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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond

    Salem Pendragon
    Salem Pendragon

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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  Empty RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond

    Post by Salem Pendragon 12th January 2022, 8:56 pm

    The young mage Salem wasn’t completely sure about how he felt about this morning, with today being the young Pendragons first official quest as a member of the Fiore Rune Knights. A quest that was starting to make Salem feel slightly tense, though not due to the difficulty of the task, but the fact that Salem was going to have to be working closely with another Knight who was a few ranks higher than his lowly private level. And this would be a mage Salem had not even a single piece of information on, not even their name, adding even more to the young Pendragons anxiety of not knowing what to expect. And Salem was not one who was good with dealing with the unexpected, though it seemed that being a Rune Knight was quickly going to make him have to improve on that.

    Salem’s travel from the capital city Era from the Rune Knight barracks to the city of Magnolia would be a quick and smooth one, with Salem choosing to use the quickest method of travel and teleport from the Rune Knight Era station to the Magnolia base. Once in Magnolia he would make his way towards the location he had been given with the limited information of the quest that he knew. Hopping that whoever was the higher-ranking Rune Knight that was working with him would know all the details needed for today’s job, as Salem was sure he was missing some details of todays jobs.

    Though upon arrival to the quest location, Salem could instantly see main importance of the quest at hand, though he wasn’t completely sure how he and whoever was his partner for this quest were going to go about the repairs on the house. With Salem completely hopping that whoever his partner was had a magic that could be of great assistance, with the Salem already starting to see in the sky’s that it wouldn’t be much longer before this area became victim of destruction once again.

    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

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    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
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    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  Empty Re: RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 14th January 2022, 3:52 pm

    The twins had been secluded in their little hidey hole for the past...how many months was it again? It was hard to keep track of all the little things that they were put in charge of in the Engineering Division, especially more so after their little dip into the guild's budget for their own progress with their own projects. That's when their parents had threatened to put an end to their little project or get some fresh air, the two begrudgingly agreed. So it was that the girls found themselves with a newcomer to the Knights, one that had not been too far into their inductions yet. The girls would be dressed normally, having a bit of an alteration with their magic to not spook the new guy yet. Grappa would be walking alongside him and offered advice and help if he so asked. Out of the two of them, the emerald eyed twin was obviously the more socially gifted of the two. "It's nice to meet you! I'm Grappa and this is my sister, Jellisha." The crimson eyed sibling would have been busy being head first into a book to pass the time during waiting for Salem, but looked up enough to offer him a very stoic, "Nice to meet you." Her eyes went back to the book in her hand as Grappa would puff a cheek out in annoyance. Even if she was a workaholic, she couldn't hold a candle to her sister.

    Instead, Grappa turned to the young mage again, bringing both hands together in front of her. "S-Sorry. We're a bit in the middle of research, but wanted to come and welcome you into the guild since everyone else was busy." Her hand reached out to pull the book down enough for her sister to look up at her annoyed expression. "Isn't that right, Jellisha?" The red eyed girl would exhale but close the book and tuck it away underneath her arm. She then looked to the comrade for the mission and attempted some kind of smile. "According to the mission, it's just a simple repair job. Fix up a house in time for the incoming storm. Shouldn't be too difficult."

    "This mission doesn't seem too bad. So don't worry!" she smiled at him. "Think of it like practice for combat ones. You have to get your feet wet before you can learn to swim. Or so they say." Jellisha would lead the way to the house in Magnolia in question, as the skies were starting to darken once more. The people inside were an elder couple, who both had refused to budge when people had gotten the notice. Something about staying in the house that their family had built and kept safe for centuries or something? Humans were weird, but the two weren't ones to judge. They had supplies at the ready but their age was

    "Alright, Salem. You're with me up on the roof." Jellisha said, getting on the ladder. "Grappa, call GOLUM and start shoving stuff up to us. We'll get this thing done in no time flat." The girl said, donning her work gloves and belt before climbing up to the damaged roof and expecting the black haired boy to follow.

    WC: 540
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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  YvWNyTL
    Salem Pendragon
    Salem Pendragon

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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  Empty Re: RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond

    Post by Salem Pendragon 17th January 2022, 9:07 am

    Salem would be inspecting the house trying he best to get a full assessment of the damage of the house so that he could note what spots needed to be fixed the most especially before the next storm that was said to be arriving shortly. Though while inspecting the house Salem would soon start to feel the magical presence of another mage starting to approach, though this magical presence was slightly strange and Salem could not completely put his mind to what was off about it, other then that it was strange and a magical presence that he had never felt before. Upon turning to see what the cause of this strange magical feeling was, Salem would see the approaching of two small girls, who weren’t exactly dressed in Rune Knight gear but gave off the presence as Knights to Salem with their strange magical feeling giving him a big reason to
    suspect they where the upper Knight that was assigned to help him with his mission today.

    Once the two girls where closer to Salem he would see that the girls where not only dressed identically but looked identical as well. Letting Salem know that the girls where indeed identical twins except for the fact that the two girls each had different color eyes, the only distinction that Salem felt would help him be able to identify the difference of the girls once he managed to learn their names. The twin with the emerald, green eyes would be the first of the twins to speak to Salem, introducing herself as Grappa And her sister the twin with the crimson red eyes who currently had her head in a book, as Jellisha. Two names that Salem had not yet managed to familiarize himself with in the ranks of Rune Knights, so the young Pendragon wasn’t exactly sure of the current Knight ranking of the two girls, though he was more then sure they had a higher standing then he did currently, with Salem still having the lowest rank in the Rune Knight Hierarchy.

    The crimson eyed twin would eventually make a small greeting to Salem before instantly turning her attention back to her book, something that Salem could tell bothered the emerald eye twin from her response to the crimson eyed twins greeting. Though none of this honestly bothered Salem, as the young Pendragon wished he to could currently have his head in a book researching Magic, but now wasn’t the time for that and he knew that very much so. Though he would soon learn that the twins were in the middle of their own research themselves and only came to help due to the rest of the Rune Knights being busy, something not to surprising to Salem as it wasn’t uncommon for the Rune Knights to be overwhelmed when it came to higher ranked task for the Magic Council. Hence the reason low ranking Knights like Salem where the ones assigned to do basic task like this one.

    Conversation between Salem and the two twins would be short and sweet for the most part, with the Crimson eyed Twin stating the task at hand shouldn’t be to hard for them with it only being a repair job. While the Emerald eyed twin let Salem know that simple task like this was used to help low ranking Rune Knights prepare for jobs that would involve actual combat, something Salem had know issues with though he didn’t feel like stating that to the twins, in the fact that the young  mage didn’t want to come off to confident In his abilities knowing that he still had a long way to go, before he could completely call himself a great mage or even reach the Archmage title he solely chased.

    From their It would seem time to start task at hand was here with the crimson eyed twin taking charge and starting the direction of the repairs. And from what Salem could see it looked as though the twins were going to aim their focus first at repairing the roof. A task Salem felt would be better for the twins with him not wanting to add extra weight on to the already damaged roof, as he was sure it was going to be a struggle for the roof already with the twins’ weight. “While you two focus on the roof, il start by cutting down all the trees that might cause issue, plus I’m sure we could use some extra wood for repairs”. With that Salem would proceed to leave the twins to the roof as he made his way towards the first few trees, he figured would be an issue once the storm came.

    PWC: 784
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
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    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  Empty Re: RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 20th January 2022, 5:29 pm

    "Good idea." Jellisha smirked while tying her hair into a ponytail, nodding towards the boy in agreement. "These planks and supplies of theirs aren't gunna last us forever, so we should probably get a head start on cutting down some of the trees close by so they won't be a problem. If you see any that are big enough to make planks out of, bring 'em here and we'll cut them into wood." The girl climbed the ladder with record pace while her sister would soon follow suit, attaching her tool belt to her waist and pulling on the blackened, worn strings that would hold it on her petite figure. She rolled up her sleeves while a square device roundly the size of her wrist would be present, akin to many of the electronic devices around Fiore that were all the rage at the mount. After tapping the screen once, it would light up as she pressed the tip of her finger against it once more. "GOLUM is on his way!" Grappa said her her sister while handing up the tools and nails for her. Jellisha had been busy cleaning up the work area around themselves, while pulling away at all of the leaves, broken shingles hanging by the thinnest of threads on top and whatever else had managed to become lodged up there. She wiped her forehead of sweat and would look over at Grappa who was below her. The group would soon get to work on their various duties around the home and forest.

    Roughly ten minutes after the start of the job, the sound of something breaking through the winds could be heard, as engines roared to life that were becoming louder. Grappa looked up after handing Jellisha another plank to replace a rotten one closer to the apex of the roof's height. It was a bit hard to see on the count of the overcast day, but a large mechanical being would be descending from the clouds overhead as a strange metal being would land on the ground with a thud nearby. It was roughly the size of an adult or so, enough that it towered over its owners and seemed to have a will of its own based on how it would walk towards the house and raise its face expectantly at the two. "There you are!~ Here." Grappa walked over to the front of the house where one fallen tree trunk would have smashed the front porch's roof to bits. "Okay, GOLUM. Let's try and get you calibrated!~ Try and pick up the trunk and move it off of the roof." The girl's hands would visualize what she was saying to her creation, almost as if she was attempting to introduce the concept to a toddler, or somebody who had yet to grasp the fundamentals of spoken language. The mechanical construct appeared to have understood, as it would walked over to the tree and heave it off of the roof, then off to the side. The other two would continue going back to the roof as all seemed to be going swimmingly so far. The team of Grappa and Jellisha on the roof nailing planks and patching up the shingles that were in need of it. The mechanical construct known as GOLUM would be busy hosting up planks and supplies for them while in the meantime.

    The storm was quickly growing closer, the wind starting to howl as they struggled to get things nailed down now. The trees bent at the base while cracks coming from some could be heard nearby. Grappa would dispell the illusion keeping her human, and revert back into her Exceed appearance while taking off to go and take care of all the trees beginning to fall down nearby to allow her sibling some time finishing the repairs during the storm. "Man, that wind is really howling!" The girl said, struggling to remain in place and not getting blown away by the storm. GOLUM was nearby, using his own magic pool shared from the twins to cut down and destroy any that were behind the house. It was a bit rough for him since he normally could destroy a lot of an area at once, but limiting himself meant that he could only really do so much.

    "How's it going out there, Salem?" Jellisha yelled through the storm, sheilding herself from the rain and wind while finishing up on the main roof just in the nick of time. She was scooting over towards the porch roof and beginning on that one next. Despite the current weather, the party did seem to have everything under control.

    WC: 775
    TWC: 1,315
    Salem Pendragon
    Salem Pendragon

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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  Empty Re: RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond

    Post by Salem Pendragon 22nd January 2022, 9:48 pm

    The crimson eyed twin would be the one of the two twins to speak up after Salem, stated his idea of going to clear off the excess trees near the house while they repaired the roof. And idea she would seem to instantly agree to without hesitation, stating to Salem that it was a good idea, with the excess wood from the trees being able to possibly assist with the repairs of the house if they turned it into usable wood, an idea the twins and Salem seemed to agree upon. And with that Salem would proceed to leave the twins with the roof repairs while his made his way towards all of the trees in the close vicinity of the house. Though not before managing to hear the green-eyed twin inform her sister that Golum was on the way, a name that Salem was not quite familiar with, though the young Pendragon could only assume that it was another member of the Magic Council Rune Knights. One who was coming to assist the trio in the repairs with the storm seeing to be approaching sooner than later, as Salem was already starting to feel the change in the air du to the coming storm.

    Starting with the trees closest to the house and with the highest probable chance of damaging the house, Salem would bring forth his right hand and reequip a large axe before proceeding to hastily start cutting down the many branches of the tree before taking down the actual tree itself. Once Salem would proceed to start the cutting process of his third tree near the house, he would start to hear a loud rumbling sound that was seeming to gradually get closer to location of the house he and the twins where repairing. Salem’s first thought being that sound was the coming storm, but he would quicky realize that was not the case as the sound gradually got closer, moving him to the idea that it was the traveling method of whoever it was the twins had mentioned earlier, leaving Salem to not be on high alert about the noise as he continued his task on hand of clearing at the trees around the house that could cause any possible more damage to the old couples home.

    Eventually the producer of the sound Salem had been hearing would soon make its way into view as it flew over Salem who was a good distance away from the two twin Rune Knights on the roof. Allowing for Salem to get a decent look and realization that Golum was not another Rune Knight of the Magic Council, but some type of magical construct of the twins. A construct that was truly impressive in Salem’s eyes and drew many questions to the young Pendragon, as he could only imagine the amount of time and magical understanding it took for the twins to create something such as this if they were the ones who truly managed to make this magical construct, a question Salem was sure to ask once he got a chance.

    After the arrival of the twins magical construction Salem would do his best to pick up his past in the clearing of the trees and moving the wood towards the twins so that they could prep it for use in the case it was needed. With Salem more than sure that just like him, the twins could also sense that the storm was starting to approach way faster than any of them expected, and they could only hope they had enough time to finish the most important of repairs to the couple’s house. As soon one of the twins would call out to Salem asking of his progress. “All trees that could be of possible threat to the house have been cut or trimmed, now to just make sure the house itself it able to withstand the test of this whether”. Salem would yell as he forcefully walked his way back towards the house using all of his physical strength to make sure that he was not pushed back by the strong winds of the storm as he tried his hardest to make it back to the twins who still stood on top of the roof.

    PWC: 710
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    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

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    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  Empty Re: RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 3rd February 2022, 4:31 pm

    "Nice work, Salem. This will make it easier on us if anything happens during this storm." Jellisha replied as she'd flash him a knowing smile of appreciation. She was not alone in this fact, with Grappa doing tge same as she fought gravely against the high altitude wind speeds currently blowing through the area. She managed to land back onto the house and would grip the framework with both hands. A curtain of her silver hair was flying directly into her face, but took the time to give the boy some affection. "You're doing great! Keep it up and we'll be out of this storm in no time...maybe!"

    Through Salem's effort, all the nearby trees that were in danger of impeding their progress would be chopped down effortlessly. There was very little in the way of something crashing into the house again now, aside from the heavy winds that were currently causing everyone to bunker down tight for the time being. The two would be able to work in these conditions, only really being drawn off of their stations once Grappa's eyes locked onto something over the horizon. A whirling storm dervish, carrying the debris picked up from its point of touchdown. Trees and fauna were uprooted around, flung in all directions while some that were not as lucky would be caught up in the storms winds circling around the central area. Some other various things could be seen from afar, such as the chunk of some buildings, but anything else was going to have to done closer. An act that was just as dangerous and foolhardy as it was in theory. The emerald eyed twin clutched the roof until her knuckles turned white, then raised an arm to point at the central storm heading their way. "That must be what's causing the storm! I didn't think it would be magically based!" Jellisha raised her eye to confirm this spotting, gritting her teeth as she too, would begin to grow worried for what they planned to do as a defensive maneuver. It was slowly growing closer and closer. They would be almost insignificant compared to this terrifying twister just crossing over the horizon, and the closer this thing got, the harder it was going to be to combat it. "Great. Just what we need. A giant windstorm." Jellisha exhaled while looking at her twin sibling for a moment. Just what exactly were they supposed to do anyway? Her eyes scaled down to their mechanical construct below, who faced no issues balance wise because of his weight. Although it was up to debate on exactly how close the storm would need to approach before it would begin to be affected by the force of the wind, it was sadly an idea meant for another time. One where they were not placing innocent civilians in danger all that much. She pursed her lips, closing her eyes in thought for a moment while she'd get an idea. "You said it looks magically based, right?"

    Grappa held up another device, akin to an iLac but half the size, on her arm and brought it before the storm in question. A small holographic screen would pop up in front of her while it focused on the storm in question. Numbers and information overloaded her eyes. An unbelievable amount of information was given, such as coordinates of the tornado, approximate wind strength among many others. Although what she really needed was only one metric that was given while raising her head up to her sister. "Confirmed! It's almost entire magical at this point. Which means..." she flashed her eyes knowingly as Jellisha would grin to herself, bringing her right fist into her left hand. "That if we can pump enough of own magic into it, we can turn that raging hurricane into a mild breeze." Grappa bent down to look at Salem again, while also careful not to get blown away. She carefully slid into GOLUM, who was still waiting on the ground and adjusting himself so that the girl could land comfortably. "You get that, Salem? Start tossing every kind of magic you got into that storm and hopefully it'll be enough to disperse the storm!" she called out to their companion, looking up as she'd pilot the creation closer towards her sister. Jellisha waited for the mech to get in position before she'd slide down the roof and land with a thud next to her sibling.

    She quickly opened a compartment holding the magic battery. The churning part would hum uncovered, the air steaming from the heat running from the insides. "Help me channel some of magic into this thing. If we can overload it, there's a chance we can make this ten times easier." Grappa nodded, expelling some of their magic together as their bond's battery would become overcharged form the surplus of magic being pumped into it. Once they had done enough, Jellisha raised the front to aim directly at the windstorm and open the face plate to expose the battery. After a moment of charging, she'd unleash the pent up energy, a wide ray of magic sent directly inside of the storm.

    WC: 861
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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  YvWNyTL
    Salem Pendragon
    Salem Pendragon

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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  Empty Re: RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond

    Post by Salem Pendragon 7th February 2022, 9:05 pm

    Once Salem would make his way back to the roof and receive his words of encouragement from the twins. It would seem as though the storm would decide to pick up as the strength of the winds wound instantly increase. Causin for Salem to have to use all of his strength to stay on the roof, a test that would prove to be tough for the young Pendragon though he would manage to pull through keeping himself on the roof just like the two twins it would seem. And it wouldn’t even be seen before the all managed to get ahold of themselves that one of the two twins would seem to point outwards from the house to what was soon to be upon them. The storm could be seen In a distance quickly approaching Salem and the twins, though something did not seem to be exactly natural about the storm the closer and closer it got to the group. And it would seem that Salem would not be the only one to notice this, though he wasn’t completely sure of his hunch till the confirmation by one of the twins, though he wasn’t exactly sure which one it was without being able to see their eyes. A task Salem was surely not to be able to complete with the strong winds and debris making it already hard to keep ones eyes completely open from the jump.

    Through the strong winds Salem would barely be able to hear the conversation of the twins, but he tried his hardest to hear and understand what they were saying. With it seeming as though they both had way more of an understanding of what this storm truly was and what magic could possibly be causing it. As he could see that one of the twins was using some sort of magic device that he had never seen before, meaning that he had no idea what it was being used for when it came to this storm. But he could only hope that it could possibly end it before things could get even worse for the group of Rune Knights on the roof with the wind starting to aggravate Salem more and more as it continued.

    Still facing the storm and lost at what to do, Salem would soon hear one of the twins yelling out to him that he needed to channel all of his magic into the center of the storm. A idea he would instantly see as crazy. But figuring that the twins knew better then he did, Salem would proceed to agree with the orders given to him. Planting his foot and making sure to have a solid stance on the roof as the wind seemed to blow his long pony tail all kinds of ways behind him, Salem would proceed to hold out his hand in front of him as a red magic circle appeared which he would proceed to slightly place his hand inside of and bring forth a long red and black lance.

    Once the lance was in his hand Salem would proceed to take one look at the twins and nod to confirm that he understood the plan at hand, as he would proceed to use of his strength and launch the lance jam packed with his magical energy at the center of the storm. The lance flying graceful through the sky as though the storm didn’t even exist to it. Reaching the center of the storm in a matter of seconds, the lance would proceed to explode disbursing Salems magical energy into the storm. Salem steadily hopping that this idea of the twins worked as he continued to do his best and resist the wind as he stay balanced on the house roof.

    PWC: 628
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    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  Empty Re: RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 17th February 2022, 4:39 pm

    The girls watched as Salem was quick to go along with their plan. Grappa peeked at what he was doing out of the corner of her eyes, becoming quickly interested in whatever kind of magic that the boy would have. "Wow, that's seriously cool." she said to herself, almost leaning over the side of the construct and falling out had she not caught herself beforehand. It didn't come as any surprise that it was some kind of Requip magic perhaps? The girls both weren't as knowledgeable to that magic anyway, as it was a little bit too complex, even for their techie little heads to wrap around. Salem would summon forth a lance, charge it with his magic and hurl it towards the windstorm, where their construct was unloading its magical energy inside of as well. With an explosion signaling the magical energy being distributed throughout the storm, the winds would begin to falter, as the party's magic was causing the storm to fizzle out. The objects circling in the air would be slow falling back down towards the ground. Jellisha looked over towards Salem and punched the air in triumph, the winds no longer howling. "Way to go, Salem! We took this storm down and looked cool while doing it. Id say that's a job well done in my book." The group was able to go look at the winding down windstorm before then quickly becoming still once more.

    "We can finish up the house repairs now! Great work, you guys!" Grappa clapped at the two of them while turning back to the roof. Lots of things were pretty waterlogged, and there was a great deal of work that would need to be done to begin on repairing again, but the danger had passed for the moment. And so, the twins and Salem would set out and begin repairs anew...

    WC: 311
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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  YvWNyTL
    Salem Pendragon
    Salem Pendragon

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    RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond  Empty Re: RuneKights Bed, Bath and Beyond

    Post by Salem Pendragon 19th February 2022, 12:22 pm

    Moments after Salems lance would explode in the center of the storm it would instantly start to show signs of losing strength, as the winds it used to keep the items spinning afloat around them would start to lessen. Allowing for the items in the air to soon find the grounds below as their home once again. Showing Salem that the twins were right in deciding that this storm was not natural, and that of some sort of magic. Though Salem still wasn’t completely sure what could of been causing the storm, as it didn’t feel as though it was the effects of a spell. But weather magic wasn’t one of Salems strong points, so he figured he would just leave the figuring out the start of this two the twins. Who seemed to already have a better understanding of everything going on then Salem. Though the Pendragon was the lowest and newest Rune Knight of the three.

    Once things completely calmed down, the crimsoned eyed twin would give Salem words of congratulations for a job well done, the green eyed twin would also do the same, but not before stating that they should get to finishing the repairs on the house. A task that Salem was more then ready to finish after dealing with the storm for most of the day. finishing the house repairs wouldn’t take Salem and the twins long with it not being easier to do repairs without the wild winds and rain water. Upon finishing the repairs Salem would say his goodbyes to the twins and the old man owner of the house before making his way back to the Rune Knight barracks so that he could clean himself up from a day in the elements.

    PWC: 291
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