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    Samantha Gold


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Samantha Gold Empty Samantha Gold

    Post by Awesome 6th September 2014, 4:05 pm

    Name: Samantha Gold
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Birthday: 10/12
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics: None to speak of.

    Personality: Samantha, or 'Sam' to her friends, is a very kind and soft-spoken woman outside of combat scenarios, always doing what she can for her friends and guild mates. She always seems to be willing to lend a helping hand, and almost never loses her cool or flips out. That doesn't mean that she's entirely bland or anything, though, as she can also be quite flirtatious and, frankly, more than slightly perverted when it comes to other females. Contrary to what one would believe, her perverse tendencies only increase in frequency when in public/large crowds, and she even uses her own habits to lighten the mood when things seem like they're getting too tense. When she's drunk, she ironically seems to calm down in the terms of perverse nature, however her sense of romanticism skyrockets, and if she get's wasted enough she'll start trying to have little picture-perfect bromance scenes with people. It's really quite funny, to some, but she's actually quite embarrassed about it when she sobers up, and usually tries to pretend it didn't happen. That's because she still only pervs on people she likes or finds attractive, and likewise she only tries that bromance stuff with people she would genuinely like to have that sort of relationship with; you can see why revealing such feelings simply because she was drunk would be embarrassing. Sadly for her, Samantha is very quick to fall for people, so she usually has a multitude of 'crushes' at any given point.

    Sam, while relatively submissive, sweet, and affectionate outside of combat, doesn't screw around when things get serious. She goes through an almost metamorphic change when on a mission or in combat. She gets a more serious face, holds herself more boldly, and well... She stops being so kind, when it comes to her opponent. She relentlessly pursues her goals when this 'stage', as she lovingly refers to it, is active, becoming a cold and calculating strategical battle machine. She always tries to use her environment to her advantage, though when it comes to fighting in a city, this is not necessarily a good thing, as it results in more collateral damage than would be necessary. Noone ever said she was perfect and always thought things through though. Despite the cold, calculative attitude that she puts on when it comes to missions and combat, she can still be quite sweet and affectionate to her friends, and can even make a good leader, as she believes in showing the way rather than simply spouting directions, and she's very likable to her friends. When it comes to overwhelming odds, Sam doesn't back down until it becomes absolutely necessary, this being dictated by how important the goal she's pursuing really is, and whether or not her friends will get hurt if she continues on. If it's unimportant and/or her friends would be hurt/killed, she'll back down 9 times out of 10. However, if it's extremely important and her friends will be fine, she'll keep on fighting until her own eventual death, or unconsciousness.

    In short, she's super sweet and affectionate, with a little bit of pervy mixed in, but when things get serious; so does she.


    • Dressing Up: Whether it's dressing herself up, or being dressed up by another person, she loves to wear all sorts of fun, flashy, or even revealing outfits, and will often offer to wear something a friend/lover would like her to wear, just for the sake of getting to dress up.
    • Drinking: Sam's no alcoholic, but she does love to drink from time to time, and if noone that she's particularly interested in, romantically speaking, is around when she gets drunk, she can even become the life of the party. She's also got an iron liver, and can drink most people under the table.
    • Physical Contact: It doesn't really matter who initiates it, Sam loves hugging, kissing, groping, any form of non-violent physical contact really.
    • Housekeeping: She doesn't give a darn how stereotypical it is, Sam loves to cook and clean for people, and will occasionally do so without even being asked, or without her being expected to at all. She always just says that she thought you might like it, so she did it, and that's all.
    • Magic: In almost every form, Sam loves magic. It's her life, and she wouldn't have it any other way. No, seriously, this girl is crazy about magic; having a magic that she thinks is cool will almost be enough to make her fall for you on it's own, and having her own magic complimented makes her blush.
    • Pain: With various conditions attached, Sam is a fan of pain. Not inflicting it or seeing other people in pain, no, she'd never like that sort of thing; however she's a masochist to a certain extent, and depending on the level of pain, she loves it.


    • Rudeness: With a few exceptions that are highly situational, and based on the person, Sam hates people being rude and calling names. Of course, this is a bit hypocritical, since her random groping, hugging, kissing, and flirting could be seen as rude.
    • Fighting: Sure, when she gets down to it she's relentless; but does that mean she enjoys fighting and hurting others? The answer is simple. No, it does not.
    • Anything Sour: Sam just can't stand anything sour flavored, except for a few types of drinks and fruit. Sour candy, really sour apples, pickled plums, all of it just overwhelms her sense of taste and makes her stay all puckered up for quite a while.
    • Bitchy People: She absolutely despises anyone who is enough of a jerkface to actually yell at her or be mean to her over something that is either completely ridiculous, or something that she did that was in all good intentions. She can handle being slapped for groping you, but don't get all pissy if she just throws a wink your way.


    • Become A Guild Ace: It's her goal to achieve this prestigious title, the title of a guild ace. She's not too interested in being in charge of a guild, she's perfectly fine just being an Ace, since that's really the next best thing in her mind.
    • Find Her One True Love: She doesn't care if it winds up being a boy, girl, femboy, tomboy, whatever; Sam wants to find her true love in life, which is why she's always looking.
    • Obtain A Secondary And Tertiary Magic: Well, this one's quite obvious isn't it? She's a magic freak, loves the stuff. Of course she wants to score herself a nice second and third magic! She wouldn't stop there, if the universe gave her any choice in the matter, even.


    • Losing A Friend: By any means, whether they're just not friends anymore, or the friend moved away; maybe the friend died. Whatever happens, she is afraid of losing any of her friends, and will often be found on her knees begging people to stay, even if they're just leaving for a week or two.
    • Losing Her Magic: She doesn't even know if it's really possible, but losing her ability to do magic is the most terrifying thing that she can think of, truly. She fears it more than she fears death.
    • Loneliness: Goes hand in hand with losing a friend, in a way; she can't stand being alone, and will always try to stay around people she knows and likes. Given that there are none like that around, she'll even start to obsessively go around making new friends. Solitary confinement would be her worst nightmare, especially if they took away her magic.

    General Appearance

    Height: 168 cm. (About 5'6'')
    Weight: 58 kg. (About 128 lbs.)
    Hair: Sam has long, butt-length midnight blue hair, though in some lighting it can appear black. She keeps it straight and worn down for the most part, though from time to time she'll use a particular hairstyle.
    Eyes: A deep, gemstone-like pink/red color with a soft, loving look held deep within them.
    Skin Tone: Sam has fair skin, with little to no imperfections whatsoever; her skin is also shockingly soft.
    Appearance: Given that her clothing varies, I'll just describe one of Sam's outfits; however, she does not have a main outfit, and it would take too long to describe each possible set-up for her clothing (I'll include a few images as well, that will depict the following description along with some other outfits). Sam wears a pair of long, baggy, red hakama on her legs, hiding most of her leg movements from sight. She walks so fluidly and gracefully that this can even make her appear to float across the ground, rather than actually take steps; though this only happens when she's relaxed, or really trying to cause this effect. In this outfit, she wears no top other than some budget sarashi (breast binding, used to prevent unwanted jiggling and/or reduce the size of one's breasts forcefully), made out of some cloth strips she found laying around the house. She wears long, thigh-length socks with this, along with a pair of black straw waraji (a form of sandal, the things that shinigami wear in bleach), as she finds them quite comfortable. Finally, she wears a pair of black and gold forearm bracers, and some bandages around her biceps simply as a fashion statement.

    As for Sam's actual physical body, she's actually got quite the 'bod'. Sporting a busty DD chest paired with an equally generous rump, she comes in at a near-perfect hourglass. She's got a thin waist, with a flat stomach and long legs that end in small feet, her breasts are almost too perky (almost), and her bottom is round and firm. She could have easily become a model, and she actually wouldn't mind doing so, but it's no motivation or goal of hers. Most people think that's a shame, due to her amazingly gifted physical features, and many other girls even wind up hating her because of her natural beauty, as she requires neither makeup nor dieting of any sort (in fact she can even pig out from time to time) in order to maintain her unrealistically perfect shape.



    Guild: Lamia Scale
    Tattoo: Sam has the standard greenish Lamia Scale emblem, placed directly on her left butt cheek, just for the fun of it.
    Rank: D



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
    Position : None
    Posts : 703
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 135

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Barrier Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Samantha Gold Empty Re: Samantha Gold

    Post by Grizzly 6th September 2014, 4:46 pm



    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad


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