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    Dripping Blood [Ready to be checked!]


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Demon Slayer- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 298
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Loros the Ice Demon/ Gideon Faust
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Endless Hunger Magic
    Third Skill:

    Dripping Blood [Ready to be checked!] Empty Dripping Blood [Ready to be checked!]

    Post by Faust 1st January 2014, 6:13 pm

    Job Title: Dripping Blood [Part 2 of 5 in the Coven Arc]
    Player Requirements: guildless mage or dark mage. No light guild mages may do this. Maximum of 4 mages allowed to go minimum of 1 C rank mage.

    Job Requirements: Completed the first of the missions of the Coven Arc, 10 post, 250 words a piece.
    Job Location: Mountain Village
    Job Description: The whisper that you originally helped has now be able to take form of a shadows dancing on the walls. It will have speak to the holder of the dagger calling them to venture to Mountain Village. The holder will need to seek out an inn in the town to find a large brute of a man. There will be several people at the inn making it impossible to do the deed at that moment in time. You will need to stalk him, watch what he does, who he speaks to, what he eats, what he drinks, and even when he uses the restroom. As the night goes on the man will become more intoxicated. You can wait for him to become so drunk that he stumbles back to his room and passes out or can try to fight him and the whole inn on right out. If you do kill him once he sleeps it will auto kill him just like the priest if you attempt to fight him you will draw on all the enemies at once and have to deal with them all not just the man. Once the dagger has tasted the blood of the dead warrior the shadow will appear now able to manifest itself as a shadowy essence or spectral form. The dagger will morph into more of a twisted looking thing rather than a rusted dagger.
    Weak:Barmaid x2: Deal D rank damage by scratching, biting, and kicking. Need 1 D rank damage each to beat

    Normal:Inn Patrons x2 Have knives and forks that deal D rank damage. Can withstand up to 3 D rank strikes of damage

    Strong:Inn Owner: Have a large club that will deal C rank damage. The owner is a large brute of a man that looks like he is in his 50s. The man can withstand 2 C rank attacks

    Boss:The Warrior: The man wields a large claymore, dressed in iron armor. He stands a good 6 feet 10 inches, can deal C rank damage on his own, B rank with the sword. Can withstand 5 C rank attacks before being defeated.

    Reward: 7,000 jewels (Double experience if you actually fight the whole inn)[Note: Can only be done once per mage]

    [b]Job Title:[/b] Dripping Blood [Part 2 of 5 in the Coven Arc]
    [b]Player Requirements:[/b] guildless mage or dark mage. No light guild mages may do this. Maximum of 4 mages allowed to go minimum of 1 C rank mage.

    [b]Job Requirements:[/b] Completed the first of the missions of the Coven Arc, 10 post, 250 words a piece.
    [b]Job Location:[/b] Mountain Village
    [b]Job Description:[/b] The whisper that you originally helped has now be able to take form of a shadows dancing on the walls. It will have speak to the holder of the dagger calling them to venture to Mountain Village. The holder will need to seek out an inn in the town to find a large brute of a man. There will be several people at the inn making it impossible to do the deed at that moment in time. You will need to stalk him, watch what he does, who he speaks to, what he eats, what he drinks, and even when he uses the restroom. As the night goes on the man will become more intoxicated. You can wait for him to become so drunk that he stumbles back to his room and passes out or can try to fight him and the whole inn on right out. If you do kill him once he sleeps it will auto kill him just like the priest if you attempt to fight him you will draw on all the enemies at once and have to deal with them all not just the man. Once the dagger has tasted the blood of the dead warrior the shadow will appear now able to manifest itself as a shadowy essence or spectral form. The dagger will morph into more of a twisted looking thing rather than a rusted dagger.
    [i]Weak:[/i]Barmaid x2: Deal D rank damage by scratching, biting, and kicking. Need 1 D rank damage each to beat

    [i]Normal:[/i]Inn Patrons x2 Have knives and forks that deal D rank damage. Can withstand up to 3 D rank strikes of damage

    [i]Strong:[/i]Inn Owner: Have a large club that will deal C rank damage. The owner is a large brute of a man that looks like he is in his 50s. The man can withstand 2 C rank attacks

    [i]Boss:[/i]The Warrior: The man wields a large claymore, dressed in iron armor. He stands a good 6 feet 10 inches, can deal C rank damage on his own, B rank with the sword. Can withstand 5 C rank attacks before being defeated.

    [b]Reward:[/b] 7,000 jewels (Double experience if you actually fight the whole inn)[Note: Can only be done once per mage]


    Dripping Blood [Ready to be checked!] Faust1_by_gramcrackers-d75cx2d
    Total Experience: 750
    Experienced needed for next rank: 3000
    Character Profile
    Ice Demon Slayer Magic
    Endless Hunger Magic
    Bank Account

    Faust's Themes:

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:14 pm