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    Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review


    The Noble Fairy

    The Noble Fairy

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review Empty Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review

    Post by Manayus 22nd September 2014, 2:34 pm

    Primary Magic:  Fairy Magic
    Secondary Magic:
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: A thin, light and shiny dust is naturally produced from Manayus' body. The dust has a naturally explosive property, however with the proper use of his fairy magic, he is able to manipulate the dust to his own desires. The dust can be used offensively, however he has learned how to also use the dust to support those around them, and even heal them if needed.

    In small amounts, the fairy dust can create devastating explosions, create support spells and more, while in larger amounts, Manayeus is able to shape the dust into solid objects.
    - Provides Manayeus with the ability to heal and support others.
    - He will never run out of dust so long as there is Magical Energy in his body.
    - Gives Manayus a constant, pleasing aroma to those around him. The scent varies from person to person, but always smells nice.
    - Since Manayus always smells pretty, he is always the most likely one to give away their position.
    - Gravity magic will render his dust useless as he is unable to do anything with it.
    - If he ever gets fully wet, he will be unable to use any offensive spells.
    - cannot be used offensively towards anyone from fairy tail.
    - Grants manayus the ability to fly by gathering his fairy dust around himself and lifting him off of the ground.
    - Increases his natural speed to 30km/hr
    - Increases his physical strength. Able to lift roughly 200lbs.

    Name:Fairy Gatling Gun
    Rank: D
    Type: Ranged, Fairy dust
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Description: Manayus moves his arms to either side of his body, releasing a torrent of needles made from concentrated fairy dust. These bright, yellow needles are launched at an enemy at a speed of 30km/hr up to 3meters away from himself.
    The fairy dust deals D ranked damage upon impact, and then deals an extra 0.5D rank of damage for every turn an opponent is caught in the spell.
    - He can continuously produce the needles, even during mobility
    - He can double the speed and number of needles at will if necessary
    - He can use the spell while grounded, or while in the air.

    - Strong wind magic can deter the needles and have them stray from their course
    - If fire magic is cast at the needles, they will begin to explode on contact
    - Water will completely nullify the spell and render those dust particles useless
    - Gravity magic will warp the direction of the spell, effectively nullifying it.


    Name: Fairy Support: Vitesse
    Rank: D
    Type: Support magic
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Description: By chanting the name of the spells, Manayus moves his right arm towards the sky. A bright yellow magic circle forms above his hand, creating a long stream of Fairy dust that is sent towards his allies/himself, enveloping their bodies in their warm glow.

    The spell can reach allies that are up to 5m away from him.

    - The spell can be used twice in succession before needing a cool down of 3 posts. ( to cast it twice in sucession, Manayus must chant: Double "Vitesse")
    - Grants up to 3 allies(including himself) a significant speed increase.
    - Can also be used on himself, pets, or even enemies if the reason ever comes up.

    - Once used in quick succession, Manayus will no longer be able to use Vitesse during the current fight.
    - Manayus is required to be able to produce fairy dust, therefore he will be un able to cast Vitesse while submerged or under the effects of gravity magic.
    - Often times, the speed comes as such a surprise to his allies, that they are often unable to control their new speed.
    - The dust needs to be inhaled by the ally receiving the buff.


    Name: Fairy Support: Pouvoir
    Rank: D
    Type: Support
    Duration: 1 posts
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: After reciting an enchantment and generating a flat, elongated oval mass of Fairy Dust before his hands, Manayus surrounds his target in a powerful Magical aura, enhancing his allies(or himself) offensive power for a single post. This increases affected allies damage to an extra D point of damage per "pouvoir" enchantment (meaning if its used twice, it increases their damage to an extra 2d rank damage). If this spell is used on someone higher rank than him, then the person will still only deal an additional D rank damage, not whatever rank they are.

    The spell can reach allies that are up to 5m away from him.

    - It can be used on 3 allies at once (including himself)
    - It can also be used at the same type as other Support spells such as Fairy Support: Vitesse.
    - Can be cast twice by chanting "Double pouvoir!". If double pouvoir is cast, the spell will require a 4 post cooldown instead of 2.

    - Once used in quick succession, Manayus will no longer be able to use Pouvoir during the current fight. The spell can only be used twice in succession before needing a 3 post cooldown.
    - Manayus is required to be able to produce fairy dust, therefore he will be un able to cast Vitesse while submerged or under the effects of gravity magic.
    - The increased strength will only last for one post at a time.
    - The dust needs to be inhaled by the ally receiving the buff.

    Name: La Guérison Des Fées
    Rank: D
    Type: Healing, Support
    Duration: 1 post
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: By hovering his hands over the inflicted wound, fairy dust will gather around his hands before being pressed against a wound.  The affected area will glow bright yellow until the healing has stopped.

    - The dust will heal anything from a through and through wound, to a cut.
    - Can remove all the poison within someone's body by absorbing it into the dust.
    - Can heal serious burns and other sorts of magical spell damage.

    - Cannot re-attach limbs that have been torn from someone's body.
    - Cannot heal magical afflictions. Example from cannon: Whenever Makarov has his magic power taken away from him and he turns green, having lost his magic to the wind. This is a type of wound he will not be able to heal.
    - the more serious the wound, the longer Manayus must stay by a patients side.
    - Depending on the size of the wound being healed can be very dangerous.
    Cuts and bruises - Takes 5% MP
    Cuts and D level spell damage - Takes 10MP to heal
    C Rank damage - 20% MP - Manayus will not take on any damage from healing C ranked wounds, however will will quickly begin to feel tired, and exhausted as if he had been the one struck, and not his patient.
    B rank damage - 50% MP - If Manayus is tying to heal 1B rank of damage, he will take that damage onto himself
    A rank and higher damage will require Manayus to take the damage onto himself, essentially sacrificing his own life to save that of another.


    Last edited by Manayus on 2nd December 2014, 1:34 am; edited 3 times in total

    The Noble Fairy

    The Noble Fairy

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect Of Pluto
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    Posts : 116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review Empty Re: Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review

    Post by Manayus 22nd September 2014, 3:57 pm

    Ready to be reviewed whenever



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review Empty Re: Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review

    Post by Tuna 23rd September 2014, 6:16 am

    This, I like this. Just a few issues, nothing substantial.

    This magic is classy as fudge.

    -Increasing your natural speed to 10 kmh is not an increase. it is a decrease. Normal people in real life can run up to 25 kmh. Athletes or fit people can easily run up to or over 30 kmh. And seeing that Usain bolt managed to run 100 meters in under ten seconds, he makes the 36 kmh. Just saying, increase your natural speed to something actually impressive xD

    -Fairy Gatling Gun will deal regular D Rank damage. We have a rule designed to balance damage given by dps or burst. So, regular rank damage. Not twice.

    -Just say that Vitesse will grant allies a significant increase. 15 kmh towards someone who can move at... say above 100 kmh won't do much. So just say, a significant increase (: Also, can he also do this to himself? I'd assume yes. And I would encourage a yes to that answer. Just write it in the spell that "either himself or an ally" and all's good.

    -Pouvoir can be also casted on himself, I presume? You just need to write that in. Because if you don't, and it gets approved, you won't be able to cast support spells on yourself. Which would be self-limiting a lot. So please, write that in xD

    -You're a support with a very powerful healing spell. I can approve of this.



    The Noble Fairy

    The Noble Fairy

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect Of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 175

    Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review Empty Re: Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review

    Post by Manayus 23rd September 2014, 10:18 am

    Voila, edited.
    And thank you for the compliment :D



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review Empty Re: Manayus Fairy Magic ~ Ready for review

    Post by Tuna 23rd September 2014, 10:31 am

    Alright, nice magic ^^ I like the style and theme. Approved.


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