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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)


    Demon of life

    Demon of life

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 1723
    Guild : Savage Skull / Aelyst Crux (Dragon Fang Co-Founder)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Dregon (Magic), Master Aoi (Weapons), & Edward (Combat)
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cʏʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴄʏ
    Second Skill: Aʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴡᴀʀ
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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Kaseki 28th September 2014, 5:24 pm

    "Come to me." Kaseki chanted again. "I summon thee..."

    A bright light appeared before him, revealing a figure. It was nothing more than a silhouette, with something of the sun as its backdrop. The figure stood tall, and tilted its hips. It swayed as it walked towards Kaseki. It walked closer as the light dimmed behind it. It spoke, "Kaseki, you are an idiot." Xiaowei said. Kaseki was then smacked on the head as his friend leaned to pick up the small box besides him. "What's this?" Kaseki looked at his guest as he snatched the package away from her. He was not meant to reveal the contents, and much less wished to lose the package. "It is for Nox Animus, I need your help getting there safely." Kaseki said sternly, "This is very important." Xiaowei was on the verge of laughter at his words. Getting to Nox animus safely? Why he held the guild mark of the guild, he could teleport in and pit if he wanted to. But why didn't he? "I must hand deliver this, I cannot risk damaging the contents with magic. We must get there safely."

    Kaseki looked around. He was in the center of Rose Garden, the perfect place to start a war. He felt like he had been there before, as if he watched the city burn down. As if he watched the Rune Knights die. But this was not the case.His memory was that of Edolas, the realm of Kodai. The home of his other soul. The other soul? The last Sinner of Fiore... and that title along gave him strength.

    "It's the other way." Xiaoei said, grabbing kaseki by his collar and redirecting him. Kaseki turned to face the other way and did not change his mood. It was a serious journey, he had to bring this package to the Guildmaster.

    But he could not do it alone.



    Lineage : Glory Of The Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 95
    Guild : Nox Animus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 375

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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Mizuko 28th September 2014, 6:09 pm

    Mizuko was jumping around the rooftops of the Rose Garden out on recon duty for his guild. This was a new position appointed to him so they had him start out with a small job of just patrolling potential threat area's. Mizuko had been on patrol for several hours and hadn't heard anything suspicious and was about to head back home when he smelt a familiar sent in the air. He followed the sent to the center of town where he overheard the end of a conversation. "I must hand deliver this, I cannot risk damaging the contents with magic. We must get there safely." That voice was obviously Kaseki. "Wonder what's got him all worked up." Thought Mizuko. He decided to get in closer and jumped down from the rooftops and made his way over to Kaseki's location. Hiding behind a corner to a dark alleyway Mizuko observed and listened to the rest of the conversation. "It's the other way." Xiaowei said as she grabbed Kaseki by the collar and turned him in Mizuko's direction. Seeing as its only those too in the area Mizuko didn't see anymore reason to keep on hiding so he walked out into the open. "What's got you all worked up? Never known you to be so out of character." 


    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) 0006411

    Character Sheet - Weapon - Magic

    Battle Themes:

    Demon of life

    Demon of life

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 1723
    Guild : Savage Skull / Aelyst Crux (Dragon Fang Co-Founder)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Dregon (Magic), Master Aoi (Weapons), & Edward (Combat)
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cʏʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴄʏ
    Second Skill: Aʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴡᴀʀ
    Third Skill:

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Kaseki 28th September 2014, 6:21 pm

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Tumblr13

    Xiaowei turned to face the voice. Instinctively she drew Darkness from her waist, in its' gun form. She lifted it to face the fish, but stopped before it even pointed in his direction. She rested her hand on the grip for a moment before asking him, "I see you're carrying out your mission well." She said. Xiaowei was the Yuna's mother in more ways that just one, and by that, was like a mother to the guild. "I'm glad you're adjusting so well. Perhaps we should take you in on a more important mission." she said. Kaseki scoffed at her. He was disappointed that she could not see the dire situation at hand. He wished it would be as easy as activating the tattoo like he normally did to get to the great ship, but that was not the case. But even though she did not see what was in the box, did not mean the box was worthless.

    "Mizuko, we are to get this box to Yuna at once. There is no time for games."
    Kaseki said coldly. He had been under a lot of stress since Zenneth disappeared. He had to rebuild the ship, repair it, and teach Yuna how to run a guild. But why did Zenneth leave? What did he do?

    A light breeze came and carried Kaseki's cloak with movement. Then the visions came. She saw the city around him ruined. Building were falling, children crying, guards bleeding... and the fish boy. HE was chasing after a man, but who? What were they looking for? Then he saw Zenneth, appearing before all of them like a great god. But what was he saying? What were the words... Why were they there?

    What was Kaseki seeing?


    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Posts : 1298
    Guild : Suripingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar
    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Daemon Spade 28th September 2014, 6:51 pm

    'If you need help to get back to base perhaps I could help out ." A voice calling out from the shadows stated. As the shadows of the surrounding  quickly  converge onto a single point  and forming a makeshift portal. Daemon slowly walked through the portal holding a pair of dead rune knights over his shoulders. Truth be told Daemon was out here on his own picking up some new information from a newbie informant  sadly for him this little informant caused him to get noticed but two rookie Rks. Daemon looked at his friend and somewhat brother Mizu and Kaseki the guild's spy within SS. How long has it been since the three of us have been within the same city and not attempting to slaughter someone." Daemon asked out loud with a slight smirk.


    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg
    Nayru 'Mouse' Ikana
    Nayru 'Mouse' Ikana

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sakon Ikana (Thievery)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crossbow Magic
    Second Skill: N/a
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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Nayru 'Mouse' Ikana 29th September 2014, 1:24 am

    "Well it's nice to see that I'm not the only one hard at work." A females voice said from above them. Looking up, they would see Mouse looking down at them from a two story rooftop with a smirk on her face. She was amused to see that three among the stronger of Nox's guildmembers have gathered all in one place.

    Her eyes traveled from both Daemon to Mizuko to Xiowei to finally Kaseki and the box he was carrying. "So I'm guessing that there's little chance that box contains the books I've ordered, is there?" She asked knowing full well it didn't. Yet now she was starting to grow curious about exactly what was in the box. It must be pretty precious for him to not just teleport to the guild.



    Lineage : Glory Of The Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 95
    Guild : Nox Animus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slayer
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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Mizuko 29th September 2014, 5:34 am

    Apparently Mizuko caught Xiaowei by surprise cause she immediately began to draw her gun to which Mizuko went to grab his weapon Masamune and began to unsheathe it. She however stopped once she noticed it was Mizuko and put her weapon down and Mizuko sheathed his sword. "I see you're carrying out your mission well." She commented. "I'm glad you're adjusting so well. Perhaps we should take you in on a more important mission." However Kaseki didn't look to be to happy with her. "Mizuko, we are to get this box to Yuna at once. There is no time for games." He said coldly. Mizuko looked down at the box Kaseki was holding and wondered what was the big deal about a package but quickly lost interest. Then he remembered that he was now in a new position within the guild and it was his job now to find out everything he can that could either help or harm the guild so he had no choice but to find out.

    As he was about to ask about the box a voice appeared out of no where. "If you need help to get back to base perhaps I could help out." Said a voice calling from the shadows. As the shadows of the surrounding quickly converge onto a single point and forming a makeshift portal. Daemon slowly walked through the portal holding a pair of dead rune knights over his shoulders. "How long has it been since the three of us have been within the same city and not attempting to slaughter someone." Said Daemon. However Mizuko began to looked annoyed with Daemon showing up all of a sudden. "Daemon what are you doing here? Didn't think I couldn't handle my first patrol mission by myself?" Mizuko then looked at the two dead Rune Knights on Daemon's shoulders. "Then again it looks like I'm already doing a better job then you are." He laughed.

    The conversation was once again cut off by yet another unexpected visitor. "Well it's nice to see that I'm not the only one hard at work." Said a female voice coming from above them. Mizuko looked up to find Mouse hanging off the side of a two story building. "So I'm guessing that there's little chance that box contains the books I've ordered, is there?" she asked. Mizuko couldn't help but wonder "How come everyone from the guild knows how to find us here but we have yet to see one Rune knight..." Mizuko quickly looked over to the two dead Rune Knights that Daemon brought in. "That are alive at least." He finished.

    Getting back on topic Mizuko turned to Kaseki to which no one seemed to notice at the time was finishing up a vision of a possible future. "So what is in the package and why not just use the teleport system? If its really that sensitive how could it possibly help us? If we are to walk all the way back to the ship we should at least know what we are risking our lives for." In truth Mizuko couldn't care less about helping them he just wants to find out what's in the package cause of his new job details and depending on the answer he might consider it worth his time to help out.


    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) 0006411

    Character Sheet - Weapon - Magic

    Battle Themes:

    Demon of life

    Demon of life

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 1723
    Guild : Savage Skull / Aelyst Crux (Dragon Fang Co-Founder)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Dregon (Magic), Master Aoi (Weapons), & Edward (Combat)
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cʏʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴄʏ
    Second Skill: Aʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴡᴀʀ
    Third Skill:

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Kaseki 29th September 2014, 7:11 am

    The cloaked man let out a deep sigh at everyone. He began to take steps away from them. It was too noisy for him to thing. Kaseki too was wondering what was in the box. Whatever it was, it triggered memories long forgotten. "If I could tell you all, I would." Kaseki finally said. He held the box tightly, hoping it would give him an answer. "If I could take it to the ship by teleporting, I would have, either by my own means or by Xiaowei's skill. However these contents are highly sensitive, and doing so puts us all at a larger risk than walking through every legal guild to get there."

    Xiaowei listened as her own curiosity was peaked. It appeared Kaseki knew, yet did not... or did he not want to know? He could have looked inside of the package with his power, yet he chose not to. But where did he get the box? Why was it so urgent to get to Yuna? Xiaowei shook off her fear. She reached in the back of her trenchcoat and pulled out two large novels. She handed them to Mouse. "Here. They were the reason I came here, anyways." Xiaowei said. She could see it in Kaseki's tone as well as his eyes. He was in full torture, full pain. What was he going through?

    *  *  *

    You two have committed the greatest sin of all... Silence." Zenneth sad said.

    Kaseki looked saw nothing but death and destruction, destruction and death. Where was he? Was this now? He looked at his hands in panic, the box was gone, Xiaowei was gone. The other three... weren't there. It had to be a dream. Was he sleep walking? Who was Zenneth talking to? "Mr. Nox!" he cried out, "Zenneth!!" He screamed, yet the world did not hear him. They were numb to him. This was a world for Kaseki to see, and to see only. There was nothing he could change.

    Kaseki looked up to see a huge dragon.  "I thought it might’ve been somebody else, but to find my own guild-mates here, the cause of this all, is just... Hurtful" It spoke in an ethereal voice. But why? It was obviously a female, but what did she speak of? What was this place? Why was it in ruins?

    Kaseki's vision was cut off by the screams of a familiar man. "AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kaseki turned to the orgin of the sound....

    *  *  *

    He turned and saw Daemon, standing next to the fish and the mouse. It was as if everything cleared up. "Whatever is in this box, will inflict pain and torture." Kaseki admitted.

    He just never said to who.


    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1298
    Guild : Suripingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar
    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
    Third Skill:

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Daemon Spade 29th September 2014, 11:17 am

    Daemon glared at his " subordinate". "Remind me my fishy brother who was the one who told me about this new informant ?" Daemon stated with a slight smirk as he quietly threw the bodies back through the portal and changed it's exit to a local brothel. Daemon knew through his informants about most of the layouts of the Cities of Fiore and that Rose Garden's darker streets house several very unpleasant brothels.

    Daemon looked at Kaseki with a solemn stare as he said how the box would cause pain and torture to whomever the box was supposed to be delivered to. " If this box is meant for one of us the wouldn't it be wise to say that it's imperative that they receive it post haste ?" Daemon asked calmly as he turned to Kaseki and others then offered to take them back to Nox on His ship.


    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg
    Vivian Carmello
    Vivian Carmello

    Lineage : Eagle Vision
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    Posts : 120
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    Experience : 125

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Vivian Carmello 29th September 2014, 3:06 pm

    Vivian was wandering through Rose Garden, enjoying the sights. This city never ceased to amaze her; everything here ran on magic, which was fantastic to a magic buff like her. It was this sightseeing that led her to notice the gathering of Nox members on a nearby rooftop. "Hey, we know those guys," Vi observed. "I kn-know that," Vivian said exasperatedly to Vi. "Let's s-see what's g-going on."

    She made her way over to the center of the square, around where the others were standing. "W-why is everybody here?" Vivian asked shyly as she made her way over to where the others were standing. "Is s-something happening?"

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Guest 29th September 2014, 3:23 pm

    The Tartarus Mage walked into the Rose Garden without even knowing it. "Where the hell am I?" He thought as he looked around. He was prepared to attack if anything just happened to happen. Then he saw a gathering of people. "Greetings to all, may I ask what this gathering is about?" Nikolai still stood, prepared to attack. He took a deep sigh before walking into there.

    Demon of life

    Demon of life

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 1723
    Guild : Savage Skull / Aelyst Crux (Dragon Fang Co-Founder)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Dregon (Magic), Master Aoi (Weapons), & Edward (Combat)
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cʏʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴄʏ
    Second Skill: Aʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴡᴀʀ
    Third Skill:

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Kaseki 29th September 2014, 3:49 pm

    Kaseki continued to walk away from them. He had no time to waste. That box had to make its' way to Yuna.

    Kaseki didn't tell them that the box was from Edolas. It was a gift Kodai kept from them all. When Kodai and Kaseki merged, Kodai sent for his belonging to be retrieved. That box was something of a life that was never lived. It was wiped from existence... until Kaseki stumbled upon it. He saw what was being put into the box, however it was wrapped carefully. The box was cold, as if frozen, and Kaseki did not dare ask why.

    "Let us not fight. Surely there is a reason" Xiaowei said, looking directly at the Tartarus mage, "We are all children of the darkness, we do not fight for the light. So let's get this job done and let's move on. " Xiaoweo looked at her man walk away. "Kaseki, wait up! We're talking!" He vanished in a flash of light, to appear just before Kaseki, who just 20 meters away.

    "I have something to do. Either you all can help and get your own gain, or you can sit back and watch." He said coldly. "If I told you what this box could do to the world, none of you would be here." He looked at them all. "I do not promise the world... I only promise pieces of it. Now, let's get to Nox Animus. I have a job to do. Help me or not, I'm doing it."

    It was truly something out of character.

    What was wrong with Kaseki?

    "Death. Poison. Ethan running... Fishboy after him... Zenneth..." His thoughts raced. Where did these memories come from?



    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Rune Knights (Dragon Fang Member)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by PhoenixRises101 29th September 2014, 5:10 pm

    The young freedom fighter had been wandering through the crowded streets of Rose Garden in search for a few materials for her lab when she spotted a small gathering not far from where she was. More interestingly though, it was a gathering of dark mages; Nox mages to be more exact. "What is going on here..?" She muttered quietly to herself as she made her way towards the group. Some sort of trouble?

    Nearing the group, she was quick to recognize most, if not all, the mages there. Seeing as there was necessarily no need to introduce herself, she simply cut to the chase. "Hello," she greeted the group. She knew them all, but did they know her?  Perhaps they did or perhaps they did not. Not that it mattered to her at all. She was one who maintained a low profile. Working undercover was her specialty. Directing herself to her employer's father, she asked, "Is there some sort of trouble? May I offer any assistance?" Kaseki did not seem to listen for he simply walked away from them all. Bea raised an eyebrow as she took notice of Kaseki's odd behavior. Judging by his manner of being, she figured that something was definitely wrong and even more so if it required the aid of several mages.

    Xiaowei took notice of Kaseki's leave and teleported herself in front of Kaseki. The small move seemed to make Kaseki snap. "I have something to do. Either you all can help and get your own gain, or you can sit back and watch." Kaseki said coldly. "If I told you what this box could do to the world, none of you would be here." He looked at them all. "I do not promise the world... I only promise pieces of it. Now, let's get to Nox Animus. I have a job to do. Help me or not, I'm doing it." Once Kaseki had finished his little speech, Bea sighed. "Well, if it's for Ms. Seikatsu then I'm all in." she said nonchalantly. She had nothing to do and this little mission could provide a bit of entertainment. At least for the moment. Making her way towards her friend Xiaowei, she looked at her questioningly. "What is wrong with Kaseki?" she asked in a tone only the two could hear. As his behavior was linked to the package  she had but one more question to ask Xiaowei. "The package, do you know its specifics?" Knowing Xiaowei, she knew the answer to the box's contents. If not, then there really was something in the box that no one could know of except for Kaseki, his daughter, and those in the need to know.


    Nayru 'Mouse' Ikana
    Nayru 'Mouse' Ikana

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sakon Ikana (Thievery)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crossbow Magic
    Second Skill: N/a
    Third Skill:

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Nayru 'Mouse' Ikana 30th September 2014, 1:30 am

    Mouse scowled as she looked down at the others. The small group she had happened upon seem to only be growing. It wouldn't be long before a guard or a Rune Knight take notice of a gathering like this, and Mouse didn't want to be here when they do. Judging from the group, things would only get messy then.

    It also seemed to her that The Iron Fist had a similar idea. To focused on delivering the box in his hand to care about just about anything else. Or at least that's what Mouse believed. She hasn't exactly gotten to know Kaseki all that well, so she didn't notice anything out of character about him like the others might.

    "Help and get my own gain? Hmm... Sounds interesting." Mouse says to herself in a low whisper before jumping down off her perch. She then quickly caught up with Kaseki, ignoring the others on her way. "Just tell me what you need and I'll see if I can't get it done." She assured Kaseki with a small smirk.

    To her, this represented an interesting challenge. With no real time to think and prepared ahead, she'd have to think on her feet. Already she was working out what exactly Kaseki could possibly use to transport the box to Nox Animas. Probably an airship or a flying vehicle of some kind. Though where exactly could they get one in the city without drawing to much unneeded attention?



    Lineage : Glory Of The Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 95
    Guild : Nox Animus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slayer
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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Mizuko 30th September 2014, 6:39 am

    "Remind me my fishy brother who was the one who told me about this new informant ?" Daemon retorted back but Mizuko just started laughing some more "Jeez take a joke." As time went by Mizuko became increasingly uncomfortable as more and more people began to show up. He noticed that Kaseki was already on his way out of the city while everyone was still talking so Mizuko decided to follow and leave the rest to there pointless conversation, it was better than sitting out in the middle of town where Rune Knights could show up at any moment. If they ended up coming things could get complicated really fast. Mizuko caught up to Kaseki and started to speak "Alright I'll help out. But it better be worth my wild."


    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) 0006411

    Character Sheet - Weapon - Magic

    Battle Themes:

    Demon of life

    Demon of life

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 1723
    Guild : Savage Skull / Aelyst Crux (Dragon Fang Co-Founder)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Dregon (Magic), Master Aoi (Weapons), & Edward (Combat)
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cʏʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴄʏ
    Second Skill: Aʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴡᴀʀ
    Third Skill:

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Kaseki 30th September 2014, 3:24 pm

    "Bea, please, now isn't the time." Xiaowei said aside to her. She knew that Bea wanted to help, but with her new rank among the Rune Knights, it was different... or was it? Mizuko was already close behind Kaseki, and the group seemed to remain rather stagnant where they were. They had to move if they ever wanted to get this done.

    "The package, do you know its specifics?" Bea T. Black had asked her. Xiaowei would have slain any Rune Knight that asked the question, but Bea was not just any Rune Knight. "I know just as much as you do." She said. She was curious as to what Kaseki actually held. Whatever it was, it was important to him his daughter. And Yuna was just as much as her daughter as she was to Kaseki.

    "We go to Nox Animus. Yuna will meet us the way there. She should have received my message to move the ship." Kaseki said without looking at anyone. "Just tell me what you need and I'll see if I can't get it done." Mouse had said. Kaseki kept walking, unshifting to the world. "Just follow us, we need to be there when Yuna gets the package, that's all I know." She said. "Alright I'll help out. But it better be worth my wild." Mizuko spoke as he reached Kaseki.

    * * *

    "What made you do this... you said we would be a MERCENARY guild, not a MURDERER guild...!" a small girl seemed to yell. She was next to Alexander Zenneth, she held her fists at her side as they both looked down at the city. What were they doing there?

    Daemon was running around, towards, and from Rune Knights all over the city. The world was burning, and so was his cigarette. He looked at them without a care in the world. He was out numbered and all he could say was, "This doesn't seem to fair now does it ?" He leaped into the sky just enough to get a vantage point, and in a flash, he threw over twenty Kunai Knives at his foes, impaling them gracefully.

    "Yeah, to think the people we once called friends would do this..." said the little girl next to Zenneth. She was blond, young, she was... close to Zenneth. Kaseki could see her eyes, the pain she withstood. She took steps away from him...

    " Do you wish for me to locate out our special prisoner?" said Saranade, the sister of Zenneth. What were they doing? This was Nox Animus? Was it really? When was it so corrupt? Why did they do this? What was happening?

    * * *

    That box held the answer to Kaseki's visions. Only Yuna could explain what he was seeing. What could it be?


    Daemon Spade
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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Daemon Spade 30th September 2014, 11:36 pm

    Daemon  was slipping through the shadows  of the Lit city  weaving around  dodging the more open areas and sticking to the  more secluded path. As Daemon caught up to Mizu and Kaseki he had shifted from his human guise into his true animal form . With his heightened senses Daemon quickly noticed the scent of a Rune knight within the immediate area that were different then the girl that had shown up prior to their departure .Daemon sniffed around and looked towards the  street in front of them  with a couple with their eyes closed face sucking near a street lamp casting a long shadow .Daemon quickly/quietly leapt into a the shadow of a couple making out ( Don't ask why the couple didn't freak I'm  sure we all know the answer) And appeared out of the shadowy alleyway near the Rk  Daemon  used the surrounding shadows to pick up a trash can and chuck it above the knights head and into a window on the next street over  causing the Rune knight to run off and into the building to inspect the damage. Daemon grinned to himself and headed back to following his friends "That should keep them off out backs for a bit . "


    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by PhoenixRises101 3rd October 2014, 9:02 am

    "Bea, please, now isn't the time." Xiaowei said. It was evident that there was a lack of trust between them two -starting since she joined the Rune Knights. A flash of anger appeared upon her face only to disappear a second later. "Very well," she said with a tiny hint of venom lacing her words, "Just remember. It was not I who chose the path of the Rune Knights." she muttered disgustedly to herself.

    Anyone who knew Bea knew that she was definitely not one to become any government's lapdog. She would have rather died than to serve the Magic Council, but she had entered the Magic Council's service as a Rune Knight per request of her employer. Ms. Seikatsu had needed a man on the inside besides Necro and therefore she had turned to Bea. It was Bea's job to find Necro, rise in rank, and send inside information to Nox Animus. After much discussion between them both, the freedom fighter had grudgingly agreed to infiltrate. After all, she served Dragon Fang, but, most importantly, she served Nox Animus.

    "I know just as much as you do." Xiaowei continued, thus answering Bea's second question. Bea raised an eyebrow before glancing towards Kaseki. It was all so strange. A mysterious package, Kaseki's strange behavior, and the sort. Yet Bea was quick to let the curiosity of it all slide. "As they always say," Bea said quietly to no one in particular, "Curiosity killed the cat..."

    Bea was quick to notice a mage slip away and distract some Rune Knights that found themselves heading their way. "That should keep them off our backs for a bit ." Yuna's second in command said with a grin. Bea barely spared him a glance as the mage caught up the the group. She simply shrugged and lifted her open hand for him to see for decorating her palm was a black rune knight tattoo. "Could have been dealt with nicer." she said simply. She could have had the option of slicing their throats or simply telling them to go away. She would preferably have chosen the former. Either way, both options would have made sure that they would not have come after them nor sparked any sort of alert and or suspicion. Bea sighed as she picked up the pace so she was walking next to Kaseki and the Atlantean. The sooner they finished the mission, the sooner she would return to her lab. The sooner she made it to her lab, the faster she could work on upgrading Cerberus.



    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Guest 3rd October 2014, 1:49 pm

    "Let me repeat myself. What the hell is going on?" Yelled Nikolai as he put his hands over his mouth to form a megaphone.

    "I see that you people have a job going on. I need some cash, so I'll join you. It better be my damn while, though."

    Nikolai sighed and waited for the peoples' response.
    Nayru 'Mouse' Ikana
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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Nayru 'Mouse' Ikana 4th October 2014, 12:54 am

    "Okay then. If that's what you want." Mouse said with a disappointed sigh as she was told to just follow them to where they're going to meet up Yuna. And after she had gone through the trouble to figure out where they were likely to steal an airship from too. Now what was she going to do with that plan.

    Disappointment aside though, she still held some curiosity on what exactly was in the box. It was one of those strange things that somehow intrigued her, So, for now, she was still invested in following Kaseki to it's intended location. The promise of reward was a nice incentive to boot.

    Still. She wondered what exactly is going on. Why did Kaseki, Xioawei, Yuna, or whoever was in charge of all this wanted them to follow Kaseki? Was there assistance actually needed, or were they tagging along to just witness what this box was? If so, could the promise of the reward just be hoax? While Mouse didn't want to believe it, she couldn't deny the possibility that all of them are just being played as fools. Only time would tell if that was true.

    "So where exactly are we meeting Yuna at anyways? I had assumed we were going to meet back at the guild, but something tells me that may not be exactly right." Mouse asked as she continued to follow Kaseki. She had doubts that the Iron Fist would answer himself, instead having Xioawei answer for him again.



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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Sonya<3 6th October 2014, 5:22 pm

    Yuna had been cleaning out her office when she had gotten the alert from Kaseki to meet him at Rose Garden. Although they had communicated through the use of ironbark, she could tell it was of great urgency that she meet him there as soon as possible. Leaving the ship in the hands of Bastet, she headed towards the teleportation room and entered the coordinates of the city. It was not long before she arrived at the beautiful city of Rose Garden and immediately searched for the group. After much wandering, she spotted Daemon walking towards her direction. A bright smile illuminated her face and she hurried her pace to meet him. "H-Hello..." she said softly as her face turned pink. Remembering why she was there in the first place, her happy smile turned to that of concern. "H-Have you seen Kaseki? I'm supposed to meet him around here... Somewhere..." She asked her boyfriend worriedly. The nature fairy the looked around the city and sighed before looking back at him, "I-I'm worried about him..."


    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) 0006710

    Yuna || Magic || Bank || Fang
    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Coolt137
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Daemon Spade 6th October 2014, 5:52 pm

    Daemon looked up at his girlfriends beautiful blushing face in his lupine state as he blushed just as heavily as she was as he smiled happily before shifting back into his human form. "H.Hey there Yuna-chan." he said as he walked over to Yuna and gave her a hug and a quick peck on lips. After Yuna asked him if he had seen Kaseki he nodded and gently took hold of her hand. His control oer the shadows was fading for the day yet he still had enough energy to carry them both to Kaseki. "I'll take you to him hun But it's a good idea to hold your breath. " He said with a smile as gently pulled her close as they faded through their shadows that were created by the streetlamps and rush towards the group via the shadows.

    As they reached the group Daemon took control of Kaseki's shadow and quickly jumped from the inky black void as he gently helped Yuna-chan from the shadow.


    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Demon of life

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    Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite) Empty Re: Saving a Sinner - Part 1 (Event / Invite)

    Post by Kaseki 6th October 2014, 6:16 pm

    "Yuna..." Kaseki spoke through the bark. It was his entire being, and was easy for him to do so. He was a giant source of a "lacrima" in a way. "This box contains visions... of a world that never was. You must see it." Kaseki spoke. It was a language only his family, Xiaowei and Yuna would hear and understand. And just as he finished his words, he could see his daughter.

    "Nikolai, please, lower your voice. You want rewards..." she looked at all the mages with them. They all had a purpose. "Everyone will be rewarded. This is not something that will happen over night. This happens the way it does because it does. It takes time."

    In a moment he watched his daughter arrive with Daemon. Both of their faces were painted with love and moisture on their lips. "Eh, He's a wolf. And I like him too." Kaseki thought. It was no time to disapprove nor approve of young love. They had matters to attend to. He turned to his shadow and extended the box to Yuna. "Dear, you must open this box right away... It is of upmost importance.." and with that, Kaseki handed the box to his kin. Waiting for her to take it from him. There was something in that box that only Yuna would know of. Only she would understand...

    Only she knew.


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