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    Silas Clearwater

    Silas Clearwater
    Silas Clearwater

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 31
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Completed Silas Clearwater

    Post by Silas Clearwater 10th January 2023, 2:40 am

    Silas Clearwater 310c5ae2fd5b0ca222aac01d8679b6755f6720fa

    Name: Silas Clearwater
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Birthday: 1st June
    Sexuality: Homosexual
    Special Characteristics: Eyes briefly glow an aqua colour when summoning.

    Personality: Silas was heavily bullied when he was younger by his peers and family, claiming he was useless, stupid and incapable of doing anything right. Because of this, Silas has a serious lack of confidence and generally tries to shy away from any confrontation outside jobs and requests. He tries to please others and puts other people before himself which can, at times, be a fault. With his lack of confidence and the need to avoid confrontation, Silas has never learned how to fight and is basically incapable of defending himself. He is trying to change this however, wanting to be able to protect others rather than having to rely on someone else to swoop in and him having to be completely useless. Although his hair is dark blue in colour, Silas can be described as a dumb blonde. He is a little slow on the intake, sarcasm seems to elude him and he can be easily distracted by good looking men, especially if they are shirtless. It could be considered one of his greatest weaknesses. Some have described him to have a short attention span and can lose focus easily, and yes, in some cases this is true, however, Silas can be incredibly reliable and goes out of his way to help others. When meeting new people, Silas can be a little shy and can jumble his words up a little, but once he becomes more comfortable with someone and gets to know them, he becomes very talkative and easy to communicate with. He isn't one to usually speak his mind unless provoked and even then he generally regrets it afterwards. Silas isn't good at expressing his emotions, especially since he was looked down on for a majority of his life so far. He will choose to bottle up these emotions to avoid others seeing him as weak, but he doesn't realise that his emotions can also be a great source of strength for him. Although he doesn't know it yet, Silas is capable of being the greatest friend anyone could have but his lack of confidence is what holds him back.

    • Friendship - Silas didn't have many friends when he was younger so he likes to spend as much free time he has with his friends now, whether they be fellow guild members, people he has met on his travels or even his summons.
    • Boys - Silas is gay, I don't think anything else needs to be said other than the fact that they can sometimes be a distraction for him.
    • Alcohol - Although he does not hold his liquor well, Silas loves to drink and get drunk. If he is offered alcohol, doesn't matter what it is, he will drink it.

    • Bullies - Silas hates bullies. He was bullied as a child and as he grew older, he promised himself that he would never allow himself or anyone he cares about to be bullied.
    • Heat - Silas has never really liked the heat, whether it be from a fireplace or Summer. He has always enjoyed the other seasons and climates.
    • Spicey Food - Silas can handle some spice, but nothing over powering. He doesn't have a great tollerance for it and can be over dramatic about it.

    • To Become Stronger - Silas was always considered weak and wasn't considered a very good physical fighter. His goal at the moment it to change that, to learn how defend himself without having to rely on others.
    • Dating/Potential Boyfriend - Silas has never actually been on a date before. He has had crushes but never had the confidence to approach them. One of his dreams is to actually find love, a boyfriend that he could call his.
    • To Protect - Although Silas hasn't made any relationships at this time, those he does make in the future he wishes to protect. He doesn't want to lose any of them by the hands of another and will do anything he can to keep the ones he cares about, safe.

    • Being Alone - Silas' biggest fear is ending up alone, not having any friends or family he can call his own and unfortunately he believes he is doomed to die this way, alone.
    • Death - Everyone fears it on some level and so does Silas.
    • Snakes & Spiders - Silas is terrified of snakes and spiders to the point where he will do anything to avoid them.

    General Appearance

    Height: 179cm (5"10)
    Weight: 62kg (137lbs)
    Hair Color: Dark Blue
    Eye Color: Marine Blue
    Skin Tone: Tan
    Appearance: Silas stands at roughly 179cm (5"10) and weighs in at about 62kg (137lbs). He is somewhat tall with a lean build and tanned skin, his muscles defined by regular workouts and training. He has short, dark blue hair that is generally styled in a spikey fashion as if with some form of hair gel but it is natural. He has marine blue eyes that glow an aqua colour when using his magic and hasn't a single blemish on upon his body. Silas' clothing style varies depending on the weather or his mood. He much prefers to lounge around in a black singlet and grey sweatpants, but when out in public he tends to care more about his appearance. If the weather is warm, you will likely find him wearing a pair of shorts, flip flops and a button down shirt that is quite airy. In colder weather, denim jeans or black cargo pants, t-shirts varying in colour and a large black jacket with white fur around the hood. This is just a rundown of some usual clothing he wears but is not limited to. Silas' Sabertooth Guild Tattoo is black and located on the left side of his Adonis (Apollo) Belt (the 'V' above the pants).

    Guild: Sabertooth
    Tattoo: Left side of Adonis (Apollo) Belt
    Tattoo Color: Black

    Faction Chapter:

    Last edited by greave01 on 10th January 2023, 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Completed Re: Silas Clearwater

    Post by Guest 10th January 2023, 1:41 pm

    Hey there, Med here to look this over, you'll find my edits in blue.

    Silas Clearwater
    Silas Clearwater

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 31
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Completed Re: Silas Clearwater

    Post by Silas Clearwater 10th January 2023, 8:15 pm

    I believe I have made all the necessary changes. I am kind of glad that you asked me to add more words to his personality because I actually ended up finding more to write :)

    Completed Re: Silas Clearwater

    Post by Guest 11th January 2023, 4:28 am


    Silas Clearwater QlhAT3Z

    Completed Re: Silas Clearwater

    Post by Guest 30th June 2023, 8:28 am


    Archived due to inactivity.

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