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    Ozias Roarke

    Ozias Roarke
    Ozias Roarke

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 10
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    Ozias Roarke Empty Ozias Roarke

    Post by Ozias Roarke 12th August 2014, 11:45 am

    Ozias Roarke 6YNfNoQ

    Name – Ozias Roarke
    Gender – Male
    Age – Twenty-two [22]
    Birthday – July 2nd
    Sexuality – Bisexual
    Special Characteristics – ---

    Personality – From an initial view, Ozias seems like your ordinary young adult. However, once you spend more time with him, you’ll soon come to find out that he’s exceptionally difficult to read. Most will find him to be really dull. Sure, you’ll have a general idea on when he’s happy, sad, upset and such. However, his underlying thoughts generally remain a mystery to others. Sometimes, it’s hard to see if you have his full attention or not. Ozias is strangely stoic and rarely shows large amounts of emotion. If he’s happy, you’ll get a light grin out of him. If he’s upset, he’ll furrow his brow at you. Ozias is not completely emotionless; he’s just more subtle and controlled about his emotions than others. This trait also contributes to Ozias’s levelheadedness. He’s able to remain calm and think clearly under stress, though he’s still able to become overwhelmed. Also, Ozias is sensible, practical and genuine, and isn’t pretentious or over-the-top. In fact, he makes it a point to learn from others, believing that he can use their knowledge and traits in order to better himself. Compliments and praise are given when Ozias sees it fit though he takes care not to butter people up too much; that’s a one-way ticket to an inflated ego. Ozias is an avid learner and reader, and even has a slight obsession with technology and its potential applications. If he doesn’t have his nose buried in a book or isn’t fiddling with some kind of machine or gadget, he’s out practicing his martial arts. He doesn’t want to get sloppy at it, considering how he uses no weapons whatsoever.

    The most noticeable trait of Ozias is his enigmatic nature. He’s difficult to interpret and understand, and he’s one to always keep you on your toes. It’s extremely tempting for some to get into that noggin of his. Some have described him to be as cold and calculating. Others claim that he’s a warm, pure soul, with the best of intentions. Which of these claims are true, you ask? Well, that’s up to you to figure out. Be careful though. What you find out may or may not be pleasant.

    Battling is something that Ozias doesn’t look forward to ever doing. However, in a world like Fiore, it is something that no one can really avoid, even if they aren’t the ones battling in the first place. There will always be conflict; the presence of magic just makes the collateral damage that much more wanton and rampant. Whenever he is forced into a combat situation, Ozias tries his best to approach it with a clear, calm mind. Brute strength and power isn’t his forte. Instead, he focuses more on strategy, tactics, creativity, resourcefulness and straight willpower. Analyzing his opponent’s fighting style and magic is one of his top priorities. Once he figures that out, he then tries to find and exploit its weaknesses and shortcomings, anything that could possibly tip the battle in his favor. While he is a polite and amiable person, he's cutthroat when it comes to fighting.


      » Technology – Ozias’s passion; or at least one of them. He loves every aspect of technology and constantly immerses himself in it.
      » Books – You can never learn too much, right?
      » Rain – It’s calming and beautiful. Plus, it smells good.


      » Smoke – It’s unhealthy, irritating and for the most part, smells awful.
      » Crowded Places – Ozias likes his space and being around too many people at once quickly drains his energy and tests his patience.
      » Ice Cream – He doesn’t understand how people can eat that stuff …


      » Become the Magic Council’s Chairman – The Magic Council has a stigma about it, that it’s dogmatic, oppressive and ultimately corrupt. Ozias aspires to join the Magic Council, hopefully as its Chairman, so that he can help fix these issues by addressing them directly.
      » Academic Pursuits – There is never too much to learn. Ozias wants to learn as much as he possibly can with his focuses being around technology, lacrima and how the two can work in tandem.
      » Travel the World – One of Ozias’s many goals. If he has the ability to, he would like to see every single location that both Fiore and Edolas have to offer.


      » Guilds – It’s not so much the guild itself. More so, Ozias is afraid of what could possibly happen if any guild, Legal or Dark, essentially had enough power to assert their authority over the entirety of the magical world. To Ozias, the result could be … utterly disastrous.
      » Failure – While Ozias is a determined individual, he can’t help but have the underlying fear of being unable to accomplish a goal of his, no matter how much effort he puts into it.
      » “Scary” Things – Let’s face it; Ozias isn’t necessarily a “fearless” individual. If anything is generally considered “scary”, then he’s going to fear it more than likely.


      » Height – Five feet seven inches [5’7”]
      » Weight – One hundred and thirty-three pounds [133 lbs]
      » Hair – Black, very short buzzcut
      » Eyes – Dark Brown
      » Skin Tone – Dark Brown

    Appearance – Standing at five feet six inches tall [5’7”] and weighing one hundred and thirty-three pounds, Ozias isn’t an intimidating individual when it comes to appearance. His skin is a dark-brown, his short hair a solid black and his eyes are a dark-brown, making him rather easy to pick out in a crowd.

    Being human, Ozias’s ears are rounded and are a little too big for his head. His nose is thin at the bridge before widening slightly at the base near his nostrils, and his lips are full. The male’s facial structure is angular with the most prominent parts being his chin and cheekbones. That, coupled with his physique, often leads people to believe that Ozias is weak with no physical ability whatsoever. Now, while Ozias is no bodybuilder and he doesn’t have what you’d call “the perfect body”, he does have some muscle on him. Still, he’s leaner than he is muscular. His chest and torso have little definition and the same can be said for his arms and legs.

    Attire wise, Ozias usually sports a teal long-sleeved shirt with a green short-sleeved shirt worn over it, black pants and brown shoes. He has several changes of clothes ranging in color from black, gray, white, brown, red, orange and yellow. Around his waist are several pouches, tailored to house potions, money and other similar items safely. Accessory wise, Ozias is rarely seen without a black knitted cap (tuque) on his head, complete with earflaps with little cables attached to the end of them. Of course, if it’s too hot, Ozias won’t be wearing his favorite hat. He doesn’t want to fry his head and drown in his own sweat. Also, whenever he’s traveling, Ozias hauls around a gray, single-strapped backpack with him.

    Guild | Council:

    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: ---
    Rank: D-Rank
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 1380
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ragnarök
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ozias Roarke Empty Re: Ozias Roarke

    Post by Indiana Jones 12th August 2014, 11:28 pm

    This app is just perfect, nothing wrong. Can't wait to rp with you.

    Ozias Roarke 2133iu9


    Ozias Roarke 18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2

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