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    Chicha's Espionage Exquip


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Demonic Mask
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Guild : Nox Animus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caster- Exquip
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Star Chicha's Espionage Exquip

    Post by SavageJhos 16th August 2014, 11:37 pm

    Primary Magic: Requip Magic
    Secondary Magic: -
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Chicha’s requip magic involves utility items she may have acquired on her own/during a quest/etc that would assist her with her missions. The pocket dimension can store a large variety of items, mostly those that are neither weapons nor armor, but specialized items that can perform a unique task. Everything varies with rarity and skill, as well as size and usage. Up to now, Chicha can only hold up to two unique items at a time.

    Chicha uses requip magic almost exclusively to contain and use any items she may find useful for espionage. Though plenty of them are store brought and might be single-use only, Chicha doesn’t discriminate in what kind of magical gadgets she could use.


    • But Can I Use It?- From cheap store items to rare artifacts, if Chicha decides to exquip it, the item surely has some utility to help her with espionage. If not, Chicha will find a way.
    • Work With What You Got- Though Chicha can only exquip two items at a time, their abilities can come together for some spectacular or sneaky effects. (Winged Stilettos + Smoke Bomb Earrings= Great getaway)
    • Suped Up- If not used to pick locks or change her face, Chicha isn’t a stranger to supportive magic. And wouldn’t mind stocking up on items to use for her allies. Or herself.
    • The Double Edged Earring- Non single-use items can have their abilities expanded and manipulated as Chicha’s rank and general knowledge increases. This also means the lower level Chicha is, the less access to an item she has.


    • Not The Face!- If Chicha exquips armor, it’s HIGHLY unlikely the armor will be used for defensive purposes. Chicha will never be at the front lines of any battle.
    • Lover, Not A Fighter Dearie.- Though Chicha is more likely to use a weapon than armor when she exquips, the weapon is usually going to be something that can stop/paralyze her foes so she can run away. Forget the front lines, Chicha won’t be found in battle at all.
    • The Double Edged Earring- Non single-use items can have their abilities expanded and manipulated as Chicha’s rank and general knowledge increases. This also means the lower level Chicha is, the less access to an item she has. (Stops being a weakness at A Rank)
    • The Icky Parts- Every exquip drains 10% of her maximum magic power.
    • How Much?!- Relying on items to use her magic, and stores to provide said gadgets, Chicha’s budget is always strict. And being a beginner mage doesn’t help her funds either. So her collection is not as impressive as Chicha wants it to be, and she mostly sticks to the cheap stuff.
    • Does This Come With A Manual?- Even if she may find an interesting item, Chicha has to figure out how to use it. And though she may think she has it all figured out, items have blown up in Chicha’s face before. Or even worse, had some strange side effects...

    Abilities/Powers: Chicha’s equipment can give passive bonuses or requires an activation. Which each has their own duration and cooldown.

    Spell[Item] Template

    Name: Smoke Bomb Earrings
    Rank: Can rise with Chicha’s rank. Currently D, stops growing at A.
    Type: Item/Supportive
    Description: Chicha exquips large pearl earrings. By will alone, Chicha can activate the earrings which will release a blinding white smoke that can almost cover two people. The smoke dissipates on it's own after one post, starting at the edges and finally at the center.

    D Rank- The earrings expel white, thick smoke and can be as wide as six feet and as tall as seven feet. Big enough to cover two average sized persons if they stand together.


    • The smoke temporarily blinds anyone in the smoke except for the caster upon activation.
    • Another person can be covered by the smoke bomb if they are in close proximity to Chicha.
    • Activation is instant.


    • Lasts 1 post without outside forces. Cooldown is 2 posts.
    • Has to recharge after each use. Can be charged instantly by magic energy (2% of maximum mp) or sitting time of 1 post.
    • The smoke temporarily blinds anyone in the smoke except for the caster upon activation.
    • Wind magic can blow the smoke away instantly.
    • No offensive properties except for the one-post blind window.

    Name: [The] Black Rose Body Suit
    Rank: Can rise with Chicha’s rank. Currently at D, stops at H.
    Type: Armor
    Description: Chicha exquips a black, skin-tight body suit. It covers her from her neck down to the soles of her feet. The suit comes with a hood to go over her head and it expands instantly over any shoes Chicha is wearing. When activated, the suit instantly turns Chicha invisible, undetectable by neither sight nor sound. The invisibility can last three posts and wears off just as fast as it came on.

    D-Rank- The body suit turns Chicha invisible for up to 3 posts.


    • Invisibility is instant.
    • Can be repaired instantly by magic.
    • The suit is light and stretchy.


    • Lasts up to 3 posts, cooldown is five posts. Cannot be recharged. Repairment costs 2-5% maximum mp per cut, depending on size.
    • Provides no defenses.
    • Suit can be damaged like normal clothing. Any torn parts exposes a part of her.
    • If she is grabbed by someone or exposed to offensive magic, the invisibility wears off immediately.

    Name: Winged Stilettos
    Rank: Can rise with Chicha’s rank. Currently D, stops at S.
    Type: Unique/Buff
    Description: Chicha exquips small white wings on her shoes or ankles. The wings appear immediately and does not make a sound when they flutter. Though only as small as about three inches each, they are incredibly powerful and can hold up to 250 pounds of weight. They can fly as high as the clouds and normally go up to 20 mph, increasing to 80 for mana spent. The wings can last up to three posts.


    • Enables flight at 20 mph, and the speed can be boosted with magic.
    • Can carry up to 250lbs of weight.
    • How high she can go is not affected by weight or magic power spent.
    • Can be repaired with magic or by a crafter.


    • Flight is instant and lasts 1-3 posts. Speed at which she flies is manipulated by 2 mph for .5% mp drain. So to fly at 80mph she has to drain 20% of her maximum mp. Cannot be used twice within a 2 post period. Cooldown is 2-4 posts after flight has stopped.
    • Wind or gravity magic can nullify/tamper with Chicha’s flight.
    • The wings can be damaged if hit directly. Damaging the wings tampers with flight, and depending on the degree of destruction, can end flight altogether.
    • Repairing is not instant and takes at least an hour to be fixed.

    Name: Gucci Glasses
    Rank: Can rise with Chicha’s rank. Currently at D, stops at H.
    Type: Item/Buff
    Description: Chicha exquips glasses that are large and yellow with circular lens. For it’s many uses, Chicha must activate the glasses through simple touch at the top of her frame. Besides improving Chicha's vision to 80/20, the glasses can also scan objects and persons. When she is scanning an object or person, the glass lets out a thin red light to mark the target and blinks three times when it's finished scanning. Scanning an object grants facts about it, while scanning a person discovers the magic they can use.

    D-Rank- Grants increased vision and clarity, and can analyze a scanned object/person.


    • Looks baller AF.
    • Enables enhanced vision and clarity. Up to 80/20 vision.
    • Ability to ‘read’ an object or person through scanning. Gives up to 3 details about an object and can identify the type of magic used by a person.
    • Can be repaired instantly through magic or by a crafter.


    • Enhanced vision is used instantly. Can be used continuously at 5% max magic power per post. If switched out, cannot be switched back in for 1 post. Scanning an object or person requires for the subject to remain still for 3 seconds for the scanning to be complete. Extending a scan of an object longer than 3 seconds to get more detail drains 2% of maximum mana for each extra detail, up to 5 details.
    • Any offensive magic or direct damage to the glasses prevents them from being used until repaired.
    • Cannot see through walls or physical barriers.
    • Some details cannot be extracted from an object for any reason and Chicha MUST know what she is looking for in order for the glasses to work. (Such as the weight of an object.)
    • If glasses were damaged during scanning, information will not be stored and the scanning process will have to be repeated upon being repaired.

    Last edited by SavageJhos on 17th August 2014, 10:13 am; edited 4 times in total

    Star Re: Chicha's Espionage Exquip

    Post by Guest 17th August 2014, 5:54 am

    Hey there and welcome to FTRP. Nice work on the magic so far as it's certainly an interesting form of Requip =] However there are a few things that I must requested be edited before I can approve the magic.

    First of all the MP used to requip is the same as it would be to cast any spell. At D-rank that means your requips will currently cost 10% MP (You regenerate MP every 5 posts).

    Secondly you're lacking durations and cooldowns for each of your spells. Your cooldowns should also be 1 post longer than your durations (although in the case of your glasses and items similar, I would allow a cooldown equal to your duration)

    I'll do a full review of your magic once these edits are made. If you've any questions or issues then please don't be afraid to PM me and I'll happily speak with you about them.

    Star Re: Chicha's Espionage Exquip

    Post by Guest 17th August 2014, 10:15 am

    Approved =] have fun roleplaying!

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