Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Dragonwake Empty Dragonwake

    Post by Haru-senpai 23rd April 2014, 9:55 am

    A beautiful villa of cherry blossoms and wooden houses; oriental style lit by lamps panned over the camera. Baths, and waterfalls inside of houses linked by wooden walkways in every direction.

    This was Fortune Towns, famous bathhouse. Steam rose from behind different fences and stone walls; as the sound of people talking muffled could be heard from each bath.

    In one such bath; a blue haired young man stood to his feet; shirtless, wearing only trunks. Drying himself with a towel; Heero finally opened his golden eyes and slung the towel around his neck. He and Serene had been 'broken up' for more than a year now, it seemed that she'd vanished off the face of Earthland. He wondered about her--a lot. Hoped she was safe.

    In the same note; he hadn't seen his sister in more than a year as well. He'd even asked Zenshin; the Master of Sabertooth (amazing that his old drinking buddy was a Master of something), and past member of Eclipse Soul about her. Nothing. Some strange creature had attacked Magnolia a year ago; not shortly thereafter did Heero receive a visit from a strangely dressed; oriental looking man who told him that there was 'someone' who wanted to meet him in 'Fortune City, Midi', concerning his 'Father Dragon'. So he'd left Fiore.

    Traveled outside of it for the first time as a matter of fact. As Heero stood there; looking at his reflection down in the steaming jacuzzi. He thought of his father, Zeuslogia. He wondered if he really was hot on his trail or if this was just some elaborate set up to get him out of the country.

    It didn't matter to Heero; if there was even the smallest chance that this trail led to Zeuslogia; then he would leave Fiore without Wizard Saint #4 for however long it took to get to the bottom of things. Hearing someone approaching through his rented bathhouse, Heero looked up with a "Hm?"

    As none other than Garfield, holding two gigantic plates of food (which looked hilarious considering he was a short, furry orange Exceed) would appear in the doorway of the sliding wall of the bathhouse.

    "It's time to eat like they do in Midi, AYE SIR!" Garfield and Heero both let out a simultaneous hyped 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' and set up a huge dinner inside of their bathhouse as they ended up sitting oriental style at a low table with huge amounts of food and sake in front of them.

    As they continued to pretty much go nuts on everything in front of them; asking one another 'what this was' or 'what that was', even fighting over individual items---they would eventually take a break and begin talking.

    "So, that old oriental man said to meet here right?" Garfield said; his orange cheeks puffed up with some kind of Midi delicacy. "Well, how's he supposed to know what room we're in?!"

    "!" Heero scratched his blue hair with his chopstick free hand. "I, I hadn't thought of that!" Garfield let out a "WAAA?!" and began to tug Heero towards the the door of their room.

    "He might be waiting at the entrance for us or something! You baffoon!" Heero flailed, and grabbed onto his clothes, leaping into his pants and getting dressed as quickly as possible. In his iconic, red and white jacket with blue collar; Heero would clench a fist and nod.

    (At the Front Desk)

    "Oh yes! I didn't want to give him your room number! Hotel Policy! But one of the Emperor's Samurai came here looking for you Mr. Reyold!"

    Garfield and Heero immediately fell backward into the floor; comically causing everything to shake. They popped up back over the desk; Garfield now riding on Heero's head.

    "Did he leave anything for me?! Tell me to meet him anywhere?!" Heero's eyes sparkled with hope as, Garfield mimiced him. With a nod, the woman extended a single card to Heero it looked blank; but Heero noticed one phrase on the card written in beautiful handwriting he might add.

    'Behind You'. He read aloud.

    As he looked up and turned around; he saw none other than the same old man who'd met him in Magnolia Town; only now he was in FULL Bushido armor. Red and black in color, with no helmet, arm wresting on a katana. His grey beard went down to his belly.

    From across the room, the blue haired slayer with an orange cat on his head raised an eyebrow; but then busted out with a huge slayer smile; bending his knees.

    "OH WOW, I thought you were just some creepy old man back in Magnolia! But you're looking pretty badass right now! Alright for you!" Heero caused the old man to facepalm an armored hand onto his face as a large sweatdrop appeared over the old Samurai's head.

    "Silence you impudent fool! Are all of Fiore's wizards so damn careless with their words?!" he barked at Heero as a vein appeared on his forehead.

    "What?! Who are you calling impudent?! What's that even mean it didn't sound real friendly! You want to go?!"

    "Damnit, I was doing your Father a favor by bringing you to this fair nation of Midi; you will not speak to me in such a manner!" the old man put his hand on his katana; as a still shot of him was shown.

    Heero would grit his teeth as a still shot of him was shown as well.

    Until Garfield was shown in the middle of the floor of the reception area between the two of them; holding out two paws to settle this dispute.

    "Did you say Heero's father sent you to Magnolia to get him? So that's why you were there. You did a great job disguising yourself as some old man, looking at you now I don't even know if Heero could take you!" Garfield said with a swish of his tail. Heero opened his mouth to complain, but merely growled at Garfield, and looked back up to the old samurai.

    "Look, I'm sorry......could you please take me to my dad? I have so much to ask him."

    "It won't be that easy, not anymore." the old Samurai looked worried as Heero raised an eyebrow before the old man continued.

    "It seems that while you were here in Midi, Acnologia was resurrected and attacked the Magic Council back in Fiore." as he said this, a close up of Heero's eyes was shown with the sound of the old man's voice. "After he practically destroyed Era; the Black Dragon made his way to Midi, sensing another Dragon nearby. Well...nearby for a Dragon. He left Fiore and supposedly headed in this direction; probably to engage Zeuslogia in single combat. Your Father is in grave danger."

    Heero was rooted to the floor; as Garfield looked up at him, now extremely worried.

    "Dad......" Heero only said once; in his mind he saw a flashback of himself, young; riding on Zeuslogia's neck as the dragon smiled up at him. "I won't let anything happen to you...."

    "Heero, you're no match for Acnologia! Didn't you hear? Even the Magic Council all working together couldn't stop him from destroying Era!" Garfield clenched a fist and threw it too the side; frustrated as he looked up at Heero.

    "Then what do you suggest?! We allow Acnologia to find Dad and just rip him to shreds?!?!??!!" Heero yelled to his side at Garfield; looking back towards the old samurai. "Where is the last place either of them was spotted?"

    With a nod, the old samurai motioned for Heero and Garfield to follow him out of the bathhouse. As Heero turned to the receptionist and told her to 'keep his bath warm for him'; stepping towards the door behind the old samurai.


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    Dragonwake Rose

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:14 pm