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    Chicha Magnusse


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Demonic Mask
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Guild : Nox Animus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caster- Exquip
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Chicha Magnusse Empty Chicha Magnusse

    Post by SavageJhos 17th August 2014, 9:32 am

    "Lying is like...Half of what I do."
    - Chicha Magnusse
    Chicha Magnusse Afro_Disiak_by_Eniotna
    Artist- Enionta

    Name: Chicha Magnusse
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Birthday: May 27th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: An old look that’s somewhat misplaced for her day and age.

    Personality: Chicha is a free spirit. If she is bound or committed to an ideal or cause, it’s because she chose to do so for her own best interest, or in a more rare case, the person/ideal has earned her respect. Other than that, Chicha loosely associates herself with just about everything. Any friendships are thin ties, family is an issue she’d rather not talk about, and pets take too much time.

    Introverted at heart, Chicha hangs around a lot of people because of what she wants to be, not because she particularly enjoys it. And anyone who tries to get too close to her emotionally gets the cold shoulder. And though Chicha may not always enjoy other living things, that doesn’t mean she enjoys pain of any kind towards them. Neither inflicting and sure as hell not receiving, if Chicha can make the battle painless, she will. After all, she just wants to be a super spy, and that doesn’t usually involve killing.

    When she is alone, Chicha spends most of her free time training or researching. She exercises her body to be physically strong and practices yoga to keep a level head and retain flexibility. Occasionally she can be found at the range practicing her precision with a handgun, because she knows she will eventually own one, just like her role model did. Rarer so, Chicha practices with a whip, but that's only for kicks.

    And if she isn't buffing up her summer bod, or has her nose in the newspaper, Chicha is likely reading her Black Rose comics, one of the few things she does for purely recreational fun. Chicha strongly believes that in order to achieve her dreams, sacrifices must be made. She works as hard as she can and doesn't like to waste time with 'fun' activities. As such, she is easily prone to being stressed out at the slightest of mishaps in her plans, which is also remedied by her yoga. She can become a ticking time-bomb this way though, and when she makes too many mistakes, she'll know when to step back and force herself to go on a vacation to clear her mind.

    In battle, Chicha definitely prefers to work alone. At her current rank, most of her spells can only be of use to one person regardless, and if she had to choose, Chicha would always pick herself. But Chicha understands the benefit of partnering up, especially if her partner is bulkier than her to draw attention (and fire) to themselves instead of her.

    Chicha has also never found herself in a leader position, because in groups or pairs, she always prefers to step out of the limelight and let the others play captain, even though she may not even listen to their commands if she finds the captain incapable or overbearing.

    If Chicha was ever stuck babysitting and calling the shots, she’d probably be the type of leader to make sure no one under her command gets hurt, even if the mission fails.

    Money- is brand names and the latest gadgets. Put a price on it and you already won half the battle with Chicha.

    Black Rose Comics- The fictional character Elise Enigma has sparked an unquenchable fire within Chicha when she read the ambitious spies comics as a child. From keeping up with the latest edition and imitating the style and career of her role model, Chicha wants nothing more than to be the #1 super spy in the world.

    Physical Affection- As long as they don’t get attached, Chicha enjoys being physical with just about anyone. Let it a friendly hug or a suggestive arm around the waist, Chicha doesn’t keep her hands to herself around the people she enjoys.

    Success- Chicha tries her hardest in almost everything she does. If she put the energy to commit to it, she wants it done right. And nothing is more satisfying than a job well done.

    Compliments- For all the time and effort that goes into her appearance, a little appreciation goes a long way with Chicha. And if you have the taste to recognize her brand names, even better.

    Being Tied Down- Chicha is in a guild for her best interests, not so much because she likes the idea of sticking around the same people for long periods of time. And the less chummy her guild mates get, the more happy she can be about her decision to be in a guild at all.

    Don’t Touch- Her stuff. A quick grope on her breasts is fine if Chicha likes the person, but anyone who touches her personal belongings is out of bounds and out of their socks. Chicha makes it very clear to those around her: “Hands off the Prada, Jack.”

    Too Close- Chicha doesn’t want anyone being emotionally attached to her. It makes her job easier and gives her more time to focus on herself. Friends can be icky at times.

    Money Money and more Money- No further explanation needed.

    Freedom- Chicha wants to be a freelance spy more than anything, but she knows she’s better off in a guild. If she could one day bargain her freedom back from any forces, she’d bloody her hands for such an opportunity.

    Fame- She doesn’t want everyone knowing her name per say, but if she could go down in history as one of the top spies in the world, she would die happy.

    A Big Fat Nobody- Chicha constantly has the fear of failing as a spy and having to pack her bags and go home hanging over her head. This is also why she tries her best in everything she does.

    No Insurance Yet- Chicha is seriously considering insuring her face. If she sucks at espionage, she might at least find another job if she bats her eyes prettily enough. She doesn’t want any harm coming to her cute, button nose and will always bend over backwards to try and take a body blow instead.

    Betrayal- Nothing hurts worse than a knife in the back. Chicha doesn’t want people getting too friendly with her for good reason, and this is another one of them. Refusing to be fooled twice, Chicha would rather fill the void in her heart with comics and drawings, rather than meaningful friendships.

    General Appearance

    Chicha Magnusse Tumblr_n86lfbDffx1tdn57ro1_1280

    Artist- Suna

    Height: 5’5”, but almost always seen at 5’10” with her heels.
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Hair: Something else you shouldn’t touch-the ‘fro. Either gelled into a tight ball or let loose to blow in the winds, Chicha’s ebony hair is the image of perfection. Just don’t catch her right after a hot shower before she can sculpt it to it’s true potential.
    Eyes: Chicha’s honey eyes are shadowed by thick, black eyelashes and always under the protection of her Fendi yellow eyeglasses.
    Skin Tone: As long as she doesn’t get hit or eats too much sweets, Chicha can show off her tawny hue like she was a skin cream model. And she usually does. Even if a bruise or a zit catches Chicha off guard, she will use a magical cream to cover up the blemish.
    Appearance: When Chicha is on a mission, she prefers to wear a tight, black crop top, black skinny jeans and black, heel-less pumps. Her standard get-up when she is undercover is black lipstick, light mascara, and onix studs in her first set of piecings.

    When she is not building up her reputation, Chicha sports a more colorful plumage. Still exposing her toned stomach with crop tops of a variety of colors, Chicha can compliment her off-the-shoulder shirts with balloon pants and brand name stilettos. Her lipstick matches the main color of her outfit, with heavy eyeshadow and large diamond earrings dangling down to her cheeks. She might even sport a Michael Kors watch, but that’s depending on her mood and she usually leaves her wrists free.


    Guild: Nox Animus
    Tattoo: Her tattoo is black and on the inside of her right thigh.
    Rank: D

    Chicha Magnusse Empty Re: Chicha Magnusse

    Post by Guest 17th August 2014, 10:05 am

    The sass is strong in this one.

    Approved =]

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