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    Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea)


    Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea) Empty Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea)

    Post by Guest 21st September 2022, 11:34 am

    It was all just a little too much for the young woman and as she struggled to make her way through the busy crowds, the usual smile that was on her face had all but faded away. She’d been so looking forward to taking on her first official job and more than eager to visit Crocus but the orange haired teenager hadn’t expected the place to be quite so large and different. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of people wandering around and Erika didn’t have the slightest clue what to make of it. How could anyone find their way with so many people? It wasn’t like this back home and having come from the forests of Seven, she felt completely out of her depth. Her breathing was becoming a little fast and the large brown eyes of her were becoming just a little fearful. She had to deliver the package like she had agreed but the woman was lost beyond belief, not having a clue where the shop she had been asked to take it to. What was she going to do now?

    Taking a seat on a bench beside a lovely marble water feature, Erika looked nervously at the passing crowd in front of her. She’d tried to ask for directions more than once but no one had taken the time to help her. This wasn’t fun at all and she was becoming more nervous by the second, unable to even stand up. To be crippled by nerves wasn’t something that she’d ever felt before and it was driving her a little crazy. She started to wish that she’d simply stayed in Seven and stuck to exploring the forests. Her animal friends had never made her feel this way, even the largest and most ferocious of beasts. She had an understanding with them that perhaps she didn’t have with other humans. The people of Seven were elves and acted in a different way to the people who surrounded her now. Her Elven family had always kept her safe and happy, providing her with all the help and guidance she could have wanted.

    Erika knew that she couldn’t just stay there forever but she just couldn’t get over her nerves. She felt intimidated by the crowd, the noise and all the foreign signs and banners that she didn’t know. So, instead of worrying about all of that, she tried to do what she always did and think about the bright side. She tried to think about the people who the potions that she was carrying would help, a thought that did make her feel a little better. Her breathing steadied a little and she called out, hoping that someone would hear and offer to help her.

    “Could someone tell me the way to the potion store please? I need to get there quickly and make a delivery.”
    Her voice wasn’t loud by nature and she had no idea if anyone could hear her over the din that was occurring around her.

    (501 Words)
    Saint Olga
    Saint Olga

    Lineage : Keeper of War
    Position : None
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    Posts : 73
    Cosmic Coins : 55
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    Experience : 27,299

    Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea) Empty Re: Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea)

    Post by Saint Olga 21st September 2022, 12:08 pm

    Andrea will be walking streets with her companion Ponta. A green spirit creature that she had found and had been attached to for quite some time now on her way to this country. As she walked through the capital she would look up at her companion  Ponta with small smile. " The sure is different with the home huh.." She  Said to the small green creature on her shoulder.    The furry green Peter as if knowing what she say gave an affirmative nod. *Kew kew!" It responded energetically which just made Andrea smile a little bit reaching up patting  It's head with Warner of her fingers as it nuzzled into her.   The capital here was busy not much unlike her home but in a only but in a different way people here seem to be going with purpose but also enjoying themselves a lot more than she found at home where was a lot more business. Not that she minded either way because some things in the capital just never changed from either place and one example was staring her in the face.

    There was a girl who looked like a nervous wreck sitting on a bench trying to get anyone's attention for assistance but to no Avail just like in any city you tend to get ignored if you don't have a voice and she certainly didn't have one. It wasn't anything to do with that she wasn't used to but still She found it all that no one would at least stop to see if she need assistance, Some things never change. Before she could say or do anything Ponta Her green furry nine tailed squirrel looking companion had jumped off her shoulder and started running towards the nervous vacuum of a girl.  Ponta being a creature from the horse had more instinct for things like this and sheeted acting quicker on it sometimes brought it sometimes, maybe also something It heard it didn't really matter he was already at her feet looking up at her "kew kew!" Ponta would Say with a happy tone gesturing that he wanted to be picked up.  All Andrea could do with sigh shaking Perhaps but not in a disappointing way in a this is typical way and a small bit of pride. With that she wouldn't begin to walk over to her companion and the nervous  wreak of a girl, She was already going to help them Ponta just beat them to it.

    "Hello, sorry if Ponta there is bothering you... You seem like you have a bit of trouble is everything right?"  She asked the leaning forward a little bit trying to meet her somehow I love a moment not wanting to be too presumptuous and just sitting down next to her or kneeling in front of her treating her like a child. The very least she tucked a locke of hair behind her ear  And waited. She was surprised at no one stopped to help such a nice looking girl but what can you do.   All she did was offer a warm smile and let her speak at her pace not wanting to trigger her if anything or rush her, letting her get herself together as Ponta nuzzled her affectionately try to help .

    WC: 544
    TWC: 1045

    Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea) Empty Re: Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea)

    Post by Guest 22nd September 2022, 6:55 am

    There was something about the small animal that seemed to help ease Erika’s worries and as the green creature moved in close and nuzzled against her form, the orange haired girl only naturally picked it up and let it rest on her lap. She didn’t recognise just what species of animal it was but that didn’t make any difference to her. Animals spoke to the teenager in a way that other humans didn’t and she felt as though she could communicate with them in a rather special way. Could she talk to them? Well, sometimes she believed so and had been able to pick up on the thoughts and desires of those that she had met in the forests of her homeland. Her adopted family had said that it was possible and that with time and practice, maybe she’d be able to have a proper conversation with all manner of animals one day. Erika was definitely eager to study and work hard to do so although it didn’t seem to be a skill that would be too useful if all of Fiore was as large and frightening as this place was. The little guy was a blessing though and Erika was soon stroking him quite happily, her soft and gentle hand seeming to know just where to rub in order to make him feel comfortable.

    Turning to the polite blonde woman who’d finally answered her pleas, Erika would try to smile. “Thanks for stopping by. I was given this box of merchandise to deliver to the potion store in this city but I’ve gotten completely lost and can’t find my way. I’m not a native to this land and to be in a place with so many people is a little scary for me. There’s just so much noise and I can’t think straight. I don’t know how anyone here and no one answered my calls for help until you did. All I want to do is complete my job and then go somewhere quieter where I can relax. I don’t really want to stay here now, it’s just too much for me. Sorry if that sounds silly or childish but it’s how I feel.”

    “I’m Erika, by the way, Erika Tolvan. It’s nice to meet you Miss…?” She would remember her manners, as nervous as she was and there was something about this woman that helped her feel at ease. The blonde haired woman had a nice smile and it caused Erika to want to smile too.

    It seemed that was a trait that the woman shared with her companion too as Ponta looked rather cheerful too. Erika couldn’t help but keep stroking him, finding the creature absolutely adorable. He reminded her of her friends back home who always had time for her. “Ponta is a lovely little guy, isn’t he? He’s not bothering me at all and I admit that holding him helps me feel less nervous. I’ve always loved animals.” She’d add after a short time, having become rather fond of him already.

    (507 Words)
    (1552 TWC)
    Saint Olga
    Saint Olga

    Lineage : Keeper of War
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 73
    Cosmic Coins : 55
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 27,299

    Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea) Empty Re: Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea)

    Post by Saint Olga 22nd September 2022, 7:23 am

    Andrea gave a small smile seeing her petting Ponta, and Ponta nuzzling into it. It would appear her small spirit companion was able to , she would expect nothing less from him. "Good I am glad to hear it you can hold him for a little while if you would like to."  She said not wanting to disturb them , though she finally did sit down on the bench next to them. She was relieved that she could calm her down a little bit more now thinking about what she said she looked over at The lovely looking woman named Erika.  "My  Name is Andrea, Andrea Lux it's a pleasure to meet you Erika,   I admit I'm a bit new here as well however if you need help finding your potion shop I'll be more than happy to at least help you through the city."   She spoke in a calm genuine tone keeping her smile on her face as Ponta looked up at Erika "Kew Kew!" They said with a determination in their tone and a ready looked in there eyes.

    Andrea gave a small giggle almost unable to be heard as Ponta agrreded. "Seems Ponta wants to help as well."  Andrea said as Ponta the scurried up to her shoulder, not weighing really anything as he perched on it nuzzling Erika cheek with his.   Andrea knew what that meant it that is how Ponta taveled with people, showing it was time to get going so what thought she would stand up and look down at her offering a hand." Well we won't find the potion shop sitting here come on."  She spoke with a confidence in her voice and a smile on her face looking down at her Waiting for her to accept her hand.   She wasn't intending on completing the job for her as that wouldn't help her but she really needed was help getting her confidence and if she can be that confidence while walking through the city and keep her comforted with Ponta... That would certainly be a start. There was something about the situation about helping her that was different from our homeland that she didn't dislike though though she had many questions still the fact remained that she just wanted to help this person right now, start her journey in this country on a good note. So if she could help this girl do something as simple as find a shop, it was enough for her.

    WC: 413

    Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea) Empty Re: Lost In A Foreign Land (Andrea)

    Post by Guest 22nd September 2022, 9:18 am

    Taking the woman’s outstretched hand with her left and taking the box with her right, Erika would stand up and follow the blonde woman through the busy streets. It felt so horrible being so close to so many people but the warmth of Andrea’s hand and the relaxing presence of Ponta on her shoulder helped her feel at ease. They were both so kind and the orange haired girl couldn’t help but smile at their generosity. She might have been sitting on that bench for hours if they hadn’t turned up when they did and the dragon slayer would be grateful to them for the rest of her life. It might have seemed like a simple act to them but it was the first real sign of friendship that Erika had experienced on Fiore. That wasn’t to say that the natives were unfriendly, just that they all seemed so busy and didn’t have much time for strangers. Maybe the people of this nation were just suspicious of new people? She couldn’t help but wonder why that was the case if true.

    Soon enough, her eyes lit up as she saw a shop sign decorated by potions and with a happy sigh, she actually gained the courage to lead Andrea for a little while or at least until they reached the shop. This must have been the place and as soon as she reached the door, she was inside like a shot, wanting to complete her task without having to make the recipient wait a moment longer. Thankfully, the woman behind the till was rather friendly and accepted the goods with a smile, as well as a small bag of jewels that caught Erika a little off guard. She hadn’t expected a reward at all and try as she might, the shop owner wouldn’t take no for an answer, resulting in Erika having to accept the currency. All she’d wanted to do was help out.

    Thanks to Andrea and Ponta, she’d managed to do just that and as she took Andrea’s hand again to be led out of the city, a smile crept onto her face.

    Her first job had been a success.

    (362 Words)
    (2327 TWC)

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:08 pm