan wrote:Guild: Silver Wolf
    Position: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Rank: C
    Activity: I'm alive and kicking and so far have yet not died.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Cause why didn't I think of it before, using ice differently from what people would usually go for! Haley would be such a good character to bring that idea in cause she is stuck in a cold place, cold towards strangers and colder inside. AND WE LONGER NEED VIP TO HOLD SLAYER POSITIONS SO THE ONES NO ONE USES ARE FREE! I need to chill.

    Dragon slayers were always free to play. But i'm going to have to ask you to get a bit more active before you can apply for a slayer. Your activity on this account seems to fluctuate a lot. Come back in a week or two once you show me you can stay active consistently.

    Luna Jaeger wrote:Guild: Sabertooth
    Position: Sky God Slayer
    Rank: B
    Activity: I've recently returned to the site, but I'll be on every day for at least three hours.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: I have experience with this position before, and I would like to return to my previous position. The only reason I went inactive before and lost the position is due to waiting for others for jobs to start, that never did. I did good with the position before and I believe that I can do good for role-play if returning to this position.

    You've held this position before, and then you went inactive. So i'm going to ask for you to get your activity up before i can allow you to apply again. Feel free to come back and try again in a week or two after you've done some posts.
    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 40
    Experience : 1262.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Luna Jaeger 6th May 2018, 7:55 am

    Guild: Sabertooth
    Position: Sky God Slayer
    Rank: B
    Activity: I've recently returned to the site, but I'll be on every day for at least three hours.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: I have experience with this position before, and I would like to return to my previous position. The only reason I went inactive before and lost the position is due to waiting for others for jobs to start, that never did. I did good with the position before and I believe that I can do good for role-play if returning to this position.



    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 6th May 2018, 3:03 pm

    Luna Jaeger wrote:Guild: Sabertooth
    Position: Sky God Slayer
    Rank: B
    Activity: I've recently returned to the site, but I'll be on every day for at least three hours.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: I have experience with this position before, and I would like to return to my previous position. The only reason I went inactive before and lost the position is due to waiting for others for jobs to start, that never did. I did good with the position before and I believe that I can do good for role-play if returning to this position.

    Approved. Please send a 1,000 word rp sample on how your character obtained and uses this magic.

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 8th May 2018, 9:42 am

    Luna Jaeger wrote:Guild: Sabertooth
    Position: Sky God Slayer
    Rank: B
    Activity: I've recently returned to the site, but I'll be on every day for at least three hours.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: I have experience with this position before, and I would like to return to my previous position. The only reason I went inactive before and lost the position is due to waiting for others for jobs to start, that never did. I did good with the position before and I believe that I can do good for role-play if returning to this position.

    Approved for sky god slayer.

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 9th May 2018, 10:46 am

    Due to the player dropping the position, Flame Demon Slayer is now available.

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 17th May 2018, 11:23 am

    I'm dropping Glacier God Slayer. ^^ It's been a long time-- good luck to whoever aims for it next, and please feel free me for plots regarding it.

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 17th May 2018, 3:33 pm

    Glacier God Slayer is now available.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 38
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Yond 24th May 2018, 12:35 pm

    Guild: Guildless
    Position: Sky Demon Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: Just joined last night and had my character approved today
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Yond is a Sky Pirate, so he just loves to be in the sky flying around and very much enjoys the wind its self. He is connected to the element of air in two ways; Having the Lineage called 'Rage of the Soul Torn', which is known to be one that gives the character the ability of flight by warping the wind its self around their body and be able to cast three very unique air-based spells. As well, his zodiac sign from birth is that of 'Libra' which is known to have air at its element. As for why it would be that of a Demon Slayer is due to the reason of his air magic that is linked to the same lineage that I talked about before. But only the magic is released it becomes a very destructive force to it. Demons are known for being one of the most destructive beings in the world. On top of all else, the reason for Yond to even want to become a Slayer in the first place is to aim for his goal to be the strongest thing that flies around in the sky of this world.


    ☴ [ Locker of Creation ] ☴
    Slayer Positions - Page 20 T5vEeyp

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 24th May 2018, 7:44 pm

    Yond wrote:Guild: Guildless
    Position: Sky Demon Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: Just joined last night and had my character approved today
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Yond is a Sky Pirate, so he just loves to be in the sky flying around and very much enjoys the wind its self. He is connected to the element of air in two ways; Having the Lineage called 'Rage of the Soul Torn', which is known to be one that gives the character the ability of flight by warping the wind its self around their body and be able to cast three very unique air-based spells. As well, his zodiac sign from birth is that of 'Libra' which is known to have air at its element. As for why it would be that of a Demon Slayer is due to the reason of his air magic that is linked to the same lineage that I talked about before. But only the magic is released it becomes a very destructive force to it. Demons are known for being one of the most destructive beings in the world. On top of all else, the reason for Yond to even want to become a Slayer in the first place is to aim for his goal to be the strongest thing that flies around in the sky of this world.

    Approved. Please send me a 1,000 word rp sample on how your character obtained and uses this magic.

    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 5
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Magni 24th May 2018, 8:04 pm

    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Position: Torrent God Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: I should be able to get at least a post or two up a day.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Well, Magni just fits the element of water rather nicely. For example, he spent most of his younger days traveling around, which is a trait often associated with water. Water is also associated with aggression, something that reflects in Magni's love of fighting. Furthermore, water is also often associated with intelligence, which makes it an even better fit for Magni as he considers himself to be very wise.

    The reason I specifically want him to be a god slayer is that I plan to have the unholy aspect of his magic slowly corrupt him over the course of the rp, since I think that'd make for a fairly interesting character concept.

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 24th May 2018, 8:44 pm

    Magni wrote:Guild: Fairy Tail
    Position: Torrent God Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: I should be able to get at least a post or two up a day.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Well, Magni just fits the element of water rather nicely. For example, he spent most of his younger days traveling around, which is a trait often associated with water. Water is also associated with aggression, something that reflects in Magni's love of fighting. Furthermore, water is also often associated with intelligence, which makes it an even better fit for Magni as he considers himself to be very wise.  

    The reason I specifically want him to be a god slayer is that I plan to have the unholy aspect of his magic slowly corrupt him over the course of the rp, since I think that'd make for a fairly interesting character concept.

    Approved. Please send me a 1,000 word rp sample on how your character uses and obtained this magic.

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 25th May 2018, 12:30 am

    Magni wrote:Guild: Fairy Tail
    Position: Torrent God Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: I should be able to get at least a post or two up a day.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Well, Magni just fits the element of water rather nicely. For example, he spent most of his younger days traveling around, which is a trait often associated with water. Water is also associated with aggression, something that reflects in Magni's love of fighting. Furthermore, water is also often associated with intelligence, which makes it an even better fit for Magni as he considers himself to be very wise.  

    The reason I specifically want him to be a god slayer is that I plan to have the unholy aspect of his magic slowly corrupt him over the course of the rp, since I think that'd make for a fairly interesting character concept.

    Approved for torrent god slayer.

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 26th May 2018, 8:08 pm

    Yond wrote:Guild: Guildless
    Position: Sky Demon Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: Just joined last night and had my character approved today
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Yond is a Sky Pirate, so he just loves to be in the sky flying around and very much enjoys the wind its self. He is connected to the element of air in two ways; Having the Lineage called 'Rage of the Soul Torn', which is known to be one that gives the character the ability of flight by warping the wind its self around their body and be able to cast three very unique air-based spells. As well, his zodiac sign from birth is that of 'Libra' which is known to have air at its element. As for why it would be that of a Demon Slayer is due to the reason of his air magic that is linked to the same lineage that I talked about before. But only the magic is released it becomes a very destructive force to it. Demons are known for being one of the most destructive beings in the world. On top of all else, the reason for Yond to even want to become a Slayer in the first place is to aim for his goal to be the strongest thing that flies around in the sky of this world.

    Approved for sky demon slayer.

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Armoured Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 872,660

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: N/A
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Noheme 2nd June 2018, 10:55 am

    I'd like to give up my position as a Hell Demon Slayer.



    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 2nd June 2018, 11:33 am

    Hell Demon Slayer is available.

    Lineage : Commander’s Aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 177
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 218

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Spirit
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Dmitry 5th June 2018, 9:39 pm

    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Position: Earth God Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: Daily
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Having been instructed by an earth deity in his magical abilities, as well as having grown up in the wilderness, Dmitry Kazakov is a natural Earth God Slayer. Not only does he possess a strong connection with natural world, but his lack of human "common sense" allows him an audacity befitting of one who would strike down gods. In fact, one might say that the young woodsman has a stronger connection to the earth than he does to his own species, a result of spending more time with nature than with people.



    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 6th June 2018, 6:34 am

    Dmitry wrote:Guild: Fairy Tail
    Position: Earth God Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: Daily
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Having been instructed by an earth deity in his magical abilities, as well as having grown up in the wilderness, Dmitry Kazakov is a natural Earth God Slayer. Not only does he possess a strong connection with natural world, but his lack of human "common sense" allows him an audacity befitting of one who would strike down gods. In fact, one might say that the young woodsman has a stronger connection to the earth than he does to his own species, a result of spending more time with nature than with people.

    So, i notice your activity on this account is a little wonky, and you have a tendency of revamping your character and his magic. So just to prove you can stay active long enough for a position i'm going to ask to see some consistent activity before i can approve you. Feel free to come back in about two weeks when you've proven you can keep with it.

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 18
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Viper 6th June 2018, 9:43 am

    Guild: Black Rose
    Position: Hell Demon Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: Very. I'm still new but I have been loggin in frequently and getting familiar with the site plus I've also been active in the Discord server.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: My character is an assassin with a major stubborn streak to boot. Like her namesake, she is a bringer of Death and thrives primarily in the shadow of the night. Due to this, it would definitely be a fitting magic for her as it would incorporate both her chosen career and her personality. After all, she is someone who has something to prove to the world. Along with her lineage (Progency of Nyx), her history within an assassins clan could have provided her with extensive research materials to learn the lost magic. She could also have very well practiced it during clan expeditions and training events. I do believe that this magic would allow her to grow in-character and allow her to flourish as a mage. Finally, this magic would definitely compliment her edgy style and hidden bloodthirsty persona.

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 6th June 2018, 11:17 am

    Viper wrote:Guild: Black Rose
    Position: Hell Demon Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: Very. I'm still new but I have been loggin in frequently and getting familiar with the site plus I've also been active in the Discord server.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: My character is an assassin with a major stubborn streak to boot. Like her namesake, she is a bringer of Death and thrives primarily in the shadow of the night. Due to this, it would definitely be a fitting magic for her as it would incorporate both her chosen career and her personality. After all, she is someone who has something to prove to the world. Along with her lineage (Progency of Nyx), her history within an assassins clan could have provided her with extensive research materials to learn the lost magic. She could also have very well practiced it during clan expeditions and training events. I do believe that this magic would allow her to grow in-character and allow her to flourish as a mage. Finally, this magic would definitely compliment her edgy style and hidden bloodthirsty persona.

    Approved. Please send me a 1,000 word rp sample on how your character obtained and uses this magic
    Xiao Jing
    Xiao Jing

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 358
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Tan Zheng✝; Damaris Hopes
    Experience : 650

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dì Sì Shùnxù [ 2nd Gen ]
    Second Skill: TBA
    Third Skill: TBA

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Xiao Jing 10th June 2018, 3:34 am

    Vacating my position as Lightning Dragon Slayer for the more active peeps. Knock yourselves out \o/


    #ff6600 (Jing) ● #ff3300 (Marco) ● #ff9900 (Rory) ● #9933cc (Pet)
    Slayer Positions - Page 20 4912O3Uu_o

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 10th June 2018, 9:49 am

    Lightning Dragon Slayer is now available.

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 14th June 2018, 9:03 am

    Viper wrote:Guild: Black Rose
    Position: Hell Demon Slayer
    Rank: D
    Activity: Very. I'm still new but I have been loggin in frequently and getting familiar with the site plus I've also been active in the Discord server.
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: My character is an assassin with a major stubborn streak to boot. Like her namesake, she is a bringer of Death and thrives primarily in the shadow of the night. Due to this, it would definitely be a fitting magic for her as it would incorporate both her chosen career and her personality. After all, she is someone who has something to prove to the world. Along with her lineage (Progency of Nyx), her history within an assassins clan could have provided her with extensive research materials to learn the lost magic. She could also have very well practiced it during clan expeditions and training events. I do believe that this magic would allow her to grow in-character and allow her to flourish as a mage. Finally, this magic would definitely compliment her edgy style and hidden bloodthirsty persona.

    Approved for hell demon slayer.
    Atuzite Fumus
    Atuzite Fumus

    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Withered Death Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Atuzite Fumus 16th June 2018, 9:55 am

    Guild: Savage Skull
    Position: Venom Demon Slayer
    Rank: D (Waiting for C rank exam approval)
    Activity: At least on 3 hours a day and trying to post at least once a day
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Atuzite has multiple reasons why he should be the Venom Demon Slayer. First, Atuzite is a assassin having the slayer buffs to his senses would make assassinations easier. Secondly, he has used venom in his magic before meaning he has knowledge with how to use the magic. Thirdly, with him being a dark mage and being a decently known assassin being a demon slayer would make the most sense. Fourthly, his toxic attitude would make him a good user of the Venom Demon Slayer. Lastly, having demon slayer magic would help him achieve his goal of being the best known assassin because slayers are usually very well known. I believe if Atuzite became a Venom Demon Slayer it would allow him to develop heavily and achieve his goals.


    Slayer Positions - Page 20 PZOGGNQ

    Official Re: Slayer Positions

    Post by Guest 16th June 2018, 11:53 am

    Atuzite Fumus wrote:Guild: Savage Skull
    Position: Venom Demon Slayer
    Rank: D (Waiting for C rank exam approval)
    Activity: At least on 3 hours a day and trying to post at least once a day
    Why Should Your Character Should Be....: Atuzite has multiple reasons why he should be the Venom Demon Slayer. First, Atuzite is a assassin having the slayer buffs to his senses would make assassinations easier. Secondly, he has used venom in his magic before meaning he has knowledge with how to use the magic. Thirdly, with him being a dark mage and being a decently known assassin being a demon slayer would make the most sense. Fourthly, his toxic attitude would make him a good user of the Venom Demon Slayer. Lastly, having demon slayer magic would help him achieve his goal of being the best known assassin because slayers are usually very well known. I believe if Atuzite became a Venom Demon Slayer it would allow him to develop heavily and achieve his goals.

    Approved! Please send me a 1,000 word RP sample on how your character obtains and uses the magic.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:48 pm