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    Celebrating a New Year

    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 17th December 2022, 6:44 pm

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence International

    New Year's Celebration

    Well, she either wasn’t gonna show or she was. Not much he could do about it.

    After the first time they had met, Xavier had been thinking about Aeron. They’d spent a very interesting and illuminating time together during Earthland’s traditional Halloween celebration. Despite not knowing one another beforehand, they had somehow managed to connect and spend the evening together. She was cute as hell, with apparently a lot of bad things from her past. Not that really mattered much to Xavier; he hadn’t exactly been a saint either. But there had been a connection there, especially how revealing that one particular ride had been for both of them. He’d promised to look her up and take her on a real date, a comment that was probably eye-rolled at as a line and nothing more.

    Well, he’d followed through. Granted he’d been hella busy since then, what with the creation of Confidence International. Still, he’d heard about a rather robust and fancy party happening to celebrate the approaching new year. People would be dressed to kill and while that usually would inspire him to plan a con job, he decided to leave the event untouched. Instead, he used the connections he had gained as a struggling artist to figure out who Aeron was and where she could be. Luckily she’d given him some hints, most notably the name Mythal. Granted there was only one major name that came up in that particular search; Mythal Ragnos, the Director of the Rune Knights. From there, it was just about spreading the net to see what he could catch. As it turned out, Aeron herself was a Rune Knight as well. Aeron Krishna, only recently recruited into the numbers of Fiore’s policing force.

    He didn’t need much more than that. He got himself on the reservation list for the party and once he had the extra invitation for his guest, he headed over to Era. It was less suspicious if he went and provided the invitation by hand rather than through some kind of mailing service. Dropping it off at the reception area with a very pleasant lady named Valorie, Xavier asked that the invitation be passed onto Aeron from her friend on Halloween. It provided all of the details of the gala, including just how snazzy she would have to dress and where she could go to meet him.

    Sure, it was a bit presumptuous and he wasn’t entirely sure if she would even want to go. She’d been a nervous wreck on Halloween, especially once she had been enchanted to sing, so it may have been a bit too high brow. Hell, Xavier wasn’t even sure if it wasn’t too much for him, especially given how little funds he had. But he went out and got himself a nice, crisp suit, draining the remaining funds in his savings. He may have been temporarily destitute but he would sure look hella fly while being so.

    Once the night of the celebration came, Xavier arrived at the meeting place first. He wore a large top coat that covered up his sleek outfit beneath but it was just as fancy. The snow beneath his feet crunched softly as he stepped in it and the Rhaegarian took a moment to bend down and pick up the cold, wet substance. He’d arrived in winter and had been shell-shocked by the sudden appearance of the white frozen material. Frankly, even a year later, he still wasn’t over it. There were snowy areas of Rhaegar, sure, but he’d never gotten a chance to visit them. Smirking to himself, he closed his hand around the snow and made a miniature ball before he tossed it away. Brushing his hands off, he stood back up and tucked his hands in his jacket pocket, looking around to see if she would show.

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 641 words

    Last edited by Xavier Clarent on 17th December 2022, 8:16 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 45
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 15,075

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Aeron Krishna 17th December 2022, 8:12 pm


    “This is ridiculous…”

    For the life of her, Aeron couldn’t figure out how in the fuck she’d gotten here. She’d only worked up the nerve to join the Rune Knights a couple weeks ago, the former dark mage still adjusting to having her own life and trying to find something to do with it. It was hard work, particularly when she no longer had any of her magic, and while the vast majority of the other soldiers were welcoming of her, there were still plenty that knew of her connection to Thana and viewed her with prejudice. As she nearly always did, Aeron pretty much kept to herself. The only people she felt comfortable around were Mythal and Serilda, and even then the field marshal still intimidated the hell out of Aeron, despite how kind and patient she was.

    So it was a surprise, then, when Valorie had called her down to the front desk to collect a letter that had been delivered for her. Aeron had scratched her head the entire way down from the barracks wondering who in the hell it could be from, seeing as how everyone she knew was in the Rune Knights and could have just knocked on her door. Between Valorie’s description of the man and his introduction as Aeron’s “friend from Halloween”, it wasn’t difficult for her to put the pieces together. He was inviting her to join him in the capital of Crocus for a fancy New Years Eve party.

    Her immediate reaction had been to dismiss it, of course. Trevor had been nice enough, and it would be a lie to say she hadn’t enjoyed his company, but going to some fancy party with loads of people, dressing herself up? There was absolutely no way.

    Unfortunately, during one of Mythal’s semi-regular visits to check on her, he’d noticed the invitation sitting out on the table. She had told him about the man she’d met on Halloween, of course, as he and his fiance had been the most encouraging of her trying to put herself out there and getting herself better acclimated to society. Before she knew it, she was out dress shopping with Serilda and now here she was, one train and taxi ride later, stepping out into the capital city of Crocus to meet someone she barely knew for an evening of gods only knew what kind of nonsense.

    And she felt ridiculous. Aeron had never worn a dress in her life, let alone one that was so clingy and revealing. A satin gown of dark crimson color, it had a long slit up the skirt that went all the way up one of her thighs. The neckline plunged far lower than she was fully comfortable with, hugging her modest chest. Over top of the gown was a white fur coat to fight off the winter cold, and she wore a simple pair of classy black heels. The shoes weren’t too tall, thank the gods, as there was simply no way that Aeron would be able to move without falling over in a pair of stilettos, but she was still unsteady with the small amount of lift in the ones she wound up getting, her inexperience betrayed in the careful way that she walked with her eyes glued to the ground like she had to visibly observe each individual step to keep herself upright, particularly with all this snow. She hadn’t done much to style her hair, though Serilda had helped her put some product in it and make it look nice.

    But the worst was the makeup. The product hadn’t been applied very thick at all, but for someone that wasn’t used to wearing makeup ever, it just felt weird to know that she had stuff all over her face, no matter how good it looked. Aeron had to constantly fight back the urge to rub her face, paranoid that she would smear something and look even more foolish than she already felt.

    “How in the bloody hell do women walk in these things?” she muttered to herself as she carefully traversed her way along the sidewalk, the brunette not realizing that she wasn’t exactly being as quiet as she thought she was.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 704 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 17th December 2022, 8:50 pm

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence International

    New Year's Celebration

    Xavier wouldn’t have to wait long for confirmation that he would not be going stag to the party. Granted, he hadn’t been standing in place for very long but he was already feeling like it wasn’t going to happen. Aeron had been nice enough to walk with him and spend time with him during Halloween but that had just been circumstance. Actually requesting to take her out and to a party no less was something else entirely. Given how nervous she had been just walking around people, he imagined that an elegant party was right up there with performing on stage as one of her top nightmares.

    Then again, he could be wrong. Maybe it was just casual social settings that she didn’t enjoy. She could come down the sidewalk with poise and dignity and be the very picture of confidence. Then he’d be the one that would be all sorts of flustered. But of course, that expectation was a far cry from reality, quite far-fetched. And of course that was confirmed only a moment later when he heard the familiar sound of her voice complaining about walking in what he could only assume was some kind of fancy footwear. As she came into view, he had to take a moment. She was… well, she was beautiful. And showing a lot more skin than he had expected. The dress was tight fitting and complimented her figure, showing plenty of leg and much of her chest. She had a fur coat on for warmth that somehow just added to the style of the ensemble. Then there were the shoes, that were probably the greatest enemy she had ever faced.

    Xavier grinned as she adjusted the tie of his suit beneath the jacket and walked over to meet her. "Not easily, I hear. I imagine it’s easier to walk on a tightrope,” he answered her question, sort of. As he came to a stop before her, he took a moment to look her over. "Not gonna lie, I didn’t think you’d show. Strange man dropping off an invitation, especially one y’all met only once. You must be one of them brave Rune Knights, huh?” he gave her a charming, cheeky grin. "But I’m glad you came. You look stunning. Like ‘damn I feel underdressed’ levels of beautiful.”

    He stepped over to stand beside her, offering his arm. "Here, just put your arm through here and lean on me. I can’t really help with making it easier to walk in those platforms you call shoes but I can at least give you something to support you.” Counting that she took his arm, he would lead her to the entryway. A man was waiting there with a checklist and as they approached, he looked at them. “Name?”

    "Trevor Winters.”

    The man checked the list quickly and then nodded, crossing off the name and waving them through. They walked into a hallway full of lifts and Xavier would lead them into the closet, unoccupied one. He pressed the button for the ballroom hall and up they went. "Handle bar is right there if ya need it,” he teased her, nodding to the metal bar on the side of the elevator.

    Once they arrived at the ballroom floor, they were treated to the sight of a massive hall with a very open concept. It was so large that thousands of people could have very easily filled it and then some. Only a hundred or so were in the place so there was plenty of open room between groups. "I figured if I was gonna take you out, I should at least try to do something where you aren’t rubbin’ elbows with people every which way,” he explained as they walked up to the attendants. There they could hand off their jackets, allowing her to see him in his full suit. It was a clean-cut black suit jacket, with a smooth white button up shirt beneath. Stripes adorned the collar, where a purple tie was set. Adjusting his jacket, she would be able to see that the jacket was lined with purple fabric to match.

    Now that they were inside, he turned to look at her once more. "So how have you been? It’s been a bit since we saw one another.”

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 715 / 1356 words


    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 45
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 15,075

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Aeron Krishna 18th December 2022, 8:27 am


    Someone had heard her. Because of course they had. Shakily finding her center, Aeron glanced up to scowl at the speaker only for the expression to switch to surprise when she realized it was Trevor. Almost immediately, she glanced away nervously, her face still toward him but the woman having difficulty meeting his eyes thanks to all her social anxiety. He admitted that he wasn’t sure she’d come, considering the strange circumstances under which the invitation had been sent, complimenting her bravery. “Hardly. I just have bullies for friends.” She didn’t really mean that, of course. If Aeron had really put her foot down, Mythal and Serilda wouldn’t have forced the matter. They had convinced her to go out, but only because they knew she sometimes needed a little encouragement to break out of her shell.

    When he complimented her attire, he would be once again treated to the embarrassed blush she was so prone to, her cheeks reddening a touch even beneath the make up. “T-Thanks..” It didn’t occur to her to return any such sentiments, mostly because she was far too distracted by her own anxiety to do much thinking. That, and he was wearing a large jacket that covered most of him up anyway. She did, however, remember her manners after a brief moment. “And uh… thank you… for, you know, inviting me… even if I have no idea how the fuck you found me.”

    Trevor stepped next to her and offered his arm, encouraging her to use him as support to make walking in the small heels a little less of a burden. Cerulean eyes glanced at the offered limb warily before she slowly slipped her arm under his as instructed, letting him lead her toward the entrance. Her grip was light for several steps, like she was ready to pull away at any given moment, up until a bit of ice caused her foot to slip. It was only an inch or two, not enough to cause her to flail for balance, but more than enough to freak her out and cause her to hang on to him for real, her hold tightening without letup for the rest of the journey inside.

    They were greeted by a man with a guest list, who let them pass after Trevor gave his name, the two wandering inside an unoccupied elevator and making their way up to the floor Trevor had indicated. He pointed out the railing along the walls, teasing if she should need it. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Aeron grumbled, “have your fun.” Despite her words, it was obvious that she wasn’t actually upset. She shook her head softly, but there was the smallest twitch of her lips that conveyed she did see the humor in the comment, even if she wasn’t very adept at showing it.

    When the elevator opened, she was treated to a sight that almost very nearly stopped her from being able to move forward. The ballroom was massive and elegant, and quite unlike anything she’d ever visited before. After a brief faltering at the beautiful sight, she allowed Trevor to lead her toward the attendants that were there to collect their coats, the Knight’s eyes fixated on the room with what would best be described as a sense of wonder. He admitted that he had put some thought into where to take her, figuring he would at least be mindful enough to take her to a place where she wouldn’t have to worry about being so crowded in that she’d be bumping into strangers constantly. And while there certainly were a lot of people present, the room would easily have fit ten times as many guests. “I… appreciate that”

    She slipped her coat off and handed it to the staff, already rubbing her exposed arms a bit nervously. Aeron caught sight of him when he removed his own jacket, looking at him while he was preoccupied with checking it in. He looked… well, he looked great. He’d looked really good in his suit at the Halloween festival, of course, but the tux he currently wore was an entirely different level of put together. It wasn’t until he turned to start talking to her again that she realized she was staring, her gaze snapping up to his face with a slight reddening.

    “I, uh… I’ve been… good.” She floundered for a response in the hopes of covering herself up, but even she knew she’d done a piss poor job of it. With a small gulp, Aeron stubbornly pressed on. “I joined the Rune Knights… though I guess you know that already. Basic training takes up a lot of time… and I don’t exactly go out much… so I haven’t really done much of anything else. How about you..?”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 795/1499 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 18th December 2022, 10:25 am

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence Int.

    New Year's Celebration

    Xavier laughed as Aeron lamented her cruel friends, having bullied her into going. Considering how she talked about them the last time they had seen one another, he was sure that what she really meant was that they had convinced her to step out of her comfort zone. She’d given praise to her friend Mythal for helping her to escape from her shell, even if she wasn’t always happy with it. It was one thing to know it was the right thing to do and something else entirely to follow through. Deciding not to remark on the comment, if only not to create another moment of her having to re-clarify anything, he moved on and complimented her, bringing about a blush he was beginning to know rather well. Fighting through her embarrassment, she thanked him for inviting her out, though she admitted she wasn’t sure how he was able to track you down. "I did tell you I would find you, right? Man’s gotta keep his word,” he gave her a grin. "But really, you kind of gave me all the info I needed. Mythal ain’t exactly a common name so once I knew who he was, I figured that you might be part of the Rune Knights. Friend of a friend had someone who was in the Knights and confirmed you were one of the newest recruits.” It didn’t serve him to lie about his methods or even be mysterious. He wasn’t trying to con her so it was better to just tell her the truth.

    She was careful about taking his arm, only slinging herself through it out of respect and courtesy at first. It almost seemed like she was giving herself room to reconsider but when she hit a small patch of ice, enough to rattle her already unsteady stance, she became a vice around his arm. He chuckled once more and made sure to keep his balance so that she didn’t lose herself. Out of instinct more than anything, he reached over with his other hand and put it on her arm gently to help her out. Once they were inside, he teased her about the railing along the lift wall, earning a dismissal of his comment, though she seemed to be hiding her amusement.

    Once they arrived at the ballroom, Aeron was quite stunned. In truth, Xavier was pretty impressed himself. There were a lot of large structures on Rhaegar -- or used to be -- but they weren’t meant to entertain large groups of guests. They had been self-serving modules for the former rulers to display their riches and achievements for themselves and small gatherings. They would never be so considerate as to have such a large hall to incorporate such a massive crowd, if only due to their own distrust. He walked them over to the staff that were gathering coats and they handed over their winter wear, now able to fully reveal their high-class get ups. Xavier adjusted his tie and collar and then as he looked over at Aeron, he caught her staring at him in wonder. She did her best to try and look at his face and answer his question, hoping beyond all hopes that she had covered her obvious staring.

    She hadn’t, obviously, and Xavier wore a little tell-tale smirk that revealed that he’d caught her. But rather than call her on it, he just chose to listen as she explained how she had just recently joined the Rune Knights and was going through basic training. Beyond that, not much else had gone on, as she wasn’t one to go out on her own without prompting. She turned the question to him and, as she did, he led them over to a standing table, relatively secluded from the larger portions of the crowd. "Well, I managed to get a full time job,” he said with a chuckle as he looked at the table. There were some lacrima tablets built into the table and as he pressed his finger on the screen in front of him out of curiosity, the screen lit up and revealed a drink list. "Uh… well, I guess it’s more appropriate to say that I started a business. Confidence International; a company helping artists like myself get proper exposure through representation. We’re still pretty small at the moment, real tight knit group, ya know? But it brought in enough scratch for me to put out my first song so… that’s something, you know?”

    He scrolled through the list of drinks before settling on one. "I have no idea what some of these are,” he said with a laugh. "But it looks like… champagnay is the featured one for the night. How about a bottle of that?”

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 789 / 2145 words


    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 45
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 15,075

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Aeron Krishna 18th December 2022, 12:49 pm


    Aeron questioned how Trevor had managed to find her, and he reiterated the promise he had made to do so with a grin. In the end, he revealed that it hadn’t been too hard. She had used Mythal’s name before, and with that not exactly being the most common name in existence, it was easy to tie it back to the Rune Knight director. From there, it was only a step or two in connections to get in contact with someone in the Knight that was at least able to verify that Aeron was a recent recruit. “I.. Suppose that makes sense.”

    Once they were inside, they removed their jackets and Aeron most certainly got caught staring at him. He didn’t even try to hide that he’d noticed, fixing her with a knowing little smirk that only caused her to double down harder on pushing past the humiliating moment. Answering his question as best she knew how before turning it back on him. He led her to an open table, one that was tall and meant for standing rather than sitting, picking one that was somewhat removed from the crowds. He informed her that he’d gotten a full time job, or more accurately that he had started his own business called Confidence International. It was a community for artists to get better representation and exposure, and while it was still fairly small it was a solid group, and he’d been able to make enough money to record his first song.

    “That’s… actually really cool,” she admitted. The very idea of starting a business was daunting to her. While she wasn’t actively aware of it, her respect for him had increased a bit. “Congratulations. I, uh.. I hope that works out for you.” Aeron was likely just as inept at socializing as he’d remember, but as before there was no mistaking that she was trying to make the most of what few tools she had.

    Trevor pulled up a display that appeared to have a list of drinks on it, the man scrolling through to see what was there. With a chuckle he told her that he didn’t didn’t recognize most of the drinks. But the featured one was something called champagnay, and he offered to get a bottle of it. Aeron shrugged lightly. “I’ve never heard of it, but.. That doesn’t mean much. I don’t really drink. I… actually don’t know if I’ve ever had alcohol before.” She reached up to scratch the back of her head in thought, only to scowl when she remembered that her hair was done up with a bunch of products. “I suppose I’m willing to try anything. But if I suddenly start singing again, I swear to gods, I’m going to walk myself right off the fucking balcony.”

    Though the grumble in her voice was quite serious, there was a clear attempt at humor, even if it was a bit morbid. Presuming he ordered the bottle, Aeron would stand there, leaning against the table to help her maintain her balance, awkwardly trying to grasp at something else to talk about. A question had been burning in the back of her mind, and while she was petrified by the idea of asking it, she wanted answers more than she cared about saving herself embarrassment. “Why did you…” the brunette started, having to take a moment to collect her courage. She’d already started, so there wasn’t a point in stopping now. “You went through a lot of effort to find me and invite me to… all this. Why? We’re barely more than strangers. Surely you have other friends, people you know better, that you could have come with instead…”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 613/2112 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 18th December 2022, 1:37 pm

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence Int.

    New Year's Celebration

    She congratulated him on his starting a business and he chuckled a bit bashfully as she wished him luck. "Thanks. We’ll see how it goes. It was a big investment but if it pans out, it’ll help a lot of people. A lotta artists here don’t get good representation and then get swindled. I just… want to help them not become victims of that.” Of course he also wanted to help them get even with the ones that tricked them but that wasn’t exactly a date conversation. He turned his attention to the drink list and found one that had been highlighted as a special for the evening called champagnay. She didn’t seem to know what the bottle of alcohol was either, elaborating that she didn’t really drink and then realizing that she may not have had any kind of alcohol before. She reached back to scratch her head and then realized she still had product in it, earning a genuinely amused smile from him. She said she was willing to try but if it resulted in her singing again, she would throw herself right off the balcony without hesitation.

    Xavier let out a full laugh. "Aw, c’mon, you had such a pretty voice,” he playfully tried to defend her from herself. "How ‘bout this; we’ll ask the waiter when he comes over to make sure it ain’t enchanted with anything. I don’t see anyone else takin’ on any weird forms or anythin’ but we’ll ask to be safe,” he offered, taking a moment to look around. There were plenty of other tables with people and they had bottles that they had poured into glasses and were drinking from. But he wasn’t sure if it was champagnay or not. He put in the order for one bottle and then let the screen go idle as he got comfortable, leaning against the table.

    He was mostly watching the crowds around them, an avid fan of people watching. He was content just to spend time with Aeron, not having to keep her talking constantly and allowing her moments to collect her social energy as it were. After a moment of silence, she started to speak, beginning to ask him a question and faltering before finally finding the courage to ask him why he had invited her. As she saw it, they barely knew one another and she imagined he had other friends that he could have invited or at least people he knew better. He shrugged. "Not really, no. I know some people but they do their own things and I do mine.” He turned slightly to face her fully. "But more to the point, I like you. You’re cute, funny and we get along pretty well. People are only strangers until they take the time to get to know one another and we shared… well, we went through some things that revealed a lot about ourselves. Plus… you mentioned your friend Mythal, always tryin’ to help you get out there and experience things. I guess I wanted to… help you out with that as well, you know?” He admitted the second part with just the tiniest bit of bashful humility. "I didn’t want to overwhelm you or pressure you into anything but I figured havin’ someone else on your side wouldn’t hurt. I dunno, it’s silly,” he laughed off the bashfulness, waving his hand slightly.

    "And I told you I’d take you on a proper date the next time. So here’s next time,” he gestured to the ballroom. Right about that time the waiter came over with the bottle of champagnay. "Oh hey man, there’s nothing funny in this champagnay, right?”

    The waiter blinked. “Excuse me?”

    "Like enchantments. This isn’t gonna make me turn like… into a ghost or make me sing or nothin’ right?”

    “... No. This champagne is pure and untouched. We don’t put any kind of enchantments on it.” The man looked at Xavier like he had multiple heads.

    "Oh champagne, that’s how you say it,” Xavier said with a laugh as he glanced at Aeron. "Alright cool, thanks man.” With that he took the bottle and the glasses from the waiter’s hands. The cork had already been popped before it was brought over so it was easy for Xavier to pour the bubbling liquid into the glasses.

    Once he’d filled a glass, he passed it over to her and then poured once for himself. "Here’s uh… here’s to you,” he said, holding the glass up to cheers. "Gettin’ out there and putting on tower shoes that you can barely walk in and probably could kill a man with.” Once she had clinked her glass with his, he would take a sip from his drink, reeling back slightly in surprise with a wrinkled nose. "Man that is bubbly, huh?” he asked with a laugh.

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 808 / 2953 words


    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 45
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 15,075

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Aeron Krishna 18th December 2022, 6:15 pm


    Her comment about suicide by falling to her death earned a fully realized laugh out of the man, who insisted that she’d had a lovely singing voice. His compliments did nothing to sway her stance on the matter, of course, so Trevor offered to make sure to ask the waiter when they came around, just in case. Though a quick glance around the room informed them both that no one appeared to be under any obvious enchantments.

    He ordered the bottle and there was a moment of silence between the two of them, Trevor content to look around the room and do a little people watching while Aeron wrestled with working up the courage to ask the question on her mind. She practically had to blurt it out to prevent herself from chickening out, but once it was in the open her blue gaze watched him carefully, if a bit hesitantly. The man gave her a small shrug, admitting that he actually didn’t really have anyone like that. He knew people, certainly, but they had lives that were separate from his own.

    Turning to face her, he expanded upon his answer, telling her outright that he just liked her. He found her attractive and humorous, and felt that they got along well enough. In his mind, they were only strangers for as long as it took to get to know each other better, and even though they had only met once prior to this, they had both been exposed to some darker sides of one another’s pasts. Plus, she hadn’t exactly been secretive about the fact that she needed a little encouragement to break out of her shell, having mentioned Mythal’s efforts to get her to spread her wings. Trevor claimed to want to help her with that, the admission coming a bit softer than the rest of his explanation. He had no desire to pressure her into anything she wasn’t willing to take a chance on, but as silly as it sounded, he was there to offer his own support. Plus, he had told her he would take her on a proper date, and he’d had every intention of following through with that promise.

    Aeron was left with her thoughts for a couple moments as the waiter arrived with their bottle, temporarily interrupting the heart to heart. He asked if the drink had anything strange in it, the waiter giving him a confused look and asking for clarification. When Trevor explained what he was getting at, the man looked at him like he had sprouted a third eye before assuring him that there was no magic in the drink – which they had both apparently been pronouncing wrong.

    That’s how you spell champagne?” Aeron muttered loud enough for Trevor to hear as the waiter left, her face scrunched in confusion. He filled a glass and passed it over to her, the Knight taking the glass carefully, sure the delicate stemware would break with nary more than a breath. She peered suspiciously at the gold tinged liquid within while he fixed a flute for himself, only looking up when he proposed a toast to her. Her wide gaze flicked to him, the man celebrating her getting out and about, and walking around in death defying shoes that could surely be lethal if she wanted them to be.

    She earnestly didn’t know what to do with all this attention and praise, but she did manage a small smile and a soft, short laugh. Following his lead, Aeron clinked her glass against his before taking a drink…

    …and immediately starting to cough. There had only ever been a few times that Aeron had put any imagination toward wondering what alcohol tasted like, the brunette having been generally disinterested in the stuff her entire life. But whatever she had imagined, it had not been this. She forced herself to swallow the liquid, not because it tasted bad but because she had nearly coughed her way into a choking fit. “Bubbly is a word,” she managed to eek out. Once she could breathe properly again, she took another drink to clear her throat, more prepared this time for what to expect. “It’s not bad, though… I’ve had better, but I’ve had worse, too.” Frankly, she was just going to have to acquire the taste for it. Most people her age had already long since acclimated their taste buds to alcohol, and Aeron was a little behind on the process.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 746/2858 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 18th December 2022, 9:12 pm

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence Int.

    New Year's Celebration

    "Right? Seems crazy to me,” Xavier remarked with a laugh as Aeron commented on the spelling of champagne. They had apparently been pronouncing it wrong the entire time, despite sounding it out based on how it was spelled. The waiter had been… confused and then had corrected them, albeit quite coldly. Whatever the case, they had a bottle now and could simply pour themselves without any further assistance. Xavier took the bottle and began pouring into the first flute, passing it to Aeron before he tended to himself. After a quick toast to her, causing her to smile and chuckle, they both took a drink. Xavier was, at least, able to handle it better than she was. She started coughing almost immediately, hacking at the strange new taste. He watched her, trying not to laugh himself and spill the alcohol all over his tuxedo. She managed to swallow it down and sort-of agree with his testimony before she took another, less disruptive drink.

    She admitted that it wasn’t bad; she’d had better and far worse so something that was definitely palatable. "Honestly, I’m right there with you. But where I come from, we have limited liquor. I only got my real first taste once I came here. First time was in some bar in… Oshibana, I think, was the name of the town. I’d finished a gig and the bartender offered me a free drink on the house. Having no idea what to pick, he suggested one for me. I think it was called a… rum and soda? Before he gave me the drink though, he had me try the rum first. Damn near spit up all over myself in surprise, at this powerful, searing liquid. He got a good laugh out of that. Tasted better once it was mixed with something else though.” He took another swig from his flute.

    As he placed the glass down, realization dawned on him. "I think they had food on this thing too. I should have probably asked if you wanted some food, that was rude of me,” he said with a chuckle. Tapping on the Lacpad once more, he scrolled through the drinks until he found a different part of the menu. "Looks like they have something called… hors doeuvres. Lots of finger food things it looks like.” He pressed his finger on the menu of his Lacpad and then dragged it over until it popped up on the one in front of her. "If there’s anything that pops up that you think you’d like, order it. Everything is on me tonight.”

    It was around that time that the music started up on the other side of the ballroom. A small half-orchestra had set up and began to play some suave, jazzy music. Their instruments had been enchanted so that the sound carried throughout the entire hall, sounding as clear and concise in every nook and cranny. The crowd nearby applauded at the new inclusion, with a few people pairing off and beginning to dance to the dulcet tones. "Nice place for music,” Xavier commented idly.

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 514 / 3467 words


    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
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    Experience : 15,075

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Aeron Krishna 19th December 2022, 5:15 pm


    Aeron voiced her opinion on the taste of champagne, having honestly been too distracted with her coughing to notice him trying not to laugh at her. Granted, she assumed he was doing that anyway. He agreed with her comment before giving her a little taste of his background. Supposedly, alcohol was pretty limited in supply where he was from. So limited, in fact, that he hadn’t tried any himself until he’d arrived in Fiore, getting his first taste at some bar in Oshibana where the bartender had offered him a free drink after a show. The barkeep had made him try the rum straight before giving it to him mixed, and apparently he’d had near about the same reaction that Aeron did just a minute ago with the champagne.

    The Knight gave a small smirk to show her amusement over the story. “Well… at least I’m not the only one, then,” was her murmured comment. He brought the menu back up to look at the food list, calling himself rude for not seeing if she wanted anything to eat. Drawing his fingers along the interface, he popped the appetizers up in front of her to see if she wanted anything, offering to cover everything for the night. “Are you sure? I brought some jewel tonight. You don’t need to pay for everything yourself…” Aeron wasn’t anywhere near as loaded as Mythal was but seeing as how she rarely went out and did anything, she’d been able to save up enough cash to not really have to worry about money. Serilda had warned her ahead of time that in situations like this, many people thought it appropriate for the man to cover all the charges, but the noblewoman had also told her the tradition was also considered a bit archaic in some circles. It was best to be prepared for either, and to not go into it with an expectation either way.

    Presuming insisted, she would give him a shy nod. “Okay…” Aeron took a moment to glance over the appetizers to see what the options were. “How about that one..?” She pointed to one that was described as a crispy egg roll of some kind stuffed with steak, cheese, onions, bell peppers, and a couple other things. Aeron had never tried something like that before, but it sounded good to her. As long as he seemed interested in trying it, she’d put the order in.

    As they waited for the dish to arrive, Trevor turned his attention to the dance floor where a band was playing a style of music that she wasn’t familiar with but admittedly enjoyed the sound of. He made a comment about the space being good for music, prompting Aeron to take a look around again. “It’s definitely got plenty of room.” The Knight didn’t really know enough about music to understand things like acoustics or anything like that, but she still recognized that it was a suitable place for performing.

    “So… where are you from?” she asked him, doing her best to make small talk without feeling like she was floundering in a kiddie pool. “You said there wasn’t a whole lot of alcohol where you grew up. I never had any personally, but I’ve traveled a lot around Ishgar the last couple years and it always seemed pretty easy to get my hands on it if I wanted to.”

    The waiter returned about then to drop off the food they had ordered, along with napkins and two small empty plates. Aeron thanked the man, offering one of the plates to Travis. Whatever this stuff was it smelled amazing. She took one of the rolls and dipped it in the melted cheese sauce that the dish came with before taking a bite. After a few chews her eyes went wide. “Hory fuck, tha's dericious," she said around her mouthful of food.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 660/3518 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 20th December 2022, 1:02 pm

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence Int.

    New Year's Celebration

    "No, no, please,” Xavier was quick to turn down her offer of jewel, waving her off. "I’m the one that asked you out and had you come all the way here. The least I can do is cover for your food and your drinks. Please, it’s my treat.” The former God-King knew enough of his former manners to know that it was polite to treat the invitee if it was possible, no matter the gender. Especially when he’d invited her to an entirely different city, outside of the realm of where she may or may not have felt more comfortable. She seemed to be satisfied with that, at least for the most part and then turned her attention to the list of appetizers. After a moment of consideration, she pointed at some kind of roll with a bunch of different things in it. Food that Xavier was honestly still learning about. "Sounds good to me,” he replied with a grin.

    With that order in, he remarked on the room, prompting her to comment idly about it as well. After a moment, she asked where he was from, initiating a deeper conversation as she wondered about the fact that he didn’t have a lot of alcohol and though she didn’t know much about booze, she had traveled enough to know it was pretty accessible. It was a fair question and he had all but danced around confirming his whereabouts since they met. It wasn’t the easiest thing to explain, nor the most sound. After all, there was no telling if she had met up with someone else from Rhaegar, counting that they had survived. It was something he had wondered about for months now; he’d been saved by mere chance. It wasn’t impossible to believe that others had been plucked from the point of annihilation and dropped here or somewhere else.

    That meant he had to be more careful about who he told his backstory to. He’d adapted a moniker to avoid the du Wolffs but now there was the chance that others could know him. But so long as he didn’t use any names, he was safe. "Well, it’s gonna sound a bit crazy but… I actually came here from a different dimension,” he admitted a bit sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "I was messing around with something I shouldn’t have and must have hit something or turned something on. Next thing I know, I land in a pool of water. Luckily I didn’t have any family left there; I was doing what I could to survive and might have broken into a laboratory that didn’t belong to me.”

    It was earmarked with honesty and half-truths, the former God-King easily crafting a tale that was believable, mostly because it wasn’t far off from reality. There was no need to mention anything about his time as the ruler or what kind of chaos had come before and during it. "Frankly I’ve liked it a lot better here. Where I came from, you had to constantly fight to survive. Food, water, the works -- all rare and hard to come by unless you had mad skrill or trade goods. If ya need a comparison, I guess I would say it’s like this place’s Desierto. But no alcohol… or at least any that I ever heard of or got to taste.” He met her gaze timorously. "Hope that don’t make you all sorts of freaked out. I don’t really go around advertising it, y’know?”

    The waiter came and interrupted the moment, dropping off the plate of food along with two additional plates and some napkins. He took the offered one from her and plucked one of the hot, wrapped shells, examining it curiously. He watched as she dipped hers in the cheese and took a bite and when she mumbled through chews about how good it was, he followed suit. It was a delightful mix of cheesy, steamy, meaty flavor, unlike anything he’d had before. "Hory fuck is whrite,” he said as he chewed as well, swallowing it down. "I’m gonna have to get the recipe for that. Goddamn!”

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 687 / 4154 words


    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
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    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 15,075

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Aeron Krishna 20th December 2022, 5:43 pm


    Taking a chance at expanding her social skills, Aeron asked him about where he came from, which didn’t sound like any place she’d ever heard of before. And apparently, there was a reason for that. He owned up pretty immediately to being from not just a different planet, but an entirely different dimension. Aeron frowned lightly as he explained the broader details on how he had wound up on Earthland, stating that he’d been involved in things he shouldn’t have and wound up accidentally triggering himself getting sent here, though he wasn’t really sure how. He hadn’t had and family left back where he was from, so it wasn’t much of a cause for concern for him, particularly when he was enjoying life in this dimension much more than where he was raised.

    Apparently, resources in general had been scarce back there, not just alcohol but even food and water, the entire planet comparable to living in Desierto. For once, it was Trevor that gave her a nervous look as he voiced his hope that the knowledge didn’t freak her out. He didn’t really shout it to the hills, understandably.

    She studied him for a moment, churning his answer around in her mind and digesting the weight of what he was saying. It certainly explained why he apparently didn’t know too many people out here, and why he seemed to be about as lost as she was with certain things. She may have been born in this world, but her limited exposure to healthy societies left her just as out of the loop as him at times. “It’s not all that freaky,” the Knight finally admitted. “I’ve definitely heard, seen, and lived weirder things. I didn't even technically exist until a few months ago.”

    Taking another bite from the egg rolls, she chewed it in quiet contemplation. Aeron had never been all that comfortable talking about herself, especially the darker parts. He hadn’t asked, of course, and she got the feeling that he wouldn’t have expected her to talk about anything she didn’t want to, but as he had told her earlier, the two of them had already been exposed to parts of one another’s backgrounds pretty much from the get go. She didn't really see a point in hiding much of it. And since he wasn't from Earthland, he hopefully wouldn't judge her as much as others that experienced or witnessed Thana's horrors in the past.

    “I’m not a whole person. I mean, now I am, sort of… But… Up until a few months ago I…" She twisted the stemware of her champagne nervously between her fingers, the base of the glass twirling silently against the surface of the table as she searched for the right words. She'd never had to really explain her origins to anyone before, because everyone in her life was already aware of them, had discovered the truth first hand. Hell, they knew even before she did. “You remember that woman I told you about? Thana? The one from that tunnel ride. I know I told you a little about how messed up she was, but.. honestly, ‘messed up’ doesn’t even begin to cover it. Mass murder, torture, destruction of property, rape… and that's just when she wasn't being creative. I spent my whole life being terrified of her, and dependent on her for my survival."

    “And I was completely unaware that she and I were the same person." Aeron stopped to take a rather large swig of her champagne. By her tone, he'd easily be able to sense that she didn't just mean that she and Thana had similar behaviors, but were physically the same being. “I'd basically been hallucinating her all this time, blaming her for a lot of bad shit I'd done… She knew the truth and tried to tell me a couple times but I always told her she was full of shit. I mean, who would ever fuckin' believe something like that, yknow? 'Oh neither of us are real, we're both just psychotic breaks for this other chick you've never seen, who made us up to protect herself from her childhood traumas'."

    A dry scoff of a laugh escapes her lips, a rueful sound if there had ever been one. “Mythal was the one who figured it out. He had been hunting Thana for years, and was my friend most of that time. So when he realized what was happening… he knew if he killed Thana, I'd be gone too. I guess that didn't sit right with him. He went out and got some… power. Split our soul into pieces, formed us into our own separate people. I lost all my magic in the process. So did Trinity, the… original I guess you'd call her. I think she goes by Calliope now. Anyway… Thana somehow managed to keep our power. He and Vandrad – that's his brother – wound up having to fight her and finally managed to kill her."

    The barest of wry smirks tugged on her lips. “So.. yeah. Being from some different dimension ain't all that weird. Kinda normal for me." she picked up another egg roll and started to eat it slowly.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 866/4384 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 21st December 2022, 12:52 pm

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence Int.

    New Year's Celebration

    Maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea to reveal the more mysterious side of himself. He’d kept most people at arm’s length, dancing around questions or simply generalizing. But with Aeron… he felt he could be mostly truthful. After all, he’d seen that crazy woman Thana during their unpleasant trip on the river ride and based on what she had said, it seemed like she was a big bad deal. So he opened up, easily mixing truth with lie and hoping that it wasn’t going to freak her out so much that she ran. He wasn’t really sure how to take the silence that followed his explanation, filling the gap with trying the egg roll and exclaiming his own enjoyment of it. She didn’t seem like she was about to turn tail but she was giving his words some serious consideration. After a few moments, she told him that it didn’t seem to be all that freaky. She stated that she had experienced far weirder things and then added on to that statement by claiming that she hadn’t even existed until a few months prior.

    Now it was Xavier’s turn to look at her with interest. It was a pretty big statement, saying that she had only come into existence a short time ago. She looked like she had the form and mind of a person that was old enough to drink but her words seemed to hint otherwise. Then again, magic seemed to be infinite in its ability and form. Perhaps she was crafted out of magic for one reason or another? It seemed far-fetched, as he could only imagine there were laws and rules to magic, but he certainly wasn’t any kind of expert. She chewed on her egg roll and chewed, pondering actively just how she wanted to proceed. At least she wasn’t just going to drop that knowledge bomb and then leave him hanging, given the look on her face. So Xavier gave her time, eating his own egg roll until she finally stated that she wasn’t a full person or rather she was sort of a person. She twirled her champagne glass as she once more tried to find the words and when she did, she brought the topic back to Thana. He nodded silently as she went into more detail of just how awful the dead woman had been. Apparently she committed all sorts of heinous acts for her own amusement, terrifying Aeron even as she clung to her for survival.

    As it turned out, they were the same person. Xavier’s brow furrowed slightly. The literal same person? She confirmed it, stating that she had been hallucinating Thana the entire time, putting the blame solely on the dark wizard’s shoulders. Thana apparently tried to tell Aeron the truth plenty of times but she just ignored her, believing Thana to be trying to lie and manipulate her. It went further, as it turned out both Aeron and Thana were psychological manifestations of yet another woman’s psyche trying to deal with trauma. It had been Mythal that had figured it out, having befriended Aeron during his time hunting Thana. He realized not only the truth of her but that if he truly killed Thana, it would kill Aeron and the other chick as well. It had bothered him enough that he had gone and sought a power to help split them into their own beings. Aeron and the other girl, apparently Calliope, had their magic taken away as Thana claimed it all for herself.

    And then she name dropped Vandrad. It took an expert level of focus and control for Xavier not to outright show his shock. Vandrad, who was Mythal’s brother, had been there to help kill Thana for good. The damn irony… he finally ran into a girl that he actually kind of liked and enjoyed being around and she was six degrees away from Vandrad. Fate truly was a cruel bitch. "Damn,” he remarked softly, his eyes trailing slightly away from her. She commented on how being from a different dimension wasn’t that strange and was fairly normal for her but his mind was solely focused on the Vandrad connection. The worser part of him, the vengeful con artist, saw the opportunity to use her to get close to the du Wolff. But his more sensible side could see through the simple-minded plan. She barely knew Vandrad from the sounds of it; he was just someone that had helped take down Thana. She primarily spent time with Mythal and though there was that familial connection, it didn’t mean he could just haphazardly ask or inquire on meeting the man. Especially now that he had outed himself as being from another universe; it wouldn’t make sense for him to get starry-eyed over Mythal or Vandrad.

    It was a breadcrumb but one that he couldn’t take, else it would all fall apart on him. He wouldn’t be as blind and stupid as he had been near Rhaegar’s end. If he was going to get close to Vandrad, he couldn’t grab the low hanging fruit. He had to be patient and wait for a sure shot. Refocusing on her, he smiled softly. "Well I’m… sorry to hear about all of that. Sure does sound like my being from somewhere else really isn’t that big of a deal, huh?” he offered with a chuckle. "But I’m glad Mythal did that for you. If anything, he gave you a chance to be a real person and I think you’re doing a good job so far.” He took a finishing swig from his champagne and filled his glass again, offering to top her off if she needed it.

    "So now that you’re out an’ about without Thana houndin’ you, I gotta ask; why’d you want to join up with the Rune Knights? I assume it has to do with wanting to be near your friend Mythal but doesn’t it come with a bit more than that? They’re right smack dab in the middle of a war. Figured you’d want to get out and see the sights.”

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 1016 words

    Last edited by Xavier Clarent on 24th December 2022, 9:42 am; edited 1 time in total


    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
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    Posts : 45
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    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 15,075

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Aeron Krishna 22nd December 2022, 2:38 pm


    Luckily, even if Trevor hadn’t been able to keep his inner thoughts from reaching his face, Aeron was far too wrapped up in her own story and far too inexperienced with people to have noticed. He was silent for a time as Aeron slowly ate one of the appetizers, her date quietly contemplating her admission. When he did finally speak, his words came with a gentle smile as he offered his condolences for her rough past, though it at least assured him that his own story wasn’t going to make her turn tail and run. He was glad that Mythal had been there to help her, giving her a chance to be her own individual - something Trevor felt she was doing a good job at thus far. She gave him a small, shy smile. “Thanks…”

    He wordlessly offered to top off her drink and she accepted, pushing her glass toward him so he could reach it with the bottle more easily. With that out of the way, he asked more about her recent career choice, asking why she wanted to join with the Rune Knights. His assumption was so she could be closer to Mythal, but considering the chaotic state of things with the war, it seemed like a massive decision. The way he saw it, he figured she’d want to use her newfound freedom to do some traveling.

    “Ha… trust me, I’ve had more than my fair share of traveling.” Aeron took a decent sip from the glass. “I was born – or well, Calliope was born – in Bellum. Her parents sold her to slavery at a young age because she hadn’t shown any signs of being a mage, which is considered a disgrace there. Turns out she did have magic, but it wasn’t obvious. She was sold to some dick named Calahan. He owns an illegal, underground pit fighting place. I… honestly still don’t know how everything happened, exactly, but… sometime in the middle of all that was most likely where she started hallucinating me and Thana. My therapist calls it… uh… dissociation. Yeah, that’s the word.”

    “We broke free at some point and have pretty much been on the run ever since. He almost caught us once or twice… but being a runaway took us all over Ishgar. Joined a couple dark guilds that gave us protection and shelter for a little while before they were shut down. When Mythal met me, I was an ace with a dark guild called Elysium. An ace is like… just below the guildmaster. He should have arrested me on the spot, but he didn’t. I think… I think he knew I didn’t really want to be involved with Thana and all her shit. I just… didn’t have anywhere else to go, and I couldn’t get away from Thana. After Elysium split up, I just kind of… camped out by myself in the abandoned guild house in Sin for about a year or so. When Mythal found out, he started having supplies shipped to me regularly… I was basically on a diet of whatever monsters I could kill and eat until that point.”

    Though she was telling the story like it wasn’t much more involved than talking about the weather, Trevor would likely start to understand why Aeron was truly such an emotional wreck that practically jumped out of her skin with just about anything to do with being social. “I’ve spent my whole… I guess you’d call it existence… just wanting to be left alone and not bothered by anyone, running and hiding and looking over my shoulder… So when I finally had my freedom, I… didn’t really know what to do with it, y’know? It was scary. Still is. Being around Mythal is…” Her voice trailed off for a moment, a slight blush overtaking her cheeks. “It’s great. He’s the only real friend I’ve ever had. He takes care of me, and so does his fiance, Serilda. I guess she’s pretty much my friend now, too. But it’s more than that. It’s..”

    Aeron struggled for a moment to find the words, her face gazing down toward the table without seeming to really look at it. “Whether intentionally or not, I… did a lot of really… really awful things. Things that keep me awake at night. Things that I can’t ever go back and fix… and I want to be a better person than that. I don’t want to run anymore. Mythal – and Serilda – they… they showed me that it’s not too late for me to do better. The Rune Knights can help me learn to take care of myself without relying on Thana, and maybe they can even help me learn new magic of my own. I can learn to protect others, too, the way they protected me. And right now, with this war… there’s a lot of people that need help like I did. So, I don’t know. It just… felt right, y’know?”

    She let out a slow, steady breath, releasing some of the tension that had built up in her body. “S-sorry. I’m uh.. Not really used to talking about myself this much.” Her gaze flicked up to him briefly, giving him a nervous chuckle.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 872 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 24th December 2022, 11:19 am

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence Int.

    New Year's Celebration

    Xavier was genuinely curious about what had prompted Aeron to join the Rune Knights. He didn’t say as much but her demeanor seemed to lean more towards a loner and from what little he knew about the military of the country, it was anything but lonesome. There were orders, superior officers and regulations to constantly be paying attention to. Then again, perhaps that was all part of her choice to get more comfortable around people? In all honesty, it seemed more like a second-hand decision, one that Mythal may have kindly suggested for her to better free herself from her past. Still, that wasn’t for him to judge or make conclusions on so it seemed easier just to get it right from the tap. She amusingly remarked that she had done plenty of traveling, taking a sip from her refreshed glass in preparation for a lengthy explanation. She told him of Calliope, the woman that had been the original before Thana and Aeron. She’d been sold into slavery in Bellum since it seemed she lacked magic. She found herself under the thumb of a man named Calahan who threw her into his illegal fighting pits. The trauma had been enough that Calliope had begun to separate herself from her pain by creating Aeron and Thana.

    Eventually they broke free and while Calahan had attempted to capture them a few times, they’d avoided him by traveling all over Ishgar. They had even joined a few dark guilds to foster protection but they had shut down. The last one she was in, one called Elysium, had been the guild that Mythal had eventually met her at. Though he knew what she was and should have slapped cuffs on her, he hadn’t and she supposed it was because he had sensed that Aeron was different from most dark mages. She was stuck with Thana and hadn’t necessarily wanted to be around her but lacked other options. When Elysium crumbled, she simply stayed in the guild hall for lack of anywhere else to go. Mythal had found out and started sending supplies to her, as she had only survived on whatever monsters she was able to kill.

    It… explained a lot about her character. As the fragment of someone else’s anxiety, who had seen a lot of darkness from her only companion in the world, it was safe to say that Aeron had suffered from one of the worst ‘upbringings’ a person could go through. She’d only had one person she could rely on and she’d been an absolute psychopath. Xavier continued to listen as she spoke of how she had just wanted to be by herself for most of her time alive, constantly on the move to escape the slaver that she believed was still after her. Once she was free, she had no ideas of what she could or should do. It terrified her, in both the past and the present. But Mythal had provided a guiding hand and Xavier was not so clueless or lacking attention to miss the slight blush that tinted her cheeks. She found comfort, strength and friendship in him that she’d never had. Serilda provided much of the same but it was different and the former God-King had a pretty good idea of what that difference was.

    Yet it wasn’t just all of that for Aeron. As she fought through her anxieties to try and reveal more, he simply gave her all of his attention, not wanting to rush her or show ambivalence. Even he could sense this was a lot and a big move for her. After a moment, as she found solidity in the table, she revealed that she had done a lot of terrible things. They hadn’t been intentional but they had still happened and they continued to haunt her. But while she understood that she couldn’t wipe her slate clean, she wanted to be better than she was and not run away from everything. Mythal and Serilda had shown her that she can still make the changes she wants and the Rune Knights would help her learn how to take care of herself, through survival and possibly magic. She could be the protector instead of the protected and with the war going on, she saw a lot of people that needed help just like she did. So it felt right.

    She let out a firm breath before she apologized for talking so much and chuckled. Not wanting her to feel as if she had overstepped or overshared, Xavier reached over slowly and placed his hand on hers gently. "You don’t gotta apologize for anything,” he told her in a soft voice. "I like hearin’ about you.” After a moment, giving her a sure smile, he gave her hand a squeeze before pulling his own back. Xavier was no fool; it was clear this woman was holding a flag for her friend Mythal. It was understandable, given everything she had said. He’d done a lot for her. But she also didn’t mention his fiance with any kind of venom or bad taste. She genuinely seemed to like this Serilda woman, meaning that she had accepted her attraction to Mythal as nothing more than that. Or she was in denial; there was no way to tell without asking her. Normally Xavier would probably try and back off there, not wanting to overcomplicate a situation that already seemed complicated.

    But hell, may as well shoot his shot while he had the opening. She was always welcome to shoot him down, right? "Truth is, I know a little about that. Not everything with Calliope and Thana but… I’ve told you I was a thief. Had to fight to survive. Doin’ that doesn’t exactly mean everything you do is clear cut or clean.” He paused for a moment, his eyes drifting slightly away as he descended into his own memories. "There was a war… a terrible one. One side fighting for freedom, the other side looking to squash it. Me and my dad got involved on the former, seein’ as we were some of the poor folk. My dad, he uh…” His face wrenched in frustration and turmoil. "He was killed during it. Ripped my heart right out. Made me cold, you know? We won the war but I wasn’t the same. I was angry and a lot of people got hurt if I thought they were in my way. I was so blinded by my pain that I never stopped to think about the pain I was causing. Then I messed up and got myself sent here. Stopped being angry for long enough to see what I’d done. It makes it hard to sleep at night.” Something she knew very well, it seemed.

    He let out a shaky breath before taking a deep gulp of his champagne. "The lesson is about moving forward. Learn from your mistakes and don’t fuck it up again, right? Ain’t much else we can do.”

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 1163/2179 words


    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 45
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    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 15,075

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Aeron Krishna 24th December 2022, 3:47 pm


    If Aeron could go back even a couple months ago and tell herself that sometime in the not too distant future she’d be on what was essentially a date with a near total stranger, dressed to the nines, and talking about her history, the past version of herself probably would have told her to fuck off. She was utterly astounded with herself even now, thinking that surely she’d wake up at any moment to find this was some weird dream or nightmare. But it wasn’t. The night only continued on, the two carrying on a conversion the likes of which Aeron had only ever shared in the past with Mythal, and more recently Serilda. She hadn’t even opened up like this to any of her Rune Knight comrades.

    It was a scary feeling, but liberating too, and as he reached over to take her hand she honestly couldn’t stop herself from finally looking up at him again. Trevor told her that she didn’t need to apologize, assuring her that he enjoyed hearing about her. Back came the blush in full as she murmured a stuttered thanks, and he withdrew his hand almost as quickly as he had set it upon hers.Thankfully, he took the attention off of her for a bit to speak a little of his own experiences, which he claimed were in a similar vein as her own. He referenced back to his time as a thief, a poor man that needed to do what he had to for survival. Apparently there had been a war back at his home too, one where he joined in a fight against tyranny. That war was how his father had died.

    And it seemed the loss of his father had torn Trevor apart. Though his side had won the war, the victory had been tainted by his father’s death, practically killing his compassion. He took out his deep seeded anger on a lot of people without care for the consequences, led by a broken heart. Eventually his behavior landed him here in Earthland, and the experience had apparently shaken him enough from his anger to look at himself and see what he’d been doing. Like her, his prior actions were things that he’d been wrestling with ever since, and it was more than just his words. Aeron would never claim to be the most observant or empathic of people, but even she could see from the way he spoke how hard those chapters of his life still were on him. He knocked back a bit of champagne before wrapping everything up by saying that the lesson to learn was to just move forward. The past couldn’t be changed, only learned from so they didn’t repeat the same mistakes.

    She regarded him quietly for a moment, trying to decide what to do, or what she could say. Something like that would have been difficult enough for a well adjusted person to respond to, let alone someone like her. “Not always an easy lesson to hear…” A lesson, it seemed, they had both been learning. With some slight hesitation, Aeron reached slowly across the table and awkwardly set her hand on top of his arm. “I’m sorry about your dad. I can see how much he meant to you…”

    They passed the time after that by eating what was left of their food and polishing off the bottle of champagne, their conversation turning toward lighter things, both of them needing a reprieve from the deeper conversation. She asked him a bit about his music, interested in knowing what kind of songs he liked to play, what instruments he knew, and that kind of thing. Aeron had obviously heard some of his music when they first met, but Halloween music was a very particular type of music that wasn’t necessarily a reflection of the kind of things he actually wrote. She didn’t have a whole lot of exposure to music to know much of what she was talking about, but that didn’t make her less interested in hearing more about it from him.

    By the time they finished the bottle, Aeron was feeling pretty good. She wasn’t drunk, mostly because the food in her stomach helped to even out the alcohol, but being new to drinking her tolerance was fairly low, so she definitely had a solid buzz going. And from the look of things, it was helping to relax her a bit, her ability to hold a conversation without stuttering and stammering increasing as the evening went on – though it was entirely possible that was due more to her actually becoming more comfortable with him the longer they hung out. At one point, she glanced over to where there was a big timer on the wall counting down until midnight, surprised to find that they had already been hanging out for a couple hours. “Well, uh.. Looks like there only another thirty minutes until they do the count down thingy… Was there anything else you wanted to do? I’ve never been on a date before, so I don’t really know how any of this works…”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 853/1725 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 24th December 2022, 5:47 pm

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence Int.

    New Year's Celebration

    Xavier found himself incapable of holding back his thoughts and feelings. She had opened up to him, arguably a lot more than she had to. He never would have asked or demanded to know more about her because each person’s business was just that. But it seemed his line of questioning about her joining the Rune Knights had opened up a path for her to touch upon more personal subjects. She’d shared with him about the past of her former body and how tough things had been for her. And after finding her freedom, Aeron had sought to make a better impact than the one she had already put upon the world while attached, literally, to Thana. She could hopefully protect people now and that was an honorable ending to her explanation.

    He didn’t really have much in the way of a happy ending, outside of his arriving there. His tale of being caught up in the war and losing his father in it had been truthful, even if he glossed over a very many details. Nonetheless, the pain and hurt he’d felt from losing his parent was real enough as well as the anger and hatred that he had spread throughout the world through his actions afterward. It hadn’t been until Vandrad had ripped him out of his home world and dropped him here that he’d even had time to escape the tunnel vision he had seemingly been stuck to. He realized just how far off the deep end he’d gone. He considered that a gift; one that would allow him to move forward with the lessons of his past always present in his heart and mind. She understood it well, admitting that it was not an easy lesson. And then, surprisingly, she found it in herself to reach over and place her hand on top of his. He looked at it briefly before meeting her gaze as she apologized for the loss of his father. "Thanks. He was my world. Without him, it didn’t seem like I had much of a place. Maybe I can change that here.”

    After what was a surprisingly emotional and tender moment, they were able to return to eating and talking about plenty of other things that weren’t as deep. While it felt good to get things off his chest and just talk to someone about it, the lighter topics helped alleviate the tone of the night so that it wasn’t just down and, to be frank, a bummer. She asked him about his music, wanting to know more about what he did or played. As a man learning brand new instruments, he had taken to anything and everything he could get his hands on. And there didn’t seem to be one genre that he simply clung to; he wanted to explore and experiment with them all. He pulled out the iLac he had managed to procure quite some time ago and played her his first public song so that she could get a taste of what he was playing with.

    Before long, it was very nearly midnight. They’d ripped through the bottle of champagne, leaving them both in good places. Xavier was feeling light and airy, smiling a bit like an idiot but enjoying the hell out of it. Eventually she looked over at the clock and informed him that there were only thirty more minutes left before the countdown. She asked him if there was anything else he wanted to do, as she was completely inexperienced when it came to usual date routines. Xavier glanced over at the clock and then over at the dance floor briefly before turning her attention back to her. "Far as I know, we’ve been doin’ the date thing right; just chilling and chatting. But since this is supposed to be a celebration, we should get a bit more bold, right?” Brushing his collar off briefly to get rid of any wayward crumbs from their food, he stepped around the table and offered his hand to her. "Dance with me. We don’t know anyone here so we don’t gotta be worried about anyone remembering us. And we don’t have to get fancy or nothin’. Just… a dance until the new year. How ‘bout it?”

    He knew it would probably take a little assurance from herself to work up the courage. He would wait as long as needed. Once she finally took his hand, he would lead her over to the edge of the dance floor, where not as many people were. Once there, he put his hands on her hips carefully and guided her to put her hands on his shoulders. After they were in the right positions, he would just gently sway with her, back and forth to the melodic music that was playing from the orchestra.

    He chuckled. "This is nice. I can’t remember the last time I’ve danced with a beautiful girl.”

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 819/2998 words


    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 45
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    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 15,075

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Aeron Krishna 25th December 2022, 12:15 pm


    His song was… well, it was actually really good. Trevor definitely had a talent, one that even Aeron could see. Or well, hear. He had a copy on his iLac of the song he’d recorded, more than happy to pull out the device to let her listen to it. From there, they passed the time chatting and drinking until the bottle was empty. They had about a half hour until midnight, and Aeron was feeling good enough to ask what else he wanted to do. Trevor looked around the room even as he told her that he felt they’d been doing pretty good for a date so far with just relaxing and getting to know each other. However, since it was a holiday, he said they could be a little more bold.

    She watched him as he cleaned a few crumbs off his collar and came around to the side of the table where she was, holding out his hand for her to take and inviting her to dance with him. He must have seen her face pale immediately, because Trevor assured her that they had nothing to fear while surrounded by strangers whose opinions meant little, and they didn’t have to do anything fancy or impressive. Just dance.

    “I should have kept my mouth shut,” Aeron lamented with a sigh, though there was a smidge of playfulness in her tone. She barely knew how to talk to people, let alone dance with them. Suddenly wishing she’d had more to drink, the Rune Knight slowly took his hand and let him lead her out to the edge of the dance floor. The brunette practically was vibrating right out of her skin as he put his hands on her hips, her cheeks the reddest they had been to date. Her own hands were extremely uncertain as she put them on his shoulders, the woman struggling for the first minute or so with whether she had them in the right spot. She was completely incapable of making eye contact with him. The only other time she had been this physically close to someone before had been when Mythal had caught her from falling after the fight against the big monster in Sin, and she’d been too distracted and exhausted at that time to think too hard on it.

    But tonight, she had no such luxuries. Trevor was there, he was close, and there was absolutely nothing to distract her from either of those facts, nor how warm his body felt near her own, even with a bit of space between them. He even made it worse, going a step further by giving a small laugh and commenting about how long it had been since he’d danced with a “beautiful girl”. An anxiety driven chuckle bubbled out of her lips, Aeron continuing to be unused to receiving compliments, particularly about her looks. “Haaa yeah… I uh… I’ve n-never danced before… I’m sure that’s shocking to hear.” Ah, a bit of self deprecating humor was always a win. It was quite true, though. She’d never danced, either by herself or with someone else, and even if he hadn’t already assumed as much he would know it was true simply by the number of times she would slightly step on his feet, never enough to hurt or even discomfort him but certainly more than enough to notice, each time coming with a quick “sorry”.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 570/2295 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 26th December 2022, 6:04 pm

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence Int.

    New Year's Celebration

    "Probably,” Xavier agreed with her, flashing her a grin as his hand remained out and waiting for her. She hadn’t quite fully turned the idea down, her tone betraying a slight amusement at the offer. And after a moment of consideration, she finally took his offered hand and allowed him to lead her to a more solitary portion of the dance floor. He took care in showing her how they would dance together, fighting back chuckling as her hands wrung and wrought in trying to figure out where to go. He also chose not to point out just how red her face had gotten, as he was sure pointing it out would shut down any courage she may have summoned up to that point. She looked everywhere other than at him, even as they began to sway slowly. As he complimented her, she chuckled nervously and revealed that she’d never danced before, though she imagined he wasn’t too surprised by that. That much was obvious by how her feet kept failing to move away from him, pressing down on her shoes in several different places as she apologized each and every time.

    "Only one way to learn, right? I don’t know much about how dancing goes here beyond this; something I’ve seen in a few clubs while I was performing. It seemed the uh… more acceptable route.” There were certainly more vigorous dancing types that he had seen but luckily both the mood and the music didn’t open itself to that. He was sure even slightly suggesting any kind of dancing that may or may not have involved grinding themselves against one another would have sent Aeron through the roof. But he didn’t mind that she had to keep adjusting her footing because frankly, that was the only way to get it right. You had to make a few mistakes. Not many were naturally gifted at dancing and capable of moving about without hindrance or issue.

    He glanced up at the clock after what he thought was a few minutes. But the hand was very nearly meeting its brother at the 12, the countdown to the new year only three minutes away. "Damn, time flies, don’t it?” he asked with a slightly nervous chuckle, the first time he seemed to show any kind of real anxiety focused on the date. "There is one other thing that I hear people do at these celebrations. I guess at midnight people like to kiss one another, as a good luck tradition for the new year.” It was clear what he was hinting towards. "We don’t have to, of course. But I’d be lyin’ if I said I didn’t want to. I know it’s a bit sudden but I didn’t want to like… blind side you with it. I’d rather be upfront about it, as well as, you know, ask for consent and all.”

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 480/3478 words


    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 45
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 15,075

    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Aeron Krishna 27th December 2022, 12:14 pm


    Aeron had never been to a club before, so she didn’t really have any idea as to what kind of dancing he was referencing. Whatever it was, it seemed he felt that she wouldn’t have been willing to be talked into it, which was probably a pretty reasonable assumption. This was already far beyond anything she’d ever thought she would partake in, and it already felt ridiculous enough. Anything more boisterous or wild would have absolutely been shut down, the woman embarrassed by the mere thought. This version of dancing was still intimidating, but it was acceptable, even if she was having to fight back from thinking about how warm his hands on her hips were and how close their bodies were to each other.

    They danced like that for quite a while in relative silence, and the longer they went on the calmer she got. Aeron was actually… well, proud of herself. In a single evening she had faced quite a number of fears and insecurities and had come out the other side relatively unscathed, thus far. It greatly helped that Trevor had been kind and patient with her the entire way, the attentive man giving her the time she needed to make steps on her own, pushing her toward growth but not too far from what she would reasonably be ready for. In almost no time at all, it was nearing midnight and soon the evening would likely be over not long after that. She understood from Mythal and Serilda that most people were out fairly late on this particular holiday, staying up until one in the morning or later, so surely she and Trevor would still hang out a little past the midnight hour, but the vast majority of the event was coming to a close.

    And that was when he truly caught her off guard. Trevor commented on the time with a chuckle that sounded more like one of her own, one that even someone as unobservant as herself was able to catch. Aeron looked at him as he went on to explain about a tradition he’d learned of that many did for New Year’s, one that involved kissing someone at midnight for luck. It took her a second to process what he was getting at, and all at once her face turned a shade more pale, her cerulean eyes wide as saucers in surprise and anxiety. “O-oh…” As he had done throughout the night, he assured her that there was no pressure and she didn’t have to do anything with him that she didn’t want to. However, he admitted that he wanted to. He just didn’t want to force it on her or do anything like that without permission.

    Well, now she was really in a spot. Dancing with someone was one thing. Kissing was entirely different. Aeron had never kissed anyone. At least, not that she remembered – the body she had shared with two other women had certainly had its fair share of romantic use, but never while Aeron had been in possession of it. She hadn’t even really allowed herself to daydream about something like that, not even with Mythal, who was arguably the only person she’d ever felt any kind of attraction toward before.

    …But Mythal was getting married. He was engaged to a beautiful, strong, intelligent woman that gave him everything he needed. They worked together and had children together, a home, a life… and Aeron knew she would never have that kind of place in his life, nor would she ever try. She wanted Mythal to be happy, and he was happy with Serilda. Carrying that kind of torch would only hurt her in the long run, and while she understood that she couldn’t just turn off her attraction to Mythal, she also understood to some extent that she couldn’t let it control her. She was doing this – all of it – to try and overcome her fears and the pitfalls of her upbringing. But more than that, was the unconscious recognition that she hadn’t immediately turned the idea down, having been standing there like an idiot while they danced as her mind raced at a million miles a minute to give him an answer. There was a part of her, whether big or small, that wasn’t disinterested in the idea, as scary as it was to cope with. He was attractive, and while she didn’t know him very well she couldn’t deny that she did like him to some degree. It wasn’t like he was asking for sex – just a kiss.

    “Y-Yeah. Okay. Sure,” she found herself stammering out. Suddenly her mouth felt like cotton, and her stomach was churning in some uncomfortable fashion she’d never felt before. In a way she almost wished he had just surprised her with it, because now she would surely be glued to the clock in a steadily increasing panic until it chimed in the new year. But as nervous as she was, she had made her decision and she wasn’t going to back out of it.

    Even if she wanted to collapse in a fit of hyperventilation.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 864/3159 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Celebrating a New Year Empty Re: Celebrating a New Year

    Post by Xavier Clarent 27th December 2022, 3:35 pm

    Trevor Winters

    H Rank
    Confidence Int.

    New Year's Celebration

    To be completely honest, Xavier expected her to say no. Or at least to insinuate that his request to kiss her was a bit much. Though it was true there were plenty of people, himself included, that kissed and did a whole lot more within a short timespan of meeting, it wasn’t something he would ever push onto Aeron. Considering all he had learned about her, observed about her, this was going to, most likely, be a huge hurdle for her. There was also the fact that she clearly had a thing for Mythal and asking her to kiss him would truly put her feelings to the test when it came to that.

    But he liked her -- he had stated as much to her. And if there was anyone that he would be willing to take it slow with and just see what happened, it was Aeron. He wasn’t sure why he liked her as much as he did, as he usually went for girls that had a bit more of an edge or attitude. Maybe he saw something in her that resembled himself, a kindred spirit that he could truly connect with on several layers outside of physical. So despite how he knew it would probably cause her to freak out a little, he decided to ask her outright if he could kiss her, rather than taking her by surprise. And she was stunned; she barely managed to get any kind of words out, her eyes as large as two moons as she looked at him and then seemingly looked everywhere else but at him.

    But surprising him, and perhaps herself, she agreed to it. "O-Oh.” It was his turn to stammer out, his eyes widening a bit in shock. He quickly recovered but it would be evident that he was surprised she had agreed, though not displeased in the least. "Alright,” he reinforced his stance with a small smile, taking his gaze away from her to look towards the clock. Now less than a minute, the countdown to both the new year and to what was surely going to be a monumental moment was quickly picking up. The rest of the crowd joined in at twenty, counting down in unison out loud as Xavier turned his gaze.

    Ignoring the rest of the world, he pulled one of his hands up from her hip and gently ran it across her cheek, the back of his hand stroking her skin lovingly. "I got you,” he told her softly as his hand turned so that he could softly caress her cheek and jawbone. His eyes flitted between her face and her lips, finding himself nervous as well for some reason. He was sure that this wasn’t her physical first kiss, or rather, it wasn’t the first kiss her conjoined body had taken. But for her, he imagined this was going to be groundbreaking. He could be wrong, especially since she hadn’t tried to deter him in any way. But whatever the case, he wanted to make sure that he made an impact. Slowly his fingers drew down her jaw to find her chin and ever so gently lifted it so that he had a direct line to her.

    To be fair, he cheated a bit. They still had a whole second before he leaned in and kissed her. As his lips met hers, his hand pulled back to once more lovingly hold her cheek, even as his other hand on her hip held her close to him. It wasn't a lust-filled or sloppy kiss but there was certainly plenty of passion in it, the nerves making it impossible for it not to be. He held her lips with his for several seconds before he finally pulled back, the rest of the world crashing back down around him as cheers and different party favors were set off. Off in the distance, fireworks exploded in the night sky, lighting up the cold winter’s night with colors. "Happy New Year,” he told her softly, smiling slightly. "Hope you get plenty a’ luck.”

    @Aeron Krishna • Notes • 678/4156 words


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:34 pm