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    Entertain The Patients! (Solo/Job)


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Entertain The Patients! (Solo/Job) Empty Entertain The Patients! (Solo/Job)

    Post by DOPPO 12th August 2014, 5:50 pm

    Shohei sighed, walking down a almost-empty road towards Magnolia Town's hospital, "I heard that they have quite a few young patients in this time. This should be fulfilling." Shohei sighed again in disappointment and doubt, not being very good with children, he knew he'd probably leave with a job unsuccessfully done. He never was good with children, never was never will. Shohei didn't need directions to the hospital, you see people going there all the time. I think anyone would know where it was. He chuckled at his own thoughts, and before he knew it, he arrived at the hospital. It stood out a lot, no wonder it was so easy to find. He gazed up at the building and walked into the building.


    He went up a desk where stood a nurse and a stranger, Shohei still had the foul look on his face, "Hey,"  Shohei stuck his hand inside and out of his pocket only to grasp a crumbled up request sheet, "I'm Shohei Kirisagi, I'm here for the entertainment job." He had a nonchalant expression, then the two ladies staring at him. The nurse walked up to him and clenched both his right and left hand, "Eh. . .-" Shohei was cut off by the nurse's words, "Shohei was it? Thank goodness you've arrived. Bless you for taking your time and coming here. Unfortunately, the patients in our children's ward seem rather depressed after we couldn't keep our usual entertainment for them, this wonderful performer magician, whose asking price was getting too high for us to pay. If you could be a dear and make these children happy, I would be ever so grateful, and there is a reward of course. Much appreciated, you kind soul." Shohei was expecting much, there weren't many details on the request sheet, "Oh, uh, no problem miss. . . ?" The Nurse smiled warmly, "Gladys, Nurse Gladys." Shohei put on a fake smile. "Pleasure to meet You Shohei." Shohei restrained the urge to roll his eyes and put on a smile so warm and kind it was fake, "Likewise." Shohei then kept his half smile expression on and asked another question, "So where are the kids?"

    Gladys smiled warmly, "They're all gathered in our room prepared just for them." Gladys walked down the hall slowly, obviously motioning for Shohei to come follow her. Shohei paused for a short moment and nodded, he then started putting up his 'totally-prepared' act up again, he took a deep breath silently, "I'm sure they're very nice, gentle kids Nurse Gladys." He smiled warmly at the nurse, "They're what you say but some can be pushy sometimes. You shouldn't underestimate the diamonds in this rough you know!" Shohei was scowling and sighing internally, "These brats will just be like any other sorry soul in this god forsaken town, humph! Likewise, likewise indeed Gladys." Shohei thought. Clearly not the best intentions.

    Shohei And Nurse Gladys had finally arrived to their shortly reached destination, the place where there were 6 children noisily sitting in their seats. A couple of kids were throwing things around, a shy girl was sitting in the corner alone, and he rest rummaging through debris in order to find something to to amuse them, luckily, "Everyone settle down now, the entertainment has arrived." Nurse Gladys said joyfully, a younger boy interrupted, "Don't tell me a idiot-looking, shady guy like this is really going to amuse us Miss Nurse Lady?" The kid was clearly arrogant, he thought and supposedly spoke for everyone except the one shy girl in the corner, "I don't think he's any of what you said! He looks fun!" The girl was tugging on Shohei's jacket, "You don't look like someone from this town, Mr..Erm.." Shohei responded blandly and quickly, "Shohei." The girl smiled again, "--Mr.Shohei Sir! You don't look like someone from here! Do you travel a lot?" Another young boy jumped in, a rather kind one, "Whoa, no way! You travel? What's it like to travel! The Boy was also tugging his shirt, then 3 other kids started to speak,

    "I wanna know!"

    "Me too!"

    "Are you a mage, Mr Shohei sir?" The question was the only thing Shohei heard, "Um, yeah." Shohei said a bit anxiously, "What's it like to travel?" Said the young girl, he arrogant boy scowling in the corner, "Well. . ." He was interrupted by Nurse Gladys, "Looks like you're busy already Shohei! Good luck! I'll be back in an hour." She waved farewell and gently closed the door behind her as she walked out with a still-warm smile across his cheeky face.

    Shohei said, already exhausted. It seems he could amuse them by telling his stories, "Yeah, telling them about my travels should keep them amused for a litte while. That'll do the trick, just fine. Like a charm." Shohei smiled, agreeing with his unsaid thoughts. Shohei then stared at the kids, crouching down to their eye level, his legs criss crossed, "If you six sit down and gather round', I can tell you a thing or two." Shohei kept his emotionless expression, no one could tell what was on his mind. But he could assure it was nothing special. "Alright!" Most of them said, even the arrogant kid walked over frowning and joining the feud.

    Shohei sighed and got comfortable, more then half of the group of children eagerly awaiting a story so nice that it's amusing, "Well. . .I guess I could start where my dad died. My adoptive on anyways. Ever since he died I've been living in the slums, not treated any better then I have always been. So I moved into my residence In oak town. It's a nice town actually, it's noisy though. . . and crowded, and it's citizens are annoying. . . a lot of them." Thoughts Of Allison And Primo pooped into his head, they were both pests but one of the idiots managed to befriend him, so he couldn't say much about that. "No wonder you left! Sounds like the opposite of nice.." Mumbled out the boy from earlier, the arrogant one still listening. "Let's say the town is full of surprises, I'd stick around there when you discharge, I recommend it if you're looking for someone to pester you." The arrogant boy spoke up, "And obviously you aren't any better!" Shohei 'tsked'. The boy not really getting on his nerves but he was carving a narrow path there, that's constantly getting larger.

    "Anyways. . .I only came to Magnolia Town  to make you guys. . .well, less bored. But it's just not my kind of town, I'm thinking of going to Oak Town next, or maybe Clover Town. . .I heard it's quite peaceful there. ." Shohei seemed to be lost in his own world at the moment, but he was knocked back to reality. "What's your magic, chump?!" The arrogant boy anxiously asked, Shohei sighed, "I'm a summoner, my magic consists of summoning. What I summon? I summon these really scary guys who fight beside and for me. I don't think I could show it to you guys even If I wanted to, we don't want anyone peeing their pants now do we? Thought so. But anyways I plan to travel to many more places, and this may be the last time I talk to you guys, I hope that's alright with your feud." He half smiled, the feud looking both disappointed and sad at the same time.  

    Shohei then heard a knock on the shut door behind him and the small group of children, "It's me! Nurse Gladys! I've come to dismiss Shohei!" Shohei paused for a long while, "I'm coming in!" The door began to open, then revealing Nurse Gladys's face. The Arrogant boy looked disappointed and somewhat happy as well, which didn't change how Shohei said the kid. Shohei sighed and stood up at the nurse's eye level, "I did my job, now if you don't mind. I have places to go." Shohei said both nonchalantly and impatiently, "Right, of course." Nurse Gladys said warmly and kindly, then slightly bowing in the direction of Shohei. Her eyes were glistening with tears of joy, or that's what it apparently seemed to be. "Bless your kind soul Mr. Kirisagi. May only fortunate things happen to you." The small feud behind him started to yell with happiness as well, "Yeah! Safe Travels Mr. Shohei Sir!" The shy girl said loudly, clearly speaking for everyone. Even the arrogant child. "Humph, may you all leave this hospital one day with positive intents." Shohei mumbled, keeping his emotionless expression across his face. He walked out the door and closed it behind him slowly but swiftly. Walking down the hall towards the doors that led to Magnolia Town.

    Some would think he enjoyed his time there. He didn't. He never does like going into hospitals. It reminds him of illness and death, which only grimly reminds him of his family's death. But the least bit of satisfaction he had in his mind is that he completed his mission, and completed it half decently. Who knew small tales could be amusing, in this case, Shohei's. Unique indeed.


      Current date/time is 20th September 2024, 6:26 pm