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    The Promotion


    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
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    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    The Promotion Empty The Promotion

    Post by Saraphina 25th August 2022, 12:08 pm

    The White Queen
    The queen flipped her hair over her shoulder as she fixed the skirt of her dress. She was trying new colors again. Even though Birch was no longer with them, she wanted to try new colors in hopes of enticing her prince charming one day. Her dress donned a white top that hugged her body and held up over her shoulders with chains that have three crystals at the end on the front, acting almost like a clasp. The skirt of the dress was a sparkly ombre dark blue to a light aqua blue-green and was high-low and sported a pleated white skirt under that. On her head was a blue tiara with gems of various shades of blue on it. She had arm bands that shared the same blue crystals as her tiara, and anklets as well. On her feet were a pair of blue metallic looking heels that clicked along her castle floor.

    Behind her a blonde angelic maid followed with her wings tucked behind her and her hands held in front of her. “Your majesty. Should I call for Lady Medeia to meet you in the throne room?” Her blue eyes looked up to the long, white hair of the queen in front of her. The queen stopped as she turned to the maid, but then slowly smiled. “I’ll get someone to go deliver to her that you wish to speak with her. I will meet up with you in the throne room momentarily.” She quickly about faces and hurries off to find another servant.

    All that the hallway heard was the queen’s heels clicking on the floor once again as she made her way to the throne room. This was something new that she was wanting to do. How would it be perceived? Would her right hand woman even accept the proposal? They weren’t even that close. The queen should fix this picture. To be viewed as a great queen, one must come close to their subordinates.
    @Medeia || 331 words || 331 total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff



    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Guest 26th August 2022, 6:21 am

    It was a rare moment when Medeia did not have all that much going on. None of her various schemes required her direct attention and life was running pretty much on autopilot. Her experiments were running well and the raven haired woman was looking forward to seeing if her latest curse would finally fulfil her dream of creating life from pure magic. Oh, she had of course created her dear Gisen already but the angel was deeply obsessed with the idea of making a pure human being, one who was entirely homo sapien rather than a cross. The raven haired woman was hopeful that she would be successful this time and create a child that she could raise entirely as her own, a daughter that she could teach all of her secrets to. Was it strange that an immortal being wanted offspring? Perhaps but the desire was there.

    Perched on her bed and fiddling around with her new iLac, the ancient being was about to call one of her lady friends, in order to help pass the time. It had been a while since she had last checked in with her allies on the legal side of the spectrum and Medeia was a tad concerned that perhaps they had forgotten about her. Such a scenario was unacceptable of course and she would not put up with that at all. Once she had hooks in on someone, they were not so easily removed. Yes, a check up was definitely necessary.

    Her finger was just on the call button when a knock on the door interrupted her and after a second, a most familiar figure entered the room, as happy and as cheerful as ever. Medeia’s eyes from her iLac to watch her maid as she walked in and with a tilt of her head, she asked. “I thought that you had another few hours to go down in the kitchens. What causes you to come back so soon? In trouble again?”

    “Of course not, Mistress.” Armina replied with a wide smile, her crimson eyes twinkling with amusement. “I come with you with a request from the Queen. She wants to see you in the throne room as soon as possible. I received the summons from Nadaline.”

    “Did you now?” The witch replied, equally amused. “Well, I will head there right away. Thank you for the message, my dear.”

    “No trouble at all.” Answered the cheerful maid, before turning on her heel and returning to her work.

    With a smile, Medeia would put her on a lovely purple coloured dress and heels, before exiting her room and making the fairly short trip towards the throne room. It had been some time since she had spoken to the Queen and honestly, they had never spoken at length, despite the fact that Medeia was her second in command. She did not believe that it was deliberate and certainly was not on her part, just that they were both incredibly busy and had so much to do. Perhaps today would be a chance to put that right?

    She arrived after a few minutes and gently wrapped her knuckles against the luxurious doors that lead into the beautiful room. “Your Majesty?” She asked, her tone polite enough. It was incredibly rare that she used such titles to speak to another person but there was reason for her not to be civil with the Guildmaster.

    (568 Words)
    (899 TWC)

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Cosmic Coins : 545
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    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Saraphina 9th September 2022, 9:30 am

    The White Queen
    As soon as the witch had knocked on the door, a pair of servants opened the door for her to be exposed to the queen sitting atop her throne. She had her right knee on top of her left knee, and leaned to the right as she picked at some grapes on the plate next to her. She let her pinkish purple eye look over to the door, and smiled.

    “Medeia!” She dropped the grape back on the plate and clapped her hands together. “I’m glad you made it so quickly!” She stood up and walked down the few steps to her throne and up to Medeia. She stopped halfway to Medeia and pursed her lips. Was the throne room honestly a good spot to do this? No. it needed to be more personal and not in here.

    Gripping her hand for a moment as she scolded herself mentally for a brief moment. She released her hand and held it out to the ace with her palm up as she smiled sweetly. “I do apologize for changing the scenery so soon after you just got here. Would it be okay to chat in the parlor? I’m not keeping you from anything, am I?”

    Of course Saraphina hoped she was seeming sweet enough that she wasn’t off putting to the ace. She glanced back towards Nadaline to be sure she didn’t run off anywhere, but was glad to see her standing behind her throne with her twin brother, Bertrand, and the Desertian servant she picked up a while ago, Dahmin. Dahmin was still learning the ins and outs of his duties, but he was learning to use the sword from Bertrand and how to do some duties that the maids do for the queen as well. Mostly he was dolled up to be a little bit of a decoration for the queen, especially if his family tried to come take him back, but he seemed to be content with Errings Rising and the fact that he wasn’t bothered by kidnappers.

    Her attention went back to Medeia, wanting to be sure the woman was okay with joining her, and possibly for tea and something to snack on, should she be free.
    @Medeia || 369 words || 1268 total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff, Dahmin #cc6600



    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Guest 10th September 2022, 7:12 am

    A smile crossed Medeia’s features as the Queen took her hand, before suddenly realising her position and backing off a little. To be honest, Medeia did not mind the gesture at all and she deeply hoped that the two of them would be able to become closer. It was a rather sad truth but the witch could not help but think about the fact that the two of them were pretty much all that were left of the original members of Errings Rising. Members came and went so quickly these days with very few seeming to hang around for very long which left the Ace feeling rather despondent at times. Medeia herself had no intention of disappearing into the night though, as, Errings Rising was well and truly her home now and not just hers but Armina’s as well. They were both happy exactly where they were, which was not how the Ace had thought things would be at the start. She had never planned to settle all those years ago but times had changed and so had she.

    Nodding her head in approval in answer to the Guildmaster’s request, she would soon reply with sincerity. “Do not worry, Your Majesty, I confess that my diary has been rather empty of late and I appreciate the chance to spend some time with you. I was simply checking on my spy network when my maid informed me that you wished to speak with me. If you would like us to move to the parlour then that is perfectly fine with me. Please lead the way.”

    The Ace was genuinely curious as to just what the beautiful Queen wished to speak with her about. There was nothing that jumped to mind and the Warlord could not think of anything regarding her guild work that would require a conversation. Everything was going well as far as she could tell.

    (316 Words)
    (1584 TWC)

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Cosmic Coins : 545
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    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Saraphina 23rd September 2022, 4:45 pm

    The White Queen
    As her hand was grabbed back, Saraphina smiled rather brightly to the witch, but her sudden release had her blinking in confusion. But that was quickly forgotten as she was informed of what her loyal ace had been doing. She motions for a side door that leads to a hallway where the parlor was, leading Medeia that way. Nadaline, Bertrand, and Dahmin followed behind the duo.

    “I’ll be honest, I’m not too familiar with spy networks? Is that similar to the informants we have?” She curiously asks as she herself opened the door to the parlor. It was probably one of the very few doors she’d open herself, especially since the parlor was like her own little oasis. There were some bookshelves in there with collections of fairy tale stories. Some were for kids, others were novel versions. Some shelves had books on clothing designs, wedding themes, and queenly duties. There even were some books on teas, but it didn’t seem like those ones were touched as much. Some of her jewels she won from little missions were on display in this room too, especially her first crown that she occasionally wears.

    She sat herself down on her favorite antique looking chaise lounger. In front of it was an antique looking coffee table, and around that table were two similar chairs and a couch. Despite the antiqueness of the furniture, it gave a rather elegant vibe to the parlor. “Would you like a specific tea for Nadaline to make? Her black teas and peppermint teas are my personal favorites, but she’s gotten good at making others as well.” She says as Nadaline took her spot behind her queen.
    @Medeia || 278 words || 1862 total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff, Dahmin #cc6600



    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Guest 24th September 2022, 9:58 am

    There was a curious look in the eyes of the angel too as she followed the Queen into the parlour. It was a quaint room indeed and Medeia could naturally see the appeal of speaking in such a place. A small paradise, away from the eyes and ears of the guild and its members. The witch had a rather lovely set of quarters herself although they were not a match for the Royal’s. Her purple eyed gaze would glance with interest at the various bookshelves and trinkets, which actually spoke volumes about the Queen herself in Medeia’s opinion. How one decorated their personal spaces said more than words ever could.

    “Exactly right.” She replied to the Queen’s question with a smile. “I have taken it upon myself to grow our ranks in that department and have started forging relationships with mages in other guilds. Some suspect that I am up to something but most do not have the slightest idea. I have been trying to get my fingers in as many pies as I can, so to speak and the results are promising. I am hopeful that in time, my contacts will be able to provide us with precious intel that will help our guild fulfil its goals.” She had made quite a few close contacts in that regard and Medeia recalled a fair few faces as she mused about that for a moment. Some were legal, others were dark in nature but they were all people who she had wrapped around her little finger. It was a rather intoxicating feeling and one she always desired.

    Taking a seat, she would briefly turn her gaze towards Nadaline as the Guildmaster mentioned her tea making skills and nod. “I have a particular fondness for Earl Grey, if you would be so kind?”

    Returning her gaze to the Queen, Medeia would say with a noticeable touch of approval in her tone. “You have quite the lovely parlour, Your Majesty.”

    (327 Words)
    (2189 TWC)

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
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    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Saraphina 15th October 2022, 8:55 pm

    The White Queen
    As Medeia had confirmed what the spy networks were, Saraphina smiled sweetly as she felt rather proud of herself guessing right. She listened as the witch explained her network to her more, unable to hide how proud she was that she had a member as diligent as her. She lightly clapped her hands for her member as she listened to all she did. It felt like it was a decently great accomplishment for her with all the time that it takes to gather the spies. “I hope your contacts will be very useful as well. It must have been troublesome dealing with some of them though. Nadaline, make whatever you think would be good for me.” She shrugs her shoulders and raised her hand for Nadaline to make the tea.

    The angelic maid nods to the two and takes a step back to start making the teas.

    As Medeia complimented the queens parlor, she looked to her and smiled brightly. “I come here often, and have taken a couple members in here before, but I feel bad that I never invited you to do so sooner! You should ask to have tea with me sometime so we can take the opportunity to sit and chat. Even if it’s not in here…” She pouts as she looks back towards Nadaline. It was a bit obvious that there was something on her mind. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to talk about it, at least not yet while she waited on Nadaline to make the tea.

    “It’s been quite a while since this guild started… going on four years…” She murmurs.
    @Medeia || 269 words || 2458 total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff, Dahmin #cc6600



    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Guest 16th October 2022, 12:49 pm

    When the Queen spoke about her contacts being troublesome, a smile crossed Medeia’s features, that was putting it rather mildly and not all of the Warlord’s spies had been consenting to her whims. “Sometimes I had to just whisper a few sweet words in their ear and sometimes I had to crack the whip. They are a rather diverse group and one or two of them are so legal leaning that they drive me to my wits end but when we make our moves against the lawmakers of this land, I am certain that they will answer our call and provide us with what we need, whether they want to or not.” Her tone was rather determined in tone but that was simply due to the confidence that she had in herself. She had come across some rather powerful mages lately and had dispatched them so easily that such encounters tended to end up being anti-climatic.

    As Saraphina spoke about her parlour and her regrets, Medeia shook her head in response. “There is no need to feel upset because of that. I have never felt slighted at all by not receiving an invitation and we both have so much to do around here. It is almost as if every time we are about to talk, something happens and we never get the chance. I appreciate the chance that we have now and I hope that this is the first of many opportunities that we have to just sit back and talk.”

    There was something a little off about Saraphina’s behaviour and Medeia’s smile fades slightly. The way that she looked back to lovely Nadaline, avoiding eye contact with her caused the witch to tilt her head a touch. She had never seen the Queen act quite so nervously before and for the moment, the dark haired angel was not certain what to make of it. If it had been someone else then Medeia would have tried to gently pry but for the time being, she decided against that.

    As the Queen started to reminisce, a smaller smile returned to Medeia’s face. “I am not sure where the time has gone. It feels like yesterday that we had that mass induction where everyone received their guild stamps. I turned up right at the end, demanding to know why the men were not in chains.” She laughed. “That has certainly not changed during my time here.”

    She paused briefly, before adding. “To think that so many guilds have come and gone and yet here Errings Rising is, still flying the flag for those who wish for the law to come to an end.”

    (441 Words)
    (2899 TWC)

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
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    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Saraphina 5th November 2022, 9:21 pm

    The White Queen
    Saraphina smiles and lightly claps her hands to Medeia as she explained what she sometimes needed to do with her contacts. She was rather proud of her member once again, especially when her ace mentioned them being able to listen to her guilds command, that made her feel even more pleased. They would be competent enough to help them out with little issue.

    Being reassured that her ace was not offended by not being invited to the queens personal space, she smiled just a bit to that. This conversation was making her feel comfortable since Medeia seemed to be rather understanding that they both were usually pretty busy with their own antics and duties. As Medeia recalled the mass introduction that the queen initiated on the first day of her guild, she let up a chuckle while leaning back against her seat. “Yes! It was fun seeing that… I don’t think I had any other introductions just as grand as that. But I would disagree that the men aren’t in chains. Just not physically.”

    Being reminded that her guild had lasted quite the while as other guilds had come and gone. She glanced up to Nadaline as the maid set a couple cups in front of the women and poured the respective teas in them. The queen stayed sitting there till her angelic maid took a step back and there was no one blocking the queens view.

    “Medeia… you’ve been an ace here for quite a while.” She was gathering her thoughts. “You know I run my guild with little issue because I have your help around the place. As well as the servants helping make sure it is clean and orderly for our members. It’s slowly starting to get harder to do all that I need to with just my servants at my side. So I now pose the question…” She picked up her tea and took a sip from it now as she thought a little bit. “Would you like to become my courtier?” Her purplish-pink eyes watch the witch carefully to see how she would react. She also hoped that her question wasn’t taken lightly. She was really serious about this.
    @Medeia || 364 words || 3263 total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff, Dahmin #cc6600



    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Guest 8th November 2022, 1:29 pm

    There was a knowing smile that crossed the Ace’s face as Saraphina spoke about the mental chains that were around the necks of the males. It was a fair statement and Medeia could hardly argue with it. She could not help but let her mind drift again back to that first day when the angel had walked through the doors of the guild. Back then, she had been so consumed with hatred and rage towards her own kind, so cold and spiteful to anyone who had spoken to her and so distrusting of all those who crossed her path. Medeia had looked down on all of her fellow guild members back in the day, a deity among mortals and although that state of mind was still there in terms of those outside the guild, she had come to respect the guild and had even become fond of certain members. She was not the same woman anymore and had grown in both strength and wisdom. How times had changed.

    She listened with interest as Saraphina spoke about how easy it had been for her to run the guild, thanks in some part due to both Medeia herself and the servants. There had been a time where the witch would never have agreed to take a position of responsibility within the guild, so uncaring as she had once been but that was just another area where the priorities had changed. She had come to honestly enjoy her work as an Ace and had grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Being dominating and domineering was as natural as breathing to her but actually mentoring others and helping the guild grow had brought her more pleasure than she could have thought possible.

    Medeia gently grasped her tea cup and took a gentle sip, appreciating the lovely drink that Nadaline had so wonderfully provided.

    The question posed to her when it finally came caught her slightly by surprise but fortunately she was able to prevent that from showing across her features. She had never considered the possibility that the Queen would offer her such a post, believing that the white haired woman would always desire to rule by her own counsel. Medeia had never felt so good about being proven completely and utterly wrong.

    The eyes of the witch returned the gaze of the Queen’s, the look in her purple orbs not for a moment appearing to be anything other than sincere. “I will do whatever is required to help Errings Rising continue to grow and prosper. Becoming an Ace has been an eye opening experience for me and I have relished every moment that I have been able to spend working on bringing chaos to this land, as well as teaching those who have come to us for mentorship. I will gladly become your Courtier, if that is what you wish of me. I have come to adore this guild, it has become my home and I will do everything in my power to protect it.”

    (502 Words)
    (3765 TWC)

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Saraphina 5th December 2022, 2:53 am

    The White Queen
    As the witch responded to the queen's question, she watched intently as she waited for her answer. And that response she was desperately waiting for, came in a positive light for the white haired woman. She set her drink down, grinning from ear to ear, and barely able to contain her excitement for the acceptance of her courtier.

    “Nadaline taught me that word. Courtier. She told me that it means someone who attends my court and is also someone who helps me in running my kingdom. A retainer, advisor, similar to that I think? She also told me that the previous owners of this castle had something similar before I took it over with Jester.” She had tears welling up in her eyes. She did indeed miss her favorite jester. But he had left for his own things that she hadn’t pried him of before then. She shook her head of that thought and turned to look at her maid.

    Nadaline had bowed her head to her. “I only wish to make sure you are well and not pushing yourself more than you already have, your highness.” She responded, trying to be humble on her suggestion of the courtier.

    Saraphina chuckles softly before looking back towards Medeia. “Medeia, I grant you permission to use my throne when I am out. Though I suppose a new seat would need to be placed nearby for when I am here…” She brought a hand up to her mouth and started nibbling on her fingernail as she looked to the door, trying to think of how to deal with the second seat issue in her throne room. She waved a hand to get rid of the thoughts for now. It was a worry for another time. “If anything you can stand nearby me for a bit if need be. Bertrand, bring the map. I have something I want to do eventually. I’m just not sure of when to do it… or even at all.” She pouts as Bertrand comes over with the map that Saraphina was talking about.

    The male sepheram set the map on top of the coffee table, away from their teas to not let it be ruined. Upon looking at the map, one would see that it was Hostia. The warmer base city that they took over all those years ago. There were a few smaller areas circled in red ink that were near the very border of the city.

    “I’m thinking of expanding.” She says as she looks at the map. She wanted her kingdom to grow bigger. Her purplish pink eyes looked back at Medeia, wondering what the newly appointed Courtier would say to this idea that she had proposed. Of course it was just an idea for now.
    @Medeia || 460 words || 4225 total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff, Dahmin #cc6600



    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Guest 5th December 2022, 8:44 am

    To see the Queen’s face light up with happiness as she accepted the role, caused a smile to cross the Warlord’s features too. She was more than delighted with her promotion and was ready and able to take on whatever additional responsibilities that would no doubt be given to her. The angel was not overly worried about becoming overburdened, as her spy network was in such a good state these days that she could deal with most issues from afar. The teaching of her students would likewise not be taxing on her time. They were at the point in their training where they needed to get out into the world and cause some chaos, which she was certain that they were ready to do. Kyra was stronger than she seemed and Addre, while not her official student, was coming on leaps and bounds. They would both make powerful slayers in time.

    That being said, Medeia did not miss the brief unhappy look that crossed Saraphina’s face as she spoke of Jester. The witch understood the pain that came from members going AWOL. There had been a few who were incredibly close to her who had gone missing, apparently for good. Jennifer, Amber, Tiisha, all women who had once been in her thoughts, as well as her bed. It had almost broken her, having to come to terms with their disappearances but she had been forced to move on. Once could not live in the past forever and sooner or later, had to look forwards.

    In response to Saraphina’s mentioning of an extra seat being created for her, Medeia would gently chuckle and reply. “I appreciate the gesture, Your Highness, I look forward to sitting by your side and to advise as well as I am able to.” The opportunity to sit on the Queen’s actual throne was something that she had always desired although she had never thought that it would actually happen.

    The sudden change of topic was unexpected but Medeia was soon keenly gazing over the map as it was laid out on the table before them. It was clearly Hostia, the city that the guild had conquered in the past. A lovely place and one that certainly was a massive change of scenery from the snowy mountains of Hakobe. She remembered the attack well, as it was there where she had been reunited with her beloved Armina. Noting the red circles, assumingly places where they could strike, Medeia would ponder for a moment and then answer with a nod. "It would make an ideal test for our members and a chance for them to show us what they can do. With the war raging on, I would have thought that it would be a perfect time to strike too. Pergrande and Bellum’s war seems to be what Fiore’s eyes are focused upon at the moment.”

    (478 Words)
    (4703 TWC)

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    The Promotion Empty Re: The Promotion

    Post by Saraphina 15th January 2023, 6:28 pm

    The White Queen
    Saraphina grinned at Medeia’s response about sitting by her side. Who wouldn't feel honored for that? She was the queen of this fair guild. She even knew that Bertrand, Nadaline, and little Dahmin all enjoyed being by her side. Of course Medeia would also enjoy being by her side like that as well.

    She listened to her newly appointed courtier as she gave her own answers of how she thought of expanding Hostia. She honestly hadn’t thought of it as a test for the members, or about the war between countries either. She really just wanted to expand the country she made and gather more people in it. The rather lost expression on her face showed that that was indeed all she had thought of.

    “Was it really a good time to actually strike again…?” She questions herself aloud as she puts one of her fingernails on bottom lip, tapping it slightly as she thinks about the circumstances. A smile spread across her lips as she looked back at Medeia. “This is why I made you an advisor, and now my Courtier. A test to see how well our lovely guild fights again after so long, and give them the chance to fight with us once more. And we’ll have little resistance from the countries."

    She put her fingertips together as she leaned back in her chair, smiling softly as she enjoyed the new thoughts within her mind. She then sat back up and put her hands on the map.

    “Next we have to figure out what location we’ll make as our starting point of expanding, and when we’ll do it… And I suppose inform our members to see who all we’ll drag along with us.” She giggled as she held a hand up. Nadaline put the red marker in the queen’s hand, cap already off, to let her use it when she decided where they would target.
    @Medeia || 318 words || 5021 total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff, Dahmin #cc6600


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