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    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private]

    Arsene Mayura
    Arsene Mayura

    VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Artenis Dagger
    Experience : 1,693.75

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    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] Empty First "Home" in Years [Social - Private]

    Post by Arsene Mayura 28th June 2014, 2:07 am

    Eli looked over the edge of the platform, starring down at the ground beneath him. It was the first time he has been this far up, he could say that for sure. There was something strange about this all; something he wasn't exactly a fan of either. He had finally joined a guild. He felt almost in shock; this was never something he had imagined doing, ever. Emilia seemed completely fine with it all, and as such, for the first time in a while, he felt truly alone. Ironic, since he had actually gained more acquaintances, in a sense. Still, he didn't like it.

    Snapping himself back to reality, he returned to his work. He observed the edge of the platform carefully, looking for the perfect spot to hide he. Even if he didn't plan on being here for long, he wasn't going to be caught unprepared. He was going to hide circles in every single place he could find. While he doubted he'd ever end up using any of them, it's not like he had anything else to do at the moment. He was probably going to try and go on a few jobs soon, but for the time being he didn't exactly have the motivation. Settling on a spot, he took out his pen and began to work. Taking a deep, slow breath, Eli began his work. Making a proper circle required perfect concentration. A single mistake and it was a complete waste.

    His body worked on an almost auto-pilot. He had made so many circles in his life, that he could even do them with his eyes closed now. With nothing but his thoughts left, he tried to drum up ways to get kicked out of the guild. 'I need to do something bad enough to make Zenshin give up on me, but not bad enough to get arrested or murdered by him. So it can't be anything personal; he'll probably either forgive me or kill me with something like that, too risky. Proving myself to be a deterrence to the guild itself would be best, give him no choice but to boot me. I need to make sure I do it in a way Emilia would still leave with me though. I could be a jerk to the members, but then again, if I do end up stuck here I'd rather not have everyone hate me. I probably should go talk to some of the members soon, there may be one or two ok people to talk with in here. Maybe even someone to play a few games with.' Lost in his thoughts and focusing on his circle, Eli was completely oblivious to everything and everyone around him for the time being.



    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Rainbow- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 212.5

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    Post by Hikachu 28th June 2014, 4:53 am

    Hika placed her hands beneath her head and stared up at the endless, azure sky. She was, again, at the rooftop of the new Sabertooth guild hall. For some reason, she find herself attached to this place and always ended up here whenever she was bored. Hika didn't have anything particular to do and she was still figuring out something to kill time. She sighed and pushed her hair out of her face. Just then, from the corner of her eyes, she caught sight of a person sitting on the platform.

    Hika sat cross-legged and watched the person drew something on a certain place. Getting up on her feet, Hika ran a hand through her hair, jumped down on the platform and walked over to the guy. She was sure that she had never seen him before. Perhaps, he's a new member, She thought. Hika sat down beside him. He didn't seem to notice her presence though, considering that he was too focused on his work. Hika smiled slightly and tapped his shoulder gently. "Hey. What's up?" That was probably the lamest approach ever, but she couldn't think of any better idea.


    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] JhB4MAf

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    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

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    Post by Emilia Crohil 28th June 2014, 3:42 pm

    Emilia had agreed to get her and Eli's stuff to the guildhall after they had looked around a bit. She dragged it all behind her in a wheeled chest. That was one disadvantage of having heavy armor; you had to travel with it, but Emi was used to that. No, her biggest problem was the guildhall itself. They couldn't have a normal guildhall, no. They had to go all fancy and shit and have a flying guildhall. Can't just use a normal one or make an underground one. That would be kind of cool. Build it into a mountain. You wouldn't have to worry about regulating the heat or anything. It would be solid and sturdy. Hell, you could even hide it if you wanted to. Emilia's thoughts were interrupted as she approached the teleportation lacrima.  She had found one more thing she disliked: teleportation. Despite her work with Eli, she had yet to have him teleport her. Now she wondered how the hell he could stand it. She especially didn't like teleporting if it was to a high up location like this stupidly placed guild hall. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and stepped onto the lacrima.

    As she appeared on the main platform, Emilia's face gave a twitch of discomfort before she opened her eyes and looked around. She noticed Eli drawing circles already. Great. Just what she needed, getting kicked out. She might not like the guild hall, but didn't want to be kicked out. She stalked over to Eli, not caring about the girl that seemed to be trying to talk to him. "ELI!" She screamed, her voice going a bit shrill as if she were angry. In reality, she was mostly trying to surprise Eli to get the truth out of him as to what he was doing. Besides, it was fun messing with him. "What the hell are you doing?" As she reached the two, she dropped the end of the chest, making it drop down onto the floor of the platform with a bang.


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:
    Arsene Mayura
    Arsene Mayura

    VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Artenis Dagger
    Experience : 1,693.75

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    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] Empty Re: First "Home" in Years [Social - Private]

    Post by Arsene Mayura 28th June 2014, 7:38 pm

    Eli's pen moved slightly as he was tapped on the shoulder, incorrectly placing one of the lines. The entire circle was now ruined. With a sigh, he turned to face Hikari, who was now sitting next to him. She must have been one of the guild members he had yet to meet. She seemed fairly small, almost child like. As annoyed as he wanted to be with her for interrupting, that fact alone was enough to placate it. He gave her a small smile. "Hey there. I'm Eli, a new..... "member" to the guild." It almost hurt him to say that. He wondered how long he'd actually be a member of the guild. "I'm just doing something for my magic. And you are?"

    And with a yell, there came Emilia, punctual as ever. He turned to face her, giving her a clearly annoyed expression. What was he in trouble for this time? He hadn't even done anything. "What Emilia? This isn't anything you haven't seen before. Have we EVER stayed in a building where I didn't fill it up with circles. I'm just playing it safe, like always. Why do you have a problem with it now?" He knew Emilia was annoyed at him not wanting to be in the guild. It was fairly obvious, and she was quite easy to read, at least for him. All that she could see was the money.

    Stretching he stood up, placing his pen in his pocket and leaning his back against the edge. He crossed his arms across his chest and looked at her sternly. He wasn't going to take needless blame lightly. "I haven't done anything wrong, so just go back to what you were doing. You're making a terrible first impression to our friend here." He turned to face Hikari, extending a hand down towards her to help her stand up. "Sorry about that. Emilia has always had quite a temper." He looked around the platform. He'd have to find a new place to hide a Motus circle out here now.



    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Rainbow- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Guild : ɢᴀʀᴏᴜ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛs
    Cosmic Coins : 6
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❅ ᴀʀᴄᴛɪᴄ ɴᴇᴍᴇsɪs
    Second Skill: ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
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    Post by Hikachu 28th June 2014, 11:29 pm

    Now, Hika has done it. Her lame approach has ruined other person's work and she felt bad, or rather, troubled. Hika bit her lip, a habit she had yet to get rid of. She received a smile a him, though she had destroyed one of his works. "Hey there. I'm Eli, a new... "member" to the guild." Hika frowned a bit and stared at him. A couple of thoughts raced across her mind but she forced them away. So, he was working on his magic.
    "I'm Hikari. Welcome to Sabertooth, Eli," Hika flashed a smile and gave him a gentle pat on his back.

    The yell startled her. Hika blinked and turned around to face a young lady with heavy armor. She watched the two of them argue like little parrots and that made her chuckle. She grabbed Eli's hand, stood up and smiled, thanking him for helping her up. "Nahh. That's alright. It's good having a lively person in the guild, such as herself," She grinned. "I'm Hikari, by the way," She extended her hand towards the girl and smiled. Dang, she sure felt like she has been smiling non-stop for hours, her cheeked ached. But, it was really nice meeting new people.


    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] JhB4MAf

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    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

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    Post by Emilia Crohil 29th June 2014, 10:30 am

    Emilia grinned at Eli and lightly punched his shoulder. "Just messin' with ya... and making sure you're not already trying to get us kicked out already." She understood that Eli didn't want to be a part of the guild, and was fine with leaving. She just didn't want to get kicked out, mostly for their reputation's sake. Doing a few jobs before quitting would be good as well, since they could use the money. She hoped he would at least give the guild a chance, though. There was a lot to gain from joining: work, training facilities, allies, housing, although the housing could be closer to the ground.
    "Besides, looks like you were already interrupted." Emi said with a smile as she turned to Hikari and grabbed her hand roughly, giving her a firm handshake. "Nice to meet ya, Hikari." Seeing how small the girl was, it would be nice to know that she wasn't the shortest in the guild, and probably wouldn't have to beat the hell out of anyone who would underestimate her for her height. It was good to have someone to talk to. Talking helped distract her from the fact that she was thousands of feet in the air.


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:
    Arsene Mayura
    Arsene Mayura

    VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Artenis Dagger
    Experience : 1,693.75

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    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] Empty Re: First "Home" in Years [Social - Private]

    Post by Arsene Mayura 29th June 2014, 11:21 pm

    Eli felt certain that Emilia's handshake would break Hikari's arm. While he didn't doubt the girl's magical abilities, she didn't look like she was incredibly physically fit. He turned to look out over the edge again. While Emilia wasn't a fan of heights, he was. He loved the view from up here; it was one of the few things about the guild he had enjoyed so far. If he could find a few more things, maybe he wouldn't hate being in a guild. So long as he could avoid Zenshin, that is. Having a free, constant room was nice, as well as all of the facilities. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. And if it wasn't for his pride, he'd probably like it here.

    He shook his head, realizing what he was saying. He was letting the view cloud his mind. 'Don't get drawn in. Don't let it fool you. It's a trap. None of the perks are mine; they are the guilds. If anything happens, I won't have them anymore. But I will always have my pride. It's the one thing that will never leave me.' He turned to face the pair again. He felt a small pain in his stomach. He didn't hate the people; in contrary he liked the idea of being with friends. 'I can't keep Emi with me forever. She wants to be in a guild, who am I to constantly stop her? But I can't do this. I swore I'd live off my own work forever. Never again will I live off someone else. I will decide my own life. Now, I just need to find a way to get kicked out while Emi can stay.'

    He approached the pair, waving his hand dismissively in the air with a sly smile. "You wouldn't say that once you've gotten to know her Hikari. Trust me, she's much more trouble than she's worth." He walked over to the chest, starring down at it and kicking it lightly before looking back at Emilia. "You know, you should really get around to moving this. It's not the best idea to start littering your junk when you just joined." Eli gave her a smile. He had always thought Emilia's armor was needless; so long as you are mobile and don't get hit, you don't need the extra weight. Regardless, she wore it, so she got hit by stuff. He looked over to Hikari, moving beside her and giving her a smile. "So Hikari, what do you do for fun around here? It seems awfully boring right now."



    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Rainbow- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❅ ᴀʀᴄᴛɪᴄ ɴᴇᴍᴇsɪs
    Second Skill: ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
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    Post by Hikachu 30th June 2014, 10:22 pm

    Hika smiled lightly and gripped Emilia's hand firmly in return. "Pleasure's mine, Emi." No kidding, she has ridiculous amount of strength, even for a girl. But, that was cool. Strong people in Sabertooth. Huzzah! Hika spaced out for a couple of minutes while Eli lectured Emi about littering her junk. She stared into the sky, letting her mind drift away. Good old times.

    "So Hikari, what do you do for fun around here? It seems awfully boring right now."
    Hika chuckled. "Well, I usually sleep on the rooftop of the guildhall," She pointed at the highest part of the building. "Other than that, I just wander around towns to see what's up. I know it sounds really boring, but that's all I do when I'm bored," Hika ran her hand through her hair, a slight flush rising her cheeks. "We can, well, hang around together and chill, down there. How does that sound?"


    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] JhB4MAf

    Profile | Magic | History | Vault

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    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

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    Post by Emilia Crohil 1st July 2014, 12:45 am

    Emilia let go of Hikari's hand and turned to Eli. She grinned and grabbed his shoulder tightly, shaking him a bit. "What you call trouble, I call fun." She frowned at him playfully as Eli told her to not leave her stuff around. "Hey, that's not just my stuff. I swear half of that is your cards, rocks, and other junk you carry with you to draw circles on."

    She turned back to Hikari. She seriously liked to hang out on very TOP of the guildhall that is already over 2 KILOMETERS in the air?! Well, each to her own. She grinned at the mention of wandering around towns. "Eli and I love exploring towns, right Eli?" She chuckled a bit deviously. "Especially if you can find a good brawl. Or in Eli's case, an audience to trick." Trick in more ways than one, but Hikari didn't need to know that unless Eli felt like sharing. "Speaking of brawls, is there anyone here that likes sparring?"


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:
    Arsene Mayura
    Arsene Mayura

    VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Artenis Dagger
    Experience : 1,693.75

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    Post by Arsene Mayura 1st July 2014, 11:49 pm

    Eli barely even noticed Emilia's grip; he experienced her 'friendship' so often now that it was almost second nature to him. He gave her a cocky smile, reaching into his pocket and pulling out two cards. "Well, how about to thank you for brining my stuff with you, I give you a little adventure, free on me? Take a leap off the ledge and I'll pull you back up; if I feel like it, that is." Well of course he would bring her back if she ever took him up on the offer, he highly doubted she ever would. He knew about Emilia's fear of heights, he was honestly surprised that she managed herself up here. Part of him wanted to make a bet how long she could take it for. "Just make sure to leave all your valuables with me. You're a little big already, so if you take any extra with you I might now be able to bring you back." Eli patted Emilia's stomach as he said that. He was playing with fire now, but where was the fun in life without doing that?

    Freeing himself from Emilia's grip, he moved over in front of Hikari, looking over to where she pointed with a hand above his eyes to block the sun. While he wasn't partial to heights himself, he had no issues with them. He wondered what the view was like up there. With a smile, he turned back to Hikari. "Actually, I wouldn't mind going up there myself, I'm always up for a nap." He gave Emilia a small grin. He had no problems abusing her fear for his enjoyment. Turning back to Hikari, he gave her a soft smile. "We could go down to town another time. Me and Emilia were just staying there for a few days, so time away from it would do us good, for multiple reasons." Not mentioning the people Eli had scammed and angered in that time. "If you would be so willing to share your spot with me, I'm always willing to spend some time simply relaxing with beautiful woman. Oh, you too Em, I guess~" He started calmly, but turned into a more playful tone by the end, obviously joking. Whether or not Hikari took the compliment as a joke was to her discretion.

    He remembered there being an arena or something of the sort being mentioned before. He wouldn't be opposed to a match or something of the like later on, but for the moment he felt like relaxing for a bit. Hikari's offer of a place with a view was actually very interesting to him. Turning to face Emilia he shrugged. "I'll give you a go later Emi, right now we have to make sure that our friend here is entertained as well. Unless she'd like to watch us have a go, that is?" For some reason, Eli had a feeling that Hikari wouldn't be interested in that too much, but he wouldn't oppose if she was. In honesty, he was open to almost anything right now. It's not like he was doing anything pressing at all before.



    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Rainbow- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❅ ᴀʀᴄᴛɪᴄ ɴᴇᴍᴇsɪs
    Second Skill: ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
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    Post by Hikachu 3rd July 2014, 11:19 am

    "Emi's afraid of heights?" Hika blurted out. Eli seemed to be having fun provoking Emi about her fear of heights. Hika smiled as Eli continued to tease her. "Oh, I'd love to spend time with both of you on the rooftop. Though, we might have to drag Emi up there," She joked and made a funny face. It was really fun to be with them. "If you would be so willing to share your spot with me, I'm always willing to spend some time simply relaxing with beautiful woman. Oh, you too Em, I guess~" Hika laughed, though her cheeks flushed slightly. Dang, he really know how crack jokes.

    "Ooh, I like sparring. Of course, I don't mind at all. In fact, I'd love to watch you two have one. I'm sure it'd be fun," She flashed a smile. To be perfectly honest, she had never seen sparring before and she was quite interested to see it in reality. Hika cheered, crossed her arms and stared at the both of them.


    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] JhB4MAf

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    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

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    Post by Emilia Crohil 3rd July 2014, 10:22 pm

    "I'll pass on that adventure. Heights are bad enough, I don't need teleportation on top of that." She replied, then grinned at Eli's comment on her weight. "Well you know what they say about muscle, besides, at least I can lift my weight. And you know I'm not going to leave anything with you." She nodded to Hikari. "Yup. Heights fucking suck. I'm not a big fan of the ocean either. Hard to float when you don't have any fat on you, or are wearing armor. Of course, Eli has plenty of buoyancy to help HIM out." She crossed her arms. "You can go ahead and take a nap on the roof. I'll be training." She didn't particularly care about Eli's beauty joke, just shrugging it off. She couldn't care less about beauty. "You know it takes more than compliments to get laid, Eli. Besides, you're rushing things a bit, aren't you lil' brother?"

    Emilia grunted a bit in response to sparring Eli. "Well I don't really feel like using magic. Moving all that shit has gotten me warmed up for a good ol' fashion fistfight, and I know you're not too fond of those." She looked at Hikari. "How about you? You any good with your fists?"


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    First "Home" in Years [Social - Private] FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:
    Arsene Mayura
    Arsene Mayura

    VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Artenis Dagger
    Experience : 1,693.75

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    Post by Arsene Mayura 3rd July 2014, 11:27 pm

    Eli gave Emilia a feigned look of sadness, walking forward and placing a hand on her shoulder. He barely met her view, his head down cast and shaking. "I know you're not very buoyant Emi, you're missing it in a key part. I'd say that they'd get bigger one day, but I think we both know you're past that part of your life." He looked back up at her, giving her a look of support. "Don't worry though, I'm here for you. Your little brother will love you not matter how flat your chest may be." Turning back to Hikari, he gave her a playful smile. "I don't think we need to drag her up there, it feels like it'd be a waste of our time. Besides, I wouldn't mind getting to spend some time getting to know you better."

    Leaning back against the edge of the platform, Eli feigned a look of shock. "Emilia, I am disappointed in you! I merely speak the truth. I'm not foolish enough to think someone like her is in my league at all." Turning to face Hikari, he gave her an apologetic look. "I really did mean what I said, and I'm really sorry if it came off like I was trying for that. Please, forgive me." He stretched himself out slightly, cracking his neck. He gave Hikari a warm smile. He hoped that Emilia's comment had scared her at all. He didn't want to upset her.

    He sighed when Emilia said no magic involved. "Of course, that's the only way you can win. If there's no magic I'll pass. I'm not in the mood to be a punching bag right now." He turned to Hikari, giving her a curiously look. "If you want to spar with her though, feel free to. The choice is yours right now, whether we go relax or spar. If you wanna spar with magic I'm up for it as well. I do think that relaxing sounds best right now." He starred up at the sky, curious what Hiklari would pick. He didn't know much about her, and maybe it was presumptuous of him, but from her physical appearance he doubted that she'd want to have a physical spar with Emilia. She might want a magical one with him, and if that was the case it gave him a good chance to get information on her magic. Otherwise, he could really go for a nap with a view right now.



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    Post by Hikachu 4th July 2014, 10:48 am

    Flat-chested? Did someone just mention the word? Hika scowled, for she is also one of the flat-chested ladies. She definitely needs a bigger rack and butt. She sighed and shook her head. She turned to Emi and gave her a cheeky grin. "Eh. I'm kinda bad with fists though." She glanced up at Eli. "I'd love to get to know you better too, and all the new members. It'd be quite amusing,"

    Hika blinked as Eli apologized and chuckled slightly. "Nono, that's fine, really. Apologies not needed." She looked at Emi, then at Eli and repeated the same thing. "Well, I'm fine with anything but then, I'm quite lazy to use my magic. I guess I'll be up for relaxing now," She grinned and scratched her cheek, another habit she had yet to get rid of. If she was going to spar without magic, then it'd be a no-no for her. She really wasn't that good with physical combat or whatsoever and Emi doesn't look like she'd go easy on Hika even if they had one.


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    Post by Emilia Crohil 4th July 2014, 11:09 am

    Emilia grinned at Eli. "Eli, you're foolish to think that any woman is in your league." She paid no mind to his flat chested comment, since she wasn't really when she had her armor off. She did make note of Hikari's scowl with some amusement, though. She looked to Hikari and shrugged at her response to the sparring offer. "I can't win without magic eh? I'm pretty sure I win over half of our spars with magic, just sayin'. I still don't get how you don't feel any satisfaction from punching things." She turned to Hikari. "Oh well, that's fine. I'm sure I'll find someone to fight with. If you ever do feel like learning though, let me know and I'll teach you." She smiled. Teaching people could be fun, but not Eli. She had tried and he was too much of a wuss. Refused to take a hit thinking he could avoid everything by moving all the time. Idiot. "I'd be okay with just hanging around, but not on a roof. Hell, let's go to the town. That sounds like a great idea, doesn't it? We could get a drink or something at the inn there."


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    Post by Arsene Mayura 4th July 2014, 9:08 pm

    Eli sighed, looking back up at the sky. Emilia really was a simple person. "Unfortunately, not everyone is simple enough to find punching things entertaining. Some of us like poetry, words, things too complicated for you to understand Emi." Pushing himself off the wall, he looked at the teleporter. He had no real urge to go back to the town. He had just left it, after all. The roof sounded really nice, still, Emi had given him an interesting proposition. "You want to drink? Really Emi, are you sure about that? Alright, let's make a bet. We'll go inside the hall, and if you can stand 3 drinks of my stuff, I'll go to town with you. If you decline this or fail, we go to the roof where you can pass out, sound fair?" Eli really hoped Emilia would take the deal. He could go for a drink, and drunk Emilia was nothing but entertaining. It was almost like talking to a toddler.

    Turning to Hikari, he gave her a warm smile. "Thank you for your kindness. So, will you join us for a drink right now? I think the best way to get to know someone is over a bottle of good scotch, or whisky." He bowed to Hikari slightly, feigning as if he was a grand gentleman."I would be honored to accompany such a wonderful woman as yourself for a drink, if you would grace me." He gave her a playful smile, which made his faked speech seem even more unfitting. He then dropped it all, giving Emilia a casual look. "Come on now Emilia, ready for a go? Who knows, you might actually beat me for once."



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    Post by Hikachu 4th July 2014, 10:41 pm

    Eh? So, they're going to drink? Oh god. Hika specially doesn't like drinking but well, maybe she could try a sip. A sip won't make her drunk, right? Plus, the bet they're going to have is quite interesting. Win or lose, she's really fine with either going to town or relaxing on the rooftop. She smiled and nodded at Eli, agreeing to get a drink together with them. She walked ahead of them, into the guildhall. For some reason, she was hyped up. It was going to be her first time drinking alcohol or some sort, but that didn't matter. As soon as she entered the hall, she quickly took a seat on a chair nearby and crossed her arms, waiting for them to start the bet. She wanted to figure out who would win among these two.


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    Post by Emilia Crohil 4th July 2014, 11:15 pm

    Emilia thought for a few moments. She did just have lunch before moving their stuff, so maybe she could take the drinks. After all it shouldn't be much more alcohol than three beers or so. Or was it? She really didn't know her drink much. She could probably take that on a full stomach. Maybe get a little tipsy, but she could remember not to drink any more. She nodded. "Fine, I'll take your little challenge. Three drinks of that piss you're so fond of." She walked into the guildhall and pulled out a shotglass, then sat at the bar. Eli had only said three drinks. He didn't specify how large of drinks.


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    Post by Arsene Mayura 5th July 2014, 1:14 am

    Following the pair into the guildhall, Eli couldn't help but smile at his favorite feature; the full stacked bar. Scanning the wall behind the counter, Eli tried to decide what he felt like right now. Settling on a nice whiskey, Eli took the bottle and inspected it. A smile on his face, her turned to Emilia and took the glass from her, shaking his finger. "Tsk tsk tsk. I said you're having my stuff, which includes my glasses." He reached for two tumblers, placing them down in front of him and pouring. He gave Emilia a smile, raising his glass in a feigned toast. "Cheers." Taking a sip of the drink, he could already feel the strength of it. Yeah, that was some firewater alright. It was strong for even him; he wondered if Emilia could handle it. He was fairly generous with the dose as well.

    Taking his glass and bottle with him, he sat between Hikari and Emilia. He then realized; he had no idea if Hikari was even legal to drink. She looked fairly young, but he couldn't tell if it was just appearances. It was also fairly rude to ask. He thought about it for a moment, before deciding to play it safe. Taking Emilia's shot glass, he poured a small amount into it, before reaching for a water bottle and mixing some in. He handed her the glass with a smile. "I wasn't sure for your tastes, so I took a guess. Be careful now, it's fairly strong." He hoped it wasn't too much for her, but he guessed he'd have to find out.



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    Post by Hikachu 5th July 2014, 2:37 am

    Hika stared at the glass in front of her. Eli had poured some liquid and mixed it with water before handing it to her. Will I even be able to drink this thing? Hika swallowed. Even so, she grabbed the glass and gulped it down her throat though Eli had told her to be careful. She immediately regretted drinking it. Her face went pale, her mouth drawn into a stiff line as she set the glass on the table. She turned her face slowly away from Eli and Emi and coughed slightly. The taste is just .... oh my god, She groaned. "I don't think I'm ever drinking again," She said, her voice low and soft. Water and chocolates would be enough for her. Her gaze turned to Emi and she waited for her reaction.


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    Post by Emilia Crohil 5th July 2014, 8:51 am

    Emilia grabbed another shot glass and filled it. "No, it doesn't mean your glass sizes. Your 'stuff' is the drink only, not the glasses as well. If you wanted me to drink a certain glass size, you needed to have specified that when the challenge was first made. Since you didn't, that leaves it up to my interpretation." She filled the shot glass and gulped it down, shaking her head a bit, and smiled smugly at Eli. Eli really should have known to specify that, since Emilia would take any and every loophole she could find to win. She then turned to Hikari. "Not all drink is this bad, Eli just likes to drink piss for some strange reason."


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    Post by Arsene Mayura 5th July 2014, 10:19 pm

    He couldn't help but chuckle at Hikari's reaction to the liqour. Well, that explained his question at least. He placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a warm smile. "Don't worry about it now, it takes time to get used to the stuff I drink. I like it strong. I'd recommend something softer, and mixed. It grows on yah over time." He hoped that he hadn't scared her off the stuff forever; he'd feel pretty bad about that. Taking the water bottle, he grabbed a new cup and filled it for her, handing it to her. "Here, take a drink and calm down a bit. It doesn't fit a lady to make such an expression," he said with a playful tone.

    Eli let out a sigh; he knew Emilia well enough to know she'd push any loophole she could find, but that didn't mean it didn't annoy him sometimes. He took a drink from his own, grabbing the one he poured for her and dumping it into his own. No need to let it go to waste; this was some good stuff. "It's subjective Emilia. Stuff implies what I have, which is in this glass. That'd be like saying I had your stuff if all I carried was a pair of your panties." Another drink followed that, taking a second to savor it. Knowing Emilia, he was fairly certain 3 shots would be more than enough to get her buzzed if it was this high proof. From there, he felt confident he could talk her into a enough to get her drunk before they went to town. Emilia was a fairly encourgable drunk, it wasn't hard to talk her into anything he learned from experience. That thought alone made it acceptable for him to lose this bet; the payoff was worth it. "I won't argue that this time though, I'm more than certain that's enough to get you drunk. I'll give Zenshin one thing, he can pick some good drinks."



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    Post by Hikachu 5th July 2014, 11:58 pm

    "Not all drink is this bad, Eli just likes to drink piss for some strange reason."  Hika burst out laughing. She didn't think Emi would be mentioning the liquor as piss. "Thank you," Hika held the cup Eli had handed her and chunked the water down quickly, sighing in relief afterwards. "Damn, I can't understand how you can drink these strong stuffs," She shook her head. "It's subjective Emilia. Stuff implies what I have, which is in this glass. That'd be like saying I had your stuff if all I carried was a pair of your panties." She started laughing again. These two. Really. Emi was already drinking her second cup. Hika face cringed as she imagined herself drinking these 3 cups.


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    Post by Emilia Crohil 6th July 2014, 12:11 am

    Emilia chuckled and poked Eli in the chest. "That's EXACTLY my point! It's subjective, and when you don't make it clear we're going by your subjective opinion, I'll go by my subjective opinion." She filled her second glass. The three shots might make her a little buzzed, but she could handle that. They were going into town, so there was no way in hell she was going to drink something else and miss out on whatever they might see there. She looked to Hikari. "I don't usually drink this stuff. Beer is more to my taste. You should try that. It goes down nice and smooth. No harsh alcohol flavor. Only good thing about this stuff is that you can sterilize wounds if you've got nothin' else to do it with." She raised her glass a bit, grinning, then downed the second shot.


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    Post by Arsene Mayura 6th July 2014, 12:42 am

    Eli raised a finger in protest, looking at Emilia with a sly smile. "We did make it clear it was my subjective opinion! I said MY stuff, that's my subjective opinion." Taking another drink, he took a moment to let it settle. He turned to Hikari, giving her a shrug. "It's what I enjoy. I like my drinks strong, my women small, and my games in my favor. I think I'm a fairly simple man." He looked curiously at Hikari, he hadn't really learned much about her so far, besides that she was an easy laugh. Well, she seemed fairly upbeat and pleasant, so he liked her already. Hopefully the rest of the guild was like this.

    "What's wrong with that? My liquor's both good and practical, I think it's a feature not a fault." He shook his head at Emilia's comment about beer. "Beer is an acquired taste. Don't expect it to be good on the first drink Hikari. It'll take a bit for you to get used to it." Taking another drink, he finished his glass and grabbed the bottle, quickly refilling it. "So, do you have any plans for what you wanna do in town, or are we just gonna walk around and hopefully find something?" Eli wasn't very big on just randomly wandering around. It felt like a waste of time to him. He liked to have a plan. It wouldn't be bad idea to get something to eat; this on an empty stomach would not work in his favor. He also needed to look for some storage for his room.


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