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    Might exists in the mind!

    Zero Divinus
    Zero Divinus

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 51
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,375

    Might exists in the mind!  Empty Might exists in the mind!

    Post by Zero Divinus 7th October 2021, 1:42 pm

    Zero yawned as he walked down the streets of Magnolia, his head turning here and there as he looked at different shops. He had some time to spare and jewel to spend, having worked so much lately and finally hit B rank as a mage in his guild. He was a little impressed with himself, not bad for a young man inside a famous guild. Sure the aces of his guild were all like x and z level mages which just wasn't really fair. Usually Zero didn't care about rank, but he imagined himself standing beside the strongest of his clan, being one of note and merit. Well, one needed a high rank and a lot of practice for that dream.

    He stopped outside a shop that had several magical tomes, a couple caught his eye and he read them from outside the store. "Better crops with a magic thumb, build an empire: six magical ways to increase charisma, Buff up your spells with magical buffing." That last one seemed interesting, walking into the store, Zero was met by a cheerful plump man. Zero pointed at the buff book and the man eagerly picked it up. "You got a good eye on you boyo, this just came in. Apparently it's a magic tome on how to buff up your spells so they become stronger. Not many seem to use them though for some reason."

    Zero was intrigued, he took the offered book and flipped through the pages. It was interesting to say the least. His magic pretty much let him do whatever he wanted so he never considered learning any more magic. But this would increase his spells potency and allow him to pack a better punch. He nodded and bought the book, heading out, he decided to spend the day studying it. Finding a bench in Mongolia park, he leaned back and opened the first page of the book, reading how one focused mana through their bodies and into their magic to increase all kinds of aspects.

    He stopped on a interesting page, muttering the spell he felt a surge fill him, the world sharpened around him and he felt for a moment, powerful! It didn't last long and looking back he realized it had been a lower class spell. "Okay so they cost mana and have a duration to them, makes sense. Let's see, higher rank ones boost spells and also last longer. The buffs also get stronger the more mana you put into them, got it."

    Zero looked around him, watching the couples and singles milling around the park. Picnics from young lovers to old folks walking hand in hand. The sweet smell of the wind carried the natural perfume of flowers, grass, and trees. Insects buzzed around, flitting from flower to flower for nectar and nourishment.

    WC: 470
    Zero Divinus
    Zero Divinus

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 51
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,375

    Might exists in the mind!  Empty Re: Might exists in the mind!

    Post by Zero Divinus 14th October 2021, 5:40 am

    "Why do you want to be stronger?" Zero turned his head to see an wizened old man holding a bag of bread in his hand. Zero tilted his head before remembering that he literally held a book about boosting his own magical power. "oh, this?" He scooted down to let the man sit and leaned back, watching as he tore up some bread and tossed them to the birds. The questioned he asked made Zero think. He had never been about power before, he enjoyed his art, painting, drawing, sculpting, and his magic represented the creativity he enjoyed. It wasn't until he joined Fairy Tail and met and befriended his guildmates that he began caring about his own strength.

    He thought of the cult members who were now just his friends and family living as a community, his father praying before the Soul of the Mountain and begging for redemption, a hard fist and easy laugh of his friend, and the smell of embers, a flash of red hair, and green eyes. That was when he decided that he would become strong to protect them all, to keep those he loved and admired safe.

    "I would say it was when I made friends and joined a guild that protected people that I desired to become stronger, to stand beside them and face what came our way without wanting to be a burden. I also know a nice group of people, brought together by a shared fear and hope and turned into a family. I need to become stronger for them." Zero smiled, yes, that was a reason to become stronger. A cliché one but an honest one. People got stronger for themselves or for others, Zero never desired to be stronger for himself, but to protect others and live a happy life? That he could become strong for.

    He turned to the old man and gave a gentleman's bow. "I thank you for your wisdom sir, I shall endeavor to make use of it."

    Picking up his book, he decided to go to a secluded place where he could focus on what he needed to do and learn. With a pip in his step he walked off.


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      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:35 pm