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Eclipse Reborn - a Powered RPG

Eclipse Reborn Staff

Eclipse Reborn - a Powered RPG Empty Eclipse Reborn - a Powered RPG

Post by Eclipse Reborn Staff 10th October 2023, 11:39 am

Eclipse Reborn - a Powered RPG 0-AE365-A2-9552-4676-B09-D-4-EB9-C690-EDF3

Ordinary people, with extraordinary abilities
Something unexpected is happening. You could call it evolution... or just plain bad luck. All across the globe, seemingly regular people have begun to display irregular abilities. A secret faction works in the background to bring this phenomenon under control, while another seeks to unleash it.

What side will you be on? The side of secrecy or control? Join us, and find out if you were always destined to be a Hero... or a Villain.
Eclipse Reborn is a reboot of a once successful Heroes RPG, though we are now veering away from established canon to create our own unique original character Superpowered RP. Taking inspiration from the likes of Heroes, X-Men, The Boys and others, we're looking to carve our own new path. We are an adult roleplay, open to all levels, have no word count and knowledge of fandoms is not required. Our grand re-opening is set for July 1st, 2023, giving all players, both returning and brand new, the opportunity to get in on the ground floor and help us build this story together.
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