Fairy Tail RP

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    Escort Services! (Matabei)

    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escort Services! (Matabei) Empty Escort Services! (Matabei)

    Post by Lucille Grove 15th January 2014, 12:27 pm

    "I can't believe I'm doing this. Can't believe that I am doing this. Why on god's green Earth am I doing this? This is utterly stupid and a waste of my god damn time!"

    Matabei complained as she walked towards the mansion the party was being held at. She really hated dressing up in anything other than her normal outfit, and this mission required for her to be dressed up in something fancy in order to, as she put it, babysit a spoiled brat who was brooding after he lost his mother. Matabei clicked her tongue as she saw her target sitting around waiting for her. He had a pissed off look on his face, and when she cleared her throat in order to gain his attention he turned towards her with the look still on his face.

    "It's about time you.....got....here....." The man trailed off at the end, apparently struck by Matabei's beauty. At least that's what she thought, so she cleared her throat again and asked the question she was going to ask at the start. "Are you Nicholas Masori?" The man grew an annoyed look on his face and nodded. Apparently he wasn't in the mood to learn Matabei's name, because he simply pushed her forwards towards the party. Matabei almost lost it, but kept it in check for the reward she would get afterwards.

    What Matabei is Wearing:


    Escort Services! (Matabei) FRU1Cmr
    Escort Services! (Matabei) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escort Services! (Matabei) Empty Re: Escort Services! (Matabei)

    Post by Lucille Grove 15th January 2014, 12:39 pm

    Fifteen minutes into the job, and Matabei was almost certain she was going to kill the person she was here to take to the party. Nick was acting like a complete and utter jerk to her, and she was only able to take so much before she snapped and sliced the kid's throat open with an ink spear. Matabei tried to remember her discipline, but it almost made her go insane when the kid started ordering her around like he was her master. She had only one master, and she was not going to take any orders from some man who thought that she was his property because she was with him. Matabei had to calmly drink some wine to soothe her anger, it would do no good to kill the client's child all because of a misunderstanding.

    "Come on woman, I want to go and dance now." Or maybe killing him would be a grand idea. It would not hurt her much, even if she didn't complete the job right she could make him stop frowning forever. Matabei shook her head, it really was not doing her any good to think about murdering anyone just yet. She got up from the table she was sitting at, and walked over to the dance floor with Nicholas.


    Escort Services! (Matabei) FRU1Cmr
    Escort Services! (Matabei) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escort Services! (Matabei) Empty Re: Escort Services! (Matabei)

    Post by Lucille Grove 15th January 2014, 12:57 pm

    After ten minutes of dancing, Nicholas was on the floor panting and out of breath. Matabei was not very pleased with this, as she barely danced the way she was taught to. Matabei decided to nudge him with her foot gently, which turned him over as he grunted in pain. "Come on now, get up." Matabei said in a bit of a scolding tone as she gently lifted him up by his arm and carried him towards the table she originally was sitting at. Men pointed and laughed at Nicholas, but they all shut up when Matabei sent them a sickeningly sweet smile. They turned away and continued what they were doing, while Nicholas sent a grateful look towards Matabei. The ink-make maid ignored it in favor of sipping more wine and watching other people mingle with each other. Matabei sighed and looked around, noticing a pair of women staring right at her. Matabei smiled and sent a wave towards the women, who blew kisses in return to her wave. Matabei blushed lightly and turned back to Nicholas, who was still panting and trying to regain his bearings.


    Escort Services! (Matabei) FRU1Cmr
    Escort Services! (Matabei) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escort Services! (Matabei) Empty Re: Escort Services! (Matabei)

    Post by Lucille Grove 15th January 2014, 1:25 pm

    Matabei tried to ignore the two women who were trying to garner her attention, and boy was it hard to do that when your only other viable option of human interaction was a bratty noble who was upset at you for some reason. Sure, maybe manhandling him wasn't the greatest thing in the world she could have done, but what else was she going to do? Matabei just sighed and tried to pay more attention to Nicholas, who was ranting about how unfair certain things in life were. Matabei sighed and tried to continue to listen, which was hard when the kid just stopped talking out of the blue. Why were his eyes widening like that?

    "Oh hey cutie, why are you ignoring us?" A seductive voice said behind Matabei. When two arms wrapped around her shoulders and she felt a head place itself on her shoulder, Matabei had to shiver a bit. Turning her head slightly, she noticed one of the women she was trying to ignore laying her head on Matabei's shoulder. Matabei gulped as the other sat on her lap, while Nicholas was wide-eyed with his mouth gaping open. Matabei tried to shoo the women away, but they weren't taking no for an answer at the moment. Nicholas was blushing at the gestures the women were making towards Matabei. Matabei took both women by the arm and pulled them away from the table to speak to them quietly. After a small discussion they kissed Matabei on the cheek and left, which made the ink-make maid blush heavily. She mumbled something incoherent and then walked back to the table.


    Escort Services! (Matabei) FRU1Cmr
    Escort Services! (Matabei) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escort Services! (Matabei) Empty Re: Escort Services! (Matabei)

    Post by Lucille Grove 15th January 2014, 5:18 pm

    Matabei looked at Nicholas as the two started to eat a small meal. He was quiet, and seemed to be in deep thought as he ate. Matabei could barely take the silence any longer, and decided to voice her thoughts. "Hey whats up with you? All of a sudden you're quiet and unresponsive." Nicholas looked up at Matabei and sighed silently. "How can you always be so.....well you? I can't really stand how people smile all the time, its so frustrating." Matabei raised an eyebrow at his statement, and figured it was because his mother had died when he was younger. Matabei simply took a small swig of wine before she responded. "Its because no matter what life takes from us, we can always look towards tomorrow with a smile." Matabei thought about her little brother and parents for a moment, before shaking her head and continuing. "Your mom might have died, but then life moves on anyways. She would be disappointed in you if you didn't go back to being your normal happy go lucky self." Although it disgusted Matabei to say it, she had to say the truth. The woman would probably want her son to 'smile' more often. Nicholas looked to be in thought as Matabei continued to eat in silence, well as silent as the two were with the party going on.


    Escort Services! (Matabei) FRU1Cmr
    Escort Services! (Matabei) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escort Services! (Matabei) Empty Re: Escort Services! (Matabei)

    Post by Lucille Grove 15th January 2014, 5:52 pm

    Matabei and Nicholas walked towards the Masori family home in silence. Although to Matabei, it was nice as she continued to think about the two women who had come up to her. She knew where they were and what they were doing, and she planned to meet up with the two later after dropping Nicholas off at his house. Speaking of which, the nice sized house was appearing in their view as they came upon it. The father opened the door when he noticed his son approaching, although he was quite worried when he noticed Nicholas was quiet and in hard thought. "Son? How was the party?" Nicholas looked up at his father and smiled, surprising his father and Matabei a bit as she raised an eyebrow. "Yeah dad. I'm just going to my room for a bit. See you later woman." Matabei rolled her eyes as Nicholas winked at her while he walked away. She sighed and shook her head while the father looked at her with teary eyes. "H-how can I ever thank you?" He whispered quietly, while Matabei turned around and began to walk away. She only spoke four words to the man, and it might have been the last four words he would ever hear from her in his life again. "Never bother me again." And with that, Matabei vanished into the night. She had a few people to talk to about things, and two women to go and talk to.


    Escort Services! (Matabei) FRU1Cmr
    Escort Services! (Matabei) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 6:50 am