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    Solar Party! [Summer Event]


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 166
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Nymara 27th June 2023, 1:51 am

    “Aha! Finally someone who’ll LOVE my talents! We gotta go to this thing!” A vibrant voice chirped as ruby eyes scanned the half-burnt flier. Lucky stepped over some of the wagon wreckage that still smoked, carefully avoiding the incapacitated bandits littered around the scene. “What are you on about now? Shouldn’t we get these men into proper custody?” The exceed inquired, raising an eyebrow at the piece of paper within Nymara’s hands. “Hm? OH yeah, these friends of ours..” She trailed off, observing the wreck around them. It appeared as though Nymara had destroyed a large wagon along some back-road within the east forest, though thankfully the fires had spread with a limited range. The red-head had gotten far better at controlling her strikes, so the usual inferno that followed her exploits within woodlands had taken a noticeable dip. 

    One of the larger men with scorched clothing began to stir slightly, though Lucky was sure to give the bandit a hard kick in the noggin as he passed by. “What did you find?” The feline knight asked. Nymara looked over the scarred parchment, though it appeared to be some sort of festival notice! A lot of the details weren’t super clear due to the burnt nature of the flier, yet the firebrand could make out mention of both bonfires and drinks! Some of her favorite things. “Seemed one of these guys had this stored on em! Notices for a party!” She would say excitedly. “A summer themed party! Looks like there’s a ton of events.” She would say, turning back down to Lucky with a fanged grin. The exceed sighed, for he already knew what was going on in Nymara’s mind. This had been far from the only time Nymara had gotten distracted by the going on of local events or festivals. Though usually she didn’t just take him with her. “After we alert the town guard to these hooligans we should go see if Lady Akemi would like to join. You two do seem to enjoy these events after all.” Nymara’s grin turned into a bright smile. “You read my mind! I’m sure she could use the fun!”

    Some time later the doors to the Fairy Tail guild hall swung open and Nymara and Lucky walked through, the firebrand still clutching the half-destroyed piece of paper tightly in her hand. After ordering a mug of ale from the guild’s bar Nymara knew exactly where to start looking for her mentor. A pattern had begun to form whenever Nymara found some exciting outlet that she could waste her time on, she always seemed to want to share it with the same person. And by this point Nymara had learned where the twilight dragon usually spent most of her time when she wasn’t on jobs, at least from her own experience anyways. 

    The doors to the arcanium opened wide as Nymara was half-way through downing her ale, turning to see if she could spot her shadowy friend. “I have another fun, time-wasting opportunity!” Nymara would say as Lucky rolled his eyes behind her. Wiping the foam still on her mouth Nymara take another look at the burned, and now crumpled event notice. “I wonder if they want help with the barbecue cooking… I know how to make it perfect!” Nymara would sneer as she became lost in her thoughts.

    558 Words


    Solar Party! [Summer Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Akeya 28th June 2023, 3:56 am

    Summer had arrived to Fiore, and the weather was making sure everyone knew it. Spring's affectionate warmth and refreshing winds were replaced by a heat that wavered between invigorating and sweltering, and any breeze was welcomed as a moment of respite from the latter. The occasional storm that passed over the land would cool everything down before the sun reasserted itself, the aftermath being a humid heat that was arguably even worse than before the storm.

    As Akemi remained holed up inside the guild's library she idly mused about how in the past this kind of climate had been hellish for her. When she was younger and significantly more inexperienced she'd been very sensitive to light, to the point that she'd spent a lot of time blindfolded just to avoid splitting headaches. She didn't fare much better in the heat either: overall, during the summer she'd always try to just avoid going outside as much as possible.

    These days she was a lot more resilient, able to both endure the light and shrug off the sweltering heat. The fact that she was still inclined towards staying inside now had to do with her interests, not with her physiological limitations.

    It was also a very good thing that she was no longer as vulnerable as she'd once been, or spending time with a certain someone would have been a lot more challenging.

    That certain someone was, of course, her apprentice Nymara, and as if summoned by Akemi's thoughts the fiery redhead entered the large archives and announced her presence loudly as always, making the erudite assassin roll her eyes before closing the tome she'd been reading and getting up from her seat.

    "This is still a library, you know." She remarked dryly as she skipped the distance between herself and the entrance, stepping out of the shadows of one of the many tall shelves that dominated the library. "What did you find this time?" By this point it was borderline tradition for Nymara to find some kind of festivity to drag Akemi to, so the raven-haired shadow slayer didn't even question it.

    Stepping next to Nymara she skimmed the flyer her apprentice was holding, in which someone had done their best to advertise summer festivities as enthusiastically as possible, with brightly coloured images and lots of exclamation marks in the writing. "It's astounding just how robust Fiore's economy is that they can support such extravagance throughout the year..."

    She shook her head to dismiss those thoughts. While personally she did find such matters interesting she knew that Nymara would zone out if she got too focused on the finances required to support Fiore's festival-rich traditions. "I imagine you would make an impact with your cooking technique." She remarked. Nymara's technique was exotic thanks to her fire slayer magic, but it was certainly effective. "Last year we went to the beach, and it certainly is the weather for it... or were you planning to stick to the city this time?"

    Akemi knew what she would choose given the option, but even if their relationship was one of mentor and apprentice she was fine with letting Nymara decide on matters which came down to taste.

    Frankly, the fact that Akemi went along with Nymara's invitation itself spoke volumes about how willing she was to adapt her schedule to her apprentice's desires. With most other people the assassin would quickly have excused herself and returned to her studies. The only other person she could think of whose wants and needs had as profound an impact on her was Leila, and she hadn't seen the edenchild for a while now.

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 606
    PWC: 606
    TWC: 1,164



    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 166
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Nymara 1st July 2023, 3:21 pm

    Nymara’s ear twitched slightly, though thankfully this time when the calm voice of her mentor sounded behind her the firebrand had managed to keep her cool. She had gotten used to her antics by this point, though that didn’t mean Nymara was still any better at detecting her until she wanted to be seen. Of course when Akemi had to remind Nymara yet again of the nature of the room they were in she tensed up slightly, turning with a nervous smile! “You’re absolutely right. My bad everyone!” She would say, waving to the few others within the library. Most barely acknowledged Nymara, as by now they had learned to drown her out. Lucky hopped up on a nearby table, his tail flicking slightly. “It seems Lady Nymara found an advertisement for another festival on some ruffians we took out. Summer themed.” He would answer Akemi’s question before Nymara refocused. “Yeah! They have some cool activities, from what I can see at least.” She would say with a fanged grin, referencing the burnt nature of the flier. 

    “I suppose the will of the people is unstoppable in this regard.” Lucky would say with a smirk as Akemi wondered aloud about how Fiore could afford such constant celebrations. He had only been in Fiore for a short time but even he noticed the unusual amount of festivals and celebrations that seemed to be sponsored by the kingdom itself. His best theory was that the people of Fiore enjoyed these gatherings so much that it simply became tradition. Then again Lucky hadn’t really ventured much beyond the kingdom’s borders either, aside from their eventful trip to Joya. Maybe this was normal across most of Earthland, though from what he had heard of other nations he doubted it. “If they stopped now I suspect the festivals could turn into riots.” Lucky chuckled as he mused at the thought of the kingdom being forced to cut back on the yearly celebrations.

    As the conversation shifted back to the festival Nymara perked up to Akemi’s comment, nodding in agreement! “I was thinking the same thing! They also have bonfires. HA! Those fools have no idea what a bonfire is, but I’ll happily teach em!” Nymara snickered as her mind raced to possible scenarios. It would be a welcome change to have people celebrate her inferno rather than run from it. When Akemi asked her if she wanted to go to the beach the firebrand thought for a moment. It was honestly hard to decide, as from what she could see from the half-burnt flier alone had too many exciting activities! But what was more exciting was that Akemi seemed interested in coming! Before even answering her question Nymara eagerly hugged her mentor for a moment! “Awe thaaaanks! These things are more fun with you!” She said truthfully. Nymara often found herself gravitating towards Akemi when it came to these events without a second thought these days! Otherwise she just felt bored or distracted. Though perhaps that was her own fault, after all relying on a single person in order to have fun wasn’t healthy. Of course Akemi was far from an ordinary person in Nymara’s eyes, but that was besides the point. 

    “Think this thing says a bunch of this stuff will be happening by the beach! But if there’s anything in particular you’d like to try I’m game!” Nymara answered eagerly. That’s when a thought popped into her mind and she looked down at her clothing. “Oh! Though I think I’ll need to change, look a little strange wearing this big coat near the water.” She said. “I think I got my swimsuit somewhere, just gotta run back to the bridge!” She said with excitement. “Come with if you'd like, or I’ll meet you on the sands!” Nymara continued as she started making her way out of the library. “Never hard to make her day.” Lucky chuckled as he gave Akemi another bow and followed the eager fire-slayer out of the room. 

    668 Words | PWC: 1226 | TWC: 1832


    Solar Party! [Summer Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Akeya 2nd July 2023, 10:08 am

    It wasn't like Nymara was unique in her tendency of barging into the library and making noise, and she'd done it often enough that by this point the other people who used the place for its intended purpose for the most part just rolled their eyes and moved on. Not that there were many others: most members of the guild weren't that interested in the library unless they were looking for a specific piece of information, especially in weather such as what they were currently enjoying.

    "You got this flyer from some thugs?" A somewhat curious announcement, although Akemi quickly shrugged as she thought it through. "Even scoundrels have days off I suppose."

    While Lucky did make a valid point that the people of Fiore had grown accustomed to the many festivities and would most likely became considerably less amiable if the government began to scale back on them, that didn't answer the question how they could fund all of it from an economical perspective. Economics weren't her greatest interest, but it was good to remain up to date on such matters. "The lesser of two evils, I suppose."

    Nymara's comment about how other people didn't understand what a true bonfire was would have earned her another dry comment if the firebrand hadn't chosen to follow up with a hug for her mentor, a gesture which genuinely surprised Akemi. She wasn't used to people initiating physical contact so casually. Then again, Nymara was a lot more physical than most, and it wasn't like Akemi hadn't made it clear that she indulged the redhead a great deal.

    "...As long as you're having fun."

    Fortunately her stoic attitude hid her momentary confusion, but Akemi still quickly moved on, awaiting Nymara's final decision on where they would go.

    "...If I remember correctly your beach attire from last year also included a jacket." But with Nymara already moving to leave the library Akemi shrugged. "I'll come with, I just need a moment to put things back." It wouldn't do to leave scrolls and books just lying around.

    "From what I've seen so far she makes her own day if nobody else does it for her." She answered Lucky as the two of them followed after the firebrand. Granted, the assassin would have to go to her own apartment to pick up her beachwear, but it was more convenient for them to travel together the rest of the way since they were heading for the same destination.

    As with last year the beach was filled with people. The people of Fiore loved festivities and celebrations, and the arrival of summertime was a good excuse to go out and have fun in almost any culture. Akemi held one hand above her eyes to block out the sun as she surveyed the scene before them. Colourful parasols and small tents sprouted from the ochre sands all across the beach, and she didn't bother to try and count everyone.

    "I would swear that there are even more people here than last year."

    Her own outfit was the same as last year's, the jacket hanging from her elbows to expose almost the entirety of her upper torso and the simple dark bikini which exposed her pale skin to the sun that bathed the world in warm light. Planting one hand on her hip she thought back to last year before shaking her head.

    "It might take a bit longer before they start the bonfires, so I'd suggest we first go looking for where they've got barbeque stalls set up... Or maybe cool off in the water before we eat anything."

    A thought occurred to her and she glanced down towards Lucky.

    "That reminds me... you weren't here with us last time. Can you swim?"

    While these days Nymara and Lucky were almost always together there had been a time that the fire slayer acted on her own. Lucky's presence helped keep Nymara's more reckless tendencies in check, and since he was well-mannered Akemi didn't have any complaints.

    Well, perhaps one, but he was very accommodating in that regard as well.

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 681
    PWC: 1,287
    TWC: 2,523



    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 166
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Nymara 3rd July 2023, 2:30 pm

    “Yeah! Won’t believe the stuff some of these bandits keep on em! I found a cool hat once but burnt if after the next job-” Nymara got a little distracted until she caught sight of Lucky’s stare, reminding her which planet she was still on. As Akemi continued to glance over the piece of paper the firebrand couldn’t help but feel her excitement rising with every passing moment, though thankfully she had learned by now to keep her temperature down. Today was going to be great! As the twilight dragon went on to assure Nymara that as long as she was having a good time Akemi was satisfied, Nymara grinned. “Well I hope you can find some excitement in this too!” She would say as she began walking backwards out of the library. “And don’t worry! You’re all the fun I need!” She would laugh. After the twilight dragon’s response to Lucky’s own comment he slowly shook his head. “Sometimes to the detriment of others, boredom and fire are a dangerous combo.” the feline would respond with a light chuckle as the two tailed Nymara from the library. 

    After a short stop to Nymara and Lucky’s “house” underneath the ruined shadow of an ancient stone bridge Nymara found her swim clothes and the white beach coat that Akemi had pointed out earlier. Eventually the trio would find themselves at the sun-kissed beach, the rays of heat bearing heavily down on the earth and sea. Nymara noticed the dozens of umbrellas and other tents lining the sand, the festivities seemingly all the way in full swing. What caught her attention was the multitude of smells, most of them being that of delicious food! It would be hard to stay focused on anything else, that’s for sure. However Akemi’s comment soon broke her trance and the firebrand looked over with a smile. “Sure! With a day that looks and feels as nice as this? Who wouldn’t?” She would say. Lucky, at this point switching out of his armor to wear something akin to a small blue Hawaiian shirt (whatever that meant)  with a pair of black sunglasses and some beach shorts. “A broad assumption, though I suspect many would agree with your assessment. Of course some people may say it was a little *too* hot.” the feline would say, slightly airing out the collar of his shirt. It was already bad enough that he was covered in fur during one of the hottest days in the year, but he honestly couldn’t tell if his companion had any hand in this. Thankfully he had the sense to not bring his armor everywhere, or else he’d be cooked alive. “Ha! No such thing! I feel invigorated by this heat, let’s go do something!” Nymara would respond with a chuckle. It was true that she was virtually unbothered by most forms of natural heat, and on days like this when the cloudless sky let the hot summer sun beam down on them Nymara never felt more alive. 

    When Akemi made her suggestion about what activities they should start with the girl nearly jumped on the chance to check out the food stalls, but then another thought popped into her mind when she saw the crashing waves, and the people wiping out on their surfboards near them. A devilish smirk formed on her face as she recalled the events of last year, prompting her to turn to Akemi. “Wanna see if your luck is any better this year? Hopefully no more pesky hydromancers are lurkin about, and if they are we’ll turn em to steam!” Nymara said eagerly. The firebrand had only surfed once, and that was an entire year ago. Still, she remembered having fun and a natural affinity for the sport, so why not give it another go? She had no doubts Akemi could be much better than herself, though some unfortunate luck with a cheater ruined her experience last time. Nymara wasn’t gonna let that happen again! 

    After Akemi questioned Lucky his tail flicked and he shuffled in the sand somewhat awkwardly. “Me and uh.. Water don’t have the best relationship.” Lucky stammered, clearly embarrassed. “We have our differences and agreed to steer clear of each other.” 
    “Fancy way of saying you can’t swim!”
    “I didn’t say that!”
    “Yeah, you were clearly trying not to.” Nymara snickered, teasing her friend. “Take to the skies, I’m sure it’ll be fun to watch.” She would call back to the feline as the firebrand already started making her way down to the boards. 

    757 Words | PWC: 1983 | TWC: 3280


    Solar Party! [Summer Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Akeya 4th July 2023, 4:07 pm

    Akemi didn't comment on Nymara's and Lucky's poor excuse for a "home", although her expression might have non-verbally spoken the words her throat refused to pass. As Nymara had become increasingly competent beyond merely being good in a fight her income should also have come up, so for the two of them to still be living under a bridge meant that either Nymara really couldn't care less or she was wasting her money on other things... probably alcohol. Leaving aside the fact that letting someone who could breathe fire drink so much was a questionable decision at best Akemi did sometimes genuinely wonder if she should encourage Nymara to cut back a little so she wasn't risking her financial stability.

    However, today was not the day to bother with that. They had arrived at the beach, and as expected Nymara's excitement was only augmented by the sun's hot rays. The assassin listened with one ear as most of her attention was on figuring out the best path towards the water where they wouldn't have to worry about accidentally bumping into someone, although she rolled her eyes when Nymara dismissed Lucky's comment so bluntly. "No sane person would take your relationship with fire and heat as the standard for humans." The raven-haired mage nodded towards the many parasols and tents. "They seek out the heat but then when faced with it they long for the shade."

    In contrast to expectations Nymara ended up supporting the idea of entering the water before getting something to eat. Although it turned out that part of her motivation was for the two of them to try out the surfboards again: Akemi could recall how her apprentice had performed very well for a beginner, whilst her own experience was less than enjoyable. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she recalled the hydromancer who'd interfered with other surfers like that, including her. "There's no competition this time around, so there wouldn't be any reason for the same thing to happen this year." Her gaze lingered on the surfboards before she sighed. "It's not as if I've got extensive experience with these things, but in this weather falling in the water could be considered a blessing in itself."

    She did feel sympathetic towards Lucky, as she was reminded of how she had been nearly unable to handle summertime in the past. Granted, in contrast to that Lucky's case was still very mild, but she could understand how for him this wasn't the most ideal environment. "There's a type of water you might enjoy better, but I'll show you later."

    With those words she followed after Nymara, her eyes now settling on the surfboards. These ones which were available to everyone were as standard as they came, cheap and light with bright and vibrant colours. After a short moment of indecision she grabbed one which had a red and purple pattern, bringing to mind roses even if the shapes were too simplistic to accurately portray such a flower.

    "It's a good thing your motion sickness doesn't apply to these things." She commented while lifting the surfboard and walking towards the water, expecting Nymara to follow close behind with her own board. "From what I recall you did have a talent for this."

    To avoid getting her jacket wet she allowed the decorative garment to slide down her arms and into her shadow where it disappeared. Under different circumstances the two of them might have turned many heads, but since there was no lack of beautiful beachgoers during these celebrations they only got some approving looks as they kept walking until the water was splashing around their feet, each step making it rise higher until it was up to Akemi's knees.

    Getting onto the surfboard she paddled further away from the coast, heading for where several others were also drifting around on the water and waiting for a big wave to come and allow them to show off their skills. Several of the surfers greeted them with raised hands and friendly calls, which Akemi for the most part ignored or barely acknowledged with a raised hand.

    "Looks like we have a minute before the waves reach us." Sitting on her board Akemi let her legs dangle in the cool water, her long hair clinging to her back with the lower ends drifting on top of the water. She glanced over her should towards the sea. "By the way, I have noticed that you're controlling your temperature a lot better than last time. I'm glad to see that you're taking my lessons to heart... Unless of course you're just trying to impress me."

    A curl at the edge of her lips indicated that the last part was meant more teasingly than as a legitimate thought, the assassin turning her gaze back towards her red-haired companion. The two wouldn't have too much time to talk, however, as the other surfers began to move in anticipation for the upcoming wave.

    "Let's see how this works out when there's nobody getting in the way." These words were said as much to herself as to her surroundings, the dark claw mage pushing herself up to stand on top of the surfboard even as the calm waters quickly became more violent, rising and swelling as the wave began to form...

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 883
    PWC: 2,170
    TWC: 4,163



    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 166
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Nymara 8th July 2023, 8:31 pm

    Well it seemed as though Nymara had forgotten about the fact that not everyone was in sync with the heat as much as she was! Though Akemi was quick to remind the young firebrand as she pointed out that not all humans were as well adapted as she was. “Well it’s a good thing Lucky ain’t no human then!” She snickered, clearly understanding Akemi’s point but taking another opportunity to get a good chuckle from herself, much to Lucky’s dismay. “I’d be inclined to agree with Lady Akemi.” Lucky would start, giving his red haired companion a knowing glance. “As the weather continues to get warmer and warmer more souls will be drawn to places like this, only to shield themselves from the harmful waves of heat until they’re prepared to get into the water.” Nymara gave him a puzzled look before staring back up at the sun. “Well why would anyone come for the heat only to shelter themselves from it the second they get here? Some people don’t make any kind of sense!” She would say with a half laugh, making it difficult for Lucky to determine whether or not the firebrand had been joking, though it was always impossible to tell with Nymara. It’s not like the firebrand was dumb (most of the time anyways) though she often did have trouble grasping the experiences of others if they were so different from her own. Something Lucky had noticed on his extensive travels with the fire mage. Of course it sometimes made her viewpoints very narrow and hard to change, though the exceed had hoped his presence would help alleviate some of that. 

    Akemi seemed interested in trying to surf once again which was honestly all Nymara could ask for! After what had happened last year the firebrand would have understood completely if the twilight dragon was a little hesitant about trying her hand again, though as Akemi soon pointed out they had little to worry about in the way of cheaters or troublemakers due to the apparent lack of competition. Of course that wasn’t enough to fully convince Nymara that there wasn’t some mischievous wizard hiding in the waves ready to ruin their day, though it did make for a good possibility. “Too bad I’m no ice wizard then! Could make the whole area more bearable!” Nymara laughed in response to Akemi’s comment about wanting to fall into the water. “Though now that I think about it some ice magic would be great for surfing! You could do so many cool tricks with that!” She would trail off, distracting herself slightly before remembering what she was about to do! 

    “Oh? I’d be curious to discover this.” The feline knight would say with genuine curiosity in response to the twilight dragon’s comment about a different type of water. He wasn’t exactly sure what Akemi meant, though in a world filled with as much magic as Earthland the exceed figured anything was possible. Speculating would be nearly pointless. 

    When the two chose their boards Nymara complimented Akemi on hers. “Nice! Very fitting!” She would say with a slight wink in Akemi’s direction. When the twilight dragon made mention of Nymara’s motion sickness the girl nearly stopped in her tracks as she thought about it. “Y’know… You’re right!” She would say, sounding surprised. “I mean I’ve only done this once before but you’re absolutely right! I don’t remember feeling sick at all while on these things!” Nymara would say again, her tone sounding more confused as she stared down her own choice of board. It was nearly all white with some orange and yellow accents streaking across it. “What secrets do you hold? Boats still make me wanna hurl my lunch so what gives?” She would question aloud, staring at her board inquisitively before she heard Akemi’s second comment. “O- Oh thanks! I don’t even know what exactly I’m doing but it seemed to work!” She would admit, her face turning red slightly as she admitted her own lack of knowledge regarding the sport. “I’m sure that with no extra ‘help’ from our watery friends you’ll do great as well!” Nymara would say in a cheery tone. The last thing she wanted was for Akemi to feel discouraged or put off by the sport due to past experiences. Not that Akemi necessarily did, though the firebrand always felt it important to show your support, just in case. 

    Once the two woman had made their way further out to sea they were greeted by a myriad of different people from swimmers to other surfers. Nymara was friendly enough, waving her arms and responding with greetings to those that came past them. Taking this brief moment of rest before they caught a decent wave Nymara would lay down on her surfboard with her hands behind her head and her legs dangling off the edge within the water, soaking in the sun’s rays with glee. When Akemi finally spoke, complimenting Nymara on her control over her temperature, the girl could only smile, keeping her eyes shut until her mentor finished speaking. With a devilish smirk the girl flicked open one of her ruby eyes to stare at Akemi as the twilight dragon eluded to other reasons why Nymara had been more successful with her power. “Would it be so bad if it were both?” She chuckled. Of course working on her temperature should have seemed like a logical course of action, though Nymara wasn’t going to turn down any praise or appreciation she got from Akemi either. In fact a lot of her training thoughts were occupied by what Akemi’s opinion may be on her results, though these days it had become less about training and more trying to show off in front of the twilight dragon. Akemi didn’t always voice her approval, so to get such direct confirmation from the twilight dragon was a special thing indeed.

    Nymara noticed the change in the water and took notice of the incoming swell. Smirking, the firebrand rolled back to her stomach, preparing to stand when the time was right. “Yes, let's!” Nymara would cry out in response to Akemi’s comment just as the wave began to rise above them! As before the girl felt a rush of adrenaline hit her senses when the water heaved, forcing her onto her feet! A few other surfers had already begun riding the waves further down the line, causing Nymara to feel the anticipation rising! Finally the swell had taken hold of Nymara’s board and she began to coast down the line, the firebrand cheering as she went. “Hey Akemi, try using magic on these things!” She would laugh above the roaring wave. Just as the girl had done the previous year she extended her arms and soon jets of intense flame began to envelop them! With a quick swinging motion the flame erupted violently,  causing Nymara to boost herself forwards at frightening speeds! Other surfers could only hear the maniacal laughter of the firebrand as she barreled past them like a rocket-powered surfboard! Finally the firebrand angled her board so it began moving towards the top of the wave, sending the girl flying several feet in the air above the water! “Wooohoo!” She cheered! It appeared as Nymara made little attempt to land on her board however, as the girl soon found herself crashing back into the water some distance away from it. However the firebrand was submerged for only a few moments before the water began to boil in a small spot and suddenly she burst forth with both arms raised. “Yeeeah! That was fun!” She exclaimed, her long red hair now hopelessly soaking and covering half her face. Nymara seemed to care little however, as her attention was glued solely to her mentor. 

    1298 Words | PWC: 3281 | TWC: 5451


    Solar Party! [Summer Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mentor : Whedalsin
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Akeya 9th July 2023, 2:03 am

    "Humans are rarely as logical as they claim to be." Was Akemi's simple response to Nymara's confusion regarding the strange behaviour people displayed in the summer. Her gaze swept across the beach once more, her eyes narrowing slightly before she shook her head and turned her attention back towards Nymara. The mention of ice magic made her raise an eyebrow before nodding. "Ice magic is considered a precious commodity during summer the same way fire magic is sought after during harsh winters. As for surfing... Ice magic would be useful for that." She grimaced. "Unless, of course, you interfere with the other surfers."

    Her experience from last year had left her a bit annoyed, even if it was irrelevant in the long run. Shaking her head the raven-haired assassin would put all of that behind her. No competition this year, and if someone did try anything funny she'd just deal with it as it happened. She wasn't in the habit of letting her guard down anyway: if anything last year's attempt at surfing had been a small reminder that you could always be caught off-guard.

    As Nymara complimented her choice of surfboard she looked at Nymara's. She'd expected something a bit more fiery, but this suited the redhead's lighthearted nature as well. "Yours isn't bad either. But the reason why your motion sickness doesn't apply here is simple." She walked closer and rapped her knuckles against the surface of Nymara's board. "This isn't really a vehicle, it's just a tool to help you move across the water. You directly control it with your own body, which in your case means it's in good hands." She smirked. "Motion sickness only happens when your body isn't sure about what is happening. When you're on a train you feel like you're sitting still but at the same time, you also feel like you're moving."

    It was always fun to watch Nymara actually get embarrassed. The firebrand was usually so confident and passionate, but the right approach could make her temperature rise quite quickly. Of course, it was already hot enough so Akemi shouldn't go too far, but she still decided to indulge herself a little as the two of them picked up their boards and walked towards the water. "I imagine that I'll do fine, but even so I'll make sure to watch you. I might learn a thing or two, and even if I don't at least I'll have a nice view."

    With the two of them waiting together with the other surfers for the next wave to arrive Akemi enjoyed the sensation of cool water around her legs, cooling them down to contrast with the invigorating (if somewhat sweltering) warmth that the sun had blessed the world with. Nymara's response made her smile slightly even as she also rolled her eyes. "I would hope that you're appreciating the importance of the lessons themselves, but if you also want to make a good impression... well, I've got no reason to discourage it." It wasn't a bad thing for the apprentice to try and impress the mentor, as long as it didn't cause her to start showing off in nonsensical ways. "You've come a long way from when we started, and while there is still much progress to be made I'm not unhappy with what you've achieved so far."

    However, when the water began to swell up and the wave began to form the time to casually converse would come to an end. Standing on top of her surfboard the assassin would assume a lower stance, one foot in front and one foot behind. While her sense of balance was good enough that she wasn't worried about her performance she wasn't knowledgeable enough about surfing to try out any more advanced tricks: going with what made sense and worked was good enough for her.

    Once the wave had fully formed and they were getting carried along Akemi would do as she'd stated before and follow Nymara. The wave tried to make her wipeout, but the assassin quickly got the hang of it and leaned towards the water as if challenging it to do its worst. Even with the lower half of her hair already wet the speed with which she followed behind her apprentice made her black mane dance behind her like a dark tail.

    Her sharp ears picked up on Nymara's invitation, a warning that within moments things would get more fiery. The dark claw mage glanced towards the other surfers who were having the time of their lives. She didn't think Nymara was so careless as to actually harm them, but her jet fire could still end up causing some trouble.

    Lifting her forward hand she aimed it towards Nymara, furrowing her brow as she concentrated. This particular trick would be a bit harder than usual, especially since she didn't want anyone to figure out what she was doing. As her apprentice released her flames and turned herself into a jet surfer an invisible force concentrated the fire into two narrow columns behind Nymara. Even as she shot past everyone else the jet trail would follow a narrow path to ensure it didn't accidentally burn or impede any of the other surfers. This meant that the reactions from the other surfers were limited to surprise and awe, watching the beautiful comet leave them all behind before shooting up into the air and landing in the water.

    At the same time Akemi had also manipulated the shadows underneath the water to make the wave push harder against her surfboard, accelerating her so she could follow Nymara in a more subtle manner. If she took full control over the shadows she could have moved her board as if it was part of her body and completely ignored the wave's attempts at wiping her out, but if she was here to have fun she might as well embrace the challenge rather than exploiting her magic to nullify the possibility of failure.

    As Nymara decided to launch herself up into the air with the clear intention of falling into the water Akemi rolled her eyes before following suit. Sure, she could have ridden out the wave, but she had said she'd follow after Nymara.

    And she hadn't been lying when she said that in this weather falling into the water was more of a blessing than a curse.

    Turning her board towards the wave she drastically strengthened the force of the submerged shadows, pushing her and her surfboard high into the air just like Nymara had done with her flames. Grabbing the edge of the board with her toes the assassin launched it as if she were throwing a javelin, aiming for it to land far enough away from all the other surfers that it wouldn't be a hindrance.

    This left her own body to follow a parabolic trajectory through the air, seemingly slowing down at the zenith before falling back down towards the water. Curling up into a ball she spun several times before unfolding and stretching out, diving into the water with nary a splash.

    Curving her body she slid through the water like an eel, using the momentum from the fall to quickly approach Nymara while still submerged. Moving behind her apprentice she rose back to the surface. Her arms slithered around the firebrand's body, wrapping around her midriff and holding her close even as Akemi's head broke the surface and she rested her chin on Nymara's shoulder.

    "It wasn't half bad, no." She admitted. The other surfers had also finished riding out the large wave, some of them still looking at the two beauties with a variety of expressions while others were just enjoying the calm after the thrill, already looking forward to the next wave. "We could do this a couple of times more, but I did tell sir Lucky that I'd show him a type of water he'd enjoy better."

    Some quick motions with one hand had the submerged shadows guide their surfboards towards them. Letting go of her apprentice Akemi would climb back onto her own surfboard, motioning for Nymara to follow as she returned to the beach. Placing the surfboards back where they belonged Akemi would head for where various barbeque grills were set up while also searching for Lucky with her golden gaze. "Surfing is a fairly unique sensation, but in the end it's mostly a balancing act. Now, there should also be an ice cream stand here somewhere..." She looked at Nymara over her shoulder. "I don't think your partner would want to eat something hot in this weather, but I already know that you'll keep going until I tell you to stop." Her words were dry, but not accusing.

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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Nymara 10th July 2023, 11:01 pm

    Akemi’s advice regarding the reasoning behind Nymara’s constant motion sickness seemed sound enough, and the twilight dragon seemed quite knowledgeable on the subject. That point made Nymara almost wonder, her mind wandering off to a time when she met another Dragon Slayer named Celestia on Halloween. She also had stomach problems when they boarded a boat! Silently the firebrand theorized that maybe her own mentor once had a similar problem and learned to get over it, after all she was a dragon slayer too, right? Of course Nymara’s idea was pure speculation, though normally anything regarding Akemi’s shrouded history was. “Huh! Never thought of it like that, maybe it’ll help next time.” She said genuinely.

    As the two women awaited the waves to pick up Akemi continued to voice her opinion on Nymara’s progress. The firebrand always enjoyed receiving praise, though there was something special when it came from her mentor. When the twilight dragon voiced her opinion in response to the firebrand’s remark the girl giggled somewhat, her hands behind her head as she lay on the board and enjoyed the sun’s rays. “Don’t go selling yourself short now! A lot of my progress comes from my great teacher, she’s a very motivating individual.” Nymara said with a snicker. Despite her joking tone Nymara was more or less telling the truth. A lot of the firebrand’s success during her practice came from a desire to see Akemi’s approval, even if it distracted her from the true purpose behind the training. “I’m just hoping to make her proud. Would be a shame to devote so much of your time to something mediocre.” Nymara mused aloud with the same smirk still glued to her face. 

    As Nymara’s attention shifted to Akemi during the surfing she was not disappointed! The girl had noticed the increased speed in which Akemi was moving, though like most things regarding the twilight dragon’s magic the source remained hidden! If it weren’t for what Nymara already knew about her mentor and her own experience with the magic it would have been difficult to determine that her master was using magic at all! Unlike Nymara’s own violent display of power, Akemi could gracefully glide her board across the surface of the water at high speeds without putting other surfer’s at risk. 

    Watching Akemi’s legendary finisher as the raven haired woman followed Nymara into the water was a spectacular sight! Nymara couldn’t help but cheer for the twilight dragon as she elegantly flipped in the air, curling into a ball before diving straight on with barely a sound! Such precision was hopeless for one like Nymara, though she appreciated Akemi’s display of skill before she was quickly met with surprise! In a rather unexpected gesture from the twilight dragon, Nymara felt her mentor’s arms embrace her from behind, shortly after the firebrand heard Akemi surface! Akemi’s action was enough to make the water around them heat up drastically as the girl’s face flushed red and her mouth curled into a nervous smile. When her mentor’s head touched her shoulder the firebrand’s ear twitched slightly as Akemi admitted to having some fun. Nymara had not been used to her mentor being one to initiate such physical contact often, so it was certainly a surprise, though the best kind in Nymara’s opinion. When the twilight dragon mentioned something about another kind of water for Lucky Nymara had to take a moment to refocus her thoughts and bring her temperature down, before the boiling water started to burn her friend. “R- Right. Another type of Lucky for water-” Nymara coughed slightly, shaking her head. “A- Another type of water for Lucky, got it! Say what kind do you mean?” Nymara would ask, following close behind. 

    The brief shadow of wings would zip overhead as the two girls made it back to shore. As Nymara placed her board in the sand Lucky descended from the sky, landing atop its pointed edge. “Quite the spectacle out there my ladies, you’d think magic surfing would be more popular than the regular sport.” The exceed would say with an impressed tone. A faint cloud of steam began to form around the firebrand as her body rapidly dried her from the ocean’s touch as Akemi began to explain her plans to get ice cream. Nymara’s face showed a flash of brief discomfort as she remembered the last time she tried eating ice cream. “Heh.. Gotta eat it quick or it’ll melt in this heat!” She would say. The firebrand had avoided ice cream in the past due to her uncontrollable power always melting it too fast, just making a huge mess! However now that she had some decent training under her belt she could defeat this frozen rival once and for all! “A splendid idea my lady, I’ve already seen one over yonder. I took the liberty to do some exploring while you were riding the waves.” Lucky would nod approvingly. At the twilight dragon’s comment towards Nymara her face looked somewhat guilty for a moment before she straightened it out! “What can I say? I’m a growing girl!” Nymara would say with a fanged smile. “At least you get plenty of exercise.” Lucky would mumble. 

    “Lady, ya gotta pick soon a line is forming behind you!” An impatient man beneath a small umbrella said as he stood behind his expansive cart. It appeared as though some type of ice lacrima was being used to keep the contents cold! Nymara however seemed overwhelmed with the choices of flavour, and soon that fact was beginning to irritate others. Lucky was sitting nearby, already enjoying his small cup of ice cream. “Uhhhh… That one!” The firebrand blurted, pointing to a rather colorful looking flavour. “Cotton candy for the hot rod, got it!” The man said with a relieved sigh. “O- Oh make it a double scoop! Gonna challenge myself!” Nymara said, the man raising an eyebrow but shrugging. “And get this girl whatever she wants too! On my tab.” She would follow up, pointing to Akemi over her shoulder. “If it lasts longer than 10 seconds before becoming a puddle, I’ll be proud!” She would say to her mentor. 

    1030 Words | PWC: 4311 | TWC: 7936


    Solar Party! [Summer Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Akeya 11th July 2023, 11:56 am

    Akemi rolled her eyes when Nymara deflected the praise back towards the assassin. While it was good that the firebrand had such a high opinion of her it was clear that she was being over the top for comedic effect. "It's good that you're motivated."

    As she embraced her apprentice from behind after the two of them finished their surfing performance Akemi's lips curled up into a smirk as she felt the water around them heat up. While Nymara's control had clearly improved by leaps and bounds it looked like she could still lose it when caught off-guard. "Careful now, wouldn't want to disappoint your great teacher after she complimented your self-control."

    It was true that she rarely, if ever, initiated physical contact, but since they were having some casual fun at the beach anyway she didn't see the harm in it. Especially if it served to fluster her apprentice.

    "Ice is solid water, so ice cream is another type of water." Was her simple explanation as she led the way back to the beach. Fortunately they didn't have to wait long for Lucky to return to them, the flying feline having kept track of their movements in the water and descending from his airborne position once it was clear that they were done playing around in the water for the moment. The assassin nodded towards the knight, followed by a light shrug. "I imagine that magic surfing has enough supporters, but since a lot of people have limited magical talent the version which everyone can try would get more attention." She placed her hand against the surfboard. "That, and it would take away from the physical aspect."

    If she'd wanted to show off she could have used shadows to completely control the movements of the board and defy the wave's forces entirely, in which case it'd be difficult to call what she was doing surfing.

    Unlike Nymara Akemi didn't have the benefit of heat-generating magic to dry herself off after leaving the water behind. She'd have to rely on the sun to do the work for her, although she did shake and brush some of the water out of her hair: with how long her dark locks were they could get quite heavy when wet. For the most part, however, she'd leave behind a trail of darkened sand as her footsteps left soft imprints and droplets were shaken loose by her movements.

    Nymara's protests earned her a smirk, the assassin clearly amused at her apprentice's attempts at defending herself from the teasing accusation. "If you're still growing I'm interested to see what you'll end up as." Her golden eyes went up and down Nymara's body before she turned her head forwards towards the ice cream stand. "But as long as you don't eat yourself into poverty and exercise enough to work off the excess there's nothing wrong with a healthy appetite."

    Akemi would have expected Nymara to immediately pick a flavour that looked interesting, so when the redhead instead took her time trying to figure out which flavour appealed to her most the assassin also looked at the various flavours available. Some of them were quite mundane, but others were more eccentric... well, that's the power of magic and money at work. During summer there would be enough people who wanted ice cream that you could afford to offer some weird choices: someone would try it.

    She did snort in amusement when the stand owner called Nymara hot rod. "Not often I get described as "girl"..." She mused as she stepped forward once her companion was no longer holding up the queue. As she'd already had plenty of time to make her decision she soon would have a cup with two scoops in her hand, one vanilla and the other banana. Nymara's boast made her raise an eyebrow. "You can do better than that... unless I'm standing too close."

    As the three of them enjoyed their ice cream Akemi would lead the way towards where barbeque grills were set up, the strong scent of grilled meat carried on the wind and attracting quite a crowd. The people in charge of the grills certainly were working hard, emptying bottles of cold water in between handing out plates of various types of barbeque fare. "Usually it's dessert after the meal." Akemi noted. She wasn't hungry herself, but she knew that Nymara wouldn't consider this trip a success unless she'd gotten to eat some good food as well.

    In the distance people were beginning to build a big bonfire in preparation for when the sun would have sunk far enough down the horizon that the light from the flame would be visible far and wide. As brilliant as summer days were, night was still an inevitability (and one that Akemi personally welcomed).

    Current Appearance:

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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Nymara 11th July 2023, 7:16 pm

    “I suppose you’re right about that, the magic populace seems to be fairly low compared to the rest. Though I don’t suppose the regular surfers mind when their competition can’t knock them off their boards with a fire blast.” Lucky would say dryly to his red-haired companion, the girl still shaking her hair slightly as the steam dried her off. “Hehe, well it’s a good thing there’s plenty of water around then! Otherwise that could be a problem.” She snickered as Lucky rolled his eyes. When the twilight dragon made a comment about Nymara’s eating habit the firebrand took a moment to think about the remark, failing to notice Akemi’s stare until her raven haired mentor turned away. “Exactly what I always like to say! Now that’s a philosophy to live by.” Nymara would agree with Akemi’s comment as she followed along. “One you may still need practice with it appears. I wonder what kind of mansion you could have bought for us with all the money you’ve spent on drink and food.” Lucky would say with a smirk as he flew slowly in the air beside the two girls. “Ha! Are you kidding? In this economy?” 

    Lucky was simply enjoying his strawberry sherbert while Nymara seemed rather distracted on her own choice. A fact that others seemed to notice as well while the lineup continued to grow longer. Unlike his fiery companion, not all of them were thrilled about waiting in the hot sun. “I don’t normally go for food with lots of milk involved, though I must admit I find it hard to resist such delicious ideas.” The feline would say as he continued to eat his ice cream with a spoon. Nymara meanwhile was given a massive cone with two giant scoops of colorful looking ice cream. “Well ya are one, aren’t ya?” Nymara teased in response to her mentor’s words about Nymara’s description of her. Though her face quickly changed to a nervous grin after Akemi’s last comment, causing the firebrand to notice the ice cream in her hand already beginning to drip slightly! “Oop! Gotta reign in those thoughts! No silver medals today!” Nymara would say, focusing up on her frozen treat. At this point Lucky looked up to the twilight dragon curiously. “I’ve wondered my lady, does the heat often bother one with your powers as much? Or has your affinity with the shadows allowed you to keep cool, despite the overwhelming rays of light?” The knight had asked genuinely. Of course if the heat was really a problem for the twilight dragon she probably wouldn’t have taken Nymara under her wing, though he still found himself curious about the applications for such magic. Akemi was already reclusive enough, so Lucky could only inform himself of her magic when she used it. Though they had known each other long enough that the exceed felt comfortable asking, assuming temperature control wasn’t a big secret. 

    As the trio wandered down the beach with their ice cream Nymara’s senses would begin to flare up the closer they made it to the barbecue! Funnily enough Nymara had eaten very little of her frozen treat, instead her mind focusing on keeping as much heat away from it for as long as possible. Of course there was at least one thing that could produce more heat than herself, and the sun seemed merciless today. However her attention would soon shift as they came into view of all the tents hosting the barbecue feast, and Nymara’s eyes widened! “Fiore has to be the best kingdom on the continent! How often do they throw random food festivals in other countries?” She said, sounding giddy. 

    In a ritual that was very familiar at this point Nymara went and positioned herself closest to the grill, picking and choosing pieces of meat the second they came off and piling them up on one big plate she had found! Bringing it back Nymara showed it off to her friends. “Take as much as you want! They’re still cookin so plenty of food is on the way!” She’d say in her usual excited tone. Holding her unmelted ice cream in one hand like a trophy the girl would instantly start using her fanged teeth to start tearing into a large cooked rib! “Don’t worry, I’m not one to break tradition, this one will wait!” Nymara said between mouthfuls of food in response to Akemi’s comment about having the desert before dinner. Of course Nymara’s ice cream was still looking rather sand and melty due to the ever present warmth of the sun, though it looked considerably better than Nymara’s usual experiences with this type of food so she was happy about that! “And don’t forget the buffet they’re setting up for us tonight!” She’d chuckle, noticing Akemi’s eyes wander to where the bonfires were being set up. “Won’t be long now! Sun’s already lowering.” She hummed before ripping into another piece of meat. 

    826 Words | PWC: 5137 | TWC: 9562


    Solar Party! [Summer Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Akeya 12th July 2023, 5:52 am

    Akemi gave Nymara a look that was part puzzled and part worried. "You do realise that most people get burn wounds when exposed to fire, right?" The way the firebrand talked about the potential issue of magic surfers using fireballs to get rid of the competition made it sound like she thought a little bit of water would solve the issue entirely. "Not everyone is as accustomed to being hot as you."

    Her head tilted to the side as Nymara pointed out that technically Akemi was a girl, the assassin pondering this for several seconds. "I suppose, although usually that term is reserved for people younger and smaller than me." While Akemi was physically in her prime her actual age didn't exactly align with the human lifespan. Come to think of it, she'd never told either Nymara or Lucky how old she actually was. She smirked as Nymara was distracted by the realisation that if she wanted to make a good impression she'd have to focus on not melting her ice cream. "The sun is going to melt it eventually anyway, so you'd be better off eating it than trying to keep it from melting."

    The evidence for her claim was that her own ice cream and Lucky's were also showing signs of melting, which was also a good reason for Akemi to start eating her ice cream. It was really quite tasty, especially with the way the cold treat contrasted with the heat of the sun.

    Lucky's question made her pause before shaking her head. "I used to be vulnerable to light, but I grew out of it." She took another small bite from her ice cream before continuing. "As you can imagine I focused on control and stability over explosive power while training myself, which also meant addressing my weaknesses."

    All of what she said was true, although the details she was leaving out would change the story a lot.

    "That said my magic has very little to do with either heat or cold beyond providing shade, which you could also do with various other types of magic."

    From the looks of it, Nymara was still set on trying to preserve her ice cream as long as possible. Rather than reminding her apprentice that the sun would melt it eventually anyway, Akemi left the firebrand to her self-set challenge, enjoying her own ice cream with less reservation. The scent of the barbeque grills and their products did mix a bit oddly with the taste of ice cream, but at the same time the combination did seem very appropriate as a representation of summer.

    "That differs per country, but Fiore does seem the most invested in celebrating at every opportunity." The same topic that had come up before had returned, leaving Akemi with the same questions even as she got to work finishing her ice cream. While she was careful not to spill anything she had ended up going through her frozen treat remarkably fast, in an attempt to get it all in her stomach before the sun made it too messy. "It's a sign of how prosperous the nation is."

    Once she'd run out of ice cream Akemi dropped the cup into her shadow, where it unceremoniously vanished as if it'd dropped straight through the ground. With both hands free she followed after Nymara, her apprentice predictably already putting together a large plate of grilled meat. Akemi herself wasn't quite as voracious, picking up two meat skewers and taking her time removing the pieces of meat one by one. "They've still got a lot of people to feed, so try not to empty their reserves." Her golden eyes went to the half-molten ice cream Nymara was still holding onto. "And if you don't finish that before it melts completely I'm feeding it to you." She licked her lips after gulping down another piece of meat.

    "Since they're already setting up the bonfires we might as well wait there." Motion for the other two to follow her again Akemi would walk over towards where the bonfires were being constructed. To try and provide enough bonfires for the entire beach was quite the task, the bonfires themselves being large enough that if they were any bigger you might start thinking of them as effigies. The people at work were skilled, however, making sure the constructions were sturdy and would quickly ignite once the sky had darkened a little more.

    As the day progressed further the atmosphere of the beach would change. During the afternoon there had been many parents with young children, but those would all pack up and return home alongside older beachgoers who'd spent most of their time simply enjoying the nice weather. This left behind the young adults, teenagers and their parents, and people like Nymara, Lucky, and Akemi, who tended to do their own thing at their own pace.

    Well, Nymara and Lucky probably counted as young adults.

    Once the sky had darkened enough that those with sharp eyes could see the first and brightest stars amidst the blue, with the horizon adopting an orange-golden hue, the bonfires were set alight, small flames at the base climbing upwards to cover the entirety of the flammable structures until each bonfire was a beacon of light that threw long, dancing shadows across the sands. While the teenagers kept playing their own games most of the young adults gathered around the bonfires, chatting and cooling down now that the sun's rays weren't as brilliant as before and the almost stifling heat was reduced to something more tolerable.

    "Twilight is falling." Akemi remarked as she finished her second meat skewer. With her eyes, she could perfectly see the stars in the sky even when they were still hidden from most others, and she could feel as dark and light entered an unstable equilibrium. Her true nature as a twilight dragon meant that this time of the day was ideal for her. Her gaze went up at the skies before returning to her two companions. "I'd say this is a pleasant respite from getting glared at by the sun all day."

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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Nymara 13th July 2023, 1:57 pm

    When Akemi began to point out to Nymara that the water near the surfer’s wouldn’t be enough to properly protect them, the girl gave her mentor an innocent smile. “Pfft! These guys willingly spend the entire days in the hot sun and haven’t built up a heat resistance yet?” She said half-jokingly. In response to this Lucky simply rolled his eyes (he had gotten quite used to doing so when spending time with Nymara) “Actually many people end up getting less resistance the longer they stay in the sun. I don’t suppose you’ve ever gotten a sunburn before?” He would question, already knowing the answer but the statement made its point. “Ha! Sun can’t burn this, though it can certainly try.” Nymara would wink as Lucky sighed. 

    Down by the ice cream stand Nymara began to focus on her ice cream while Lucky listened to the twilight dragon’s response to his question. She had made mention that she used to be more weaker to light, though she had overcome that weakness some time ago. While it wasn’t exactly a biography, it was still much more information about Akemi’s past than Lucky or Nymara had really heard thus far. Suffice to say when Nymara heard this conversation the firebrand perked up one of her ears slightly to listen in while keeping the rest of her attention on her ice cream. “Ah, well I suppose it only makes sense that you would work to get rid of your drawbacks. Makes days like this far more bearable.” Lucky would respond with a nod as Akemi more or less answered his question. When the twilight dragon went on to clarify that her magic had little to do with temperature and that other types of magic could also provide shade the exceed shrugged slightly while taking another bite of his treat. “Oh I’m sure, though none could argue that your magic isn’t uniquely suited for providing such shade. I doubt many others could get it as precise as you.” The exceed would say with admiration in his tone.

    Once the trio had settled near the barbecue Nymara ate voraciously as expected while Lucky was content with his plate of cooked fish. His usual go to at events such as these, as the feline didn’t really have much of a taste for red meats, unlike his red-haired friend who would consume anything she could smell. Of course with this much food also came the warnings from her mentor, which put a temporary pause in Nymnara’s motion as she was just about to clamp down on another drumstick. “O- Of course, these people all need to eat too! Can’t get too ahead of myself.” She would say shortly before Akemi made another mention of her ice cream. “Aha.. No need for that! I was just thinking about having some mid-meal dessert anyways!” Nymara would say in a nervous tone before looking at her half-melted and rather sad looking scoops of ice cream that lay sagging on her cone. finally beginning to eat her frozen treat long past time it was meant too. 

    Eventually the time came when Akemi had to take Nymara away from the food, though it wasn’t that bad for the firebrand, as she knew exactly what was coming next! The twilight dragon led the girl and exceed over to where the bonfires were being set up in order to wait. Even now the cool air was starting to be felt while the sun began its dip on the horizon, promising another hot day to follow but for now it was twilight. However as more and more people began to trickle into the vicinity and the sky only got darker the bonfires were finally set alight! Even at some distance the heat from the fires could be felt by many, though just like before it hadn’t really bothered Nymara much. Instead she watched the flames with wide eyes, stifling her desire to give all these people a real fire show! Though Akemi’s works broke her focus and the firebrand turned over to her mentor who appeared to be enjoying the much cooler air and less overbearing light. “I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to set. Glad to know things haven’t changed much.” Lucky would interject. Despite his lack of complaining he had been sweltering for most of the day! The intense beach heat coupled with his layer of fur wasn’t a great combination. Still, being Nymara’s companion had taught him how to ignore it most of the time, though the sun was admittedly a very different experience than Nymara’s magic. “I have no idea what you mean! Though any time with you is a pleasant respite anyways!” Nymara responded to her mentor with a fanged smile in response to Akemi’s comment. 

    As the night continued on and the fires continued to blaze Nymara thought of something. WIth a devilish smirk she turned to her mentor and Lucky. “Wanna give all these people a show they’re never gonna forget? Watch this!” Without warning Nymara ran up to the giant bonfire much to the confusion of the other watchers! She got to a distance far too unsafe for regular people, but before anyone could warn her the fires around the bonfire began to swirl in the air and converge around Nymara’s mouth! After but a moment Nymara appeared to have eaten the entire fire, causing the area around them to turn dark and a symphony of complaining and whining began to arise as the onlookers were rightfully annoyed that some random girl just got rid of their fire! However Nymara wasn’t done, and Lucky knew as much. “Oh here we go, another opportunity to show off.” Lucky sighed as he prepared for what was coming. Taking in a deep breath after consuming the last of the flames Nymara felt the power surge through her! “Fire Dragon Roar!” She yelled, igniting a spell that sent a huge stream of flames from her mouth and back onto the bonfire! The inferno was vast, climbing across the wood at record speeds as it sung towards the air, creating a plume of flame around the bonfire that was nearly double the size it had been before! It took a moment before some people realized what Nymara had done, a few of them cheering her on while others understandably took a few more steps back from the much larger fire. “AHAHAHA! NOW THAT’S A FIRE!”

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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Empty Re: Solar Party! [Summer Event]

    Post by Akeya 14th July 2023, 3:53 pm

    Akemi shook her head and sighed as Nymara so confidently boasted that the sun would be unable to burn her. It was true that a fire slayer's resistance to heat was immense, but even with all the training her apprentice had gone through she was still letting her powers get to her head. "You might want to be careful with declarations like that, because it might try one day."

    Ever the more attentive of the two, Lucky clearly listened closely as Akemi explained how she'd had to train herself to become less vulnerable to heat and light. The assassin kept her usual calm expression on the outside, but on the inside she wondered just how much Lucky really knew. Despite his claims to knighthood he was quite good at just existing in the background and asking seemingly innocent questions. Not that she had reason to consider him an enemy or even a threat, but it was curious how curious he really was.

    "Even with my training I'd still spend most of the day inside if it wasn't for this one dragging me out here." She nodded towards Nymara. Lucky's flattery regarding her ability to shape shade and shadow with precision was answered with a light shrug, the raven-haired female not looking particularly interested. "Shadow magic is good for such things, but it's hardly a priority."

    Rather than casting a shadow she'd rather hide inside of them. As an assassin she trained to end fights before they started, not to dominate the battlefield by controlling the shadows and growing them. It was within her ability, but it didn't suit her style.

    Strangely enough fish weren't that common a part of barbeque, even when the barbeque was part of a beach party. It might simply be that other types of meat were more suitable for grilling, but even so Akemi saw that Lucky had managed to get his hands on some of the rare fish which had been laid to rest on the grills, suitable for a feline such as him. Nymara's sudden recognition that she couldn't eat all the meat herself earned her a nod of confirmation, her mentor watching with sharp golden eyes as finally the firebrand got rid of the remnants of her ice cream.

    Akemi had noticed that Lucky had refrained from complaining about the heat for the most part. Unlike most people here he had a layer of fur that amplified such issues, especially since he didn't appear to be the type of feline whose body was adapted to a desert environment. So unsurprisingly he voiced agreement with her as she said that the cooler atmosphere of dusk was a pleasant change of pace. The assassin raised an eyebrow at Nymara's words, however, planting a hand on her hip as she looked at her apprentice from the corner of her eye.

    "If you think that training sessions with me are a respite it sounds like you've been growing stronger faster than I thought. I'll have to raise the difficulty to keep up with your growth."

    She doubted that Nymara actually meant that the training was easy, but if the firebrand was going to have such a slip of the tongue Akemi might as well make use of it to tease her apprentice a little bit.

    Of course, it was only a matter of time until Nymara made good on her promise and showed the other beachgoers "what a real fire looked like". Akemi considered intervening, but quickly folded her arms instead and watched with a slightly tilted her, following Nymara's movements carefully. Nymara's actual trick ended up being pretty standard for a fire slayer, but Akemi took note of the speed at which the fire was consumed and the increase in intensity after Nymara spat it back out with her own magic mixed in.

    "I suppose it is... but the firewood is also going to be consumed quickly like this." She pointed out once Nymara returned. The assassin didn't make any more, standing there and looking into the flames as Nymara's inferno made the bonfire that supported it quickly blacken and char, pieces of wood releasing weak sprays of embers as they cracked and collapsed. Amidst all the other bonfires Nymara's creation was like a beacon, bright and fierce but clearly short-lived.

    "Hmmm..." As Akemi stared into the flames she considered their position in the world. Fiore truly was a land of the fortunate: even those without magic or exceptional talent could live relatively peaceful and prosperous life, as the country itself overflowed with wealth and influence. Even the war hadn't changed that yet, in contrast to poor Joya which had been devastated.

    "We can enjoy the summer a bit longer, but after that it might be time for us to make sure that we'll be able to enjoy the next summer as well." The topic was a bit grim in comparison to all the lighthearted playfulness they'd been indulging themselves in throughout the day, but Akemi wasn't a stranger to being a killjoy.

    As they stood there the sun sank completely below the horizon, leaving only a band of orange which eventually got erased as well, leaving only the darkening blue sky. Pale pricks of light dotted the tapestry that was the heavens as Nymara's bonfire reached the end of its life, leaving its less ferocious brethren to illuminate the beach and provide warmth to those who remained.

    Once twilight had vanished completely Akemi shook her head and turned around, motioning for Nymara and Lucky to follow.

    "Let's find a place nearby to stay for the night. I don't feel like returning to the guild." She looked at them over her shoulder. "Of course I'll pay for your stay as well."

    Given that the other two were used to sleeping underneath a bridge she didn't think they'd complain about a change of scenery. At the end of any day of joy and festivities there was the night, where even the most lively of celebrators would eventually have to turn in and wait for the next day...

    Even if they were planning to resume the party immediately after.

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    Solar Party! [Summer Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 7:09 pm