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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 166
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Nymara 6th January 2023, 9:43 pm


    “EhhhhhhHH?!” With one sudden and shocking moment Nymara found herself rushing back to reality, her head violently jolting from the rocky ground it had been resting upon! “WhO THE HEL- Ohhh cool!” Her speech stumbled as her ruby gaze met the colorful sky above her! Explosions of fire in all sorts of colored designs danced against the backdrop of the stars and moon of the early evening. Seems someone was celebrating a bit prematurely. Yawning rather loudly Nymara hastily tried to get back to her feet, nearly falling multiple times before regaining her balance. The fogginess in her head made it somewhat of an obstacle, but one she powered through nonetheless! “Brp! I’m gonna tip tha- *hic* forest gnome AMAzingly whenever I see 'em around again… hrmm.. That stuff was awesome!” Nymara giggled to herself as she stepped over the roots of the nearby trees. The forests east of Magnolia seemed rather quiet tonight in comparison to the lively city. Perhaps the animals cared little for the noise, retiring to their dens to try and escape the sound of the human celebrations. Whatever the reason, Nymara was too drunk to notice, her mind gearing her straight toward the source of the colorful fireworks. Despite her current state, the firebrand knew exactly what this festival was about. While growing up Vulcanis had never made a point to celebrate the passing of the years, however, Nymara’s time alone travelling the continent had taught her that the people of this land enjoyed it with great eagerness! And from what Nymara had learned about these celebrations, she was most certainly a fan. It was a time for eating and drinking and fireworks! What wasn’t there to love? Not to mention Nymara was pretty sure she had heard about some games being set up within the town. She was going to make the most of the night before the year was up! And she knew exactly who to bother to help make that happen, but first, she needed to make a few stops!

    Grunting with strain Nymara nearly tripped when she finally emerged from the trees of the woods bordering town, her hair long and messy, filled with twigs and leaves along with her dirtied white jacket which appeared to be caked in mud. Despite it, all Nymara continued forth, determined to make it to the guild hall! The firebrand didn’t really stick out from the crowds, the streets of Magnolia bustling with excitement as the new years festival seemed to be in full swing! And more than a few of them swimming in drinks just like the girl! The strong aromas wafting through the roads were more than enough to invite distraction, but Nymara had to remain focused! Akeya had done well to teach Nymara to keep her habits in check and her scattered brain together, she was not going to disappoint her now!

    Nymara continued to stumble through the streets until the furious flapping of wings erupted from somewhere behind her and the girl turned to bear witness to an armoured exceed flying straight towards her! “AUGH!” Nymara yelped, barely ducking just as Lucky zoomed past her! “Wh- Hey what’s the big idea!?” She called out, her eyes trailing the flying cat as it circled in the air above. The people in the street around gave the girl a few odd stares at this sudden outburst, their eyes only continued to linger due to how dirty her attire appeared to be. “Testing your reflexes my lady!” The feline yelled above the wind before descending onto a nearby lamppost. With a paw, he lifted the metal faceplate and revealed a wide grin. “I could tell you have already engaged in your favorite hobby, so I wanted to prove a point. Though it seems your training is getting better, even when you are completely drunk you have the senses to dodge.” Lucky said. Nymara dusted off her shoulder with a grumble. “Don’t think it takes much thinkin’ to duck from the flying cat.”
    “Perhaps my test was too light then! Shall we try something harder?”
    “Fly at me again and your wings will catch fire!”
    “Tsk.. Tsk.. Disappointing. Also you look absolutely dreadful, did you fight the forest itself?”
    “CAN IT CAT!”

    Nymara snorted before her mind remembered what she was doing before being ambushed by her own sworn protector! “Lucky! Come with me! It’s time I test YOU!” She said with a sly grin. Something that made Lucky feel internally nervous. “And trust me, Akemi is gonna LOOVE it!” Nymara laughed. Now he was externally nervous, his head tilting with concern. “What exactly has your troubled mind thought of now?” He’d ask. Nymara’s fanged grin didn’t cease, she simply continued trudging along. “Your silence does little to comfort me, my lady. Can I please be informed of what it is you’re planning?” The feline knight would ask, slowly trailing the girl as she pushed her way through the cramped streets.

    Eventually, Nymara led them to a large booth that was absolutely crowded with people. Sure enough, loud explosions in the sky were the reason, as fireworks appeared to be launched directly from this tent! Nymara didn’t stop, moving her way through the sea of people while Lucky floated above, keeping a careful eye on her movements. He surely hoped whatever it was she was doing wouldn’t upset the twilight dragon, though with Nymara nothing was ever certain. Soon enough the firebrand had made it to the edge of the large tent, slowly moving towards the back. “My lady, I don’t think they would appreciate us being back here.” Lucky would continue to warn, though it seemed it was falling on deaf ears. Soon enough Nymara got on her stomach and reached underneath the tent flap! Searching for something. Before Lucky could even ask Nymara’s face lit up as she found what she was looking for, pulling out a rather long firework! “Nymara I don’t think-” He was cut short as the girl thrust the firework straight at him! Instinct kicked in and Lucky caught it, holding it awkwardly with both paws. “Wh- What…?” He began to ask, confused for a moment before Nymara laughed! “Go you bufoon! Fly away with it!” He did not sign on to be a thief! “Hey! What’s that cat doin’ with the fireworks!? You can’t steal those!” Someone yelled out of Nymara’s view, but thanks to Lucky’s position in the air, he was seen by everyone! “'somebody knock em down!”
    “N- No! W- Wait, I don't want the fireworks!” He tried to protest, but soon some of the more drunk partiers started to throw their garbage at him! Annoyed, the exceed quickly ascended into the air, not even realizing he was still holding onto the firework as he fled the scene!

    Lucky landed next to the guild hall panting heavily as he dropped the firework. What was that drunkard thinking about getting him to steal like that! Honestly, there were some things a Knight should NEVER do! “Ehehe! He made it!” A familiar laugh sounded behind the exceed, Lucky turning to give Nymara a long deathly stare. “Awe don’t be so glum kitten! Your distraction worked!” His scowl faded for a moment. “Distraction?”
    “Yeah! So I could get the *real* fireworks!” That’s when Lucky realized Nymara had been holding her hands behind her back. “Oh for the love of- you did no-”
    “BEHOLD!” With a quick motion Nymara revealed a huge stack of differently designed fireworks, bearing so many different shapes and colors! “I was BAIT???!”
    “No, you were essential!”
    “What’s the difference?!”
    “Why does it matter, my plan worked!”
    “That isn’t the point!”

    Their argument dragged on until Nymara turned her attention to the guild hall beside them. Thankfully they appeared to be in the right spot. “Okay… Okay we need to position ourselves so she will see us!” Lucky looked up with a sigh. “If you wanted to ask Akemi to join you for the festivities you could have done just that! Why the fireworks?” Nymara seemed too distracted to even answer, her face brightening up when she seemed to find the right spot. The Library was her favourite spot to be Nymara had learned, but if the Twilight Dragon was also in her home in fairy hills, then these should surely get her attention as well. Of course, it wasn’t only Akemi’s attention she would gain with this display, though that fact seemed to be of little consequence for the firebrand. “Alright, Let’s light em up!”

    The night sky directly above the guild hall violently erupted in a myriad of different coloured explosions, rocking the air with an intense booming noise that was impossible to miss! Nymara called out towards the window of the library within the guildhall, hoping Akemi’s habits hadn’t changed. “HEYYY! AKEMI!!!” The fire dragon yelled with exuberance! “THE YEAR IS ALMOST OVER!!” She called out as the sky continued to explode, a long streak of fire in the grass behind Nymara from where she had launched her firework show from.

    PWC: 1510/4000


    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Akeya 7th January 2023, 6:39 pm

    Another year was approaching its end, the final hours ticking away before it would be arbitrarily decided that a new year had begun. This tradition had remained steadfast for long enough that most people would consider it as solid a rule as anything, but even as young as she was Akemi still felt that such claims were only as strong as the institutions that defended them. That's not to say that she didn't recognise the usefulness of time tracking, but she didn't share the exuberance other people felt when it came to the end of the year.

    Still, she wasn't ignorant as to why people found these kinds of things important. It helped provide context and importance to their lives, it gave them things to look forward to and remember fondly. As an existential nihilist Akemi firmly believed that the only importance that existed was what you assigned for yourself, so these kinds of celebrations were agreements inside communities to assign importance to the same moments in time so people could enjoy them together.

    But understanding why people found these things important wasn't the same as agreeing with them, which was why Akemi was inside Fairy Tail's library, her second home in the guild, doing research while doing her best to ignore all the sounds coming through the windows. Sometimes having sharp senses could be a real bother, and even if she could turn them off whenever she wanted she would have consider it the height of foolishness to blind and deafen herself just because her surroundings were a little bit annoying. After all, even within Fairy Tail danger could rear its ugly head when you least expected it.

    As for what she was researching... she'd managed to get her hands on some sensitive military data which had been acquired through the ongoing war efforts against the Iron Covenant. Of course, she didn't have the rank or position to legally acquire the data, so these were acquired through less than legal means, although she was pretty confident that nobody would ever realise that these copies existed and she would make sure they were dealt with as soon as she'd memorised the contents. If she got caught with these in her possession most likely the leaders of Bellum's military would be less than happy.

    The war was a messy affair so far, much messier than anyone had anticipated. Due to Pergrande's isolationist attitude in recent history, the rest of the continent had forgotten that at one point Pergrande had been poised to dominate the entire landmass before a series of unexplained events had interfered. The Pergrande of the modern age wasn't exactly the same, but the military force they'd been building up had surpassed expectations.

    One of the reasons for that was their usage of oblivium, the mysterious and ominous metal that was nearly impervious to magic of any kind by disrupting the energies maintaining these physics-defying abilities. However, another factor was an absurd overrepresentation of espers within Pergrande's army. Espers were known to exist, people who could manipulate their surroundings through force of will without relying on magic, but for the most part their abilities were very limited. Pergrande, known for its distaste of magic after blaming mages for the incident that prevented continental domination, had apparently focused on nurturing psionic abilities within their territory, and the result was that their soldiers possessed abilities on par with those of mages. Their versatility was lacking, but these espers displayed a pragmatic efficiency that Akemi found more impressive than the flashy techniques used by most mages.

    But that just meant that finding a way to deal with them was a top priority. Since they didn't use magic they were difficult to detect, and the soldiers with psionic abilities often also had oblivium equipment, meaning that alongside the element of surprise they also had the advantage that they were significantly more resistant to magic than any human had any right to be. Given that Pergrande had already built up its army in preparation for this war destroying the supplies would have limited effect unless they managed to drag out this war... Not to mention that such a task was easier said than done. Infiltrating Pergrande could very well be a suicide mission.

    Akemi was pondering all of this when suddenly the sounds from outside became a lot louder, and this time there was also a voice she recognised instantly, in part because it called out her name. Very few people bothered to seek out the assassin unless they really needed something from her. Mura appeared comfortable enough to approach her, and then there was...

    With a sigh, Akemi dismissed the documents into the shadows, where they disappeared to a place where she wouldn't have to worry about anyone finding them. She'd still have to destroy them in due time, but now that her apprentice had shown up it wasn't like she'd be able to focus on them. Once Nymara wanted your attention the only paths forward were to either answer her call or go to great lengths to try and lose her. While the latter was definitely an option Akemi would rather not antagonise the firebrand too much: best case scenario she'd just have to put up with Nymara being annoyed at her afterwards, worst case scenario Nymara would stop listening to her when Akemi needed something.

    Given how loud Nymara was shouting Akemi decided to quickly leave the library before her apprentice decided to force her way in from the outside or something. Getting up from her seat Akemi's form shimmered, darkening and turning into a shadow that merged with the shadow of her chair and disappeared. Moments after Nymara's shadow darkened, Akemi's form rising up as if she was emerging from a hole in the ground.

    "I'm aware that the year's about to end, but what are you doing?" She looked at Nymara, then at the fireworks filling the sky above the guild hall. Those hadn't been there before Nymara's arrival, which meant they were most likely her doing. Which just led to the question of where the firebrand had acquired such an abundance of fireworks. "It's a good thing that everyone else is also setting those things off, but be careful that you don't start a fire."

    The people of Magnolia were smart enough that their houses were designed to be very sturdy, especially after a good portion of the town had been demolished recently thanks to the sudden attack of a dark guild. Nevertheless, fireworks were already likely to start fires without someone like Nymara liberally applying her own restless flames.

    Akemi nodded towards Lucky, who was also present, and from the looks of it wasn't too happy with Nymara at the moment. Not entirely unusual, although if the assassin was reading the cat correctly he was currently annoyed about a recent development rather than his usual state of borderline exasperation. Nymara was certainly an interesting companion, but for anyone who appreciated their peace and quiet she could also be very taxing.

    With a wave of her hand Akemi smothered the flames that Nymara had used to ignite the fireworks, the shadows of the grass around the fire rising up to swallow the orange tongues and leaving behind only a burned trail. With that hazard out of the way she folded her arms, seizing Nymara up. Her nose twitched as she smelled the familiar scent of alcohol, which explained why Nymara was being so loud. Frowning at her apprentice the disguised twilight dragoness looked at her for several seconds before sighing.

    "I'm guessing that you want to join the festivities and that I'm supposed to come along with you." It wasn't exactly a huge leap in logic: there was a celebration happening, Nymara was calling for Akemi to call out, and the firebrand had a history of trying to get her mentor involved in such events. While Akemi rarely showed initiative for such activities herself she hadn't refused Nymara's invitations so far, so if she now had to celebrate the end of the year with the other female slayer as well she would just resign herself to it and try to enjoy it as well.

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 1,366
    PWC: 1,366/4,000
    TWC: 2,876/8,000



    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 166
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Nymara 9th January 2023, 2:59 pm

    Lucky would be lying to himself if the said he wasn’t concerned about how Akemi may react to Nymara’s rather explosive entrance, though honestly he probably shouldn’t have expected anything else. The girl was prone to making obnoxious events the symbol of her coming, something many of the other members of the guild and even citizens of Magnolia had come to understand by now. This is just another side effect of living in a town that housed one of the most popular wizarding guilds! He had a conversation about this particular topic once already with the twilight dragon back during the spring festival, though that didn’t always make it any easier to believe people would always put up with this. At least Nymara was enjoying herself, even if Lucky felt rather deflated from trying to curb her antics. “Honestly I don’t even understand why I try with you any longer. I have yet to meet someone as stubborn or insistent enough on staying in their destructive ways.” The exceed would grumble, though it was obvious Nymara didn’t seem to pay too much mind to his comments.

    As the sky above continued to explode with different colors Nymara patiently waited for Akemi to open up one of the windows on the side of the building and see her, though the longer Nymara waited it became increasingly clear that wasn’t going to happen. Lucky almost snickered when the thought crossed his mind that Akemi may not even be in the guildhall, or perhaps not even in town for that matter! That would’ve made Nymara’s entire display worthless, aside from any of the bystanders that bear witness to it. Not her intended targets, though the feline knight was certain that Nymara was going to hear all about her firework show right next to the guildhall from many other members. Some of which were likely to be more irritated than others, despite it being the New Year's Festival! However Lucky would begin to notice something that Nymara seemed to have missed, and that was her shadow had begun to darken…

    “AEh?!” Nymara’s spine froze the second the the calm yet stern voice of her mentor sounded directly behind her. How did she not see that coming?! The firebrand would instantly turn to face Akemi with a half-cocked smile as tried to recover from the surprise entrance. “A- Akemi! You heard me! Did you like the fireworks? I got a whole assortment just to show you!” Nymara would continue as the sky above them would continue to spark and explode from the late burners in the air. Lucky would walk up and politely bow his head to the twilight dragon. “My lady, I hope you had a pleasant evening before Nymara became determined to interrupt it.” He would say with a snarky tone towards the firebrand. He was obviously still miffed about being used as bait for Nymara’s scheme and he wasn’t afraid to let her know. The firebrand was now too excited to see her mentor to really pay any mind to the exceed’s remarks, opting to instead reply to the twilight dragon. “Uhh.. Y- yeah, don’t worry I got it all under control!” She’d respond as Lucky rolled his eyes, staring at the streak of fire in the grass shortly before Akemi’s magic once again appeared from the darkness and swallowed them up.

    Any other time the twilight dragon stopped to stare and judge Nymara she was usually clever enough to take the hint and change whatever it was she was doing, only when Nymara was swimming with the drinks all forms of logic seemed to leap out of the window did with her. Finally, Akemi broke the silence and deduced the exact reason why Nymara had started this whole firework show. “YEAH! You’re smart! A- And if you liked these fireworks there’s even MORE in town! Did you see many or were you inside all day???” She would ask, even drunk Nymara knew her mentor’s tendencies better than most. It would not have surprised her in the slightest if Akemi had spent her day in the guildhall’s library like she had done so on many other days. “There’s so much food and games! You can spare a few hours before midnight, yeah?” She would ask in a more hopeful tone. Of course, Nymara was fully capable of making use out of all the drinks and food on her own with Lucky, but she couldn’t deny that without Akemi she felt somewhat sad. Nymara couldn’t lie about the fact that since she had joined the guild Akemi had been her close friend and teacher. Putting up with the fire slayer’s constant destructive tendencies and her rather loud and outgoing personality was an achievement on its own, but to take the extra step to try and train and teach Nymara was certainly an action worth the respect and admiration Nymara had for her mentor. There was also another feeling that Nymara couldn’t quite describe. A fluttering in her chest and a change in her mood whenever she saw the twilight dragon, it made Nymara almost forget about her problems and instead she’d have the desire to just spend time with her mentor.

    “Let’s just hope the mob you created has calmed down by now..” Lucky would say as Nymara suggested they go back into town to view more of the fireworks. “Well they were after you, not me!” Nymara reminded him, the feline knight opened his mouth to retaliate but simply inclined to scoff, determining it wasn’t worth arguing with the drunk slayer. “How do you usually celebrate the new year?? Do you read about the big parties and the awesome fireworks in your books and scrolls??” Nymara would snicker, obviously finding herself funnier than anyone else did. Despite her joking tone though Nymara found herself genuinely curious. Like a great deal of many other things, Akemi had kept much information about herself secret and hidden. Nymara wondered if she would often celebrate events with others before the firebrand had joined the guild, or rather spend her time in the library? It was also likely that Akemi simply didn’t care enough about these celebrations to get involved, which was a believable scenario in Nymara’s mind.

    1042 Words | PWC: 2552/4000 | TWC: 3918/8000


    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Akeya 10th January 2023, 12:20 pm

    Given how many times Akemi had already shown up behind Nymara unannounced she would have thought that the fire slayer would have gotten used to the experience, but somehow every single time her apprentice would still react as if it was the very first time the assassin did it. It actually made Akemi worry a bit: was it simply Nymara's energetic self keeping her from paying attention, or did she have learning issues? Most of their training revolved around practical lessons, as Akemi was more focused on making Nymara a competent combatant and magic user than providing her with general education, but as a rule she could tell in advance when Nymara would have difficulty with a lesson, and it was almost always when the lesson involved a lot of theoretics.

    Well, perhaps she shouldn't ponder it for too long. If it remained a problem she could track down a healer capable of checking Nymara's mind to see if she had any issues that needed fixing, but for now, she'd just raise an eyebrow as Nymara spun around and tried to pretend that she hadn't been shocked out of her skull. "I would have to be deaf to not hear you." She replied dryly to what most likely had been a rhetorical question. She sniffed as she caught the scent of alcohol coming from Nymara, telling her all that she needed to know about her apprentice's current state. "Granted, with all the explosions up in the sky I can't blame you for yelling." The fireworks maybe pretty, but they were also very noisy. Even without the drink Nymara would have been justified in speaking loudly if she wanted to be heard through the window this evening.

    As usual, Lucky's attitude was far more respectful. While Akemi still had a hard time taking him seriously she had to admit that his demeanour was quite endearing: careful with his words, cautious with his actions, and overall unlikely to cause her any trouble. While she was almost psychopathically disinclined towards spending time with others of her own volition she didn't mind people approaching her as long as they didn't waste time with frivolous subjects or behaved like fools.

    She did make an exception for Nymara on those fronts. She'd taken the firebrand as her apprentice because she saw promise in the girl, as energetic and reckless as she was, and beyond that putting up with Nymara's antics was worth it for the benefits. "That said, try to keep your yelling for appropriate moments." She smirked as she said that before her expression turned neutral once more. Turning her golden gaze upwards she watched the fireworks that Nymara had supposedly prepared for her. There was certainly an abundance, but unsurprisingly the display was a bit messy. "It's certainly flashy." She bit back another snarky remark. As much as she enjoyed dry commentary she didn't want every word that came out of her mouth to be belittling. That could never end well.

    "As for my evening, there wasn't anything remarkable about it." Studying and pondering in the library was something she did a lot, so today was the same as usual in that aspect. Ignoring all the noise that was happening outside was the main deviation.

    Of course, that part of the evening had now come to an end as the noise had come to her personally in the form of a drunken Nymara, who could give the rest of the city a run for their money when she got going. The assassin kept her arms folded as Nymara tried to entice her with fireworks (did she think that would work?), only relaxing a little once the firebrand more or less requested for her to join herself and the exceed for the festivities. "I don't think I'm making any breakthroughs today, so yes, I can spare the hours." Figuring out how to counter the espers and their oblivium was a long-term project: their ability to hide from magic detection and their ability to negate magic on a fundamental level meant that most tricks wouldn't work.

    The fact that Nymara sounded so hopeful did intrigue her. Nymara was always enthusiastic, but the way she was talking made it clear that she was specifically hoping for Akemi's presence, rather than just inviting any of her friends along. Ever since the two of them had gone undercover on that job together the redhaired slayer had been a tad more attached than before. Akemi smirked to herself as she thought about it: it looked like some of her efforts were bearing fruit.

    Lucky's casual comment about a mob did halt Akemi as she raised both eyebrows, looking at Lucky and then at Nymara. She didn't say anything, waiting for her apprentice to inevitably incriminate herself by protesting Lucky's words in a manner which told the twilight dragoness what had happened. Unfortunately, it seemed like this time around Lucky refrained from prolonging the argument, leaving many a detail untouched. "Now why would there be a mob chasing sir Lucky?" She idly mused to herself.

    Nymara's comment earned her a look, following by Akemi mentioning for them to start moving. "If you want to enjoy the New Years together we better start moving, or we'll spend the entire evening here talking about whatever the two of you have been up to." Once they were walking the raven-haired Ace would reply to Nymara's question. "I usually don't pay much attention to it. If I'm feeling particularly thoughtful I'll consider all the progress made in the last year and priorities for the next." It wasn't something as ritualistic as the new years resolutions many people made, but it paid to look back at the past and use what you've learned as a stepping stone for the future.

    "As for you, I imagine that you usually spend it feasting and drinking." She looked over her shoulder at the fireworks that Nymara had lit up. Given that the slayer had ignited the fuses without much of a thought the collection was burning up quickly. "On a related note, if you really wanted to make fireworks you could learn to make themselves. It's all fire in the end." She turned her gaze back at Nymara. "Of course, patterns and colours do require a lot of control, so maybe it's something we can aim for you to achieve next year."

    Around the three of them the city of Magnolia continued its festivities unabated. Just like the guild headquartered in the settlement, the people were eager to cut loose. This wasn't a town where everyone would quietly spend their time with friends and family. No, people were out there on the streets, friends meeting up to head to pubs and friends setting off fireworks into the sky hours before midnight would strike. If there was one thing that you could be certain of in Magnolia it was that it wasn't a boring place.

    Akemi, however, was more interested in the redhead next to her. She didn't care much for the smell of alcohol, but other than that she quite appreciated Nymara's presence. Her wildness could be a problem at times (many times) but her energetic nature combined with her looks made watching her more enjoyable than Akemi would admit out loud. Of course, given that she didn't want the exceed to get any ideas she wouldn't stare at Nymara too long, instead throwing her gaze at their surroundings as well. "So did you have a specific game or feast in mind, or are we just going to walk around and see what the city has to offer until midnight?" Knowing Nymara there hadn't been a real plan in her mind beyond getting Akemi to come along with her.

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 1,290
    PWC: 2,656/4,000
    TWC: 5,208/8,000



    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 166
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Nymara 13th January 2023, 3:45 pm

    Well, Akemi didn’t appear to be angry so that was a good sign! Of course, that didn’t entirely mean she approved of what Nymara had just done, but it had accomplished its most basic function, to grab the twilight dragon’s attention! With that thought in mind, Nymara’s smile never ceased while Akemi conversed, even when she tried to warn the firebrand about the volume of her yelling, remarking that she should save her breath. Nymara’s head swam with some rather odd pictures after Akemi said that though the redness in her face quickly retreated as she realized it was her turn to speak. “R- Right! Some people are still trying to sleep tonight, heheh the losers that they are. It's almost new years, everyone should be out having fun!” Nymara would laugh, clearly enjoying herself. “It is a rather unfortunate time to try and find sleep. Especially, in this town it seems. Barring obnoxiously loud fire dragons the partying and fireworks will appear to keep going until dawn.” Lucky would chime in with a flick of his tail. When Akemi assessed the fireworks Nymara’s smile only grew into a wide fanged grin. “Y- Yeah! Definitely flashy, and bright too! I knew you’d love em!” She’d say again, the meaning of Akemi’s comment clearly flying over the drunk slayer’s head.

    The visual excitement on Nymara’s face only became more apparent when Akemi confirmed that she’d be joining them for their celebrations! “Yeah! Awesome! I knew you’d come! Who wouldn’t be convinced after that amazing firework show. Come! Come, we have a lot of stuff we can do!” It may have been difficult to tell, though Nymara’s attitude had gotten even more chipper once the twilight dragon agreed to come. These events and parties were always fairly fun on their own, though when you had the right people accompanying you they could become utterly transformed! And the twilight dragon was certainly the right person in Nymara’s opinion. She had proven to be an excellent companion multiple times over for Nymara’s many fun excursions. Repeatedly she had agreed to join the firebrand on activities that didn’t really provide any benefit other than entertainment and this was something Nymara could truly appreciate about her. Perhaps Akemi secretly found these trips just as enjoyable as Nymara did, or maybe she simply participated out of kindness for the redhead who so desperately wanted to drag the twilight dragon along. Whatever the reason was in the end it didn’t really matter much to Nymara, she was just happy Akemi was here!

    Of course Akemi wasn’t going to let the comment about the mob slip by, causing the redhead to tense up slightly as she felt another twinge of regret. Lucky on the other hand only replied with a sly smirk, betraying Nymara’s nerves. “Those fireworks weren’t exactly.. Mine. Lucky helped my plan work, as equal partners!”
    “Don’t try and drag me down with you! I won’t fall for another trick!”
    “Oh c’mon.. It worked out perfectly!” Nymara protested with a smile before locking eyes with Akemi and quickly straightening her back and clearing her throat. “D- Don’t worry! I got the money to pay em back!” She would attempt to say before Akemi could remark back, hoping to stave off any judgment. A fool’s errand.

    Akemi eventually brought up the fact that they had been standing there for quite some time and needed to get a move on. Nymara couldn’t have agreed more! “Oh yeah! I said there was stuff to do! Right! Let’s get going then.” She’d proclaim happily as the girl swiftly spun around and began walking in the direction of the town. Lucky couldn’t help but perk an ear up at the twilight dragon’s response to Nymara’s question, finding himself genuinely curious about the answer. Just like most people the exceed didn’t know Akemi very well, so he couldn’t rightly guess what the twilight dragon did (if anything) during the festive seasons. That was of course until Nymara came along, now it seemed like the pair were constantly sticking close whenever another event or festival hit. His initial suspicions were confirmed when Akemi mentioned that she never paid much mind to the passing of the years, aside from using it as a timestamp to help improve her self progression. “Oh cool! Do you write everythin’ down on a list and check off the ones you completed? Sounds tedious, but I get it!” Nymara would hum as they continued through the streets. “Perhaps something you could try doing every now and again, my lady.” Lucky would remark. “It is good to have drive without someone else always doing the training.” The exceed continued. After all, Lucky hoped that Nymara’s focus on self improvement didn’t only exist when Akemi was trying to teach her.

    When Akemi attempted to ascertain what Nymara normally did this time of year she simply gave the twilight dragon a wink! “Spot on! Oh! And brawling! I bet they have some fights goin on somewhere round’ here! We should look around!” the firebrand would say, a light in her eyes as if she had just remembered something incredible. “MMmm.. Though I may need more liquor if I’m gonna get my knuckles bloody tonight.” She’d mumble, looking over her shoulder for a moment as her eyes scanned the nearby buildings (presumably for the nearest pub.) Her attention was snapped back to Akemi however when she made mention of the fireworks. “R- Really? That would be amazing! I could create them in all sorts of shapes and sizes, I’ll never have to ste- borrow any fireworks again!” She would say, clearly getting too excited over just a random idea that the twilight dragon had brought up. “Maybe a book or two in that library has somethin on firework magic.” She’d continue. That could definitely be her new year’s resolution!

    “I believe this was the extent of her foresight” Lucky would interject as Akemi questioned about the specifics of what they had been planning. “Of course if she did have anything else planned she failed to inform me.” He would say again, turning to face his companion. “Uhh.. yeah! Let’s go drink and then find a brawl to join in on! Do you box much?” She’d ask Akemi. Knowing full well how powerful Akemi could be Nymara was confident that the twilight dragon was also a demon at hand-to-hand combat! Maybe that’s why Nymara never saw her do it. Nobody could pose a challenge to one with that much power. “We got plenty of time before midnight! If our brains aren’t bashed in before then we can try some of the party games if you’d like!” Nymara gleamed. Lucky obviously couldn’t get much from a boxing match, though it was always entertaining to watch Nymara fight without her magic. A lot more fair as well. “This way! I’ll take you to the best watering hole in town!” Nymara yelled above the noise of the growing crowds.

    “Relax Cal I’m only here for the drinks!”
    “That’s what I’m worried about! I ain’t explaining to mr. rose why his wooden countertops are charred again!” A younger man behind the bar locked hateful eyes on Nymara as the trio came in through the door. Some other patrons gazed over from this outburst, though when they saw Nymnara they simply scoffed and went back to their drinks. The wooden floorboards creaked suddenly, as if a wild beast was trapped beneath. “Ohh, say you wouldn’t be hosting one of those fun little fights downstairs, would ya?”
    “If I said yes would you keep your presence cool?”
    “AhA! Let’s go Akemi! Oh! And what do ya drink?” She would attempt to ask Akemi, though even Nymara knew she was unlikely to have anything aside from maybe water. “And don’t worry, I’m buying!”

    1310 Words | PWC: 3862/4000 | TWC: 6518/8000


    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Akeya 22nd January 2023, 3:51 pm

    Akemi had wondered if Nymara would realise what the assassin was talking about, given that the firebrand could have a hard time catching any clues which weren't so unsubtle as to practically smack her in the face. From her perspective it wasn't that Nymara was unintelligent: she just tended to approach life in her own way, and it could take some real yanking to make her change tracks.

    But this time around it looked like the assassin's words had hit the mark, which meant she got to enjoy the sight of Nymara's face turning red for reasons unrelated to her alcohol intake. Her hotheaded apprentice really was cute when caught off-guard, and Akemi permitted herself a light smirk as the other female slayer tried to regain her composure.

    "I don't envy those who were planning to rest tonight, or those who have to get up early tomorrow." She shook her head as Nymara seemed to almost enjoy the idea of keeping others awake. "Still, there's measures they can take to ignore most of the celebrations, as long as nobody starts destroying any houses. On that note, I don't want to get in the way of your fun but if you start wrecking the place I'll have to take action." It was one thing to enjoy new years, another to completely lose all consideration for others. Not that Akemi was truly considerate: she just wanted to avoid getting into more trouble than she could handle.

    With Nymara completely missing the point of Akemi's comment regarding the fireworks it looked like it was time for them to head out into the city, to partake in whatever festivities they had prepared. Given that this was Magnolia Akemi could only assume that they had pretty much every type of festivity you could imagine laid out throughout the streets, as New Years only came around once a year. "You think anyone could just bribe me with some fireworks to come out?" She raised an eyebrow as she folded her arms, subjecting Nymara to one of her stares. "I assure you that if some random sod had tried this I'd have sent them packing." She went along with Nymara's ideas because Nymara was her apprentice, as well as someone Akemi took a personal interest in. She wasn't about to just go and explain in detail that Nymara was special, but she figured that even the fire slayer could figure out that Akemi was more accommodating towards her than others.

    "...It's a bad day for your reputation when you let yourself get outsmarted by her. Especially when she's inebriated." That comment was, surprisingly, directed at Lucky instead of Nymara, the assassin reminding the exceed who exactly it was that had managed to rope him into trouble. Nymara might not be unintelligent in Akemi's eyes, but she wasn't exactly cunning either. "It's too late to put the fireworks back in their boxes and return them, but first thing tomorrow morning we pay a visit to those you took them from so you can compensate them." While she did admonish Nymara she wasn't upset or bothered, in part because she wasn't surprised and in part because she didn't really care much. All that really mattered was maintaining a peaceful relationship with the city and its inhabitants, but Akemi's tone remained mild.

    As they began to move towards the city the sounds of celebration became louder. For a human it would already have been quite noisy, with fireworks going up in the air and thousands of people laughing, talking, and yelling, some indoors but many also outside. For a slayer (or a dragon) it was a cacophony, and if it wasn't for the fact that Akemi was already used to such things she might have found herself overwhelmed. As it was she just sighed to herself as her head was filled with information about everyone in Magnolia, from the bartenders who were making bank to the professional fireworks experts who were setting up their grand displays that would make personal shoot-offs look tame in comparison. Unavoidably there was also trouble, with people getting drunk and shouting at one another, but most people were clearly having a good time.

    Akemi personally didn't care much for such communal mindsets, but she couldn't deny its advantages. At least here in Magnolia everyone was empathic and cooperative enough that anyone got to enjoy tonight as long as they were willing to step forward and join the party.

    "I wouldn't call it a list, no." She replied to Nymara's suggestion. "In the grand scheme of things a year might seem short, but it's still many days in which things can happen. Aside from some overarching goals I don't try to plan ahead for a whole year." This year war had broken out, one that threatened to consume the whole of Ishgar. It might not be something that happened every year, but it was a good example why planning ahead too much might leave you blindsided by unexpected developments. "I just look back at what has happened throughout the year. And as Sir Lucky has already pointed out, that's something you could do as well."

    As Nymara suggested joining a fight Akemi tilted her head. "I'm not hearing any big fights yet. You'll have to wait until deeper in the night when all the children have gone to bed I think." And as she'd mentioned before, if Nymara actually started wrecking the place the twilight dragoness wasn't going to stand and watch it happen. "I won't stop you from getting in a fight, but as I've mentioned before you can't go around destroying the place." There were several pubs close to the guild hall (for obvious reasons), but most of the buildings in this area were either shops or more expensive homes owned by individuals who not only could afford to live here but also have their property rebuilt on a semi-regular basis. The kinds of pubs where brawls were common would be found closer to the edge of the city.

    At least her companion was interested in the idea of creating fireworks. "Using fire magic to create fireworks is one of the more popular applications." The assassin remarked. "Most people don't learn magic to fight bandits and monsters, after all. If you want to read books on how to do it I can find you plenty: fire magic is common even if slayer magic isn't." Slayer magic had some unique properties, but in many ways it was very similar to standard elemental magic. Which made sense, since it was just elemental magic used by dragons and other powerful entities.

    "I don't make a habit of getting into fights for the fun of it, no." She remarked dryly as Nymara asked her whether she boxed. "But if that's how you want to spend the evening..." She resisted the urge to facepalm. Nymara really took advantage of her generosity, even if the firebrand might not even realise it. "Let's go take a look at this watering hole of yours."

    Unsurprisingly, the pub that Nymara had chosen was familiar enough with her that the bartender immediately shouted at the firebrand to get out, confirming Akemi's suspicions. The pub was crowded, with many people enjoying their drinks, their food, and the company of friends and acquaintances. But from the sounds of it this place was also familiar enough with brawls that everything was designed to be able to take a beating, even if Nymara's flames fell outside expectations. "I don't drink usually, but if you really want to you can just buy me whatever you're getting." Akemi almost never got drunk, but she figured that a mild buzz might make it easier to go along with Nymara's plans for the evening. "And no fire when you're punching people out." Even without her flames Nymara was perfectly capable of reducing this building to rubble, but at least restricting her to using her fists made such escalation less likely to occur. "And while I realise this is a tall order when you're drunk, try to avoid breaking any limbs."

    Her sharp ears had already picked up on the fighting club down below, and from what she could tell they did have a healer on standby in case of serious injury. Still, better to end the night with zero incapacitating injuries if it was possible, and it might help Nymara remain more focused if Akemi told her to avoid going overboard.

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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Nymara 26th January 2023, 9:21 pm

    More than a few times the sky above streaked with the familiar colours and sounds of the flashing fireworks, lighting up the town for several flashes before the street lanterns resumed the task. Thankfully Akemi seemed to agree with Nymara’s assessment for the most part, though she made it clear that the firebrand if her habits escalated into accidental destruction she’d need to intervene. “Seems rather fair, don’t you think?” Lucky would nod, agreeing with the twilight dragon’s comment. Nymara quickly nodded, giving the impression she understood Akemi quite well. “L- Look I can control myself when I need too! My amazing teacher taught me everything there is about controlling my own fire.” Nymara would say with a nervous grin, though her response wasn’t entirely a lie. Despite her current mental state Nymara hadn’t learned nothing from all her time training under Akemi. If she had still been a lone wizard by now who knows how much farther her fire could have spread? Now though, with some refining and hard work thanks to her mentor Nymara figured she had a much stronger hold over her own flames now!

    As the three of them continued to wander through the streets Akemi brought up a point Lucky had tried to make earlier, causing the feline to flick his ear in anticipation for Nymara’s response. Unfortunately it appeared as though Akemi wasn’t as impressed with her firework show as she had hoped, though that wasn’t enough to dampen Nymara’s spirits! Especially when Akemi finished speaking, causing Nymara to quickly respond. “Well I guess It’s great that I’m not just a random sod! Something I was counting on!” She snickered, hinting that she could have guessed what Akemi’s reaction would have been if most other people had tried the same trick on her. Exactly what the Twilight Dragon had stated. “Or perhaps your fondness for Lady Akemi blinds you from the reality of your actions?” Lucky would chirp up, causing another odd look from Nymara as her face flushed with colour. “Well blinded isn’t the word I would exactly use…” She would stammer slightly, obviously not sure how to respond to the exceed’s observation. Not that it mattered much to Lucky though, with a smirk he had seemed to get all the info he wanted from that interaction. Nymara likewise had started to wonder if there was any shred of truth to what he was saying, though her mind was a jumbled mess at the moment.

    When the truth about Nymara’s firework escapade inevitably came out the firebrand had tensed up, preparing for another lecture from the twilight dragon. Though she surprisingly redirected her comments towards Lucky. The feline knight couldn’t help but agree with Akemi, though that didn’t make the experience feel any less shameful. “It certainly wasn’t my proudest moment. Though it was a lesson learned, considering.” He would admit as his ears lowered slightly in defeat, cringing at the memory. The attention wasn’t on the exceed for long though, and Akemi was quick to remind Nymara that she needed to fix this problem quickly. “O- Of course! I’ll go straight back to the tent the second the sun touches it!” She would say, attempting to reassure her mentor that the firebrand didn’t intend on just abandoning the problem.

    Nymara seemed almost too distracted by all the sights and sounds around them while the conversation continued about new goals for the new year, despite the fact that the firebrand had been the one who asked Akemi about her end of the year habits. Though she tended to agree with Lucky on the fact that Nymara should take a crack at looking over her own skills and flaws over the past year and try to work on them. “Indeed, an entire year is a lot of time to plan for. Too much can happen in such a large space, thus making sure you can adapt quickly is key.” Lucky would say, reinforcing Akemi’s comments even if Nymara wasn’t receiving all of it at the current moment. “Eh, why not? How hard could it be anyways?” Nymara would say, seemingly giving her approval for the idea, though it was quite difficult to tell in her current state.

    While the twilight dragon didn’t exactly seem thrilled with Nymara’s idea to pass the time, she didn’t put a stop to it! Of course she did remind the fire dragon about her comments earlier, causing Nymara to nod quickly! “Ha! Don’t worry! These fights aren’t like the wizard battles we get into on jobs, they’re much more personal!” She’d say with a grin, causing Lucky to sigh as she missed the point once again. Thankfully this happened to be a hobby of Nymara’s so she had learned how to curb her magic mid match… most of the time. When Akemi continued to speak about the fireworks Nymara appeared to be genuinely interested, the cogs within her mind turning with ideas! Akemi was quite knowledgeable about a variety of things as Nymara had come to learn from her, though even still it surprised Nymara just how smart she was! Of course it didn’t exactly take an expert to deduce that fire wizards could create their own fireworks, though the idea had yet to cross Nymara’s mind until now! “You’re right! Some people use magic for all sorts of things! Oh, I wonder how a magical firework would work against a monster! Wait, that's already just a projectile spell…” Nymara trailed off, obviously lost in her own thoughts. “Ya think one of the books in your library has more info!? I’d love to look!”
    “I believe the guild’s library would have info on many magical subjects, it’s likely something could be found.” Lucky would interject. The sooner Nymara became more interested in making her own fireworks instead of stealing other people's, the better.

    “Ha! Relax! I won’t need fire to beat these fools!” Nymara gloated as Akemi tried to remind her not to go overboard in her fun "And the only thing breaking today is gonna be their pride!" A few pints later Nymara was even more riled up than before! Though Akemi seemed somewhat reluctant to go, Nymara greatly appreciated the fact that she was willing to play along! Even if the red-head had a difficult time expressing that while her head was reeling. “Do you bet at all?” Lucky mused aloud as he witnessed a small gathering of people crowding a makeshift stand in the corner of the basement, evidently placing their stakes on the contestants. While gambling in a den like this was normally something Lucky would never dream of, he did chuckle at the thought of profiting from Nymara’s gains, or her humorous downfall. “Well, either way the night is still young. I’m sure once Lady Nymara has had enough of her teeth knocked out we can move on to more decent places…” He would finish, scrunching his feline nose. It wasn’t the most sanitary down here.

    Bruised knuckles, a bloodied nose, and some slight swelling later Nymara found herself staring down another foe. The rounds had gone by so quickly in her mind, yet she had survived this long! Something a few of the regulars seemed surprised to see given how her past performances had been. Yet while she was drunk Nymara still seemed to remain in control and keep her composure, a far cry from her usual fighting style of old. A marked improvement that resulted in the firebrand being much more agile and clever with her strikes. Despite the bruises Nymara also appeared to be in much better shape than she would normally be after these many rounds. Akemi’s training was really paying off, even if it wasn’t always in ways the twilight dragon had been expecting. “C’mon ya big reptile! I’ve fought bigger lizards than you!” Nymara goaded her bloodied opponent, what appeared to be a large crocodile man! Fiore was certainly full of strange creatures, though by this point Nymara had gotten quite used to it. With a furious charge Nymara’s bruised lip smirked, the crocodile attempting to use his longer reach to nab the girl where she stood! By this point he had been disorientated enough to allow the girl a quick sidestep, quickly delivering three punches in quick succession to his large scaled ribcage! The lizard roared in pain before swinging his bulky arm around, attempting to closeline the girl to the ground! With more quick reaction time Nymara instantly ducked underneath the arm, punching the crocodile once straight in the stomach before spinning around the reptile’s form just as he attempted to face her again, putting Nymara straight behind his back! In that split second of confusion the girl released another flurry of punches straight along the spine of the crocodile, instantly causing him to tense up and yelled in anger. No matter how hard he tried, Nymara seemed to be too quick for him to keep up with! With a thunderous splash the crocodile fell to the muddied ground, causing an eruption of noise throughout the room. Nymara however only eagerly looked for Akemi wherever she may be in the crowds, as if ignoring the people cheering and booing alike. “I see many people weren’t expecting these results, and now see their purses lighter for it.” Lucky snickered as he noticed some of the more irritated watchers.

    Stumbling to the arena’s edge Nymara’s smile never faded, even if she looked even more of a mess than before. Thankfully she had the sense to remove  her coat before the fight, opting for just her black vest for more freedom. “Did you see that! I actually smoked em! And not literally this time!” Nymara would say eagerly, her tone suggesting she couldn’t believe it herself. “This place was always a tough nut to crack, I hadn’t ever made it past the third round before!” She’d say, reminiscing on older days. “Man, next year has a lot to live up to now! And a lot of that is thanks to you!” She’d continue, a fanged smile covering her blushing face. “I heard from one of these guys there’s supposed to be some CRAZY magical fireworks being launched from the park at midnight, n- not like normal ones at all! Even some fun magic games nearby! Do you guys wanna check it out with me..?” She would say, seemingly ready and able to move on to the next activity with Akemi. “Perhaps we grab something for your bleeding face before we can take a wander?” Lucky would say, making sure Nymara didn’t forget about her bruises as she already seemed to. “Unless you wanna fight too! I think they’re organizing another tournament in a few minutes!” Nymara would say towards Akemi, ignoring the feline as Lucky’s eyebrow raised. Nymara really did seem taken by the twilight dragon tonight, and far more than her usual friendly self. Even the exceed could see that.

    1796 Words | PWC: 5658/4000 | TWC: 9723/8000


    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Akeya 5th February 2023, 8:15 am

    As amusing as it was to listen to Nymara's attempt at flattery Akemi wasn't inclined towards accepting praise she didn't deserve. The raven-haired assassin shook her head in response to her red-haired apprentice. "There's much more left to learn about your fire magic, and more than I can teach. Eventually you'll either have to continue developing your abilities yourself or we'll have to find someone who can teach you what I can't." At the end of the day Akemi was a shadow magic, manipulating shade and dark to assassinate her enemies. Her teachings for Nymara had been pretty basic, even if she firmly believed that those basics were essential for a mage to become truly capable.

    The following interaction between Nymara and Lucky was quite interesting to Akemi for personal reasons, as the knight exceed apparently had decided to stop beating around the bush and pointed out that Nymara's actions were motivated by more than just whatever passed for logic inside her passionate soul. Akemi smirked faintly as she watched Nymara's face go red. "Some introspection might be prudent at a later time. Right now, however, we have other things to take care of." If Nymara wanted her mentor to accompany her for the celebrations Akemi wasn't going to let them get sidetracked by all the things Nymara might have to think about.

    They'd be here all day if they stopped for that.

    At least Lucky and Nymara both accepted Akemi's criticism when the disguised dragoness pointed out their individual mistakes. "As long as you learn from what happened I'll consider that sufficient. Of course, the only way to prove that you've learned is to not make the same mistake again." She glanced towards Nymara, who seemed to be having a hard time focusing on anything right now. "As for how difficult it might be to plan ahead for an entire year... you can try it out for yourself if you like. You might learn something from it." From Akemi's perspective Nymara was usually very impulsive. For her to try and plan the next year might be a valuable opportunity to pick up some new skills, as well as learn that rigid plans were easily broken.

    Akemi would have pointed out that fireworks wouldn't exactly improve Nymara's combat abilities, but fortunately the fire slayer didn't need to be told that once she thought about her own idea for a bit longer. Fireworks were certainly flashy, but there were much better ways to optimise the offensive capabilities of fire magic. The main reason she'd want Nymara to learn how to produce fireworks with her magic was that it would be a way to make her apprentice learn more control while using a method she'd most likely actually enjoy: with how flashy Nymara herself was she might be more eager to put herself through such training if the reward was that she could make colourful explosions in the skies.

    "Betting is just a way to lose money" Akemi replied to Lucky's question once they were down in the basement watching Nymara punch the lights out of anybody foolish enough to enter the arena to face her. Just like Lucky she'd seen the betting stand that was crowded with bystanders who were hoping to make some money out of this, but she herself felt zero attraction to gambling. "Of course, as long as Nymara doesn't mess up she should be perfectly capable of beating down anyone who steps up against her." While Akemi might be critical of Nymara's control and restraint she'd never be so stubborn as to deny that her apprentice knew how to fight. With the physical enhancements all dragon slayers possessed she could wipe the floor with most opponents even without her magic.

    Sure enough, Akemi confidently watched as Nymara punched her way through the competition, her apprentice displaying a lot more skill than she possessed when she first arrived at Fairy Tail. Hopefully these kind of encounters would also drive it home for the firebrand that raw power would always lose to a combination of power and skill. Once the final opponent was defeated (where did the crocodile even come from?) Akemi would answer Nymara's victorious smile with a nod and a light smile of her own. "Good job." Credit had to be given where credit was due.

    She'd have been ready to head back out of the tavern to prepare for those fireworks that Nymara was looking forward to when her apprentice suggested that Akemi take her turn in the tournament as well. Pursing her lips the assassin hesitated, weighing the pros and cons, before placing her hand on Nymara's shoulder. "Just for today. I'll  make it quick though, so we don't miss those fireworks. You rest and keep a close eye on me." Her fighting style wasn't identical to Nymara's, but her apprentice might still learn something.

    True to her word, Akemi wouldn't beat around the bush once the next tournament started and she stepped up. Her first opponent was the victim of a quick strike to the chest which drove all the air out of his lungs and left him gasping even as Akemi pushed him out of the ring. The second opponent managed to evade the strike but got caught by an uppercut that almost knocked his head from his shoulders before Akemi followed up with a kick that, again, made him leave the ring forcefully. Even without a hint of magic Akemi was still a disguised dragon, and there was little that some local brawling expert could do when facing her.

    Quickly progressing through the rounds it wouldn't take long for Akemi to be facing her final challenger as well. Her acrobatic fighting style combined with unerring speed and precision had left her almost untouched, although this last challenger looked like he was planning to put an end to that. Tall but slender, the man had an almost willowy appearance, with long arms that allowed him to strike at Akemi from a distance where most people would only be punching air. The assassin was evading the attacks so far, but she'd yet to close the gap until...

    Dashing forward Akemi ducked under the chopping right that came right at her, dropping so low that her hands touched the muddy ground. Digging her fingers into the dirt she lashed out with one leg, sweeping the man's legs out from underneath him. The muscles in her arms tensed as she forcefully altered her momentum, turning the legsweeper into a wide spin which resulted in her foot smashing into the man's head, leaving him spinning as well as he began to fall down. Before he could hit the ground, however, Akemi pulled in her legs and put her feet together, extending both legs to hit her opponent in the torso and launch him out of the ring, flying past the onlookers to smack into the wall.

    Pushing herself back onto her feet Akemi frowned at her dirty hands, then walked away from the ring as the tournament had just come to an abrupt end. With a quick shake of her hands she got rid of most of the dirt and grime that had accumulated on her hands, although she kept them at her sides for the moment to not touch anything as she returned to Nymara and Lucky. "So, where are these games and fireworks you were talking about?"

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 1,232
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    TWC: 10,955/8,000



    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Nymara 10th February 2023, 2:00 pm

    It appeared as though Nymara's attempt to avoid criticism for her lack of control and discipline wasn't enough to fool the twilight dragon, certainly to nobody's surprise. Instead, Akemi took it as an opportunity to explain that despite her best efforts there was a limit to what she could teach Nymara about her own magic. That much was understandable at least, even to Nymara. A part of her already knew that Akemi was right, but she hadn't really thought too hard about the subject until now. "Ha! Only person I know who could be as great a teacher as you is Vulcanis! Well, in his own way of course..." She trailed off slightly, fully aware that the twilight dragon didn't always approve of her previous mentor's methods of teaching. "Oh come now. Fire isn't exactly an uncommon element for magic, right? I'm sure there are some experienced pyromancers out there who could assist you in areas of your magic too specific for Lady Akemi's help." Lucky would chime in, giving his opinion on the situation. Nymara didn't directly respond to this, though it was clear from the expression across her face that even in her stupor she had been giving it some serious thought.

    Nymara's thinking didn't last long though, as Lucky's comments about Nymara's feelings towards her mentor certainly didn't go unnoticed. She had already been experienced a twinge of embarrassment from the colouring on her face, though when Nymara took notice of Akemi's smirk she quickly caught on that her mentor knew exactly what was going on. "U- Uhh y-yeah! Introspection s- sounds like a fine idea but you're correct! We have a full night ahead of us!" Nymara would quickly say in response after shaking her head slightly, trying to bury her embarrassment for being called out so easily. Lucky's smirk never left his face as he watched the struggling firebrand attempt to focus after his comments did well enough to mess with her head. Akemi's acknowledgement certainly helped.

    "Oh you can be certain I won't fall for any more tricks so easily." Lucky would respond to the twilight dragon's suggestion. He had already been annoyed enough with himself to fall for Nymara's mischief so easily, though having someone else point out your flaws as well was certainly motivation. In response to this Nymara could only chuckle to herself quietly as she watched the feline knight have to admit to his own shortcomings. Of course Lucky wasn't arrogant enough to think he was beyond failing, though that didn't make it sting any less. When Akemi mentioned to Nymara that she should try planning ahead for the year she was silent for a moment, possibly giving it some serious thought. "Hmmm, having timed goals sounds like it could be fun! Adds the extra pressure!" Nymara would respond after a few moments of internal deliberation. "And next year I won't have to steal any fireworks for you! I could just make my own!" She'd continue, her mind already thinking up future possibilities.

    Underneath the tavern Lucky cautiously looked on towards the betting table, flicking his ears slightly when Akemi responded to his query. "A dangerous practice I hear. Start to feel fortune on your side and in a single moment all your money could vanish as your pick falls to the ground." He'd chuckle to himself, imagining all the angry people that would result from this tournement alone based on how many were involved. Nodding when Akemi mentioned Nymara's chances, the feline would tilt his head slightly. "Well, she has certainly improved a fair amount since the last time she dragged me to one of these places. I suspect you're likely correct." He would agree. Lucky had been Nymara's companion long enough to know what she was capable of. It had been a while since the fire slayer had entered one of these fighting pits with her job at Fairy Tail taking much of her time away, though the feline was confident that the girl knew what she was doing, even if she was extremely drunk. A smirk formed across Lucky's lip as he thought about some fighting styles that apparently worked even better with alcohol. He couldn't begin to imagine why, though he wondered if someone like Nymara could make any use out of such unorthodox tactics.

    As Akemi had predicted Nymara defeated everyone who was placed into the ring with her! Even during the final fight her confidence never failed. After some impressive maneuvering Lucky watched as Nymara confused her opponent before finishing him off, and thus winning the tournement in the process! After the girl rejoined them Akemi gave her congratulations to Nymara alongside Lucky. "Impressive work, my lady. I have seen remarkable improvement." He would say with a polite bow. Nymara still exhausted from her fight but was still smiling! "Thanks! I wonder how long I can keep my winning streak going! I gotta come back here again sometime and see!" She'd continue, still wrapped up in her own excitement. Though Nymara's face brightened even more when Akemi actually agreed to participate herself! "R- Really!? Yeah get in there and mess em up! If these bozos thought I was good they are about to have a rude awakening!" Nymara would say, barely able to contain her own excitement. Akemi had been normally reserved in Nymara's experience and often cared little about fighting simply for entertainment. The fact that the twilight dragon was actually willing to try it out nearly sent Nymara over the moon! Of course the same couldn't be said for her mentor's would be opponents who were already gathering around the betting table for more rounds. Lucky was also quite curious about this situation. Just like Nymara he hadn't expected Akemi to actually take up Nymara's offer, though he was intrigued nonetheless. Akemi was reclusive and secretive, so the exceed couldn't recall any time he had seen the twilight dragon enter combat without her magic. Of course he wasn't doubting her martial skills at all, quite the contrary. In his experience those with powerful magic often learned how to be quite capable physical opponents as well. He naturally assumed Akemi would be no different.

    Sure enough when the first few fighting bells rang out Nymara watched in eager anticipation as her mentor expertly handled herself! Truly, like it wasn't even a challenge for her! As the rounds progressed Akemi breezed through them without breaking a sweat or taking a beating, already doing leagues better than Nymara at the same stage! Among the rowdy crowds surrounding the fighting pit Nymara's voice was among one the loudest, eagerly showing her support for her mentor as she pushed her way towards the edge of arena to get a better view. Lucky would hop on the railing next to the girl, watching with great interest as the twilight dragon made every single opponent matched against her look like a complete fool. Soon enough Akemi had breezed her way to the final opponent, and to say that the crowd's energy was ecstatic would be an understatement. By this point Nymara and many others found it hard to believe even this opponent could pose any real threat to the twilight dragon. Sure enough Nymara found her suspicions correct as she watched Akemi easily dispatch the skinny man with brutal efficiency! Her moves were so much different than Nymara's own, and showed signs of obvious skill and practice! Something that felt inspiring to Nymara, silently wishing she knew how to move with such grace and skill in combat. Nymara's own fighting style was much more rough and took far more risks than was likely nessesccery.

    Sure enough after Akemi bowed to the ground Nymara could already sense the end closing in as she reared up both her legs and pushed her final opponent out of the ring! "YEAAAAH! WOOOOOHOOO! THE QUEEN OF THE ARENA HAS RISEN!" Nymara eagerly called out, though it was easy to miss as the noise drowned her out. When Akemi exited the arena she seemed barely phased at all, unlike Nymara who was still trying to catch her breath from her own battles and had a streak of blood from her nose. "I knew you'd win, here!" Nymara would say with excitement, holding out a large stack of cash! Lucky rolled his eyes as Nymara snickered. "Thought you may want to get somethin out of this! So I bet all I had on you!" She said through a fanged grin. When Akemi mentioned the fireworks Nymara's eyes widened once more. "O- Oh yeah! There's more!" She would respond.

    Not long after Nymara had led the three of them out back onto the streets. Even now they were still quite abuzz, as the clock got closer to midnight it seemed more and more people came out to enjoy the festivities. In Magnolia's central park was where a lot of the fun was situated, and exactly where Nymara was heading. Underneath the enormous tree were dozens of different booths scattered around! Some were selling food, others were hosting party games! There was even a large elevated platform where various wizards would launch their magical fireworks from. At the moment only normal ones were in use, though Nymara knew that would change when midnight came. She wanted to make sure they were in a good enough spot to see them before that happened. "Ah, so many wonderful smells here! There must be so much to eat!" Nymara would say, feeling a slight pain her stomach as she thought about food. A loud splash drew Nymara's attention away from the food temporarily though as she looked over to see what appeared to be a very long pool of deep water, with some kind of obstacle course built above it? Honestly how did that giant thing get here? It must've been magic of some kind, as there was certainly no enormous pool in Magnolia's park before. "Going to try a balancing act are we?" Lucky would chuckle, thinking how entertaining it could be to watch Nymara try and keep her self stable while being hammered. "M- Maybe! Maybe they have a prize for winning!" Nymara would say eagerly!

    Well, you couldn't win everything. A fairly short amount of time later a loud splash erupted around the pool as the redhead slipped up on the first platform! The obstacle course itself didn't look too complicated, with some raised rubber platforms and rope swings to get across. Something that shouldn't pose much of a challenge for someone of Nymara's profession. Still, her mind was reeling and from the first step she took Nymara's foot slipped and sent her plummeting to the water below! Lucky let out a loud laugh as the water splashed over the sides. Nymara had been submerged for only a few seconds, yet already the liquid around her began to boil and steam before the firebrand emerged with a large splash! "AH! That thing is slippery! I should try again!" She'd grunt while struggling to lift herself over the edge of the pool. Now Nymara's hair and clothing were completely soaked, though probably not for long as her own body began to steam from the intense heat of her aura. Parting the dripping hair out of her face the girl would look over to Akemi. "I still gotta study up on uh.. balancing!" She'd say through a slight chuckle. Normally Nymara would be pretty pissed she messed up so early, though whether it was the drink or the company none could say for sure, she was in a very chipper mood all night.

    1934 Words | PWC: 7592/4000 | TWC: 13519/8000


    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Akeya 18th February 2023, 12:35 pm

    Akemi's eye twitched as Nymara reacted to her victory so loudly. She was pleased that her apprentice was paying close attention, but if the firebrand kept going like this the assassin might start becoming embarrassed by proxy. As it was she just shook it off, ignoring the crowds as she made her way back to the fire slayer and her feline companion, raising an eyebrow as Nymara offered her a bag of jewels. "I'd judge you for gambling all your savings, but I suppose that in this case it could be considered a sensible investment." Akemi was capable of wiping out armies of trained soldiers given opportunity and cause. It wasn't exactly gambling to bet on her being able to defeat a bunch of hotheads who'd set up a fighting den underneath a tavern. "That said, I've got little use for that money, so you can keep it." She raised a hand to push the bag back towards Nymara, firmly signalling that she had no intention of taking any.

    With the two of them having decisively struck down every combatant willing to face them in the ring there was little point left in staying, so Akemi would follow Nymara out of the fighting den, leaving the excited crowd behind to return to their schedule of non-lethal mayhem. There was more to the New Years than brutes beating each other up, after all, even if she suspected that given the opportunity Nymara would have no difficulty doing that all night.

    The central park of Magnolia was always a sigh, with the giant tree in the middle towering above everything. But now it was even more extravagant than usual, Akemi's head turning as her golden gaze swept across the many different stalls that had been set up all over the terrain, offering food and games and drinks and everything else you could think of when it came to partying and amenities. When Magnolia wished to party it partied hard. "Many merchants must have been saving up for this opportunity all year." Unsurprisingly, given sales were always better during festivals. While the merchants saved up merchandise the people would save up money, one side wanting to use the opportunity to spend and the other wanting to use the opportunity to profit. A symbiotic relationship, which meant that the three of them were now met by a small forest of stalls.

    Akemi was idly wondering how much of the food would end up going to waste and whether she should tell Nymara to just eat until she couldn't eat any more when her apprentice was distracted by a... The assassin blinked. A giant pool with an obstacle course above it? "Now there's something you don't see every day." She commented as she approached, watching many people try to make it across and all of them inevitably ending up in the water. She didn't think it looked that tough, but maybe she was underestimating just how slippery and unstable those platforms were, given that everyone kept sliding off if they didn't let go of the swinging ropes instead. The children were getting further than the adults at least, which suggested to her that for many of them alcohol might have played a factor.

    Further evidence supporting her hypothesis was provided by her own apprentice, who attempted to pass the obstacle course only to fail almost immediately. It was almost humorous, the corners of Akemi's mouth twitching upwards as she watched the firebrand climb out of the water as she was followed by a small, rising cloud of steam. "There are people who've learned to retain their balance while drunk, but I'd suggest prioritising your fire magic before you try that." She studied Nymara's drenched form with a raised eyebrow, then motioned for her apprentice and Lucky to follow. "For now let's get something to eat. Given that even for you it'd be difficult to clean out every stall maybe we can get enough food inside of you to help you sober up a little."

    Eating didn't necessarily help with alcohol, but it would give Nymara something to do. And with the right choice of food they could at least speed up the slayer's digestion so the alcohol would pass through Nymara's body faster. With the two others in tow Akemi would lead the way to a stall where they were grilling various types of meat, the scent of roasted flesh and boiling fat permeating the area in a manner which made Akemi's nostrils flare before she got control of herself. "Since you won some money back there I assume I don't have to pay for your meal, unless you want me to." Akemi looked at Nymara over her shoulder, her golden eye glowing faintly. "Of course, if I do pay for your meal this time I'll be expecting compensation afterwards."

    Current Appearance:

    WC: 806
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    TWC: 14,325/8,000



    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Nymara 24th February 2023, 2:39 pm

    Of course from the start Nymara had never expected Akemi to lose. However, that didn’t make the sight of her destroying the competition any less entertaining to watch! Even Lucky was impressed, though not entirely surprised. The poor bastards fighting each other in this basement didn’t stand a chance! When the twilight dragon finished and made a comment about her gambling Nymara simply smiled as Akemi relented. “If there’s ANY night to make a wad of jewels it’s definitely tonight! Never doubted you for a second.” Nymara chuckled when Akemi finished, prompting Lucky to clear his throat. “Well you certainly know how to clear a room. After those tournaments  It doesn’t appear as though there are many remaining eager challengers.” Lucky would muse as he took a look around the basement. Things were definitely dying down after Akemi’s fights, many people having second thoughts about going into the ring now, even if the twilight dragon had gotten her fill of adrenaline. “Ha! Just means we gotta go somewhere else next time to throw down!” Nymara would say. “These places kind of get a little dicey if you win multiple times and keep coming back.” The firebrand would say. “I think it’s more likely to say they get dicey when you accidentally burn down half the establishment, though I’m glad that didn’t seem necessary tonight.” Lucky would chime in, causing a quick scowl from the girl before the exceed chuckled to himself. When Akemi insisted that Nymara keep the money her face fell agape! “W- Wh- Are you sure?? It’s a hefty sum and you earned all of it!” Nymara asked, just making sure she had heard Akemi correctly. Though once the twilight dragon continued she only became more confused. Little need of money? How could Nymara learn to do that??? “Maybe you can put it towards a new place to sleep?” Lucky remarked, knowing his advice was likely to be ignored. “What’s wrong with the bridge???”

     Lucky resisted the urge to warn the firebrand about attempting the odd aquatic obstacle course, if only because he was curious as to the results. Thankfully for him they didn’t disappoint, watching his friend royally mess up on the first try was most entertaining. “Guess with yearly festivals they have to find a way to keep the attractions interesting.” Lucky would respond to Akemi’s remark about the uniqueness of the game. “I wonder if this elaborate set up was the work of magic, or was some poor soul laboring out here all day to set this up?” Lucky would ask aloud, though he could probably infer the former. 

    After awkwardly crawling out of the pool and still dripping with water Nymara looked up at her mentor curiously while she informed her that Nymara likely needed to focus more on her magic before learning how to become an expert balancer. With that thought in mind she turned her head slightly to stare at the obstacle course, before scowling at it. Still feeling quite drunk and dizzy the drenched woman would attempt to get to her feet before proclaiming: “Y’know she’s absolutely right! I’m gonna learn my magics and then I’ma come back and obliterate this course!” She’d say a little too loudly for Lucky’s comfort. “Ehe, she means figuratively of course!” The exceed would say as he caught a concerned glance from one of the water trial’s staff members.  *hic* Do I?” 

    Of course the promise of food completely derailed Nymara’s initial thought process as her mentor suggested they go look for something to eat. A wide smile broke across Nymara’s face and she eagerly followed the twilight dragon. “Yeah! I’m starving after all that fighting!”
    “You seldom aren’t.”
    Well because I’m fighting all the time!” Lucky sighed. “I suppose that isn’t *untrue*, even if it means something else entirely. Have you ever considered slowing down your daily life? Maybe you won’t be so famished all the time. Or here’s an idea, you could learn to garden and grow your own food!” Lucky would say with a smirk, only half-joking. He was fully aware that Nymara’s dragon slayer tendencies gave her quite the appetite, though he found it less and less hard to believe over time that part of it also may just be because Nymara was a massive glutton. After all, Lady Akemi wielded similar magic and yet the twilight dragon was always composed and calm, seemingly in full control of herself. If she was just as hungry as Nymara she did a much better job at hiding it, though that much shouldn’t really surprise anyone. “Ohh you’re right! If I learned how to grow my own food I wouldn’t go hungry at all! HA! We’d be having steak every night!” She would say, seemingly latching onto Lucky’s joke while simultaneously missing it entirely. With a sigh the exceed wouldn’t bother pointing out the flaws in Nymara’s plan, as he’d figure she would discover them for herself if she actually intended on following through with her interest. Though the idea of Nymara trying to learn to garden was quite entertaining. He could imagine lots of ashy attempts. 

    Nymara could smell the food long before they arrived, but that only increased her drive! When they were confronted by all the grills Nymara found herself in heaven, if only for a moment! The aromas were filling the air with all sorts of smells that were enough to make the firebrand’s mouth water. When Akemi mentioned they use the money Nymara won she turned with a fanged smile. “Of course! What else is money for, right? Let’s treat this winner!” She’d say, obviously more than willing to put down the cash. It was only fair after all. So many times Akemi had been forced to cover for Nymara’s antics it only seemed right that the firebrand could help compensate Akemi for her work, even if Nymara earned all this cash simply off of Akemi’s success. Of course Akemi mentioned another form of compensation could also work if Nymara didn’t wanna spend the money, though the vagueness of the statement left Nymara’s head reeling with thoughts. Perhaps she’d need to ask Akemi later if she still wanted said exchange once the midnight fireworks went off, which would likely be soon. “Well if there’s anything I have to offer you just let me know!” Nymara said brightly. “I- I don’t have a whole lot but I’m sure we can figure somethin out! I don’t want to seem ungrateful!” Nymara fumbled with her words slightly, as usually became common when the fireslayer was struggling to put her emotions into language. The golden glint in Akemi’s eyes though were enough to make Nymara’s face redden at the end of her speech and she awkwardly looked over for the nearest distraction. The grill!

    The girl had wasted little time gathering a horde of food onto her plate, recreating the spring event earlier this year in many aspects. And just like before the girl’s stomach seemed endless, Nymara greedily devoured as much as she could before she was inevitably kicked out by staff or dragged away by her mentor. Lucky had reserved himself to a small plate of grilled fish, though he seemed satisfied enough with it. The area was quite crowded, as Magnolia park seemed to be the spot where the midnight fireworks were being prepared to launch which brought in a lot of people. Nymara only hoped that Akemi was having as much fun as she was, though it was hard to tell with the twilight dragon. Her personality made her difficult to read, as intended, so you could never really know for sure unless she came out and stated it herself. After finishing off another plate the firebrand turned to her mentor. “The fireworks will be going off soon so get anything you want! I’m buying!” She snickered. 

    1308 Words | PWC: 8900 | TWC: 15003


    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Akeya 18th March 2023, 3:25 pm

    Akemi shook her head as Nymara suggested that they'd find another fighting ring next time to avoid running into trouble by coming back here. "I'm not planning to make a habit out of this. You'll have to go by yourself next time." Showing off was for hotblooded individuals like the firebrand, not the raven-haired assassin who'd rather keep her abilities hidden for the most part. Even if she fought in these places without using her magic she might still be revealing things she'd rather keep hidden. "Destroying the place would definitely make them chase you out, but they also dislike it when someone keeps winning. Ruins the business if the outcome gets too predictable." A fighting ring might be designed to appeal to adrenaline junkies, but for the people running the place, it was also a source of income. If some unbeatable contestant kept showing up it interfered with the setup.

    "I'm sure. You can use that money better than I could, since you use a lot more of it." Akemi's ascetic lifestyle meant that her day to day expenses were very minimal, in contrast to her apprentice who'd gorge herself on food and then assault her liver with liberal amounts of alcohol. Of course, when Lucky and Nymara mentioned a sleeping place the assassin raised an eyebrow. "You could buy yourself a bed for several months with that money, but it'd be better to save up for something long-term." She shook her head. "That said, you'll be sticking with me for the night, so no bridges either."

    She nodded thoughtfully as Lucky remarked that perhaps this obstacle course was the natural consequence of the desire to provide new and fresh forms of entertainment year after year. "Perhaps. This is my first time celebrating New Years in Magnolia, so I wouldn't be able to say for certain." A quick glance told her that there was definitely magic involved in the obstacle course, the faint remnants of the spells used to put it all together. "I doubt that only one person was involved in setting this up. Magnolia is the city of festivals, so it wouldn't be difficult for the organisers to find helpers."

    Seeing that Nymara was having difficulty getting back onto her feet Akemi would help her apprentice by grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling her upright, supporting the firebrand until she no longer looked like she'd fall over. "We're not obliterating any courses. These people put a lot of work into it and it'd only earn us their ire if we messed it up." She frowned. "We were already lucky enough that you weren't kicked from the festivities back when you burned that maze down."

    With Lucky and Nymara busy arguing as usual Akemi remained silent for the moment, considering how much she should allow Nymara to eat before pulling the firebrand away from the stalls. When her apprentice's words implied that she thought she could grow meat the assassin blinked and glanced back at Nymara, looking confused for a moment before shaking her head and dismissing the thought. Like Lucky, she figured that if Nymara tried that she'd figure out quickly enough that it wasn't that easy to make your own steak.

    "You won your fight as well, so that should be winners, not winner." Akemi pointed out. Nymara seemed to be more enthusiastic about the assassin's victory than her own, which Akemi found rather puzzling given that Nymara's victory had been well-earned. Her own victory was primarily an example of how experienced adventurers were on a different level than civilians, even civilians who trained themselves for combat purposes.

    What was more interesting to her was how Nymara reacted to her words: Akemi had a habit of adding suggestive comments when talking to Nymara, but usually her passionate apprentice either ignored them or didn't seem to even be aware of the undertones. But for once the firebrand was showing some awareness, which made Akemi wonder just what was going through the girl's head right now. Was it the alcohol? She'd been very friendly the entire evening, more so than usual. But Nymara was so often drunk that it couldn't be just that.

    "Figure something out... Yes, yes I think we will. Even if you're paying for this meal, I've put a lot of effort into training you, so getting something in return sounds like a good idea."

    If Nymara was currently in a state of mind where she'd be more receptive to Akemi's ideas... It would be a waste to not make use of it. A short hum escaped Akemi's lips before she caught herself, focusing on the meal in front of them instead. As usual she didn't eat nearly as much as Nymara did, although she still ate more than one might expect from someone of her stature. She didn't say much while eating, instead filling her stomach as she carefully kept track of how much Nymara had eaten already. The two of them did draw some attention from their surroundings, but Akemi's golden glare was enough to keep at bay anyone who got ahead of themselves. She had no interest in mingling with the crowds.

    Once she deemed that Nymara had eaten enough she finished her own meal and stood up, shaking her head as the firebrand offered to buy her even more food. "That should be enough for the both of us. Let's go find a good spot to watch the fireworks from."

    Any spot would do, theoretically speaking, but down there amidst the stalls Akemi didn't think they'd get the best view. Motioning for Nymara and Lucky to follow she led them back to the area around the obstacle course, where there was a lot more free space and a clearer view of the sky. Thanks to the bustling liveliness of the city the stars weren't as visible as Akemi would have liked, but the dark veil of the night still spread out above and before them, waiting to be painted in many colours by the fireworks that merchants and citizens had painstakingly gathered and saved up throughout the year in eager expectation of this moment.

    "From what I've heard the fireworks can keep going for hours. We don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow, but I'm not planning to stick around for the entire show." She looked at Lucky, then at Nymara. "And neither are you." She emphasised the last word as she looked at Nymara, before quickly turning her gaze back to Lucky. "It would be unbecoming of a knight to tire himself out to the point that he's still asleep when noon arrives, after all."

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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Nymara 8th April 2023, 9:29 pm

    "HA! I'll say! You're gonna need to find a place with tougher opponents than this!" Nymara replied with a chirp, not fully grasping what Akemi had meant. Nymara was just impressed with how quickly she mopped the floor with the rest of their foes, many of which were still in the process of recovering from their bout with the twilight dragon. Even if Nymara had also won her own duels, she could never match her mentor's proficiency and elegance in unarmed combat. Nymara was bloodied and bruised while on the other hand it didn't appear as though Akemi had taken a single blow from her battles, a testament to her mentor's many years of experience. Of course, Nymara could only assume as much as the twilight dragon still refused to shed any light on her own past. However, some things never needed to be said. Nymara was clever enough to realize this, even if her overwhelming sense of curiosity told her to pry. "Lady Akemi is correct. Celebrate your victory but do not linger, these places are often the source for many soar losers." Lucky would interject with a small smirk as he took notice of some of the previous contestants still nursing their wounds and giving dagger eyes to both Nymara and Akemi. "Not that you two ladies can't handle yourselves of course." The exceed would continue, turning back to face his friends. "Though guild reputation is always something to be mindful of." He would say in a tone that was obviously directed towards Nymara. Lucky doubted after all that Akemi would do anything to compromise the guild's image, though he was confident Nymara has and could be more liberal with her actions, even if she isn't always fully aware of the consequences.

    "Y'see? Akemi already has it covered!" Nymara would snicker in response to Lucky's suggestion about finding a new place to sleep, though it was entirely possible Nymara's mouth spoke before her mind caught up to what had been said, as was so often the case with the young firebrand. Lucky on the other hand wasn't so oblivious, and only raised an eyebrow in response. "I suppose she does, though I think three is a crowd so I may find another perch to rest on tonight." He would say in response with a small chuckle. "Suit yourself, more space fore me!" Nymara would beam, continuing on with her night in blissful ignorance. 

    Well the evening just appeared to get better and better as the night progressed! Not only had Nymara been able to participate in many of the activites the young firebrand loved, though she had also managed to convince her mysterious mentor to join in on everything as well! Not that it was a huge surprise, as Akemi had recently displayed in the past that she often made exceptions for her young apprentice. Still, it was always encouriging to  have somebody you liked to share these expereinces with. Of course Nymara also had Lucky at her side, though the exceed rarely wasn't these days. The pair had found out from an early stage in their friendship that they benefited a lot more from having each other's help than either of them did alone. The feline knight had learned about Nymara's antics fairly quickly and adapted to respond, and thus Nymara had little trouble integrating the cat into her daily life. "Ah of course, how could I have forgotten so soon? This is a town of festivals and parties after all, so they must be prepared for situations like this happening quite frequently." Lucky responded to Akemi's assessment about the party games that had been set up. As Nymara struggled to lift herself up Akemi offered to lend a helping hand while reiterating the fact that they wouldn't be destroying any of these games. Though Nymara could do little but chuckle in response when her mentor brought up the spring festival's hedge maze. Good memories. "Not my fault they got *hic* cheaters in the games." She would mumble barely loud enough for her companions to hear. 

    As it got later the parties and festivities only seemed to intensify with the passing of time. Of course the citizens were getting riled up for the finale of the year, drinking and eating and playing games until the midnight fireworks would eventually go off. Of course most of these aspects were minimized in Nymara's mind as soon as the three of them found where the food was! Instead the firebrand opted to to give her full undivided attention towards the tables and plates of amazing smelling aromas that nearly overloaded her enhanced senses once they had arrived on the scene. Thankfully enough Akemi seemed to be enjoying herself despite Nymara's uncontrollable urge to consume everything placed before her, though it was sometimes difficult to tell. When the twilight dragon had pointed out that Nymara was just as deserving of her win she could only smile, refusing to speak with so much in her mouth. "So quick to forget your own achievement's in the wake of another? I honestly must say I find myself surprised, Lady Nym." Lucky would respond after nibbling some of his fish. Though perhaps the exceed should not have been shocked. Even he could see the way Nymara acted around her mentor, especially tonight. There was certainly more at work in the youth than just a love of food and drink, and the exceed was confident that the twilight dragon was starting to take notice as well. Nymara only had enough time to give the exceed a thoughtful glance though before her mentor would speak up once more. Her tone sounded different than it usually did. Nymara was used to the soft voice of her mentor sounding equally stern and compelling, though something about the way she mentioned getting something back for training Nymara had changed. Akemi sounded much more receptive than before, something Nymara could honestly say she hadn't expected. "Of course! Just say the word, I'm eager to prove myself!" Nymara would say in response after swallowing the food in her mouth.

    Eventually the sad but inevitable time came when Akemi had to drag Nymara away from the food. Though despite the immense longing feeling to stay put and eat as much as she could the firebrand knew better than to protest against Akemi's plans. That as well as the fact that Nymara was aware the fireworks would begin soon. As much as she wanted to keep eating, this was what the night was supposed to be about, right? "Awe try not to look so glum, Lady Nym. I'm sure the wonderful display of fireworks will cheer you up!" Lucky would say with a smile as he turned to follow the twilight dragon out of the street. Nymara outstretched her arms and quickly caught up to the two of them, looking down to her feline companion. "This could be prime firework research time! Maybe I can ask some of the guys how they do it!" Nymara said eagerly, thinking back to their earlier conversation about creating fireworks through fire-based magic. "I suppose it is a possibility, though don't be discouraged if they aren't eager to give away the tricks of their trade." Lucky said with a light laugh. He wasn't wrong though, sometimes these kind of guys were stingy with their magic, as if it was supposed to be a big secret! Nymara personally had no idea why someone would go through all the effort to learn something as cool as that and not have any desire to share it with others! Was the magical firework business really that competitive? Perhaps so, since magic was so common in Fiore. 

    Soon enough the three of them found a comfortable spot in the park to watch the upcoming display of color. Many others had also gathered around in anticipation, all eagerly awaiting the festivities to continue. As they got comfortable Akemi would speak up once more, noting that the fireworks can last the entirety of the night, though that she had plans to not stay for the whole of it. Though when she sharpened her words directed towards the firebrand Nymara's ruby eyes looked over if just for a brief moment at the twilight dragon before she had turned her attention to Lucky. "Oh most certainly, how could I be expected to perform my duties if I'm still napping? Once I'm satisfied you can trust I'll turn in for the night." He would respond to Akemi's comment, hoping she would get his meaning. The exceed had taken notice of both of his friend's interest in one another, and even if Nymara wasn't fully aware of what was going on he could tell where the signs were pointing. He did not intend to be the awkward third party when her feelings for Akemi eventually turned into something more. 

    The three of them didn't need to wait long, as while others were conversing around a loud voice bellowed out over the crowd! "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual Magnolia New Year Fireworks Contest!" A man in a funny looking hat addressed the crowd via a magical floating microphone. At this outburst Nymara's attention was quickly grabbed, staring directly at the source of the disturbance. "Now you all know the rules by now! The contestant that gets most applause and approval by our judges will take it all! Now settle in folks, for we got quite the night to show you!" The man would finish, prompting the surrounding crowd to cheer! As promised the very first fireworks would soon shoot into the sky, lighting up the night in a brilliant blaze that far outmatched any display put on earlier tonight! The colors were mesmerizing, but what really grabbed the young firebrand's attention was the fantastical effects the fireworks were pulling off! They split and exploded into different moving shapes and colors not possible from regular fireworks! Some displayed giant animals performing in the sky through a lightshow of fire, others made entire pictures in the sky, giving the audience a brief look at a magical reality shortly before the lights faded. Lucky had crossed his arms and gazed at the night with a look of appreciation on his face, clearly impressed with the work of the firework wizards. Meanwhile Nymara seemed absolutely entranced, as if she was being hypnotized by the dazzling lights! In her mind she couldn't even begin to think how someone could create something as visually stunning as this! The more she watched the more she felt that her own firework show she had thrown for Akemi earlier was growing smaller and smaller in significance, the masterpiece before her putting it to shame. "W- Wow... I had no idea you could create stuff like this!" Nymara would say while still staring up at the night. "I'll definitely be looking into this..." She'd finish as her eyes never looked away. Though she may not have noticed, Nymara had subconsciously moved closer to Akemi throughout the show. Perhaps it was the abundance of fireworks around them or the large crowd of people, though as the night continued the air had only started to get warmer and warmer. Rather odd, for a late decemeber night.. 

    1876 Words | PWC: 10776 | TWC: 17984


    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] 2ohu3XJ


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Empty Re: Off with a Bang! [New Years Event]

    Post by Akeya 12th April 2023, 8:32 am

    Akemi raised an eyebrow as Lucky quickly excused himself from the offer of a place to rest for the night. Truthfully she'd been planning to dismiss the exceed anyway, as she wasn't exactly in the mood for any spectators, but that the cat knight was both smart enough to see Akemi's true intentions and went along with them rather than getting in the way was more than she had expected. Perhaps where Lucky had come from they didn't have any objections against such things, but regardless of the reason it meant that she'd have to treat Lucky with a bit more respect.

    "Understood. Given your small stature it shouldn't be difficult to find a good place to rest, but just in case..." Retrieving a portion of her winnings she put them in a separate bag which she pulled out of her own shadow, then handed it over to the exceed. "This should be enough for whatever lodgings you seek out in this city."

    If Lucky was going to play along she might as well encourage him. Especially since she had no intention of keeping it to a single night, so it would be better if the exceed got into the habit of leaving the two of them alone.

    Magnolia truly was one of the most lively settlements in Fiore. Maybe not quite the liveliest, but it came very close. Whether that was because Fairy Tail was settled here or not would require one to dive into the history book, but the results were the same nonetheless. "Rose Garden or Maclean Park may still be livelier, but it would be difficult to say for certain."

    Of course, the discussion regarding the preparations required for a festival of this size were quickly interrupted by Nymara, who proudly declared that her ruination of the spring festival maze had been the responsibility of the cheaters that had pissed her off. The assassin gave her apprentice a neutral stare for a moment before sighing. "I guess it'll take a bit longer before you learn about the importance of subtlety." Punishing cheaters was definitely not something Akemi was opposed to: she just thought Nymara made too much of a mess when she was doing it. "When we went to the beach I also had to deal with a cheat, but I didn't set half the place on fire in the process." She commented dryly.

    Lucky was correct that it was unusual for Nymara to not pay attention to her own accomplishments. Not that Akemi's apprentice was known for her arrogance, but she didn't hesitate to pride herself on her own accomplishments either. But this time around... Akemi almost snorted when Nymara seemed to not realise at how her words could be interpreted. Instead she merely nodded, a smirk twisting her lips slightly. "I don't doubt that you will, but the fireworks come first." was all she said.

    Around them other people also began to find good places to watch the fireworks from. While the entire city was already filled with people celebrating the fireworks competition was arguably the star of the show, something which everyone could enjoy as the organisers and the candidates did their best to paint the sky with beautiful lights and imagery that would (hopefully) stay in the minds of the spectators all the way until the next year. "It would be better to ask them another time: they'll be busy for as long as the fireworks are going, and we'll be gone before the end of the show." Akemi might have given the impression that she was quite willing to change her plans for the sake of another's ideas, but that was primarily because it was pretty easy to reschedule training or studying. This time around the assassin wasn't planning to budge, and the only thing that'd keep her from dragging Nymara along was vehement resistance.

    Finding a good spot for the three of them Akemi remained standing, folding her arms as she turned her attention towards the heavens above. The area was quickly becoming more crowded, although everyone was trying to keep enough distance from one another that they could get a clear view of the fireworks once they started. In the houses that surrounded the park many windows were also open so the people inside could look up at the night sky, and while it wasn't visible from their position Akemi knew that throughout the city people would be finding an opportunity to look upwards. She imagined that for the humans it was a unifying experience, a way to feel like they all belonged to the same community.

    They most likely would also consider it unfortunate that Akemi had long since lost the ability to feel such a thing. On a smaller scale she could still feel connected to those who were actually close to her, but the social experiences that humans relied upon were mostly lost on her.


    By that point the organiser had stepped up and begun his short spiel that signalled the start of the competition, causing everyone else to fall silent as they awaited the fireworks with eager anticipation. When the first explosion filled the sky it was briefly as if the night had been replaced by dawn, an elaborate display of pyrotechnic brilliance that was quickly followed up by another. The people on the ground didn't hesitate to voice their approval, pointing and laughing and clapping as firework after firework shot up into the sky to dominate the heavens, from animals to paintings to fireworks that, through carefully timed explosions, managed to give the impression of actual movement and growth.

    Akemi remained silent as she watched, taking note of the complexity of the techniques on display. She could imagine that even for the most talented of pyrotechnics these kinds of fireworks took years of training and refinement. It wasn't exactly her cup of tea, but she could respect the effort poured into it, and the skill of those who made these kinds of displays possible.

    However, her attention was interrupted when Nymara voiced her awe, the assassin looking at her apprentice from the corner of her eye. Even the passionate firebrand had a hard time being her lively self when exposed to this kind of display it seemed. Which would be a good reason to let her watch the remainder... but Akemi could tell that Nymara was heating up their surroundings. Whether it was the alcohol or the fireworks, the redhead's excitement was reaching a point where Akemi had a perfect excuse to step in.

    "It'll be good training if you learn to create displays like that."

    She'd fall silent for a while after that, giving Nymara plenty of opportunity to memorise the firework display in front of her, so she could aim for similar heights herself. But eventually Nymara's temperature rose to a point where Akemi could hardly ignore it, and the raven-haired dark mage also reached the limits of her patience.

    "It's been a pleasant evening, but I think it's time for us to leave." Lifting her hand she placed it on Nymara's shoulder, gripping it firmly while Akemi nodded at Lucky. "A good New Years to you sir Lucky."

    With those words her shadow rose up and swallowed the two of them, leaving the exceed to enjoy the rest of the fireworks by himself, or whatever activities he still had on his mind.

    Inside Akemi's room one of the shadows darkened, swelling up before returning to its passive state, revealing the two females who had just left the park behind them. The speed at which Akemi could move herself and others from one shadow to another was nigh-instantaneous, so the same fireworks which had been flying up into the sky when she shifted their location were only now exploding.

    The room was the same as always, including a minimalistic approach to lighting. Right now none of the lights were even on, and if it wasn't for the curtains being drawn to let in the light of the night sky everything would have been cast in pure dark. As it was a normal human would probably have been unable to see anything: fortunate, then, that both Akemi and her partner had draconic vision, allowing them to see clearly even in this shrouded room.

    "Hmmm... I guess fireworks are a suitable backdrop for this." Akemi let go of Nymara's shoulder, turning to face her apprentice fully. "But you've had a couple of drops too many for this. Hold still."

    This time she placed her hand against Nymara's forehead, releasing a burst of her magic not to destroy but to purge. As dark magic flowed through Nymara's magic it'd leave her untouched, the voidlike magic instead solely consuming the poison named alcohol from her system. Perhaps a rather abrupt method of sobering Nymara up, but Akemi had never developed her magic to be gentle.

    "Much better." Akemi pulled her hand back, then grabbed Nymara by the collar and leaned forward so their faces were almost touching. Her voice was different from before: usually soft and controlled, it now had a low heat to it, along with a subtle but sensual hiss. "I don't need my partner intoxicated, especially when I want her to show how much she's grown since last time~"

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    Off with a Bang! [New Years Event] Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am