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    Deva. | Ilya Knox.

    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

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    Lineage : Huntress Mango
    Position : None
    Posts : 724
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Acquiescene
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Deva. | Ilya Knox. Empty Deva. | Ilya Knox.

    Post by Blood Plus 30th March 2023, 8:24 pm

    Name: Ilya Knox.
    Alias: Deva.
    Gender: Female.
    Age: Eighteen.
    Birthday: October 1st.
    Sexuality: Heterosexual.
    Special Characteristics: Black wings sprout from various areas of her body when using her take-over magic.



    Ilya's early life was relatively content and simple. She was born into a destitute family alongside her twin sister, Eden, and elder brother, Bechor. Whilst Bechor had kept himself relatively separate from the twin sisters since their birth, Eden and Ilya were resolutely inseparable - subconsciously deciding to make up for eachother's shortcomings by being joint at the hip.

    Poverty is tough. Bechor had left the Knox family out of resentment for their parent's inability to look after them or mayhap their unwillingness to try. With no elder brother, deadbeat parents, and a sister who was far too innocent for her own good; Ilya decided it best to lead the only person she truly cared about from the front.

    Seedy, sinister jobs soon became the norm for the pair. Ilya left Eden to complete the less combative tasks whilst she undertook anything from stealing to outright murder from the age of eleven. She justified her actions in the name of her sister but it was no secret that this had warped her child-like demeanour early.

    Assessing Ilya from a glance, you'd say she was cold yet fiery. A contradiction yet making complete sense. She was bold, and compassionate in the way she composed herself; often being the first to outspeak anyone in a room with sheer noise alone. She carried a sisterly over-protective nature; willing to do anything and everything to ensure Eden's safety in a world that would be just as quick to take advantage of her. Whilst these traits alone could be considered endearing under the right microscope, it was the lengths this protection was willing to extend that darkened the aura a little.

    Willing to do everything and anything, considering their upbringing, never led Ilya down the right path. When working, her enemies would often describe her as cold, relentless and unsympathetic. It wouldn't matter how much an opponent would beg or plead for mercy; if they were in Ilya's way, their end was never pleasant.



    Combat — Ilya rarely feels the thrill of life when she's not throwing herself headfirst into the heat of battle.

    Eden — Ilya was never an approachable soul, her love for her sister is one of the true kind-natured things keeping her humanity in check.

    Gourmet Eating — Whilst not a chef herself, Ilya's few experiences of eating the finest delicacies the world has to offer has left her enamored with sampling anything and everything gourmet.


    Her home — The place reminds her of darker times, and whilst still on a dark path herself, her desperation for survival had never reached such piques as when she was residing there.

    Weakness — Whilst her mindset is entirely ignorant on this, Ilya will not tolerate weakness in any form (other than from her sister). She believes her upbringing to be as low as you can get and, as such, will not excuse any slack from those who have had it better than her.

    Fruit — Whilst a great believer in the gourmet culinary arts, for some reason, Ilya just can't plausibly stand the idea of eating fruit in any shape or form.

    Cats — It's nonsensical but the creatures terrify her and she won't hesitate to boot one into space should it cross her path.


    Protecting Eden — There is no simpler more resolute motivation for Ilya than to see her sister flourish and grow into her own person.

    Achieving Stability — Ilya wishes to set aside her skills and magic one day, despite her lust for combat, and live a peaceful life away from constant danger.

    Becoming a culinary extroidinaire — Whilst this does not apply to the act of cooking, nor will it ever, Ilya wants to become renown as the go-to figure for tasting only the most exquisite creations gourmet cooking has to offer.


    Losing Eden — Her sister is her world, even though she might not show it. Losing her is undoubtedly equivalent to her world crashing and burning before her eyes.

    Her own weakness — Ilya fears the day her strength simply won't be enough to protect what she needs to protect; and achieve what she needs to achieve.

    Abandonment — Ilya's personality has always been resolute, unwavering from an early age. Watching Eden's growth as an individual has led her to believe that one day she might be left behind when they transition into full adulthood.


    General Appearance:

    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 103 lbs
    Hair: Long, obsidian black.
    Eyes: Icy blue.
    Skin tone: Tanned.
    Appearance: (Reference top image).

    Angelic Takeover Appearance:

    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 110 lbs (wings included).
    Hair: Long, obsidian black.
    Eyes: Icy blue.
    Skin tone: Tanned.


    Guild Information:

    Guild: Divine Calamity
    Tattoo Location: Her right pinky finger.
    Tattoo Colour: Snow white.

    | Played by |
    @Blood Plus



    Deva. | Ilya Knox. CNMQ731

    Deva. | Ilya Knox. Empty Re: Deva. | Ilya Knox.

    Post by Guest 4th April 2023, 2:22 am


    Deva. | Ilya Knox. QlhAT3Z

    Deva. | Ilya Knox. Empty Re: Deva. | Ilya Knox.

    Post by Guest 1st August 2023, 6:04 am


    Archived due to inactivity.

      Current date/time is 7th June 2024, 4:29 am