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    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 151
    Guild : ❊ meliora vitae ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,541

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ azula oceania dance ❊
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ Empty ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺

    Post by misty 26th April 2021, 7:30 pm

    c o r d e l i a s t . d e n i s

    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ Dcndmhd-cf3dc8cb-1673-44dd-a9ca-8d458f9a2071.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMTM5MmYyZTMtZDIxNC00NDBkLThhOTctNjVlMWQ2ZjVhNDYwXC9kY25kbWhkLWNmM2RjOGNiLTE2NzMtNDRkZC1hOWNhLThkNDU4ZjlhMjA3MS5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

    Dancing throughout the shadows of the dim-lit streets of the capital city, the young woman of brunette and golden blonde hair would surf alongside the outer walls that lined Crocus' expansive roads- it would seem as though her rock board would not have an issue keeping its steadiness against the rough cobblestone avenue, leaving a small trail of dirt with each meter she would travel. Finding herself within the metropolis of the King and Queen, Cordelia and her two fluffy companions of auburn-colored fleeces traveled to the residence of the King and Queen to fulfill a quest granted to them within the chilly fortress of Errings Rising; they were to claim the life of Barold Fitzgerald in a public manner, an upcoming political figure that strived to remove the corruption within the governing forces and the inequality of the lower and upper class. While the removal of poverty was something that resonated deeply with the heart of the dragon slayer, the affiliation of the Magic Council and its loyal subjects was unacceptable in the rock surfer's golden optics- how would one be able to feed into a dreadful organization to promote positive change whilst turning a blind eye to the grief caused by it in other ways? It was just as pathetic to the golden girl as it was counter-productive, which made her more than joyous to take on these royal orders of assassination. ✺

    "We've gotta be close to the big stage," the alcoholic would eagerly exclaim to the two red pandas that sat upon each of her shoulders, taking a large swig from a pink bottle of wine, "god, it smells like sweat over here! ew!" Turning another corner that would lead the group of dark mages toward a large expanse of stone and fountains, what appeared to be a large stone structure adorned with crystalline speakers and a giant podium would manifest along the horizon accompanied by a large crowd of individuals waiting to attend the rally, which all happened to smell really bad due to the amount of time they had spent waiting for the political gathering to begin. They seemed to be decked out in patriotic gear and signs promoting the "great message" that the politician seemed to promote- a world where those in poverty can live freely and greatly within the streets of Ishgar, whether one was capable of utilizing ethereal abilities or not. "Fuck, I'm really becoming bad, huh..?" the slayer would think to herself as she would turn down one of the closer alleyways that happened to line the busy streets, slipping back into the shadows. Despite the empathy that she had felt for those that wished to seek a better life for those that truly needed it, Cordelia had come here for a reason; to slaughter this man in cold blood during his ongoing campaign in the name of Errings Rising, which would allow even more chaos to slip through the cracks of the law-abiding offices of this nation. ✺

    ✺ Tossing her golden purse onto the lid of a dumpster and pulling herself up onto its surface as her companions ran within the shade cast by the tall buildings, the lustrous rock surfer would marvel upon the sun that begun to set upon the horizon through the crack in the alleyway, which looked to appear almost violet in color in comparison to the oranges and pinks that sat upon the sky's canvas. The clock was ticking closer and closer to the next hour, which would be the start of the gruesome gathering of Fitzgerald; manifesting that of a large rock inside of her hands, she would throw it into the air as if she was playing with a tennis ball while she would wait, taking another large gulp of her vibrant tonic that she had brought with her on her long journey. It would seem as if a few Rune Knights had also ventured to the capital city as well; flipping them off as they would walk near the entrance of the alleyway, Cordelia would let out a small giggle as their fleet would cease to be visible within her vision. Their presence would definitely make things more fun within the carrying out of this wicked mission, alongside the drunkenness that would finally start to seep into her veins; aimlessly cackling to herself as she would grip onto the strap of the golden gun-purse that sat beside her, she would wait for the ringing of the city's bells, which would signal that it would be time for her to make a move. But for now, she would just wait upon the brown dumpster within the shadows, throwing her stones up and down, up and down. ✺

    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ Dbsjoiy-a0dc5a12-726e-4fc9-9f6e-325ac868c4bf.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGU4Y2Y4YTQtZDY0NC00MTU3LWJiMmItMzVhMzBiNTZiMmQxXC9kYnNqb2l5LWEwZGM1YTEyLTcyNmUtNGZjOS05ZjZlLTMyNWFjODY4YzRiZi5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

    post word count: 788 ✺
    personal word count: 788 ✺
    thread word count: 788 ✺
    tag(s): @cordelia @KuroFaustΩ
    job info:


    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ 3Lexy9U

    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ Empty Re: ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺

    Post by Guest 29th April 2021, 2:35 pm


    It had been some time since Faustein had gone on his last two adventures, both being ones that had taken him all the way to a region of Earthland known only as the “Cursed Lands”. The first of these had involved accepting a request from a group of despondent families who called this accursed region their home with the task therein involving the investigation of the mysterious disappearances of their kith and kin all of which had been associated with a certain strange house located some distance away from their homes where he had met with them. So, Faustein had gone in, investigated the mystery in question while fighting his way through waves upon waves of statues which seemed to only move when he was not looking directly at them. It had taken a while to do so due to the sheer number of them and because he had flown solo on that job, but finally Faustein had managed to destroy all of them successfully along with their leader, a giant ogre statue. Alas, he had been too late to save the victims of the disappearances because by the time he found the ogre statue’s hidden dimension and entered it, the previously missing victims were all long dead and turned into mere skeletons. So, he left said cursed house and reported his findings to the families who were his clients, and of course had to wait there while they all bawled their eyes out in despair before they were ready to hand him his considerable service fee, but eventually he was able to wrap up that job and head on home.

    Then there had been the second of his two most recent adventures which had him once again wandering the “Cursed Lands” region, this time to meet with a powerful vampire who had requested the destruction of a coven of vampires of which he had been a member at some point but was later banished for disobedience and free thought and had his precious locket taken away by the leader of said coven. So, Faustein found the home base of said coven, aka a structure called the “Haunted Guild” and had entered it after which he had fought his way through several waves of enemies by his lonesome since he had flown solo on this job just as he had with the last one. Finally, he had faced the leader of the coven, aka the “Count”, in single combat and after a protracted struggle, had successfully destroyed him and retrieved the vampire client’s locket for which he had been rewarded handsomely with a lot of jewel, but also been granted the boon of being turned into a powerful vampire by the client biting him after which he had left for his home in Fiore once more. Naturally, since he did not want his newfound vampirism to take hold just yet, Faustein had proceeded to suppress it until some future point via self-administration of a special anti-vampiric suppression drug that he had developed sometime in the past when he had an encounter with a similarly powerful, but antagonistic ancient vampire.

    Since finishing up this most recent job, Faustein had once again returned to the grind of his daily life in Fiore. That is, he had gone back to working further at his profession as a practicing, full qualified physician-scientist mage yet again since this was the field in which he had established himself and been maintaining his position and renown in as one of Earthland’s preeminent authorities, the other being cutting edge magical and scientific research. Of course, his daily life would not be complete without his true love beyond all else, namely his ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research, though it was considered as “mad” in the eyes of others in his acquaintance, but not by him, of course. Thus, time began to march onwards yet again for him from then and all was relatively peaceful for some time after that once more, with him managing to start making some more major progress in his next series of even more exotic and not exactly ethically/morally viable research projects. Alas, this period came face to face once again with yet another rather abrupt intermission, which came in the form of yet another job notification which was sent to his iLac as per the usual protocol regarding job request notifications which he had established with his clients ever since he had acquired his iLac some time back.

    This new job apparently involved the achievement of a more nefarious objective than the ones he was usually accustomed to dealing with up till then, namely this one involved the assassination of some politician who was apparently on a roll, making a name for himself among the non-magical masses as his whole political platform involved equalizing societal conditions between the mages and the non-magical folk and in doing so, remove the oppression and ill-treatment that said common folk were being subjected to by various powerbrokers in the magical societal circles. Said powerbrokers had, of course, taken issue with this since it would destabilize the stranglehold they had maintained for so long over the helpless non-magical commoners and thus had put out this assassination request for all dark guilds. Faustein did not really care very much one way or another what happened to the politician and certainly not the ever-widening schism between the mages and the non-mages and was quite miffed about the fact that the job request notification had come and interrupted him right when he was in the middle of researching the development of a powerful magical weapon for his arsenal

    Why? Why do these job requests ALWAYS seem to come at the WORST possible times in my schedule? How troublesome…

    He grumbled silently as he read over the request carefully to memorize the details therein and despite his reluctance to go do it, money was still money and since this was an assassination request, the clients had put out a semi-decent reward for its completion. So, he went ahead and accepted the job since he needed more money because he was already running low on funds from the enormous toll his ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research and the activities therein constantly seemed to take upon his finances. He put his research and development on hold for the time being and instead set about readying himself for the job looming before him and at the end of this process he donned his signature physician-scientist’s outfit which also donned as his custom light armor suit as per his usual protocol. After that, he finished by putting on his smart holographic glasses and strapping his spacetime manipulation chronograph to his left wrist as per the first of the final steps of his usual job prep protocol once again just as he had done on his most recent job. Once that was done, he holstered his iLac and took his military grade backpack with the rest of his field equipment and other on-the-go tools and items inside and set off to exit his lab/mansion yet again just like with his previous job. After exiting his lab/mansion, he headed over to a private transportation company in Magnolia which he usually used due to personal acquaintance with the owner and hired transport to Crocus which was the site of the assassination job request in question.

    Once there, he made his way quickly through the streets, his motion being practically a blur to any non-magical passersby and was almost to the coordinates indicated when his polarized lenses-bearing smart holographic glasses alerted him to someone’s presence in the shadows of one of the alleyways and so, he stopped short and headed into said alley, more out of curiosity than anything else. As he came closer, stepping out of the darkness and into a small patch of pale light filtering in from above, his physician-scientist’s outfit as well as his rather exotic appearance were both revealed for the person to behold at their leisure. It also became apparent that said person was a young woman who was currently muttering something about assassinating a politician in her drunken stupor. Additionally, there seemed to be what looked like red pandas near her with the same job flyer he had seen in the electronic notification he had received on his iLac earlier.

    Well now, I presume you have accepted this same job request to terminate the hapless existence of this troublesome politician, mademoiselle? If so, here’s to working in tandem to complete this job.

    As he spoke, Faustein’s voice was revealed to be a rich, powerful baritone yet melodious one, but due to the commotion in the streets with the cheering of the massive crowd which had gathered to hear the politician’s speech, his deep voice was safely drowned out from being heard by any eavesdroppers. Then, he fell silent to behold the young woman’s reactions to him and his introductory remarks.


    Appearance (CREDIT TO DORAN 2019 FOR ARTWORK):

    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ CNkIWMc


    POST WC: 1489, TOTAL WC: 1489/2500 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 151
    Guild : ❊ meliora vitae ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,541

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ azula oceania dance ❊
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ Empty Re: ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺

    Post by misty 7th May 2021, 12:13 pm

    c o r d e l i a s t . d e n i s

    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ Dcndmhd-cf3dc8cb-1673-44dd-a9ca-8d458f9a2071.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMTM5MmYyZTMtZDIxNC00NDBkLThhOTctNjVlMWQ2ZjVhNDYwXC9kY25kbWhkLWNmM2RjOGNiLTE2NzMtNDRkZC1hOWNhLThkNDU4ZjlhMjA3MS5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

    Tumbling down the side of the dumpster that resided within the darkness of the capital city's lost alleyways, the stone that flew up and down within the slayer's grasp was to burst into a pile of dirt, melding into the cracks of the street's stepping stones. "The bells should be ringing any minute~! ♡ Wanna bet on how many hits it's gonna take to kill this dude? I'm thinking just one~" Cordelia's words would begin to drift down to the small organisms that sat beside her feet and the small mound of rocky dirt, her eyes glistening within the small rays of sunsetting light that would filter through the split in the buildings, along with her booming confidence. It was brought to the rock surfer's attention before she had ventured from the icy fortress of Errings Rising that Barold Fitzgerald, while partaking in political matters relating to a magical civilization, was not one of a magical bloodline; he did not possess a single magical ability and therefore was known to be protected by those that had such abilities.  This would ultimately make him an embarrassment in the eyes of the golden girl- it was as if he was a small, frail baby surrounded by a thick barrier of armor. Cordelia was not one to hold judgment on just anyone that did not happen to dabble in the arts of magic, but those that wished to sit within powerful positions without ethereal capabilities were definitely a laughingstock. Just how could a political figure lead the people without being able to depend on their own feats rather than the feats of their own? ✺

    ✺ Bursting out in laughter once more in response to the thoughts that were to cross her mind about this individual, the girl of blonde-brunette hair would joyously take another swig from her prismatic bottle, dangling her legs from the edge of the dumpster and swinging them back and forth. However, this bubbly chuckle would slowly fade into the air around her as the sensory of magical energy were to produce small goosebumps on her bare skin, along with the fragrant scent of it within her nose; the earth dragon slayer did not feel alone anymore within the darkness. A sly smile would begin to manifest between her cheeks- perhaps a new friend, perhaps a new foe, perhaps a new customer! Though her excitement would not present outwards around what surrounded her existence, as she seemed quite still within the darkness, the butterflies that would begin to form within the keg of her stomach were to be quite prevalent. Gripping the smooth handle upon the bottom of her lustrous reticule (purse) that was filled to the brim with small trinkets and personal belongings, along with pounds and pounds of dirt and rock; due to the small chance that this entity was to be directly hostile, the slayer would wish to defend herself without utilizing her own magical abilities just yet, as that were to be saved for the main show. ✺

    ✺ A harmonious yet deep voice was to present itself to the alcoholic as its captor were to reveal themselves within a small patch of light that was to cascade from within the cracks, allowing his features to become much more visible- it would seem as if the pupils of the young woman were to slightly dilate upon the first gaze of the seemingly green decalcomania that was to reside within the individual's white hair, which was to match their attire. They seemed to sight the notice of the job that was to inhabit the hold of the fluffier of the two red pandas and spoke of their similar motives to take on the same mission. Upon the realization of this within her drunken stupor, Cordelia would hop down from what she once sat on to officially be within the individual's presence, looking almost a foot higher to maintain eye contact with the scientist. ✺

    "Yes yes yes, I am~! But how'd you figure that out! Were yooou listening to me spout my nonsense~?" the royally-dressed rock girl would jokingly exclaim in response to the welcoming of the individual as she would take another big swig of the luminescent liquor, her eyes moving around to marvel upon her companion holding the mission within its mouth, "oh, you might have seen that, nevermind, hehe~! Wanna drink? ♡" The verbiage of the slayer was to be just as loud and bubbly as it always had been- though some of it were to be drowned out by noise that was to move throughout the bustling streets of Crocus, her mannerisms would most likely come off to be quite benevolent and non-hostile, alongside those of her companions. The glowing bottle of magical glass and shifting colors would fluctuate within the air as Cordelia would offer the stranger the tonic to try- if they were working together it would be best to match the energies of each other, or so the rock shooter had thought. If the scientist were to accept the swig that she was to offer him, it would taste almost completely like sweet, sugary juice; magically crafted to taste amazing while still potent in its effects, the rare beverage was one of the girl's all-time favorites in her collection. ✺

    ✺ A vibrant echo would resonate within the streets of the metropolis, signaling that the rally was to finally begin- it would seem as if cheering were to accompany this series of loud chimes, which would direct Cordelia to quickly run to the edge of the alleyway to take a peek at the gathering. While it was still a bit of a walk away, upon large projections of lacrima crystals the target would appear surrounded by armed officials as he would take the podium, beginning the opening speech that would be his last. "Ah! Go time is super close, I'm so excited!" the dark mage's voice would waver as she would begin to giggle in elation, sulking back into the darker parts of the alleyway as her companions would climb up to sit on both of her shoulders. Barefooted, while in a state of drunkenness her grounding would appear to still remain quite stable, a gift granted to her from the lacrima that sat within the depths of her ethernano. ✺

    "Wait, I completely forgot!" the girl of gold would joyously jump up and down as she would begin to speak once more, taking a stance that allowed for cutesy hand-motions that resembled that of peace-signs, "My name is Cordelia~ I really really like surfing on rocks and selling people alcohol, soo if you ever need some rare stuff, I've got you covered, hehe~! But I joined a guild a little bit ago and took this job, and I thought I was going to be here by myself, but I found you! Or you found me, yeah. But what's your name?"

    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ Dbsjoiy-a0dc5a12-726e-4fc9-9f6e-325ac868c4bf.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGU4Y2Y4YTQtZDY0NC00MTU3LWJiMmItMzVhMzBiNTZiMmQxXC9kYnNqb2l5LWEwZGM1YTEyLTcyNmUtNGZjOS05ZjZlLTMyNWFjODY4YzRiZi5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

    post word count: 1,157 ✺
    personal word count: 1,945 / 2,500 ✺
    tag(s): @cordelia @KuroFaustΩ ✺


    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ 3Lexy9U

    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ Empty Re: ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺

    Post by Guest 17th May 2021, 7:52 am


    Faustein let out a deep, rumbling chuckle at the actions of the short girl before him whom he came to know as being called “Cordelia” and responded to her queries in order of appearance in that same rich baritone and melodious voice which was his norm

    Indeed, I deduced as much from both sources. Now then, I shall graciously accept your invitation to have a draught before our impending victory.

    With that said, he took the rather colorful glass bottle with the beverage inside it and without hesitation, began to drink from it in long, albeit silent sips and unlike most people, he was a true cyborg so he had long since rid himself of the normal bodily need to breathe air frequently, meaning he could drink without stopping until he had his fill. The drink proved to taste like a sweet, almost too sugary, juice but nevertheless, it still had quite the potent effect on him as he could feel his mana and life energy surging more powerfully than ever after drinking it

    Mmm…now THAT’S the stuff!! Your drink must be quite the rare item to be so potently efficacious as it is on one other than yourself. You have my thanks for introducing me to this magnificent ambrosia, Cordelia.

    After that, even though he was never big on formal introductions, since she had satiated his urge to drink something potent and exotic, he relented from his usual aloofness and introduced himself at last

    You may call me Faust. It is a pleasure to meet you. Surfing on rocks, eh? Oh yes, if memory serves, there is a sport of sorts called spindrifting which involves that. This is the first time I have ever met one who engages in it, though, how very intriguing indeed. To answer your query further, yes, I shall be sure to contact you if I ever do get the urge to partake of such exotic beverages.

    He was about to say more, but then the vibrant echo from the crowd mingling on the street beyond the alley in which they both were situated currently cut him off prematurely. He smirked as he watched how excited Cordelia was becoming at the commencement of their job at long last and suggested

    Now then, do you have any plans for how to assassinate that hapless politician, perhaps? I have a suggestion if you are willing to entertain it.


    Appearance (CREDIT TO DORAN 2019 FOR ARTWORK):

    ✺ politics into dust | cordelia, kurofaust job ✺ CNkIWMc


    POST WC: 402, TOTAL WC: 1891/2500 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)

      Current date/time is 8th December 2024, 9:44 pm