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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Amara Stone
    Amara Stone

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    First Skill: Time Dragon's Virtue
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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Amara Stone 19th October 2021, 8:53 pm

    "So, this is the capital Crocus as it once was..." Amara said to herself, looking around the enormous city. She could only recognize the capital for what it was by the palace perched on a hill near the center of the city. The walls of the palace were ancient in her day and they were hardly any less ancient in this era. Nearly everything else about the city had changed by the time she was, or will be, born. Even the cafe where she currently sat had been transformed into a park. The lioness had purchased a coffee for a sum of Jewels that was shocking to her, both by how low the price was and the fact that physical currency was still in use. It had taken a clever application of her time magic to give herself the needed cash and some besides, so she wouldn't be left without money in this strange time. She sipped the drink now, finding it far better than what she was used to. By the time she had gotten to drink coffee, actual coffee beans had gone nearly extinct and it was only through both magic and science that allowed the beverage to still exist, though it was paltry compared to this. As she drank, she flipped through the copy of Sorcerer's Magazine she had also picked up, again at a shockingly low price. Her curiosity had been aroused when she had noticed the cover of the magazine - which was still surprisingly in physical format - and saw that it bore what appeared to be a likeness of her mother. Sure enough, as she read through the publication, she found an interview with the mage known as Medeia of Erring's Rising. Amara knew her as 'Mother'.

    Her hand trembling a little despite her calm exterior, she gently touched the waxed page that held the words of her mother. In her time, Amara hadn't seen Medeia in almost a decade, let alone heard her voice. But as she read the interview, the lioness could hear her mother's words in her mind, as if she was standing right there next to her. "I'm here, mom." she whispered under her breath, her words barely disturbing the surface of the drink held just below her lips.

    The time mage's wrist twitched, almost spilling her coffee onto her lap, as she heard a child's shriek nearby. Looking around as she set down the mug, she spotted a young girl with long braided hair of blue and white bouncing around the patio of the cafe, where Amara sat, with what seemed to be limitless energy. The girl looked around in response to a woman's voice, and Amara saw two women who looked to be around her own age sitting across from each other at one of the tables. One of the women had long brown hair, braided on the sides into two pigtails, amber eyes, and a pair of dog's ears atop her head. The other had purple eyes and short lavender hair, surmounted by a pair of pointed cat's ears. Amara's own lion-like ears flicked as she noticed this. In her time, hybrid races like hers were far more common, but in this time they seemed to be rather rare, aside from the Joyans who seldom left their country. The lioness checked, and did a double-take as she saw that the child had rabbit's ears, rather than those of either a cat or a dog. Either something had gone incredibly weird with her genetics, or the child was adopted. Amara came to this conclusion based on her quick observation of the trio, immediately deciding that the two older women were a couple and the girl was their child. The Dragon Slayer had incredibly sharp perception and was a fairly expert judge of body language and facial expressions.

    Curious about this family, Amara laid down the magazine and picked up her coffee again, sipping at it as she watched the three interact. Mostly, the couple talked over mugs of some drink and snacks while the child played nearby. The lioness couldn't help but stare, because such a sight - two women as a couple with a child - was common in her time but seemed rare in this one. For a brief moment, Amara could almost imagine she was home, but the taste of her coffee and the scent of the breeze quickly dispelled that notion. She wasn't home, and she had no idea how to get back there.

    WC: 747
    @Erynel Family
    Illya Pegasus
    Illya Pegasus

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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Illya Pegasus 20th October 2021, 9:18 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Visiting the capital of Fiore was such a joy. Mei and Talia had done so while they were secretly dating, away from the ire of Mei's family that demanded that she marry a Joyan man. Now, she got to wander around Fiore with her wife and their adoptive child. The hustle and bustle of Crocus was so different from the towns that Mei and Talia grew up in, but was still a close call to their university in Felidae City, where they first met. Of course, there were still differences here in Crocus than in Felidae. The town had a much more modern feel, the nature of the city somewhat of an afterthought amidst the center of commerce that it had become. A light breeze washed across Mei's face, a biting cold causing her to shiver.

    "I thought you were the one with thick fur," Talia teased.

    Mei pouted. "It's cold this time of year!"

    A light, playful chuckle escaped from Talia's lips. "I feel perfectly fine. I'm sure Astraia does as well."

    The two mothers looked over towards their child, who bounded around looking at the shops. She wanted to buy so much, still very unfamiliar with a lot of the clothing seen around Fiore, but unfortunately in the move from Joya to Fiore, they had all but spent their money. "But I think this dress would look great on you, Mama!"

    Mei looked at the dress Astraia pointed out and her tail immediately began wagging. "Oooh! That looks so pretty~!"

    She looked over to Talia, who sighed. "We don't really have the money for it."

    Both Mei and Astraia looked down in disappointment. Talia rolled her eyes with a chuckle, patting both of her lovely dears on the head. "We have enough for food, but we can't really afford too much on souvenir shopping. We're just here to enjoy the time."

    Astraia and Mei sighed in unison, begrudgingly following Talia to the nearby cafe. None of them were mature by any means, but Talia always laughed about how she almost defaulted to the most mature of the bunch. Mei and Astraia were always so alike in their energy, and that's what the catlike Joyan loved so much. They walked into a nearby cafe, Talia ordering a black coffee, Mei ordering a hot tea, and Astraia ordering a hot chocolate. They walked out onto the patio of the cafe, basking in the warm sun and pleasant breeze. They sat at their table, Astraia wandering around and being a bit of a problem as Mei and Talia talked for a bit about how this was just like their first date. A cafe in Felidae City, both ordering a coffee.

    "You spat that out way too quick," Talia laughed.

    "How do you drink something that bitter!?"

    "The same way you drink things so sweet. The tea stuff is usually too much for me."

    "I guess the rice balls also help with getting rid of the bitter."

    "That and the beer."

    Mei leaned over and teasingly punched Talia in the shoulder. "Tallliiiii! You're not supposed to drink when we have Astraia around!"

    Talia laughed. "I don't, don't worry."

    Mei sighed, but could not help but smile at her wife. She quickly turned to call Astraia over, but as she spoke, she noticed out of the corner of her eye a silver haired girl with a lion's ears. "Hey! Hey! Look! Another Joyan!" Mei sprang out of her chair, a light sigh and smile coming on Talia's face as Astraia followed her Mom to the new person. "Heeyyyyy there! Sorry to both you, but are you Joyan?" Her tail wagged rapidly as she asked. "Me and my family are from Joya too! I'm Mei Erynel, and this is my daughter Astraia and over there is my lovely wife Talia!" Mei turned around and gave an enthusiastic wave to Talia. "What about you? What's your name?" Her tail continued to wag as she waited for the girl's answer.
    WC: 664 | TWC: 664

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis
    Amara Stone
    Amara Stone

    Lineage : None
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    First Skill: Time Dragon's Virtue
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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Amara Stone 24th October 2021, 7:19 pm

    Amara flinched slightly as she found herself suddenly approached by the two Joyan women, child in tow. She hadn't been prepared for the dog woman's enthusiastic nature, which manifested in her quickly wagging tail, open expression, and excited questions. She found herself blushing slightly, caught flat-footed and fumbling for a response. This would be the first time she spoke to anyone, aside from the cashier at the coffee shop, in this time. The language was similar enough, without too many linguistic shifts, but she feared that her halting speech, as she searched for the right words, would somehow give her away. She had already determined that she wouldn't talk about the future with strangers, if at all possible. It would only lead to a wealth of questions she wasn't prepared to answer. How did she get here? What is the future like? What happens in my life? Do I marry the person I like? Do I get the job I want? What most people wouldn't realize is that Amara was from far enough ahead on the timeline that the lives of the people in this era were more or less ancient history, and she wasn't a historian or anything. She had only just recently begun experimenting more with her powers beyond minor tampering, like what she did with the money, and occasional glimpses into the future. Unless she was directly related to the person, or knew their family personally, Amara wouldn't know the answer to any personal questions. Besides, if too many people knew that she was from the future, it would be altogether likely that someone would seek to exploit her.

    Blushing again, Amara realized she had been lost in thought for several seconds now, at least. Perhaps even a full minute. And she hadn't answered the woman's question yet. "Um... I'm sorry, I got distracted there. I'm actually not from Joya... But I think my great-grandmother was. Most of my family has Joyan features, though." she said hesitantly. "Um... My name is Amarantha, but you can call me Amara..." she said by way of introduction, reaching out to shake the woman, Mei's, hand.

    WC: 355 || TWC: 1102
    Illya Pegasus
    Illya Pegasus

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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Illya Pegasus 24th October 2021, 7:36 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Mei took a seat across from the woman who called herself Amara, even though she was not invited. She quickly sent Astraia back to the seat with Talia as she went to talk with who she already dubbed as her new friend, her tail still wagging. "Okay, okay! It's just weird to see people with Joyan features out here in Fiore. Or, at least I haven't seen too many people." Her ears perked up as she smiled. "So... did you get anything special with your coffee? I usually like mine with sugar and cream. Well, when I drink coffee. Ooh! You look lonely by yourself reading the Sorcerer's Magazine! You wanna hang out with my family? We can be friends! I'll add you to my iLac, if you want!" She gave another big smile, her tail still wagging at a consistent pace.

    WC: 0142 | TWC: 0806

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family HQ80U7w
    Amara Stone
    Amara Stone

    Lineage : None
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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Amara Stone 24th October 2021, 7:46 pm

    Amara fumbled for words again, flustered by Mei's enthusiasm. "Um... I usually just get it with milk and sugar..." she said. She hesitated, not knowing how not to sound like a fool with her next question. Unfortunately, the device known as an iLac had stopped being produced long before Amara was born. Technology had advanced to the point where a simple implant the size of a grain of rice granted the bearer access to the 'Net, hijacking the ocular nerve to display images and being operated by the user's thoughts. Amara had already tried hers, but that technology didn't exist yet in this time. "What... What's an iLac?"

    WC: 108 || TWC: 1210
    Illya Pegasus
    Illya Pegasus

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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Illya Pegasus 29th October 2021, 4:05 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Mei made an audible gasp and quickly grabbed Amara's arm, pulling her towards the table where now the family's drinks had arrived and Talia was already halfway through her black coffee. Astraia had grabbed Amara's coffee and brought it to the table.

    "Taaaaalllliiiiiiaaaa!" Mei cooed as she arrived at the table. "This is Amara! She's my new friend!"

    Talia chuckled, laughing at how hopeless her wife was. "Everyone is your friend nowadays, huh? I'm guessing you already told her about me." Talia smiled at Amara. "Sorry about Mei's enthusiasm. She's like a puppy when it comes to meeting new people."

    "I'm not a puppy, Tali!"

    "Could've fooled me."

    "I'm a fully grown adult! Heck, I'm more grown than you!" Mei pouted.

    "I mean, height-wise, sure. But there's more to growth than just height, you know..."

    Astraia rolled her eyes. "Geez, can you two be any more weird?"

    "We don't mean to!" "Yes." Both mothers answered simultaneously, leaving Mei a bit shocked and faux upset at Talia's blunt answer.

    "Well I can already smell that you can use magic," Talia said, getting back on track. "Can't really tell what type, going to be honest. But you definitely can use magic of some kind. All three of us can too."

    "Yep~! Though we're not really good at it, but we're getting training from the people over at Luminous Rose. Ooh! Have you ever heard of Luminous Rose? It's this really fun guild out in Sakuramori - wait, do you know what a guild is? I mean, it would make sense if you were from Joya, but you're not and-"

    "Is it really important?" Astraia asked, sipping her hot chocolate. "I mean, we don't want to annoy her more than we already have, do we?"

    "Sorry." "Yes we do."

    "I mean, for someone who's the second hottest thing here aside from Mei, she looks like she can put up with a bit of a boisterous family, right?"
    WC: 0324| TWC: 1130

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family HQ80U7w
    Amara Stone
    Amara Stone

    Lineage : None
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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Amara Stone 19th November 2021, 6:20 pm

    Amara's head spun as she was pulled along in the whirlwind of enthusiasm and energy that this Joyan and her family seemed to leave behind them like a wake. Before she knew it, she found herself sitting across from the purple-haired Joyan woman, her coffee thrust back into her hands by the young girl, Astraia. The lioness peered into the cup and saw that it was half-empty. Sensing that she was going to need a good amount of coffee to keep up with this family, she surreptitiously used her magic to refill it.

    "Yes, I am a mage." she answered Talia, sipping her now-full, perfectly warm coffee. "Specifically, a time mage. And yes, I have heard of guilds. My mother was in..." She hesitated, remembering that Errings Rising had been considered a dark guild at this time. "A guild when I was born. I don't remember the name of it."

    WC: 150 || TWC: 1360
    Illya Pegasus
    Illya Pegasus

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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Illya Pegasus 19th November 2021, 7:58 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Talia sighed. "Hey, Mei? You know that flower shop right at the edge of town when we entered? You wanna take Astraia there and pick out something nice? I'm sure Desiree would enjoy a nice gift from us." Mei gave a hearty smile and walked away, bringing their child in tow. Talia once more shook her head with a smile. "I really am sorry about those two. I can tell you're a bit exhausted by them. I hope you don't mind if I talk to you."

    Talia waited a few moments in silence, examining Amara up and down. "I'm good at reading when people are lying. I know that you remember the guild's name." Talia shrugged and took a drink of her coffee. "Oh well. Not my business to get involved in. You have your secrets that you want to keep, so I won't push you on it. Seems like you're travelling without a guild though. Any reason why? I mean, I personally have enjoyed being with a guild." She smiled. "If it keeps Mei and Astraia safe, I'm more than happy to put up with anything." Another sip of coffee as she waited for answers to any of the questions.
    WC: 201| TWC: 1331

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family HQ80U7w
    Amara Stone
    Amara Stone

    Lineage : None
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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Amara Stone 19th November 2021, 8:08 pm

    Amara gave vent to a small sigh as Talia called her out. The other woman was entirely correct, of course. She did remember the name of the guild her mother - both of her mothers, in fact - had been in. But she didn't know how this woman would judge her for being the daughter of two very infamous dark guild wizards. She took another gulp of coffee, then wiped her mouth on the back of her hand.

    "You want the truth?" she asked quietly, in a voice low enough that no one else would hear. "I am in no guild because I come from the future, and the guild my mothers were in was disbanded shortly after I was born. It still exists in this time, but... It's not exactly how I remember it. Everything about this time is so... different from where - or rather, when - I come from." After she finished speaking, she ducked her head and stared into her coffee, waiting to hear Talia's reaction. She expected disbelief at her claim of being from the future, at the least.

    WC: 180 || TWC: 1540
    Illya Pegasus
    Illya Pegasus

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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Illya Pegasus 19th November 2021, 8:44 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Talia waited a moment at the reveal that Amara made. "Huh. Well all of us have our different ways that we end up where we are in life." She took a sip of coffee. "I might be wrong, I dunno, but seems like you know that Medeia chick that was on the Magazine cover. She's part of Errings Rising. Dark Guild, from the sound of it. I dunno much about it, though. No clue what they do. Guessing that's one of your mothers?" Talia shrugged again. "Again, not really my concern. Could be that they're in the right. I don't really know. Mei doesn't like when I talk all serious. She always says that getting serious isn't fun. Fun's all that cute as hell girl thinks of. But this world's a bit screwed up. Mei's family disowned her when we starting dating. They said that they wanted her to get a good husband and continue her line in a more traditional sense. They made her choose between me and them. Well, you know what the answer was." She got up and stretched. "Well, I don't really know why I'm giving you life advice. You're probably older than me. Well, I mean you technically are, but even in how- well you know. Time travel's a weird thing. Maybe I'm just mature from having to deal with a child at heart and a literal child. Kids these days, you know?" She leaned back, finishing up her coffee. "I suppose that there's not much obvious reason for us to stay around at this little coffee shop, huh? Well, you want to join us on our vacation? Mei's gonna be more than happy to have another friend to bring along."

    WC: 0287 | TWC: 1618

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    Edited by SlayerMathis


    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family HQ80U7w
    Amara Stone
    Amara Stone

    Lineage : None
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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Amara Stone 19th November 2021, 8:55 pm

    Amara blinked and looked back up at Talia. Not only was the other woman spot-on about who her mother was, but she was remarkably unfazed about that fact, and everything she had just said. "That's... it? You just accept that I'm from the future and that my mother is one of Fiore's most infamous dark wizards?" she said, then leaned back in her chair and regarded the Joyan woman pensively. "I expected... more shock, I guess. Maybe more calling me crazy. Or even calling the Rune Knights. Luminous Rose is a legal guild, isn't it? Dedicated to defending the world from those that walk the darker paths of life, or something like that?" She disregarded Talia's offer for the moment, preparing her magic instead. She wanted to get to the bottom of what this mysterious woman really felt about her before going anywhere with her. For all she knew, she could have sent her wife along to alert the police or something like that.

    WC: 164 || TWC: 1704
    Illya Pegasus
    Illya Pegasus

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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Illya Pegasus 19th November 2021, 9:25 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    "Yep. That's it," Talia said, ordering another coffee. "I mean seeing a cat and a dog married is weird enough, let alone having a kid that's a rabbit - adopted, mind - is even weirder. Different people have different ways that they've gone through life. Not much I can really judge about it. Plus, that's your mom, right? Not my place to say you're a bad person because of your mom." She yawned as another coffee came to her. "Caffeine doesn't really affect me much. Dunno why. I just drink coffee because I think it tastes good. Also because it annoys Mei." She chuckled as Astraia and Mei returned with a big bouquet of flowers.

    "Oh heyyyyyy! How's it going, Amara!"

    "Mom, you just saw her a few minutes ago."

    "Yeah how'd you get back that fast? I would've thought it would take a while to choose out what flowers to get."

    "I just bought all of them in a single bouquet."

    "I tried to stop her, Mother!"

    "No you didn't." Astraia was silent, Talia rubbing her head. "Me and Mom's new friend were just getting to know each other. I thought it was a bit unfair that you got to hang out with her a bit without me."

    "I didn't mean to do that, Tali!"

    "Doesn't change that you did it."

    "W-well, maybe you should've just come over!"

    "And miss my coffee? Of course not."

    "Well why not? Coffee's terrible!"

    "It's not really all that bad."

    "It's so bitter!"

    "Just like you when I drink it?"


    Talia snorted, still petting her daughters hair. "Honestly, you all just make things so fun around here. Oh, and Amara said she's going to join us for the rest of the day." Talia gave a look to Amara, hoping she would accept the offer.

    WC: 0302 | TWC: 1920

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family HQ80U7w
    Amara Stone
    Amara Stone

    Lineage : None
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Dragon's Virtue
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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Amara Stone 29th November 2021, 7:01 pm

    Amara blinked at Talia's reasoning, but had no chance to respond before Mei and her daughter came bouncing back, energy-filled as they seemed to always be. The lioness responded to the brown-haired woman's greeting with a half-hearted wave, her thoughts still whirling in her head. That Talia had accepted her story without so much as a blink was still shocking to her. It made her feel... Almost at home. Like this was a person she could stick around with, no matter what happened in her past, what is now in the future.

    The time wizard's ears flicked as she heard her name spoken again. She pulled herself back to the moment, replaying the last bit of conversation in her mind. "Oh... Yeah, of course. I would love to. Let me just get this to go, alright?" she said, rising and lifting her mug. She carried it back to the counter, wondering at how easily she had accepted the cat woman's invitation. Was this... What it felt like to have friends?

    WC: 170 || TWC: 1874
    Illya Pegasus
    Illya Pegasus

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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family Empty Re: A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family

    Post by Illya Pegasus 1st December 2021, 4:48 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Talia nodded. Sometimes people just were incapable of saying no when placed with a proposition. Maybe it was a bit cruel of her to take advantage of Amara like this, but sometimes Talia was just willing to play somewhat of a villainous role. She got up as Amara was given a to go cup of coffee, Talia paying for the bill as Mei and Astraia had run off because they saw another Joyan tourist.

    "I take it jewels aren't as plentiful in your time?" Talia asked as she grabbed her own to go cup, as well as holding both Astraia's and Mei's cups simultaneously in her other hand. "They'd get upset if they saw that I got some to go and didn't get their drinks. Honestly, some people are just so predictable." She handed the cups over to her family members, who once again rushed off, making note of a park that they wished to go to. Talia told them to go on ahead, as she was just going to walk and talk with Amara.

    "You're not going to try to... you know, right?" Mei asked, a serious look on her face as Astraia began walking away.

    "Only if she's especially open. Hell, maybe I can get you involved as well." A coy smile crossed the face of the cat - like Joyan, showing her dog - like wife that she was only kidding. Mei seemed to accept this and she chased off after Astraia, the two's inconsistent, playful pace keeping them still ahead of the two felines. "So what's your future like? I imagine things have already somewhat changed just by you being here in the present, but... still. What sort of things are going on? Is it still difficult to get concert tickets for idols? They better still have rice balls..."

    Talia kept up a light, steady stream of questions, keeping everything at a casual pace as she talked. There was something about Amara that was simply... different. Something was up with Amara's existence. She seemed almost like a lost kitten, the simultaneously elder yet younger Erynel thought. There was this bravery behind her, Talia thought, something that told her to keep a brave face. This was a brave new world that Amara was in, granted that she was speaking the truth about her time travelling. But even so, it was in Talia's nature to nurture, and seeing someone like Amara was now only reminded her of her own past. Amara's loneliness was something that Talia could not allow to happen, and she would make sure that Amara would enjoy her time in this time as much as possible.

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    A Brave Zoo World [Private | Amara and the Erynel Family HQ80U7w

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:48 pm