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    Crash Landing!

    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 1421
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 587

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunstorm Magic
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    Crash Landing! Empty Crash Landing!

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 14th September 2021, 3:05 pm


    “Impact in five minutes…”

    Destruction. Chaos. Flames. Death. All of these visions flooded through Aiden’s memory as he quickly fiddled with an array of buttons on the top of his landing pod. The pod was just big enough to fit a person in it and no more than that.  
    The boy inside of it was of pale skin and white hair, he was about the size of an average human but still big enough to where the pod was a little cramped inside. A bead of sweat dripped from his brow as he watched the countdown on the display in front of him.

    The boy was shooting down from space, somewhere on a far off planet that was now no more than a husk of its former self. He was a prince on this planet but that title now meant nothing to him or anyone else.

    “Impact in… Four minutes…”

    “Come on. Come on. You stupid machine... Work!” he would exclaim as he pressed even more buttons but was really unsure if that was doing any good at this point.

    This was a boy with no home left to go back to. No family left to hold. Completely and utterly alone. He had no clue where he was going as he had put in random coordinates when he escaped the destruction.  

    It had all happened so quickly. First came the explosions, then the fiery abominations, then the conqueror. Next thing that he knew, Aiden's entire world was no more and he was taking off in a tiny pod to god knows where.

    “Impact in… Three minutes…”

    As the machine said this, Aiden would punch the monitor of the pod. “I can see that!” he exclaimed as he shook his head. He would place his hand over his face, covering his eyes.

    “This was my fault… If only I had been stronger… If only I hadn't fled… then maybe…” he whimpered to himself. Aiden was not someone who usually cried and always tried to hold himself to a high standard of emotion but the emotions he felt were too much right now.

    He was lost and confused.

    “Impact in… two minutes…”

    He had accepted his fate at this point as he thought only death awaited him.

    “If I live through this… I swear I will find whoever did this and fight back…” He growled to himself as the thoughts of his home, planet, and ecosystems being completely burned down in flames.

    This destruction had also made him a monster as well. The radiation from the attack had changed him physically, giving him strange new abilities. The problem was that he had never asked for any of them. What was created inside of him from the attack also played a hand in the destruction as well.

    “Impact in… one minute…”

    The pod raced down onto Earthland with fire tracing its descent as it fell like a comet through the sky, passing by an airship on its way to the ground.

    Aiden closed his eyes and let out a long sigh “Well… Life was fun at least…”

    “Impact in… Five. Four… Three… Two… One”


    The tiny pod landed harshly on the ground, creating a hole in the ground where it had landed.

    After a few moments of silence, the pod would open with steam rising from the entryway. A couple more seconds would pass before Aiden would open his eyes and gaze up at the blue sky above him for the first time.

    He slowly got up, stumbling a little as he stepped up onto the body of the pod. He would look around at his surroundings “Well… This is interesting. Where am I?” he would say to himself, scratching the back of his head, confused and surprised at the fact that he wasn’t dead.

    Appearance :



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 38
    Experience : 34,736

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Leviathan
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    Crash Landing! Empty Re: Crash Landing!

    Post by Dagda 24th September 2021, 10:35 am

    Crash Landing! OgDLJYY

    Dagda sipped peacefully on some coffee in the control room of the S.S. Endeavor. His fingers traced over a map on the desk in front of him, his dark brown eyes taking in the colorful lines and zones. In the last town the guild had stopped by, he’d managed to score a very detailed, hand-drawn map of this region of Fiore. It didn’t cover a very large section of the land, but it seemed to be very accurate as far as he could tell. The elevation lines were impeccably drawn, and the lettering was legible and neat.

    Suddenly, the warning system gave a beep. Just as Dadga looked up, live feed from one of the cameras on the outside of the ship appeared on the large screen at the head of the room. Some sort of object was barreling down to the earth near the airship, growing larger as it came. When it came closer the object turned out to be some sort of flying pod, much like the ones contained within the S.S. Endeavor to transport guild members to and from the whale-shaped ship.

    Dagda quite nearly spit out his coffee onto the precious map, the unexpected video startling him up from his chair. That pod looked man-made, or at least some sort of advanced technology. For a heartbeat, he was certain that he saw some sort of person in there. He had to go see what it was and determine if it was a threat to the guild or the environment.

    Turning on the voice announcement system that ran through the ship, Dagda let the rest of the guild know what was happening and where he was going. If anyone wanted to join him, he would gratefully accept the help. The titan was a determined man and would face whatever it was on his own without hesitation, but he knew the value of a group working together.

    Dagda left the control room and headed to the lower deck, hopping into one of the transport pods that took him off the ship towards the ground. As he descended, he saw the large disturbance in the earth where the unfamiliar pod had crash landed. Trees were broken and dirt was scattered everywhere, especially around the grounded vessel, which was still smoking.

    Landing nearby, Dagda leapt from the pod and ran towards the destruction site. “Is anyone in there? Are you okay?” he called out as he came closer, his deep voice piercing the air. He hadn’t seen the person emerge from the wreckage yet, he was still too far away.

    Post WC: 430    Thread WC: X    Tagged: @Aiden Ainsley    Music: Homebound


    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 1421
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 587

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunstorm Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Crash Landing! Empty Re: Crash Landing!

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 5th October 2021, 2:03 pm


    Looking back at the wreckage he would start to check to see the overall damages. Inside the pod, the lights blinked red in intervals of three seconds in between each blip. The bag with all of his belongings had been considerably burned and damaged as well. This would take some time to clear up, causing Aiden to let out a slight groan. He was left with nothing.

    Then, an idea popped into his head. Back on his planet he had a partner that would help him figure out problems and offer assistance. This was his last chance at getting familiar help in this new world. “As long as the soul drive back home is still alive, this should still work. Data-VI!” he called out. After a few seconds a small star-shaped robot would appear next to him with red glowing swirls turning around its form. “How can I help you Aiden?” the robot would speak in a metallic but strangely human sounding voice.

    Hearing the voice ring out from a distance, Aiden directed his attention to the life form heading towards him and  would dismiss Data-VI to hide again. He took another look around him and sighed “Damn… It seems I have done some damage to this area.” he muttered to himself, shaking his head with a bit of shame. Still, he decided to approach the person himself so that he could get some answers to his own questions.

    When the figure was in clearer view, he would put his hands up to try to assure the person he was no danger to him. It was a figure that seemed to be of similar biology to himself, which put Aiden at a bit of ease about the situation. “Yes. Everything seems to be okay here.” he would speak plainly and straight to the point as he was taught to do back on his own planet. “I apologize for the accident here. I was in a bit of urgency and seemed to have lost control of my ship.”

    As much as he wanted to figure out a way to fix his ship, the situation was that he was in an unknown place, not knowing if any of his home-world possessions were intact, and being confronted by a figure he did not know. Thinking logically, Aiden decided to search for more info about his new discoveries and in order to get answers first he had to build trust.

    Bowing his head slightly he smiled “My name is Aiden Ainsley, could you maybe tell me where we are? I seem to have hit my head during the crash and can’t seem to remember anything but my name.” he asked, deciding to forgo the information of his origin or what happened to him.

    Appearance :

    Words: 459 Tagged:@Dagda



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 38
    Experience : 34,736

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Leviathan
    Second Skill:
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    Crash Landing! Empty Re: Crash Landing!

    Post by Dagda 25th October 2021, 7:42 pm

    Crash Landing! OgDLJYY

    Dagda stepped carefully over the wreckage, getting closer to the little ship. With how much of a crash this pod had, he was beginning to worry about whoever may have been inside. They might need medical assistance. It was then that he saw a figure standing among the destruction. It was a young man with silvery hair dressed in some sort of armor-esque body suit.

    He assured Dagda that he was okay and apologized for the damage the crash had caused. Stopping a short distance away, the titan observed him with a friendly but concerned expression. “It’s okay,” he reassured the young stranger, “Accidents happen. I’m glad you’re alright, this could have been much worse.”

    The newcomer, who introduced himself as Aiden, claimed that he lost his memories from a head injury. Dagda’s eyes widened as he looked at the mop of whitish hair. There weren’t any signs of blood that he could see, but it could have been under the skin. “You just said everything was okay,” he pried with an eyebrow raised, “and my name is Dagda MacLean. I wish we were meeting under better circumstances.” He glanced at the wreckage behind Aiden. “You’re in a country called Fiore on the continent of Ishgar. This planet is called Earthland.” He expanded his explanation as he went, giving wider context in case the survivor wasn’t from this planet. Being a person transported from another world, he knew the discomfort of being in unfamiliar surroundings. The more information he could give, the more chance he could help Aiden find relief in a new place.

    Post WC: 264 Thread WC: 1,466 Tagged: @Aiden Ainsley Music: Homebound


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