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    Crimson and blue water


    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 1634
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hydrianna (Water Dragon), Deniel (Takeover)
    Experience : 8500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 3rd Generation Water Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Crimson and blue water Empty Crimson and blue water

    Post by Aayla 7th July 2014, 4:54 pm

    In a land not so far away lies the kingdom of Fiore, a small, peaceful nationof 17 million, and a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bottled and sold in every marketplace. For most, magic is merely a tool, a mundane part of every day life...

    Well, my story wasn't so mundane... it wasn't considered part of ever day life... My name is Aayla Mizune, and I am a Water Serpent Takeover wizard... The story I am about to tell you didn't happen all that long ago... it goes back as far as I can remember, so that's only about 8... maybe 9 years or so. Are you ready to hear my story? Because it's not one I like to tell...

    When I was a little girl I lived alone with my mother. My father  was a powerful wizard of the Sabertooth Guild, so we didn't get to see him very often. The only memory I really have of my father if when I was 6... he came home for what would be the last time to celebrate my mothers birthday. He gave her a beautiful blue diamond necklace. He said that the diamonds in the necklace were so rare, they had been formed by a special kind of magic, so special he said that only the breath of a water dragon could make. Of course as a 6 year old, I believed every word he said! My dad was so cool, even though he only came home every few years. Still, my mother and I waited for him, and even though it was sad and I missed him, my mother and I were happy. We had everything we could want, we had each other, a stead roof over our heads and all of the friends we could ever need right here in our village.

    I was happy here... but then one day, on my ninth birthday, just before my father was due to come home, everything changed.

    A Dark guild, known as Tartaros suddenly rained down their fury on our village. Their attack seemed completely unprovoked! They came from everywhere! Every street corner was filled with dark wizard, houses were set ablaze or just plainly destroyed as they passed. The cries of outrage and anger filled the night nearly as heavily as the cries of those crying in the attack.

    My mother and I had no where to hide, my magic did very little but put out a few flames from the village... there was no where else to go, no where to turn too. All hope was lost... at least, it felt like it until my father carved his way through the dark mages. I could hear the cries of battle so loudly that it made my ears ring painfully. I clung to my mother desperately as she used her own water magic to repel those wizards that attempted to harm them. However, mothers magic was draining fast... she never had to use it for anything more than watering the roses. my father barely had time to make it by our side when one of the wizards, dressed in heavy armor, ran my mother through with a spear. At first, I didn't think something like that could hurt her... I always thought my mother was like me, with a body that could turn to water... but as I saw the tip of that blade pierce through her, the fluid that followed wasn't a beautful blue... it was a crimson red, slowly dripping off the edge of the man's balde... I remember screaming... screaming louder than I ever had before when I saw my mother fall off the edge of the spear and hit the ground... my father rushed to her side, putting his hands on the wounds as if it would somehow hold in her life force. Her father used spacial magic, it wasn't something that would help bring her  mother back.

    She took a few steps backwards, stumbling away from her parents, crying out so loudly that she was sure every wizard in town heard it over the flames and chaotic destruction. Why!? Why did those wizards have to come and destroy everything!

    For that moment... I felt everything... I felt rage, sorrow, I felt love and hatred... it's hard to describe exactly what I felt... but the next thing I remember, I had gone through a takeover. My body covered itself in hard scales, my hands turned to claws, my feet rew thick and heavy as they too gained both attributes. I could feel the scales on my face, because I could no longer feel the tears on my cheeks, but I still felt the burning in my eyes, the burning in my heart...

    What happened next... was... I don't even know how to describe it... I... I killed people... I didn't care how hurt I got I just kept going. I wanted all of those wizards dead... I didn't care which of them stood in my way... but I made sure to stab my new claws through the armored wizards throat. The others... were all a bluee until my magic power ran out... I can't remember how many I had killed, my father fighting right alongside me, just as much rage and pain stricken on his face.

    Out of magic, and in too much pain to move any farther, my father and I were captured and brought to the center of town where they... they tortured my father... I had never heard a man scream as he had... it felt like it lasted for hours as they made me just sit and watch, watched as the strongest man I'd known and loved writhed in pain on the blood stained grass... Tears continued to roll of my face as I watched them let him meet the same end as my mother... I watched, through tear streaked eyes as my father fell into a pool of his own blood.

    I could swear that the heavens heard my cries that day, because it began to rain. As everything ended, all the madness, all the bloodshed ended, it began to rain. That was the last thing I remembered, before waking up in a wooden crate, barely large enough to fit a large dog.

    At that point I didn't care what they did to be anymore. There was nothing more anyone could do to me to break me any further. I felt like I had lost my sanity. Until, they bought me.

    A couple no older than m own parents, made regular dealings with this dark guild to gain what they called "Sons and daughters", children with amazing magic, with power they could nurture and then steal for themselves. My step parents... they took me in, comforted me, lifted my spirits and promised me a new life, a new start with them where I could be happy. To be honest, I was in so much pain that I believed them. Of course I didn't want to forget my mother and father... in truth I wanted to be just like my father... I was going to become a Sabertooth wizard... and I was going to stop any of this from happening to anyone else.

    Of course I was never given that chance... any hope of happiness I had been promised, had been stripped from be on my 10th birthday, where my birthday gift was nothing more than a belt lash to my back. I had no time to prepare my body... in fact I think I had forgotten how. The pain came surging back through me so fast, I truly beleived I was in hell again.

    For four long years, I lived under my step parents, abiding by their every wish, fulfilling their every demand, and always suffering some consequence. Nothing was ever done perfectly, they relished in the torture thy handed to their children.... and through those 4 years I guess is when I became so scared of the world. Everyone saw me as a monster, and they were right... I killed people, I killed the evil people that tore my family from me, why should they believe I wouldn't do the same to them? My step parents never feared me... they had the dark wizards to keep me under control... so no matter what I did, I was always struck, and no matter how many scars I got, they always hurt.

    Finally, I decided I had had enough... I took my time silently practicing those spells I already knew, the ones my mother taught me. I learned once more how to turn my body from its solid form into water, and that is how I escaped the mansion walls... that is how I managed to run and hide from the Dark guild that chased me... for a week I ran, I ran and ran until I reached the capital city of Crocus. I made sure not to let anyone see me for long... I stole what food I needed to eat, I stole clothes from strangers clothe lines and then disappeared into the streams again until I came across my fathers guild. Sabertooth... at least, I came across where the old guild had once been...

    Continued here:
    A home in the sky
    To change who I am - Water Dragon Slayer Training
    Finding Myself (Marick's leaving thread)

    D Rank Jobs

    Find this Book
    Deliver My Letter
    Be a Model
    To earthland and Beyond

    C Rank Jobs
    Afternoon Freakout!
    Here hides the king of thieves
    Haunted Waters
    Maiden Snatcher

      Current date/time is 6th June 2024, 2:44 pm