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    Lineage : Cursed Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 14
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 0

    Skinner Empty Skinner

    Post by Behemoth_Magi Mon 17 Mar - 13:13

    Name: Skinner
    Nickname(‘s): “The Skin-walker”
    Gender: Masculine
    Age: 16
    Birthday: 3/15
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics:
    • Genderless: Skinner has no reproductive organs that would define him as either male or female, rather defining him as a ‘He’ due to his masculine body type. He often walks around at home, “In the Buffs” (his birthday suit), as he has never been embarrassed, nor has being nude ever bothered him. He does not carry any idea what anyone else should be embarrassed about, possibly due to the fact he hasn’t figured out that nobody else has such a bizarre biology.

    • Strange Skin: The Nature of Skinner’s magic has altered his biology beyond the known human extent to completely bizarre standards. His skin in particular carries details that replicate the human muscle and bone structure, along with it being semi-transparent and very thick skin that protects him from the elements while in his (somewhat) human form. He also appears to lack any form of body hair other than on his scalp. Skinner seems to be unable to bleed because of his ‘condition’, as he has no veins to bleed.

    • Inability to retain scars or Tattoo’s: Skinner is unable to scar, nor is he able to keep a permanent tattoo due to his magic (which is why he has his guild marking within his eyes), as each time he transforms he sheds any layers of skin he has, only to reform or regenerate completely new skin upon reverting to human form.

    • Strange Biology: Along with lacking a gender, he lacks the needed ‘objects’ to dispose of bodily wastes. (To put it simply, he doesn’t and hasn’t gone to the bathroom, ever).

    Skinner is possibly the most biologically diverse individual in both Fiore, and the rest of the world. Being born and raised in a very bloody situation, where both bullies, and his parents attacked him verbally and physically on a regular basis, so as you can suspect; as a child he suffered from psychological and physical abuse from his peers, his parents, and anyone that simply thought it be just fine to cause a child mental trauma which would lead young Skinner into a psychological break down (which only made him stronger in the end…). Because of his experience of being the psychological punching bag as a child, and his strive for acceptance in society; Skinner would adopt three main personality traits that would define him as a person. The very first and most important personality trait is his desire for combat. The second trait would be how brutal he can be, giving him a sadistic and violent capacity of emotions in battle; the third and final important trait would be his psychological torment, and how the lives he has taken haunt him.

    As a child, violence and conflict were the only things he could call ‘mother and father’, due to how his biological parents treated him as an animal. Although he experienced moments of happiness and joy, his passions were warped into the desire for conflict and violence, leading him to want to fight (and win) more than anything. This reflects in combat, as he fights without honor, only desiring to best his enemy in combat at all costs, even if he nearly dies in the process. He will do anything and everything in his power to kill whoever he is fighting, especially if they carry the flaw of ‘honor’; as it is, “A great honor to die in battle”, though; in his opinion ‘death and honor’ go together like hot sauce and private parts. While in combat, Skinner is considered a killing machine, an abomination to those around him. As his mind is cast into a feral state by his magic, and he is forced to embrace the rage he has been unable to repress since childhood. Skinner’s brutality is merely the tip of the iceberg, as he has gone as far as killing a small child that stands before him in battle, feeling no shame in doing such.

    His curse is his magic magic, and how people have treated him as a child, creating the monster others made him out to be while using said magic. Regardless of being in or out of the form of the behemoth, he has poor understanding of why he should listen to a ‘leader’, as he believes he should have no master, even if others see him as a wild animal. Skinner will never respond well to commands from others that believe they have some form of metaphorical leash binding him to them, this being said, he would require a very strong emotional bond to someone to even consider what they have said.

    • Girls: Skinner may be biologically and psychologically diverse, but it is still very apparent that he has done some flirting in the past, and maybe even had a romantic interest at one point. He still has the average interests a teenage boy would have.

    • Animals: Skinner has an affinity for animals. A kin-ship of sorts, particularly with dogs, Skinner has often been seen speaking to dogs, although unheard of, the dog he speaks to will often respond with ‘doggie sounds’. He has carried out complete complex conversations with animals as if they understood one-another. (He talks to dogs, they talk back, and he understands them…His magic has made him feral before)

    • Water: He appears to relish water as his favorite drink among all, this may be due to the fact using his magic literally drains him of every drop.

    • The Dark: His eyes are very sensitive to light, so it is understandable that he desires to be in the dark. He has exclaimed when out in daylight how big of a headache he receives.

    • Fighting: Being born from a bloody situation and forced into a life where bullies would attack him, making violence being the solution to protect himself, Skinner had hardly any time to live like a normal child. While he experienced moments of happiness and joy, his true passion was warped into the desire to fight, mostly to stop his attackers and later to satisfy his own magical abilities. After successfully killing the first two people he would in a list of hundreds, Guts tempered himself to become stronger through the use of his magic; eventually building a strong and very personal relationship with the behemoth he identifies himself as.

    • Bullies: Being treated as an outsider, being picked on and harmed boy emotionally and physically has caused him to gather a great hate for bullies.

    • Bright places: Due to his particular condition, his eyes are very sensitive to the light.

    • Authority: He never responded well to bullies, or being told what to do.

    • Cowards: Cowards are the ones who run away from a good fight, or someone who chooses the suicide ticket out of life, are cowards. The second type of person that Skinner hates the most.

    • The cowards way out: Skinner considers those that take the ‘easy ticket’ out of life (I.E. Suicide), are cowards.

    • ”Becoming the god of war”: So to speak, Skinner wishes to become the ultimate fighter, a ‘one man army’, the single point that causes, and then ends a war. To live a life of conflict and battle is what he desires most, Skinner believes himself to one day die and ascend the world of mortals, and become “the god of war”. Though, he never refers to himself as a god of war, nor does he really talk.

    • Living life the way he wants to: The oppression of how he wants to live, (by other peoples standards, isn’t living) and how it would change how he lived, is a life not worth living.

    • Fear of bleeding: His own blood in particular, as he has never actually bled before, the first person to make him bleed would’ve nearly killed him. Though, he isn’t afraid of anyone else bleeding.

    • Emotional attachment: “The words heard from the people you care about are the ones that hurt the most”

    • Dying easily: He does not want to die such an easy death, he wants to die in combat.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6’0”
    Weight: 225 lbs
    Hair: His hair is actually shoulder length and very messing, reflecting the monster he becomes after using his magic.
    Eyes: Crimson
    Skin Tone: Transparent…
    Appearance: Skinner’s body is well-proportioned and more physically fit than any other average human male, as he sports well-defined lean muscle unlike most of the more common potbellied or emaciated regular humans. (All of his bullies are fat now, whereas Skinner is lean and muscular… that’s karma, they wish they didn’t have skin and looked like a badass). The Nature of Skinner’s magic has altered his biology beyond the known human extent to completely bizarre standards. His skin in particular carries details that replicate the human muscle and bone structure, along with it being semi-transparent and very thick skin that protects him from the elements while in his (somewhat) human form. He also appears to lack any form of body hair other than on his scalp. Skinner seems to be unable to bleed because of his ‘condition’, as he has no veins to bleed. Skinner is unable to scar, nor is he able to keep a permanent tattoo due to his magic (which is why he has his guild marking within his eyes), as each time he transforms he sheds any layers of skin he has, only to reform or regenerate completely new skin upon reverting to human form. Skinner has no reproductive organs that would define him as either male or female, rather defining him as a ‘He’ due to his masculine body type and relatively deep voice. His facial features include A long, prominent, hooked bone nose, his eyes are deeply set within their sockets, and his chin would be referred to as giving him a ‘handsome’ look if he had skin that was not transparent (He could use a lot of makeup to make his skin appear as if it were normal). His bone and muscle, along with cartilage and tendons are all visible.

    His clothing is variable depending on what he feels like wearing, though it mostly consists of white and black clothing that brings out the color in his visible muscle and bone.


    Guild: Lamia scale
    Tattoo: His eyes, there was no permanent place to put the tattoo, so his right eye had to do. Its what made his eyes crimson.
    Rank: (What rank is your character.)
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    Position : None
    Posts : 1840
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Memnarch
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tergiversation Arts
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    Skinner Empty Re: Skinner

    Post by Aria Beleren Mon 17 Mar - 13:58

    approved welcome to Lamia Scale!



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