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    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again?


    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
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    Posts : 85
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    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again? Empty May Showers Bring...What Was It Again?

    Post by Kumiko 4th May 2022, 1:21 pm

    The chilly spring air? The people of Magnolia Town all in a happy daze while the crowd around the home of Fairy Tail grew? It must mean only one thing! "Spring Festivaaaal!" The young fox of Kumiko was running all over the halls of Fairy Tail. Her tails swaying in excitement, she would launch herself onto the foot of Mura's foot as she hit the mattress with an audible WHMP! She crawled up to his bed in excitement while shaking his sleepy little head. "Guildmaster, sir! Wake up! Time for some fun!" She'd flash one of her glee filled smiles before noticing something rather odd. Mura's head was oddly not human shaped and super squishy. In fact, that wasn't Mura's head at all! It was a pillow! She must have been pretty late to find that Mura was out of bed and likely either taking his mid day nap or out on official business. She would pout and hop off of his now ruined bed before scurrying back out to the main hallway. "Hm, there's gotta be some person who wants to go..."

    Fast forward an hour or so later as Kumiko would be walking alongside Giuseppe, the newer member of Fairy Tail. She had wanted to get to know the other people of the guild well enough so she was not known as Mura's lapdog in the grand scheme of things. The child appeared in happy spirits while walking alongside the towering man. "Thanks for coming with me today, Giu...Uh, Gee-You-Sappe? Is that how you pronounce it?" she asked, unsure of really how those foreign names did sound to a Midian like her. "Anyway, how are you liking the guild so far? It's pretty cool, huh?"

    The foxling and man soon arrived at the festival location, with the town square filled to the brim with activities and things to do. Kumiko's eyes caught sight of some other kids her age doing a little treasure hunt for eggs. Her eyes widened in interest, hurrying over to the many bushes while the others kids would sprint over towards the many hiding places. "Hey what are we-" she was cut off as a boy would reach over in front of her to get the treasure that had been found beside her foot. A colorful plastic egg, styled in a swirl of rainbow that circled the egg from top to bottom. The boy looked at her in confusion. "What are you doing? Did you lose your basket or something?" he pointed at the stall across the way, with Kumiko looking over to see a table with a sparse number of other baskets present. "Sorry, can't stay! I gotta get enough eggs for the prize!" Kumiko watched as he walked off in a hurry and would proceed to scurry to the table and collect a basket before going to get the eggs. Since she had joined right in the middle of the hunt, it was pretty slim pickings all around. "H-Hey, no fair! I found it first!" Kumiko would bounce around the bushes, streets, shops and other things trying to find as many eggs as she could manage. But alas, by the time the hunt had ended, the poor kid only had a fourth of the egg prizes that the other children had. She pouted, looking at her meager pickings and crossing her arms in frustration.

    Just as fast as she'd throw a silent tantrum, she'd look back up at her comrade with hopeful eyes. "What do you wanna do next, 'Seppe? I think there's a ton of stuff we can do in this little festival!"

    Last edited by Kumiko on 4th May 2022, 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again? Empty May Showers Bring...What Was It Again?

    Post by NPC 4th May 2022, 1:21 pm

    The member 'Kumiko' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again? Die_06_42164_sm

    Lineage : None
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again? Empty Re: May Showers Bring...What Was It Again?

    Post by Golnax 4th May 2022, 10:56 pm

    Of all the people to get paired up with for a festival celebrating the oncoming of spring, Yumiko was perhaps the last member of Fairy Tail that he would have chosen to go with. She was just so... bubbly, and innocent seeming. And excitable! Especially that last one. In fact he'd had no intention of directly attending the festival at all! His only intentions had been to show up late towards sunset and try to con people out of everything they had. Now his plans were ruined because he was practically being dragged along the ground by a fox girl who refused to slow down for anyone regardless of if they were wearing shoes that were meant for running or not!

    Never the less, Giuseppe had gone willingly. After all for how incompatible they might have seemed on the surface, Yumiko was practically screaming to get scammed, so he had that to look forward to at least! The well dressed older man walked (was pulled along, really) behind the fox and made himself content with thoughts of setting her up for failure that day...

    "It's actually pronounced JUICE - ep - ee," he corrected gently as she inquired about his name. "And the guild is quite remarkabu thus far. Very chaotic. I feel I can thrive here!" he said warmly, hiding dark intention with a pleasant smile and cheerful tone. They arrived before he knew it and, just as suddenly as Yumiko had approached him in the first place, she was off again, leaving him behind in pursuit of children's plastic eggs. Giuseppe reached up and straightened his tie before running his fingers through his long blond hair. "Well as long as I'm here..." he said to himself, putting his hands in his pants pockets and going for a stroll around the square.

    While Yumiko did what she did, Giuseppe would observe the crowd. Watching people, their happy faces, trying to scope out prospects while simultaneously looking around the town square he found himself in and familiarizing himself with it. The architecture was different here as compared to where he had come from, much more western, for lack of a better word, but not unpleasant to look at. There was plenty of greenery as well, with trees and shrubs a plenty around the square. The grass was growing in green and fresh, accompanied by wild flowers and blooms that had been planted on purpose. Giuseppe came to a stop by one such patch, looking down at a patch of clovers.

    "Hm?" he mused, squinting a bit and kneeling down. Could it be...?

    Before he could find out, though, Yumiko was running back up on him. Looking up at her the taller wizard would stand back up tall and replied, "Well I was just walking around some and taking in the scenery. I'm new to town so I don't know what there is to do, let alone at a festivu like this. I think I spotted a four-leaf clover though..." he said, turning his head once again and looking down at the patch of clover he was standing in front of to reveal...

    WC: 524
    TWC: 1126

    Last edited by Golnax on 4th May 2022, 11:02 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again? Empty Re: May Showers Bring...What Was It Again?

    Post by NPC 4th May 2022, 10:56 pm

    The member 'Golnax' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again? Die_04_42161_sm

    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
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    Posts : 85
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again? Empty Re: May Showers Bring...What Was It Again?

    Post by Kumiko 5th May 2022, 10:28 pm

    It was nice to hear that the tall blonde haired hunk was getting along well enough in the guild. The naive little fox smiled up at him, her several tails swaying around in a chaotic mismash of shapes while Kumiko would pump her fist. "Cool! Nice to hear that you’re all welcomed and everything, uh…JUICE-Ep-Pee. I think that was the way to say it. But anyway, nice to meet you again, I guess!" She smiled before having grown distracted from the conversation at the sight of children her age running around with the eggs. Like any kid worth her salt, Kumiko would immediately high “tail” it over to the group of kids running around, leaving the newbie to his own devices.

    When she returned to Giuseppe, he would be busy kneeling down at something or other by his feet. She was a little let down by the results of her egg hunting, but would try and put on a brave face for the tall man. "You actually found a four leaf clover?" she asked, leaning forward a little to gaze at that plant that was beneath the blonde man’s feet. She kneeled down to inspect the clover a bit, pursing her lips in introspection. Upon a secondary glance, this wasn’t a four leaf clover at all! It only had three cloves! Were they called cloves? Argh, plant life was so confusing! "One, two, three…" Kumiko furrowed her brows, giving Giuseppe a sorrowful look to try and not damper his spirits too much. "Hm, tough luck. Maybe next time you’ll find it though! I know a lot of these clover patches are kinda picked clean. Kind of fits the theme." The kitsune said, looking all around them again, searching for something else to do. Her hyperactive attention span was in full effect again, as she’d swing her foxy head to her left while her eyes shined in interest once more.

    A grand circular table came to be near one of the corners of the square, housing a large number of seats. Each was well equipped with an art studio’s worth of paint, brushes, color tablets and every other thing that a customizable egg could wish for. "Wow, they’ve got an egg station!" she said, pointing her hand at the table while bouncing up and down. "I’m gunna make an egg out of the best thing ever: ME!" she giggled and raced towards the table with her egg basket swinging across her arm. The wooden handle bounced up and down her arm while she hurried across the way to the table and hopped into the chair.

    The old looking staff member would turn his head to find an orange haired child with fox ears smiling up at him with those ears of hers twitching in delight. “Oh, sorry there. I didn’t see you, sport. I’m used to normal looking kiddos at the fair still, keheheh.” Kumiko tilted her head, a bit confused by the old man’s words. "Normal looking? I’m…" she paused, looking back at her ears and tails while she experienced a bit of conflict while then raising a finger to her chin in thought. "Huh, I guess I am kinda weird, huh?" The elderly man chuckled to himself, his chest bouncing up and down while Kumiko’s tails brushed against the table. “Nothing wrong with it, sweetie. Always better than staying up with what’s normal. Let me know if ya need any more paint then.” The man walked away to continue refilling things while Kumiko would get busy on the egg making. She was no real artist, but damn if she wouldn’t try her best to make a little egg Kumiko! Her hands carefully made the outline for her masterpiece, messing up a few lines while she would curse silently to herself, using some orange color to make her hair while then making a cute little face on herself after. She made a few adjustments while trying to make it at least a little acceptable. The end result of her little egg creation was a crude looking Kumiko egg that she so treasured. "She’s perfect!" Kumiko smiled, carefully taking her egg with her to then set it by the table full of other people’s eggs. She did feel bad about how cool the other people’s eggs looked, but at least she got something out, right? Once she was done, Kumiko would get out of her seat and wander off back towards the center of the square.

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    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again? Empty Re: May Showers Bring...What Was It Again?

    Post by Golnax 12th May 2022, 4:34 pm

    "Mm. So it would seem," the blond wizard said as he gave the patch of clover one last look. A simple trick of the eyes, easy to do when you're looking for a set of four in a patch that had literally hundreds of leaves. It wasn't a big deal, really. Giuseppe was just about to ask Kumiko something when, surprise surprise, she was off again! Energetic as any child (actually, thinking on it, Giuseppe realized he didn't know how old she was!), the foxy wizard was off running across the square towards a table where people were painting eggs. Giuseppe decided to follow Kumiko this time and ended up at the table behind her not long after she sat down and began to paint.

    "Looking to paint an egg, mister? It's for all ages," the same old man who had been talking to Kumiko said to Giuseppe. The younger man looked to the old one, then the eggs, then back to him and gave a nod of his head. "Sure," he replied, taking a seat beside Kumiko and orientating himself. Before he even grabbed an egg he was reaching down and unbuttoning his sleeves before rolling them back - both his dress shirt and jacket - so as to not even risk getting paint on them. Once that was done, he began.

    Grabbing and holding an egg between his thumb, index and middle fingers, Giuseppe examined it like he was appraising a precious gem. Indeed he had that exact same look in his eye as a jeweler that was looking at a ring with precious stones in it under a telescope! After a few moments of rotating the egg back and forth, Giuseppe reached out and grabbed a trio of brushes and then a set of paints, meticulously picking them out one at a time. Then, he began!

    He took his time and was intently focused on the egg the entire time, using careful brush strokes and being very deliberate with how and where he placed the paint. He was at it for a while - in fact he was still painting long after Kumiko had gotten up and left him at the table! He hadn't even noticed she was gone! He was at it for so long, in fact, that a small crowd began to form around him to watch him paint as it became evident that Giuseppe wasn't just painting an egg for the spring festival, no, for some unknown reason to the rest of everyone there, he was making a work of art...!

    When he was finished putting the last dot of paint on the egg he let out a sigh. Setting the brush down and then the egg before him, he held his hands up in front of him with his paint-stained fingers and closed his eyes. "It is done," he proclaimed with a matter of fact expression as others looked on at his egg including the old man. "Incredible...!" the worker said, marveling at the egg that Giuseppe had painted - a work of heavy blacks and gold, art deco in style, intricately detailed and absurdly high in quality as compared to basically every other egg that had been painted that day. People stood and appreciated it for several moments while Giuseppe got up from his chair and turned to go wash his hands.

    "Wait, mister! Why'd you put so much effort into just a little egg?" the old man called out to Giuseppe, prompting him to pause in his step and turn around with his hands still held up in front of him carefully. He answered simply.

    "If something is worth doing, it's worth putting your all into and making something of artistic value!" he proclaimed proudly, the art-snob side of him bleeding out for a moment and, to him anyway, shining brightly in the sun. The old man seemed less impressed by his enthusiasm.

    "But it's just a spring festival egg..." the man said just as simply but Giuseppe wasn't listening. He had already turned and was on his way to a fountain or restroom to wash the paint off his fingers. His work there was done!

    WC: 697
    TWC: 2568



    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
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    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again? Empty Re: May Showers Bring...What Was It Again?

    Post by Kumiko 18th May 2022, 3:29 pm

    Kumiko rebounded by where she and Guiseppe had been before the impromptu egg painting invitation. She had not been incredibly attentive to what he was doing, despite being the member of Fairy Tail that had invited him in the first place, but details! They were having fun at least. Kumiko was very proud of her little Eggumiko (the unofficial name for her perfect work of art) even though she was not the best at more artistic ventures. It was just so cool being able to be a part of a bigger celebration though, and that us what really mattered to the little fox! She fumbled her way through the crowds while searching for something worth entertaining her! "That maypole thing looks dumb, and the leprechaun race thing looks weird. I dunno what else might be around here." But then a delicious scent wafted through the air! It was super good! Like way better than tge food that she could get at the Fairy Tail kitchen! Her mouth watered at the glorious scents coming from where it was that her future meal would be. "That smells super good!"

    The girl's emerald eyes gazed over towards the southwest to spot just what she was looking for: a grand table housing a good number of people, each seated with what appeared like a buffet of food being served by waiters every so often. Talk about one way to catch her interest!

    "Wow, they even have dinner here! This place is awesome! I want it to be easter all the time!" Kumiko smiled and would begin her speed walk towards the table of food with hunger in her tiny little steps. Tails arched in the shape of a hook while she hummed to herself. The prospect of receiving not only a free meal, but a delicious one was what made the child's day. Her spirits were lifted and her joy at tasting such scents was beyond comparison. It did not take long for the girl's excitement to lead her to the table. A sign out in front of the massive table would read that the whole feeding area was self seating. Simple enough really! Kumiko would quickly find an empty seat andhop onto the comfortable yet worn looking chair. Her tails splayed out to avoid being squashed or injured during her descent.

    Once seated, Kumiko would reach over to begin chowing down. The plates here were enormous, dwarfing the portion sizes in comparison. But when you were a hyperactive kitsune child with a bottomless pit for a stomach, any kind of plate was humongous. She loaded about a thousand different kinds of dishes on top of her pristine colored plate. Foods that she didn't even know the name of but looked pretty good.During the middle of her little munchfest, she looked up to see a couple of the adults drinking a multicolored liquid out of an ale mug, the kind that were often seen in taverns and inns. A mischievous grin crept onto her face, with the honey haired fox feeling a plan coming to her face.

    She would pull a waiter aside when one came and try to put on her nicest, innocent child tone. The kind most people thought of when they first met her. "Excuse me, an adult nearby wanted some of that cool stuff that's in the mug! He'll be here soon!" The waiter shot her a suspicious look while Kumiko continued to try and push that generous angle. She really wanted to taste that beer. There was a silence between the two that lasted a few seconds or so, before the waiter would catch onto what she was doing. After his refusal, Kumiko woukd groan and slump back into her seat. "No fair! Adults get to get all the cool stuff! I'm totally older than you!" She threw a pout at the waiter who offered a similar cocktail of fruit juices in a swirly pattern while she sullenly would sip at the drink in a jealous huff.

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 24
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 29
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    May Showers Bring...What Was It Again? Empty Re: May Showers Bring...What Was It Again?

    Post by Golnax 29th May 2022, 8:01 pm

    Stepping out of a near by building that had an open public restroom, Giuseppe was still drying his hands with a folded towel, meticulously making sure that they were not only dry but that no paint remained. Once he was satisfied he folded the towelette and tucked it into his inner jacket pocket. No reason to litter, after all. By this time, however, the blond wizard had once again lost his foxy companion. Kids. Always running around somewhere, doing something! Oh well. It wasn't as if he was responsible for her or anything like a parent would have been. She was a guild wizard just like he was. She could take care of herself he was sure.

    Instead he picked his eyes up and started to scan the crowd, looking for something that more tickled his fancy. Painting eggs and looking for clovers was fine and all, but he'd come here today with a purpose! He needed to establish himself in this town in his own special way, so he needed to find just the right kind of person...

    That's when the scent of food hit his nose. Inhaling deep through his nostrils, the well dressed man turned towards the large communal food table. Food, huh? He took a moment to think about it and realized that, yeah, he felt pretty hungry. At the very least he could much... but more importantly. Free food in excess tended to attract a certain type of person. Vulnerable. Self conscious. Ripe for a deal. Yeah, this was what he was there for.

    Making his way towards the free food, Giuseppe would catch a glimpse of his foxy companion who had already sat down and was filling her plate up with food. He caught her eye momentarily, smiled and waved to let her know he knew where she was before turning and looking for a seat of his own. He couldn't sit just anywhere, no, he needed to be careful in his selection! He wanted to be next to someone who would... ah! There they were. His mischievous eyes fell on an over weight individual who was meekly eating off of their plate. Perfect.

    Giuseppe took a seat next to the portly man and began to fill his own plate. Mostly protein and vegetables, a very sparse and reasonable meal that he would actually eat on a daily basis in order to maintain his figure and would be the food he actually ate. He caught the eye of the man he'd chosen to sat next to and smiled at him quietly... before reaching for a second plate and proceeding to fill it with all of the most decadent things! Cakes, puddings, special candies - anything and everything sweet and desert-like. He made it a point to speak up and ask other strangers to pass this dish or the next, but not the man he was sat next to. This was all for him and, much like Kumiko, Giuseppe piled the plate up to comical proportions as compared to his first plate.

    Then came the clencher. With both plates in front of him, Giuseppe unbuttoned his jacket and slide out of it, folding it up neatly and placing it on top of his seat for him to use as a cushion before undoing both his cuffs and the front buttons of his shirt, exposing his muscular physique in such a way that it was like he was preparing to stuff his face. He took his time, almost making a show of it. He just needed for the man to -

    "Goodness, you're going to eat all of that? With a body like yours? I can't imagine the sort of work out you must do!"

    Got 'em.

    Giuseppe turned to the man and smiled before shaking his head. "Oh no, not at all! You'd be surprised by how easy it is to keep the weight off when you know what to do. Excessive exercise isn't necessary," he said enticingly.

    "I wish that were true!" the man said, leaning back in his chair and patting his belly. "Don't get me wrong, I work a pretty physically demanding job! But this gut, ugh, can't get rid of it!"

    "What if I could help with that?" Giuseppe asked, picking up a fork and digging into one of the many desserts he'd gotten for just this purchase and bringing it to his mouth. One bite wasn't going to kill him or his figure, after all, and it was all the more convincing for his latest Contract.

    "I doubt that!"

    "It's true! I'm a guild wizard at Fairy Tail, and my magic is quite capabu of helping with that gut of yours, I promise."

    "A wizard, huh? I see, but I dunno. I wouldn't want to hire a wizard for something so trivial..."

    "Oh for something like this you wouldn't need to go through the guild. I'd be happy to help you personally, all I'd need is a bit of payment in return for my services..."

    So it went while the two of them ate, Giuseppe wined and dined the man, giving him all sorts of promised and half truths about what he could do for him. It quickly got to the point where they were talking about others who could use his 'services', and by the time his plate of meat and vegetables was cleared, Giuseppe had quite a list of potential clients from this one man that he fully intended to follow up on after the events of the day were finished, and after he got his first signature, of course...

    WC: 934
    TWC: 4167


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