Fairy Tail RP

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    Erik Rudo WIP


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
    Position : None
    Posts : 4
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Erik Rudo WIP

    Post by Nevan 30th November 2023, 3:31 am

    Name: Erik Rudo

    Gender: Male

    Age: 20

    Birthday: 7/16 as far as he knows.

    Sexuality: Straight

    Special Characteristics: His arms seem to be covered in bandages down to his wrists. The same bandages can be seen on his neck about half way up. It can be assumed that his whole body is covered in them. If one were to remove the bandages they would find his right arm is almost pitch black and looks withered severely. Though he doesn't let anyone see this unless they are very close and dear to him and even then its something he might still try to hide.

    Personality: Describe your character's personality in detail. You may include their history here, as well as any other information about them you deem relevant. Please note that the "Personality" Section of your Character App will have to be at least 300 words long. Suggestions for this section include, for example, what your character is like inside and outside of battle respectively, what their behavior is like as a leader of a group, how they behave under a leader, etc.

    • Animals - Erik always had a love for animals even when young. Always trying to adopt stray dogs and cats that wandered near their home. Though his parents never allowed him to keep them. They also strangely disappeared not long after he told his parents about them.

    • Magic - Erik has a fascination with magic in all its shapes and forms. This often leads to him carrying around a notebook with him that he keeps notes in on the types of magic he finds. He will often ask about the magics of others and take notes on anything he is told.

    • The world we live in - Erik finds joys in most things. His mind similar to that of a child in a sense. He finds joy in simple things and just enjoys being alive. This has gotten him in trouble in the past when he played harmless pranks but people didn't seem to enjoy them as much as him.  

    Describe the things your character likes and why they like them. This has to be 3 separate things at minimum and they have to be bullet pointed individually, with at least one sentence to describe each.
    • Death - Despite his strong connection to necromancy and death in general he actually despises it. He hates seeing others go through death or dealing with a loss and seeing them unhappy and no caring for the amazing world they live in.

    • Killing - He hates killing something as it brings death to others taking away the joys of life from them. He would rather injure and hurt someone over killing them any day as that way they can at least enjoy their life and the joys of the world around them. However if his own life is threatened he will kill if needed but would hate it.

    • Being seen as a freak - Due to his connection to death and his use of necromancy he is sometimes seen as a weirdo or freak. This often leads to him hating himself and those that see him as such possibly leading to him lashing out.

    Dislikes: Describe the things your character dislikes and why they dislike them. This has to be 3 separate things at minimum and they have to be bullet pointed individually, with at least one sentence to describe each.

    Motivations: Describe the things that motivate your character and why the things motivate them. This has to be 3 separate things at minimum and they have to be bullet pointed individually, with at least one sentence to describe each.

    • Being outcast - Erik is often called a weirdo and more when his magic is shown to some. This has never went past a argument or two. However he is afraid that one day it will escalate and eventually lead to him being cast out of whatever home he makes and friends he gains.

    Fears: Describe the things your character fears and why they fear them. This has to be 3 separate things at minimum and they have to be bullet pointed individually, with at least one sentence to describe each.

    General Appearance

    Height: Denote how tall your character is. Please use both feet/inches and centimeters

    Weight: Denote the weight of your character. Please use both pounds and kilogram

    Hair Color: Denote the hair color of your character here

    Eye Color: Denote the eye color of your character here

    Skin Tone: Denote the general skin tone of your character here

    Appearance: Describe your character's appearance in detail, including their normal appearance and any other information you deem relevant. Please be as descriptive as possible here. Alternatively, you can provide an image or images to reflect your character's appearance. Please be sure that, if you are using a character from an anime, cartoon, show, etc., the character you want to use is available for use. To check, have a look at the site's Face Claim List.

    Guild: The guild your character will join. Make sure to check the available guilds and make sure a guild is open before joining it. Alternatively, you can also be guildless.
    Tattoo: The location of your guild tattoo on your character's body. If you're guildless, leave this blank.
    Tattoo Color: The color of your character's guild tattoo. If you're guildless, leave this blank.

    Faction: Optional. If you want your character to join a faction specify the name of the faction here.
    Faction Chapter: Only fill this out if you are choosing a faction. If you named a faction for your character to join, denote the Chapter of said faction they are joining here.

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